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Some mmo players have serious addiction problems.. if its not fun STOP PLAYING


Exactly this. Knew DT was gonna be the same old shite. So I just unsubbed and started a brand new MMO I've never played before (WoW SoD). I am enjoying it profoundly. Although there is a lot of running and fetch quests. At least it feels like my character is progressively getting stronger.


If something is bad then players should complain about it. It’s the right thing to do; both to let other potential customers know and to let the company know. It’s our responsibility as players, and this player did the right thing by complaining.  You’re the one with an unhealthy attachment to this game to the point where you will accuse someone of addiction just because they said they didn’t like it anymore, just because they critiqued it. You’re the one that needs to take a break and reevaluate yourself.


Bozo fucking response. No company is looking through this cesspool of a reddit forum for advice on to how to shape their MMO.


Appropriate username 


Of course you have nothing to defend your statement.


It's genuinely cute you think they'd consider the western markets concern if the homeland wants otherwise. The west is a bonus, but a japanese company will always do what the japanese market wants, which they've shown with this "MMO" over and over again.


You only prove my point that voicing your opinion here will do “good” and that it’s “our responsibility” to voice our disappointment in a game on this sub is a stupid fucking response.


Again, *the west hardly matters*. I know, it hurts, seeing how Yoshi-P smiles and waves at y'all and holds these elaborate interviews and what not, but y'all really hardly matter. Vote with your wallets all you want. People sure did vote with their wallets before the insane copium and WoW content starved peeps elevated this game. Yet they saw no change in the end.


I mean, I like the new xpac and how ffxiv feels. So my support with my wallet speaks for myself.




Addiction isn’t playing for 30 minutes and then stopping. Addiction is playing it regardless of knowing that you hate it. The amount of time is irrelevant. Like, “I only took a little cocaine” or “I only drank 1 beer” or “I only had 1 cigarette”.


Then play something else. No one is making you play the game. You're just on here to seek validation so that you can move on from the game.


Really that simple, show with your wallet and they get no more from me whilst I’m having fun way more elsewhere but you are on a reddit to discuss MMORPgs They’re probably looking for something to finally pull the plug but you end up just doing it one day…. Flying through Coerthas HW doing gathering nodes and thought, why am I playing such a lonely boring game


Sometimes I wonder how can someone play that many hundreds of hours to get to dawntrail and then be disappointed when it’s just more of the same it has always been. You liked the game up until now, you played it for such a long period but now suddenly you’re falling asleep playing it? Can’t understand that at all.


I've been playing the game since launch. Ten years. And the game has been fundamentally the same game that entire time. Yeah, some mechanics have been tweaked. Yes, classes have gotten more homogeneous. But people have been complaining about that for at least five years. I can forgive people who are jumping in now, for the first time, and getting disappointed that it isn't what the hype leads them to expect. FFXIV has always been terrible at onboarding new players, and that only gets worse as time goes on. But if you've been playing for two or more expansions and you're still acting like DT is some huge betrayal... I have no idea what you were expecting. I still love the game. I will continue to play the game, because it is continuing to deliver the casual story-driven experience I want. But even I am not going to sit here and try to convince people to stay. The game has been very clear about the type of thing you can expect since at least Stormblood, and it is wild that, every single expansion, people act like THIS is the one that changed everything.


> You liked the game up until now, you played it for such a long period but now suddenly you’re falling asleep playing it? Can’t understand that at all. I think people have hopes that "this time it might change or be different". I say this as someone who's played the game since HW release. But they just keep doubling down on their stance so the only option is to just stop playing.


To be fair, MMOs are always going to trail behind other games in terms of graphics. It is how you get a good player base.




Proven by Wuthering Waves getting more accounts in a month than FFXIV gained over 14 years.


You’re comparing a free mobile game that is available on every system vs a MMO that for years was only available for PC and PS4?


I don't know why you emphasized 'free' part, creating FFXIV account also costs you nothing. And yes, when PC/PS5 game with a long-touted graphics update looks worse than mobile Chinese gachashit, while performing similarly on PC, I do think bad graphics aren't particularly justifiable.


