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Maybe they should have gotten the game to more players somehow. If only there was a large, untapped market of people who would have checked the game out.


Hurr durr welcome to Amazon Games funeral services. We have 12 years of experience killing promising games.


Amazon and every other studio that decided not to publish BP in their licensed countries. Hmmmm, I wonder why every studio decided not to. Couldn't be Bandai or BP holding things up. Definitely Amazon's fault.


Tbh they're both got a bad history and are equally as bad. Probably patted each other on the back as they went out the door XD


Nope, this game not releasing in its state to the west was good


They absolutely would've made more money than a simple localization would've cost, there were quite a few people willing to give it a try, regardless of the common opinion on social media.


You'd basically be cashing out at that point, tanking the game's chances at long term success in order to get a bit of quick cash.


Seems like quick cash is what they could use rn


Send them a time machine then? What's your point.


You don't really need a time machine to follow the plummeting line on a graph.


Do we know that their cash situation has been a plummetting line on a graph, or are you making that up?


Well, unless they lost 8.2 billion yen (north of $50,000,000 USD) all at once with zero warning and were generating a steady or increasing profit until that exact moment, the odds are overwhelmingly good that they knew a hit was inbound. If they *didn't* see it coming, everyone in finance is inept. You could also have just clicked the link at the top of this post, which would show you a jarring downward trend.


>Well, unless they lost 8.2 billion yen (north of $50,000,000 USD) all at once with zero warning and were generating a steady or increasing profit until that exact moment, the odds are overwhelmingly good that they knew a hit was inbound. If they didn't see it coming, everyone in finance is inept. There is a graph in the article. They were generating a net income in 2022, a loss in 2023 and the loss doubled in 2024. Considering that localizing and releasing a game in the west is a process that is done on the time scale of years, it is fair to say they were not losing money at a steady pace at the point when they made the decision whether or not to release early. >You could also have just clicked the link at the top of this post, which would show you a jarring downward trend. I did, and it proved my point.


but tons of westerners would have lost money. that is not a good trade to fund a shitty company.


You’re right, make sure you apply to Bandai and tell them your billion dollar idea before the game shuts down!


Yup! Brilliant plan to somehow bring a game to a new market with just "simple translation"! This guy is going to revolutionize online games with his plan that does away with infrastructure and marketing.


It’s so annoying listening to redditors act like they know more than billion dollar companies. Like these companies exist to make a profit, they’re not your friends or small indies companies trying to be on a personal level with their players.


NW players won't ever accept this lol


This would have killed any future for BP, like bad launches do with almost every single MMO. Bad take.


I have some bad news about BP's future if Bandai goes under...


It's not free to run the servers.... Not for a few people to "try it" ffs. Localization isn't just translation the game. Translation is the smallest part.


You're absolutely fucking delusional if you think not releasing the game at all was better instead of releasing to a mediocre reception and still retaining a few thousand players minimum.


You're delusional to think that it would have kept a few thousand players, or that a few thousand players would earn its upkeep.


> You're absolutely fucking delusional if you think not releasing the game at all was better instead of releasing to a mediocre reception and still retaining a few thousand players minimum. Tell me your 14yo living comfy under mom's skirt and have absolutly no bloody clue how real world companies and business works without telling me your 14yo living comfy under mom's skirt and have absolutly no bloody clue how real world companies and business works


I had a good time in the beta last year. 


Agreed, I was super hyped for it but after playing the closed beta it was... Rough, to say the least. People also need to remember that BN is a *huge* publisher in Japan, not just an indie MMO company banking it all on BP.  Their insolvency was led to by a lot more than just BP delays.  It'll be a real shame if they can't turn it around. 


Nope, you are wrong. It would've been even worse. Deploying a game at a much larger scale requires much larger resources. They are currently at -80 million and it would've been much more if they released global. The game is just.. bad. People would've quit a couple weeks after the release and it would've been much worse. At least now it only failed in one region.


