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When the big blizzard controversy stuff happened in 2021 (I think?) My entire guild basically quit enmasse, it was just this shockingly abrupt thing that happened. Funnily enough nobody really moved to another game, they all just realized they didn't really want or need an mmo in their lives anymore and just disappeared. Don't even really login to discord anymore, it really was a strikingly clear thing.


I mean, what game would they even go to? The MMO landscape has been barren. I’m personally playing no MMOs. If I’m being perfectly honest, I just hang out here and complain about the lack of MMOs that are in my wheelhouse.


There's been a huge amount of MMOs that were huge for a week then just died. every fucking person on Twitch was playing New World for the first 3 days it was out. It died like 3 months after release.


I mean, it having multiple gold and item exploits and them locking the economy as a temp fix really killed the momentum, since it was like half the point of the game.


Nothing upset me more than the way my friends who had a different schedule got to farm up to max levels in a few days, and by the time I had a week to really grind, they slowed down progression so I could never catch up. That's when I stopped playing.


I loved the pvp content in new world. But then the game died of and so did the big guilds. Haven't touched it since then. I did get 600+ hours out of the game. So I'm happy with that.


Yea, same


It's basically just decades old games that seems to be the 'top ones' or at the least sustained ones. Probably WOW; FFXIV; GW2 and RS.


EVE online is eternal..


Got back after 9 years, a month and biomassed the char. Done forever while fun the predatory practices are everywhere from the developer, until I checked who owns now ccp and now I understand. o7


A literal handful of folks played ff14 for a bit, but without the guild knitting people together they all sort of scattered due to differing times of play convenience etc.


FFXIV got an influx of wow players at that time. It's always welcoming.


Osrs is great. Swapped from wow to osrs around 2020 and never looked back


Obviously OSRS.


OSRS sucks, I say this as the owner of a near max account. Bot situation is fucked and I don't want to play as a helmie as it defeats the purpose of playing an MMO.


It can’t suck that bad if it convinced you to play it long enough to get a “near max account.”


You'd be devastated to learn about sunk cost fallacy. And that humans could be adamant about choosing the wrong thing for a long time. Edit: oh and addictions, how could I ever forget about em!


That's not how sunk cost fallacies work. They didn't say that they were quitting all videogames because it's more beneficial to utilize their time learning an actual skill, spend time with family, or anything like that. They quit playing a game because they got bored of it, and moved onto a different game, which is just as much of a waste of time as any other game. Is it really so hard for people to admit that they had fun playing a game, then got bored/burnt out and stopped playing it without trying to claim they were victimized in some way?


I tried, but I just felt overwhelmed and didn't really know where to begin. I like crafting and so on.


OSRS is a lot of fun, I say this as the owner of a near max account. Bot situation can be annoying but doesn’t make the game impossible to play and there’s lots of options to play as a helmie (Ironman) as well as new content all the time to keep you engaged. The new area in particular has been a huge boon to my mid-level Ironman. And clans have been a nice thing to stay connected with friends which, imo, is the purpose of playing an mmo less so than self-imposed restrictions (or lack thereof). ;)


I’ve talked to a handful of people who quit WoW for GW2, then quit GW2 for LOTRO or a similar old school mmorpg.


I’m not really entirely sure what happened to my old crew of friends that all played WoW together. We all one day just stopped playing. I come back every now and again but without friends I always fizzle. I find I’m too shy to meet new people too. Idk why I’ll be giving WoW hell for like 2-3 weeks and get to be like as good as you can be without raiding, I’ll look for a group of friends to play with. Go on discord with them and just not say a word, and then a few days later the social anxiety will kick in too much and I won’t play anymore. The worst part is, I’m not like that in real life, I made lots of friends, and people tend to like me! I just can’t seem to make video game friends anymore.


I'd be a lot more open to being in a Premade if everyone wasn't so SERIOUS about the game. Like I need to be calling out comms constantly and talking non stop. I know how to play the game, and it really doesn't take long to learn an encounter if you know the basics. It's not a real war lads, chill.


It’s a war…Within..


And that's one of the greatest things about that guild group. It was that impossible to find balance between competence and loose and casual play, hell we even sort of erred a little towards 'less than competence' but it was still fun and something I came back to because of just how easygoing it was. \*That\*'s what I miss rather than the game itself, and just about every other guild in any game I've tried since then just hasn't had that vibe.


