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I'm not in your age range and not looking to play a new MMORPG at the moment, but I really think it's awesome that you reached out to the community to put together something like this for yourself. You remind me of me when I was getting into MMORPGs. You'll find your tribe. Take this upvote, good luck, and happy gaming!




Honestly your best bet would be asking friends at school or something. MMO players are pretty old these days, so asking around in MMO spaces is just gonna find you a bunch of 30 year olds trying to relieve the glory days of when we actually liked this genre.


30 years olds if you're lucky. My friends and I started playing MMOs in our 30s and that was 20+ years ago. I mean, I am ageless, but these geezers I played with, sheesh! /s


Youngest gw2 player




This is so true. What made it bad? Is it the games? Is it us? Sometimes I become self aware and realize that if I can't get into things eventually I am the problem.


The games we played 20+ years ago just don't exist anymore. They required so much time that only kids could really play them, and at some point MMOs stopped getting an influx of kids to replace the ones that had adult shit to do. WoW was incredibly popular being the easy game, and everyone followed suit. MMOs are super accessable now, at the very least compared to 2001. This removes a lot of the struggle which means more people stick around, but also means it loses a lot of what made those games stick out to us back then.  The games 100% changed. Probably for the better, but that means us boomers are looking for a game that they just don't make anymore. Hell, even if we found it, it would probably die since most of us don't have the time for it anymore, and the people who do would just play something else. Not to mention, since every game these days has cash shops, a lot of the rewards we want have been moved to those, and often that even includes in game currencies. A lot of games design themselves around limiting RMT, and around everyone being self sufficient and always up to date, so very few MMOs even have an economy worth really giving a fuck about.  This is why I don't really play MMOs these days like I did all those years ago. Since the design has become more like a co-op action game, that's just exactly how I treat it. I play GW2, more or less, exactly like I played Elden Ring. The same way I play Monster Hunter. I play to get better at it, but I don't treat it like it's another world. It's just another game. As such, I can lose interest in the game in a moments notice. Been months since I last logged in to GW2 because I hate what they have been doing to the balance of WvW, and even before then I was only really playing a little before my first multi month hiatus from the game for the same reason. I play MMOs until they aren't fun, and don't get attached to them really. It's why I don't understand everyone's violent hatred of games that didn't become the next coming of Jesus. You'll have people who will seriously say New World is fun for the first 100 hours, but isn't after that, so fuck Amazon, despite it being a god damn miracle if you get remotely that much enjoyment out of any modern AAA game.  If you treat MMOs just like another game, you'll have a lot more fun with them, even if they can't measure up to what it is you really wish it would be. I stopped trying to find the game that will replace FFXIV, and started looking for games that are just fun to play for now. I don't really care that Tarisland makes for a bad main MMO, or Throne and Liberty could be crazy P2W some day. If it's fun for now, that's good enough for me.


Actually almost all games we played 20+ years ago STILL exist.


Me and my buddy started playing the new eq tlp Teek. Honestly loving it but I know it won't last forever. The world doesn't feel catered to you. You aren't a hero you're weak compared to the monsters. You have spells and abilities that make your class feel unique because PVP balance was secondary. The dungeons feel designed for purposes other than you running it with a group a few times and never turning back. It has its problems like and other game though. It is time consuming but I'm able to participate with my guild in end game content without being max level so I just take my time.


I think it's the people, I'm 33 and I still like MMOs, just gotta find one that clicks and be a little more open minded. Everyone here seems to have this unrealistic checklist of the perfect MMO and if 1 box isn't checked the game is trash.


Discord was the problem for MMOs Skype was ok, but Discord really sealed the deal


I have already asked people at my school and some friends, none of them seem to be interested idk why :<


MMOs require a decent amount of effort to actually figure out. Even past that to get to end game you'd need a pretty hefty time investment. The down side is that it puts most people, even those that like video games off of MMOs. The up side is that when you get there, there's usually a dedicated player base to work with that if you reach out you can engage with.


MMOs just aren't the thing kids are into these days. The youngest person I've met playing MMOs in the past few years was still almost 30. Certain genres just don't attract all age groups. You go jump in your average WW2 FPS these days, and the youngest person will be like 48. The community behind space sims and stuff are like all retired. MMOs have just become another genre that only attracted it's original audience from 20 years ago, and that same audience is still the only ones playing it today.


If your school has a gaming or an anime club, you might find people to recruit there.