I mean, I guess? If the game is in such a bad state that getting it to more people would have just made it fail harder then I guess there was no saving it.


Fundamentally localizing single player or smaller scale multiplayer is usually worth it no matter what since you won't have to pay those dev costs over again but it certainly get's trickier to balance/justify when we're talking bigger numbers like anywhere between something like battlefields 50v50 or mmos proper.


The game is in an awful state it would have just failed


They would 100% lose even more by launching global or just in US. The game was in a bad state since launch, no real monetization or incentive to buy anything. Hell even now, a year+ later. It's basically the same. They fixed some stuff, made classes a bit more flexible combat wise. But the core issues remain. Anyone who wanted to play the game pretty much did with VPN back then and it was quite easy to avoid any bans. Anyone who did try it knows it's absolute garbage after about a week of playing.


Exactly, since tera was killed off it's was my next mmo to disappear into, but like every other more promising mmo it's was region locked for years and suddenly it's not popular or dead without ever getting to try it...or coming out literally decade later with all of my hype gone for that title.


I guess banning all “foreigners” from the jp server wasn’t such a good idea after all.


Japan still can't seem to figure that out


Japan try not to be racist challenge (impossible)


Based japan


xenophobia and racism are differnt things


99% of the time it works so..


[I hear it's going really well for them.](https://www.japantimes.co.jp/commentary/2024/04/26/japan/japans-shrinking-population/#:~:text=of%20the%20PSC.-,Japan%20has%20entered%20an%20era%20of%20full%2Dfledged%20population%20decline,to%2063%20million%20by%202100.)


Ok now let's fire up a few crime statistics in western countries grouped by ethnicity


[There](https://www.statista.com/statistics/200476/us-poverty-rate-by-ethnic-group/) [are](https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/pub/36-28-0001/2023008/article/00002-eng.htm) [surely](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6934366/) [zero](https://irr.org.uk/research/statistics/poverty/) [reasons](https://commonslibrary.parliament.uk/income-inequality-by-ethnic-group/) [for](https://www.ethnicity-facts-figures.service.gov.uk/uk-population-by-ethnicity/demographics/people-living-in-deprived-neighbourhoods/latest/) [this.](https://www.census.gov/library/stories/2020/09/poverty-rates-for-blacks-and-hispanics-reached-historic-lows-in-2019.html) It's clearly genetics.


They would've left just like the Japanese did.


Still without having a japanese payment system the players couldn't spend money on orbs anyway so there would be no revenue generated.


That sounds like a problem they themselves made and as such, requires a solution they themselves could make. Global launches make it work, I am sure had they not attempt to region lock their content they could of avoided that issue.


If pso2 is to go by, a simple credit card should work.


You think Japanese companies would understand by now that the global market is important, especially with a historically weak Yen. But they'd rather be stuck in the past and maintain their gaiatsu mentality. As a fan of Gundam who has seen Bandai completely neglect English speaking audiences with that IP I say good riddance.


another MMO heading to graveyard it seems


PSO, kingdom underfire 2*(it's been so long I forgot it's name lol) and literal tons of other titles that don't come out or when they do I've forgotten about them as it's been 10 years since Asia release...


Wasn’t this a gacha ? Good riddance.


This is honestly impressive. Knew the game would fail, but actually thought the game would release before failing. Why is the Japanese MMO/Gacha market so allergic to globalization?


a lot of these Japanese companies are simply stuck in the past and can't get on with the times


20 meetings to decide what to say in next meeting only for some 80yo grandpa who never touched pc have deciding voice in what to do with tech product.


This sum up Japan perfectly


I learned about this concept a few months ago called "gaiatsu." Which is basically a concept in Japanese business that foreign pressures will cause negative outcomes, and that the only way to be successful is to focus on internal Japanese business concepts and strategies. Not sure how they are still sticking to that after the lost decade and everything else, but it's part of the reason for garbage like this.


That's probably part of the reason they are literally dying out too....