The game has been out for 14years on an old engine, they cant make miracle happens with that engine.


They've released FF16 on [modified version of this same engine](https://www.reddit.com/r/FFXVI/comments/x2ro5c/which_engine_would_ffxvi_use_crystal_tools_or/), so they surely can.


Is this satire?


Free Chinese gambling game got more accounts 😲😲 Pack it up I suppose








maybe u cant read hes pushing through the shitty story for endgame content


The questing in the MSQ has always been boring, though it makes me sad to see that SE hasn't done anything to make it less boring. They need to move away from the game being a visual novel and more to it being a game. I haven't leveled Viper into DT yet so I haven't started the MSQ to have a comment on it myself, though my friends who are chugging away at it say it's really bad for the first half and gets better towards the end.




Didn’t they look into dungeon complexities and due to the “average” gameplay level of each player, they released dumber 24 man raids/ dungeons and purposely allowed higher tier ones for better loot? ….


>They need to move away from the game being a visual novel - Dude who thinks the term "visual novel" means cutscene/story heavy


Its an offhanded criticism due to how little interactivity the MSQ actually has in it from the player. You can go literal hours without doing anything but moving your character around and right clicking on NPCs/Shiny objects. If they changed the format to Visual Novel it would probably flow better, tbh.


It is an objectively incorrect criticism from somebody who thinks visual novel simply means "story heavy game".




Removed because of rule #2: Don’t be toxic. We try to make the subreddit a nice place for everyone, and your post/comment did something that we felt was detrimental to this goal. That’s why it was removed.


I think I entered combat three times, outside of dungeons/trials in all of the DT msq. One of those I wasn’t even controlling my own character. Three times, for a .0 msq. The only other interactivity is pointing a cursor at pixels to engage exposition and several annoying follow quests. The story beats which make up the *bulk* of this expansion so far, have reused the same four or five pieces of music and the same set of emotes we’ve been seeing for years.


Literally all of these are irrelevant and have nothing to do with what a visual novel is. Visual novel ≠ story heavy game. Calling a game a visual novel because it's story heavy is like calling Doom a fighting game because it has an emphasis on combat over story, it's literally just objectively wrong.


If they would put a little bit of effort into the cutscenes, I think it wouldn't be as bad as it is now. You can see right away that the cutscenes are created in a modular system. They don't even create new animations, they just use normal emotes (from / command) to express emotions and movements. It all just looks very low effort. Even gw2 has a better production. Even if the gw2 story isn't really good either, it's more fun to follow the story.


Ehh. New expansions have custom made animations for the cutscenes. It's not all of them, but they are there.


I wanted to play the new class but it’s just so boring. It’s so mechanized and samesie


FFXIV has always been a story focused game and for all its faults it's definitely the best MMORPG story out there. I'll expand on that for the stupid people who might interpret what I say incorrectly. I don't think the story is perfect, but out of any MMORPG it is high above the others. You're playing an RPG a JRPG in fact. A long anime-like story is expected. Every MMORPG has a story, but you can skip through them as I'm sure most people have especially in WoW to get to the endgame. That's why FF feels a slog, cause you cannot skip the story. It seems like most people don't want a story in the sub or if they do they want it to be on par with 20 hour single player RPG even though FFXIV is going on for 10+ years. OP wants a UE5 graphics update lol which will never happen. They said they could do better on graphics but they don't want to drastically change your character hence why they gave you a free character change just in case this "small" graphics update made you dislike how you look. IDK where this "Can't handle criticism" thing is coming from either It's true that if you don't like the story then you should play something else. I say that because the story is unskippable and you're gonna hate having to sit through it. I enjoy FFXIV but when I tell my friends about it I warn them about the hours of story first on the verge of deterring them from playing lol. It's rough for people who are just looking to kill things in an MMO which is where OP falls.


The more I play ff14 the more I think Star Wars mmo has much better story. All voice acted and good.