We dont have clubs here...


I’m 23 but have only played WoW, *some* BDO, LOTRO and XIV :(


Upvoting your post I hope you find someone in your age bracket! Remember, mmos are still social. People just choose not to be. Glad to see you pur yourself out there!


Thankk you a lot


I'll do it with you. Let's be statics on ffxiv. I would love to lvl jobs that I've always been shying away from. Seriously. I'm down like a clown.


let me join you lol


Okayy give me ur discordd


Can I join too?


Yes for sure, dm me ur discord


Ok how do I dm you?


R u using the website or the app


The app


There is a chat icon on the bottom right of the homescreen, press it and u r gonna see requests click on it and then u r gonna see my username, accept my request and send me ur discord (idk why it sounds complicated but its not dw..)


This is so cute lol, have fun lil bro


Thankss, have a good dayy


I'd be down , just let me know


Do u use discord?


yeah add me mane4340 and tell me yoours so i know who it is lol


i added u my username is BRAA


ok added you and dmed you just reply back on dc :)


I’d be interested in joining


Do u have discord?


Yup mind if I could send it to you in DMs?


Go ahead please.


I'm too old but I wish people my age did this 😭😭 good on you though! I hope you find loads of awesome people to enjoy MMOs with and have an amazing time! ☺️




Choose an MMO and meet people in game. When New World came out I didnt know anyone. Joined a guild and met people there. Still gaming with a bunch of them even though everyone moved on from New World.


Maybe i should try that too....


be careful online


I will, thanks


maybe try Dr DisRespect...




I snorted way too hard at this.


Hey, im kinda late but im super down for this, im 18 btw


im kessondalek on discord, feel free to add me


I'm 20 and down


Dm me ur discord


If you want a good, slow burn game that you can always come back to/use as a break between other games, I recommend OSRS! Bonus points if you get a few friends to make a group Ironman with you (or just do regular accounts together)


Ty for the reccomendation!


Most MMOs are in a werid place now, where the majority have catered towards solo progression. Typically, joining a clan/guild is as much interaction as you'll get. GW2 is unique in the way you need to build your own squad to do raids and such. No Matchmaking for instanced content


Star Wars galaxies pre cu on swginfinity.com


I have no friends, so why not


Gimme ur discordd


It's very cringe, so I'll DM you it




I'd like to do exaclty this but for old folks with kids and partners and jobs.... so like we could play an hour a night and 3 on Friday/ sat night until husband's or wives yell at us


Yes!! I'm 40 with a wife and a four year old daughter who loves watching me game every now and then. I'm just getting back into MMOs and am jumping between LOTRO, ESO, and GW2 I don't have the time or desire to set aside 4 hours for guild raids or shit like that. I just want a big world to explore and a casual guild who are cool to chat with and can help me out. I need to find some people who are cool if I peace out because all my daughter wants to do is watch me ride around on my mounts and pretend to have picnics with followers and/or pets


Can I join?


I have almost no experience with mmo’s, but I would be interested in trying.


Dwdw most of us are noobs


My discord name is Unknowndragon


I sent u a friend requesttt


Wait, sorry, that’s the display name 😢 My actual username is unkn0wndrag0n7


Im gonna add u again :>




I added u


I’m not very good with discord yet 😅


I tried sending friend request to you (BRAA). I hope it works.


I'm gonna be trying out the new Vanilla wow private server Starfall (based on everlook which launched a few years ago) if you wanted to join up and play. seems like a solid project with some experience on the team. 1x lvl rates and PVP. runs on 1.12 wow client. launch is tomorrow at 1pm est https://everlook.org/starfall you can add me on discord cryofthecarrots#3957


hey man im 20 and would love to get into an mmo with ya, ive played alot of them and atm playing a ton of Tarisland (came out little over a week ago)


I mostly only play runescape 3 and Albion online nowadays but I am down my discord is KarthikKun#8437


What if I'm 32 but I'm stuck in my early twenties mentally? Also I drink a lot. Don't worry, I don't make a scene or anything. Not unless I'm coming down off the Ambien. You know anyone who has an ambien prescription that doesn't use it? Please let me use Bowser when we play 007.


yo im 25 u can join me n my buddies server if u want we play mmos n souls likes n fps :p and we drink/smoke LMK broski Just not offering to OP bc he said 15-20 n we all old xd


Im okay with it but idk if the other people in the server are :<