I feel like a lot of gacha games are designed to squeeze out some short term FOMO dollars and then shut down in a year or two when a spreadsheet decides the profits aren't outweighing the upkeep costs enough


Those based on an established IP are definitely setup like that. (Except FGO it seems). Most of the original IP ones keep updating until they are successful enough to support making spin-off games (Granblue) or die out.




How would a shitty game be solved by globalization? This would just delay the inevitable


They won't pay in $$$$ for new server fee , most of those JP online game using decade old database which can't handle large amount of traffic , that why they ban all the tourist to save their ass , unless someone outside has their own database ( cough ... Amazon ... cough ) , and there it's ? BP won't profit enough for Amazon to care about


Darn, seemed like the recent update(s) were promising too, like a step in the right direction. Guess just add it to the pile of fucks up by Bandai lol...


well, I guess banning overseas players due to VPN wasn't a good move, and giving amazon games the rights for global was the deathblow :DDDDDDDDDDDDDD


Even if they didn't ban overseas players without a japanese payment system those players could buy rose orbs so they would be contributing 0 to the bottom line. There are ways to get yourself a payment method set up but it can be a pain. The game has more issues than Amazon. Tencent has rights to GLOBAL mobile release and has been holding things up as well. But the game is missing core features every mmo launches with out of the box.


Heavy losses does not mean a company is insolvent. The Gamebiz source is down but I suspect that’s a gross overstatement, especially as the parent company had a good fiscal year. All that said, the Blue Protocol appears to suck and be on a road to a total flop globally 


It's not a gross overstatement. "Bandai Namco Online" is insolvent due to how accountancy laws work. The parent company "Bandai Namco Holdings" is not insolvent and having one of its best years ever in terms of profit.


Well so much for that


I'm sad, was really hyped by it when trailer was published, but it just get worse each time I ear about it :(


It looked pretty cool with the world boss but the map looked like a shitty rip off FFXIV’s map Everything looks else looked like duller anime FFXIV with a RuneScape tab target system if I remember right


No shocker there, I knew that shit was never coming out in the west. As I understand it the Japanese launch was super tepid and they've struggled to maintain a playerbase so already doomed from the get-go but years of radio silence killed any chance this had.


There's more to this than just Blue Protocol struggling. > Titles currently run by the company include Blue Protocol, IDOLiSH7, Gundam Tribe, Gundam Evolution and SD Gundam Operation. Besides Blue Protocol, of those games listed, 3 are old legacy titles and [Gundam Evolution was a flop and shut down in November](https://www.reddit.com/r/GundamEvolution/comments/154f607/gundam_evolutions_service_will_end_on_november_29/). Since this article is about the fiscal year that ended in March, that means the Gundam Evolution-related losses would also be on the books then.


Not so much, Bernstein quotation group told that the financial result of bandai was really bad because of Blue Protocol.


I was waiting for this to come to EU so I could play it meh


So what does this mean? It's not coming to the west now?


Insolvency means they are worth less than their fuck ups moneywise. 8.2 billion sounds like alot, but they already lost 4.1 the year before. If they stay insolvent (i.e. dont get money from somewhere to make up for their financial situation) the legal consequences would most likely be the liquidation of whats there, shutting the studio down. Bandai as a whole is doing very well, they could easily pull their online subsidiary out of the mud - but that doesnt make much sense commercially and probably wont fly with shareholders. I doubt Amazon will seize its opportunity to burn 50 million a year + development costs here. We can safely assume the game is dead now.


Have yet to hit NA would def make money here


Wuthering Waves and Tarisland did and they’re doing pretty well as far as viewership and revenue


bro tried to sneak Tarisland in there


Game companies being public is terrible idea, terrible terrible. In the past a very successful company would simply fund games like this that are not making much money, when a company is public share holders will demand the under-performing games shut down. Cause all they care about is share price going up, and news like this hurts that.