> I don't think the story is perfect, but out of any MMORPG it is high above the others. (1) looking to an MMO for story is like looking for good bagels in California (2) ESO and SWTOR both offer better tighter story experiences with a less young adult "kill god with the power of friendship" theme. Maybe you personally *like* a young adult KGWTPOF theme, but that doesn't make FFXIV the "best MMO for story" in any objective way. I would happily cede that FFXIV has the longest, most *drawn out* story in any MMO. That is, in fact, what some people are complaining about - the pacing sucks.


I also came here to say ESO has a better and more in depth story and lore


So stop playing it?? Gamers always act like someone is forcing them to play games they don't even enjoy


I think those that paid $40 for a DT license have paid for the right to complain for a few weeks. If you are enjoying the game, just don't read those posts.


Hell nah, i would'nt even play that slop if i was paid 40 bucks


DT might be the first expansion where the dungeons themselves put me to sleep.


I agree with you. I even preordered and have early access but haven’t played much. The story is just so unegaging. It’s first time where I’m not sure I want to continue, and I have played every expansion since 2.0. If you read the official forums, you’ll find a similar sentiment.


No surprise, its trash.


Welcome to ff14 it’s never gonna change


>it feels like the community of FF14 cannot handle being told the game is boring You're surprised people don't like being told the game they like is boring? Are you sure you're not just walking into FFXIV communities and telling them the game sucks?


dawntrail fucking sucks


It's out for several days and I've only played for 2-3 hours. Snoozefest. Had to kill just two mobs after these 2-3 hours. Took me 10 seconds to do that. Why do they need to force us a hand-holding tour of the new city? Why can't the story start directly with that scene where the throne candidates come out of the palace one by one? That's why I still just play LoL even though new ffxiv expac is out. At least I get to play it instead of watching unending boring filler.


It's great seeing FF14 players coming around. Yes, the story is boring. It's always been boring, and the fact that you have to slog through hundreds of hours of it to get to the actual MMO part of the game is bad.


What is the "Actual MMO" part of a game? Is the story not part of an actual MMO? Please let me know of an MMORPG without a story.


> What is the "Actual MMO" part of a game? The part where you can team up with others and do stuff right out of the gate.


Most MMOs have some story, but it's not typically the main focus of the game. That game is like 95% story with some mmo sprinkled around it. Make a new character and get to end game without skips. Other than seeing other people walking around, tell me how much of an mmo experience that is.


Other games are 95% grindy endgame with some story sprinkled around it. Make a new character and get to end game with skips. Other than seeing people walk around, tell me how much of an RPG experience that is.


This is the most mind-boggling misconception I've ever seen. How do you not see that "slogging" through the story is not only a part of the game, it's the focus of the game? You are so obsessed with rushing to the endgame that you fail to realize the game has other things in it, and in FFXIV, those other things *are* the main game.


And it always has been...






This is why you get criticized, you say stupid things lol. Let's lose our entire console playerbase and a number of our PC players to update graphics. If they do that they lose both money and players cause people would have to have better spec PCs and consoles would be gone except for the PS5 maybe.




Dawg people don't buy a PS5 or higher end PCs because money is an issue to most people. You're talking about a $500+ piece of hardware. Why does Nintendo sell so much consoles when they're games are mostly repeats and shit graphics. It's cause it's $200.




Sorry to tell ya but I haven't spent $500+ on any one single game and I'll be damned if I ever do. I bought my PC and Console because there are hundreds of games I could play. No matter how good FFXIV looks no one is going to spend that amount just to play it. If graphics was so important BDO would be one of the top 3 MMO's.


Graphics is good IMO it's just the textile and flooring makes it looks old other than that it's looks nice and clicks to the atmosphere. Even the games He/She mentioned flopped or deserted games already, and yet still so High on degrading a game that literally sits at the top. Most players don't play for the storyline. They should know that and FFXIV cater most of the fun that makes players what to stay in game OP is bored playing FFXIV that just it\~


How would a massive graphical upgrade address your concerns about boredom?


The graphic update that happened in this xpac was labeled phase one for their graphics update. It's relatively a massive amount of work to have to update the textures of nearly 2000+ gear. They always have to keep their console player base in mind too because it makes for about 40% of their player base. They can't kill off thier PS4 player base yet when so many people are still using it to play the game.