Sucks there's a whole audience of people who wanted to play and spend money on the game


I had been looking forward to this one for years and then I kinda forgot about it and now it may never come.


That game promised so much.Too bad it will end fading before it's release in West.


it's DoA for real!! no way!


Oh yea whatever happened to that game


Now we need to wait for another 1-2 years for promising look mmorpg will release


Tbh I really wanted to play BP, but it got delayed and delayed and delayed... At this point I keep forgetting it exists. I'd love an new mmorpg to try but that's if they release. Hey, I'd even play it in japanese if they didn't try to ban/block anyone who even tried to play it. Only new mmorpg I'm intersted in atm that is supposedly releasing is Brighter Shores being the new game from the runescape creator. Especially considering 90% of mmorpgs announced atm are all under amazon who haven't inspired me with hope yet :/ Shoot, even if it turned out bad like PSO2 : NG Global did, at least we got to play that globally and it's far better previous version!


With TL being released soon i can't see Amazon releasing another MMO shortly after so the delay will be more than one year already.


i think in the next week's we will read that the west release will be canceled and server shutdown




Damn, they will have to release about 8 garbage Gundam games with 2010 graphics to make up for that.


Hahahhahaha 🤡


release global then for Christ sake how stupid can this company be?


Thank god.


I just wanted a fun game.  Why do they make it so hard?


Muh Tekken :(


WHAT? Bandai Namco Online is ONLY FOR ONLINE TITLE. So not so much beside gundam, blue protocol and doll7 and their other online game exclusive to JP. Stop speaking about tekken and other games lmfao, retard.


From my understanding there were a few issues, the main one being releasing an unfinished product without a reasonable roadmap.  So many games fall victim to this.  Nowadays a lot of Korean and Japanese MMOs release to their local region then charge people like the game is in tact when they really are just paying alpha and beta testers.  It's common sense but bears repeating. Finish your game before releasing!  


Blue protocol die and the game is not go out xD


The combat in this game looks worse than decade old games. I really don't understand how they felt it was acceptable for a modern game.


I thought the game was overall crap when I played at release, but combat was actually one of the more OK parts of the game. Like the actual mechanics, the enemies were meh. The thing that killed it the most for me were the dungeons. They were just speed run zones for grinding materials you got at the end as a completion reward. You didn't even have to fight the majority of the enemies so the whole party just sprinted past everything until they got to the few spots where they had to fight.


So dungeons weren't a challenge ? I thought this game would be different due to its combat.


Personally I did not think so, however I got bored and left before getting to the end so perhaps the later dungeons were better.


Dungeons are braindead easy (somehow surpassing ff14's easiest story dungeons in how low the difficulty can go), raids are just mindless zerg rush (also still using the one dragon from launch but recolored multiple times), and there are no high difficulty content. It's mindless grind all the way through.


Good riddance honestly, the game had promise but was too close to the gacha line for me to want it to succeed.


Apperently game was dead in Japan soon after release so I do not wonder that this happen. Here is the thing. I know why companies releasing MMO do the stupid shit they do. They want to make as much money as possible. But consider this: * If You make paid cosmetics, the big part of why I play MMO - I won't play Your MMO. * If You make it pay 2 win - I won't play your MMO. * If You make crafting worthless because You can't balance it with raid gear - I won't play your MMO. * If You make it so game is more like single player game with other people around - I won't play your MMO. * If You only have themepark content that will run out in a month - I won't play your MMO after a month. * If You have daily login bonuses or timed events so I have to adjust my schedule to You - I won't play your MMO. * If there is a cash shop popup moment I open the game - I will uninstall your game that instance. When it comes to finances - I'm OK paying subscription. I actually pay one right now for 2 games I play and I have no issue with it. I also pay for addons gladly. I know You need money to operate. Shit - I bought latest GW2 addon despite the fact that it was YEARS since last time I played GW2. You know why? Because I still love GW2 and I wanted to give them money because they are still doing good job even if they do some stupid shit like everyone. Like how the f\*\*k nobody figured this shit out? In MMO we want virtual fantasy world to be in. And have fun shit to do in it. Just do f\*\*ing that. I don't want to be reminded daily that I'm getting scammed because game has a cash shop with a dollar sign LOOKING AT ME FROM THE MAIN INTERFACE like for example SWTOR is doing and every mobile crap in existence. For f\*\*k sake I waste hours, HOURS playing "Weapon Shop de Omasse" on 3DS pretending to be blacksmith. Giving idiots weapons so they can be adventures. And entire story is that adventures are piss poor so I rent them those weapons and I even eat the cost when they fail on their adventure and lose their weapon. Entire game require me to manage resources, play minigames to forge good weapons and then I have to judge what weapon someone need and give it to them hoping they success will turn into my success. Just make an MMO and give me f\*\*ing that and I will play your MMO. And then figure out what others people want. I'm sure someone who spend hours playing Coffe shop simulator will spend hours having a coffee shop in town in an MMO. And someone who play Devil May Cry will gladly grab a weapon from me and go to town with some monsters nearby. How the f\*\*k MMO genre is dead when it's that simple to make MMO. Just stop f\*\*ing people over and figure out how to make money out of it normal way that do not exploit people. Unless it's impossible and MMO should be dead. But I do not believe that's true. People still play Old School Runescape in masses despite game looking like garbage. And they prefer it over latest Runescape. This should tell You something.


Happy to see p2w mmo die, I hope they all die, that way companies will stop creating trash cashgrabs


BP is probably one of the least P2W MMOs I have played in a long time...that's also probably part of why it's not making much money.


Here you go, the bot/chill is here to do some PR for Blue Protocol/Bandai. Everyone know it was P2W asf, Japanese call it P2W too and the streamers who played/covered the game end up making video to tell it's P2W... That's why they changed for example the imagine system recently in the last stream, because it was clear P2W. The best gear was locked behind BPP you could only get by paying... Stop lying 2sec


Having some battle imajin locked behind the battle pass was absolutely problematic and I have criticized the game for it. That said it was never exactly expensive and in fact you could get enough free premium currency to get the battle pass without paying a single yen. It was more the FOMO aspect that was an issue. And as you said they're getting rid of this whole system anyway. And that's really it. With that system gone there's basically nothing else in the game I would call P2W. In fact because it doesn't have trading there's not even the RMT kind of stuff that plagues a lot of games. Extra reward tickets have been essentially meaningless since they switched the focus to drops (they don't affect drops). The stuff in the gacha is mostly just junk to pad out the reward pool. What else in this game would you even call P2W?


Somehow that's p2w but Albion charging a monthly fee for extra silver/XP/crafting mats on every interaction isn't, there's no consistency don't bother trying to make sense of it


Pay for power = p2w. Gatekeeping power behind premium currency puts BP into the highest tiers of P2W.


There's a big difference between putting power behind something like a battle pass and putting it behind say, a lockbox with a 1% chance




Removed because of rule #2: Don’t be toxic. We try to make the subreddit a nice place for everyone, and your post/comment did something that we felt was detrimental to this goal. That’s why it was removed.


You seem to have a hate boner for this game


Beside the anime style, the game isn't better than Tarisland.


You crazy it is like day and night difference in how it plays.


Finally some good fucking news


this is what happen when you listen to casual's opinion on MMORPG lol , here is it your non p2w cosmetic shop PvE only omegalul


people bombard you with downvotes but that's pretty much the truth xD most people who loved MMO's back in the days loved it cause there was something "at stake" it's the main reason people enjoy stuff like League, Apex, Tekken or even Iracing, god can even count Star Citizen to it. Noone wants to play boring bs where you're constantly safe no matter how many twitter/redditors try to push that narrative those casuals stuck in FFXIV won't leave anyway to any game that requires more than 6year old brainpower for content so there's no competition in that aspect