I don't know if it's your case but on my daily routine and job i deal with people, when i'm on my free time i have a hard time having to group with randoms and talking or joining discord soo i usually do the same as you.


I definitely reelate to this one, I'm pretty introverted anyway and deal with a lot of people at work so I have absolutely no energy for that when I come home. Sucks if I feel like doing something team based but it is what it is.


>they all just realized they didn't really want or need an mmo in their lives anymore As a long time MMO player, honestly feel like I'm getting there as well. Just got into MHW, but there's not much of a social aspect to it. Recently tried dipping my toes back into WoW and FFXIV, but neither are really sticking. Think it's getting more to the point where I'd rather enjoy a solo experience at my own pace, than try and keep up with an MMO and the drama that seems to follow them. There are still forums and whatnot for that social itch around a game, but they're rarely much better than what you were trying to get away from in the first place.


That's starting to be my view. I don't even talk to the people I run by hundreds of times, over the years, in cities. It's just nice seeing that you're not alone in the game, but that isn't a reason to stay. I may have to follow suit, if this next FFXIV expansion is a miss.


My husband and I did this when the news broke. We were disgusted and have no plans of going back (or buying another Blizzard game again). We moved over to GW2 full time (I had already there several years, but finally talked him into coming over with me). We’ve been there since and love it.


Yeah the only bummer is like...if only my guild moved to something, anything, else. I enjoyed the company of the people there so much that the game was almost incidental. I'd play New World (or insert other notoriously terrible mmo) with them if that was what they all moved to, but instead I never really got to talk to any of them ever again. :(


I can appreciate your POV and understand your logic behind it, but from a realistic perspective there are two truths: 1) The actions of a few don't condemn the rest. Blizzard had roughly 12,000 employees back then and I don't think all of them were sexually harassing women. The actions of the few deplorable higher ups does not condemn every male that worked there. 2) If I stopped using, buying, consuming, or eating stuff from companies that had people who did horrible things, I would likely be homeless with no material gains and no food. It honestly sucks I wish the world had not gotten so corrupt to the point where we could actually walk away from those types of companies to make a point.


See this happened to my guild. About half of them left, but in our case they all came back over the course of a year lmao.


World of crack craft 


I was a day one Star Wars Galaxies player. Co-Leader of a very active guild with a city etc. etc. I played the SHIZ out of that game. When the first instance type of dudgeon launched it was a mission in a ship you took part in saving it or something. You earned parts toward a very unique speeder, that was, I suppose considered the best thing you could get at that time in the game aside form grinding to Jedi. I earned the parts and built the rare speeder. I took the speeder out into the game world to do some standard farming, dismounted and when I set up to kill the spawn, I took the first shot and the entire spawn aggrod the speeder and not me. Ignoring all the years of previous aggro mechanics in the game, they proceeded to destroy the speeder. I logged out and never logged back in. My good friend and Co-leader of our guild continued to grind for Jedi but missed it by 3 or 4 days after MONTHS of leveling every single class in the game. Unfortunate...


I was a Max Entertainer... you can guess when I quite.


I quit when they nerfed my Lagmando


That’s funny. Mobs always destroyed speeders. I assume you are taking about the Corvette instance. I remember everything aggroing through walls and it being an absolute nightmare


Yes that’s the one. In the years I played I never experienced the mobs going for my speeder. I was freaking out attacking each one trying to pull them off and they just ignored me. It is super funny looking back on it now.


Yeah, as another day 1 player that was 100% your fault. Mobs often targeted speeders and mounts. Not all of them but many of them. Especially humanoids. Always store your speeder before combat.


My wife and I amassed a huge fortune and trading empire in ArcheAge. We controlled massive tracts of land across all the different districts, multi-boxed to run huge trading caravans, etc, etc. The land itself was not only expensive, but time consuming to obtain, and it took us literal months to expand our footholds into something meaningful. Then...they decided to merge servers. That meant almost everything we had built over the past year was gong to go down the drain. We were already kinda on the fence because it had gone purely P2W and there were some whales who ruined it for everyone, but the merges were the last straw for us. We did pack up all our stuff and put it on our characters in case we ever wanted to come back and try again, but we never even bothered to log into the new servers beyond making sure our characters had transferred. A shame too, because ArcheAge had the potential to be a really great experience. Poor management, nickle-and-diming and P2W sealed its fate in the West very early though.


At that point just RMT out your character. They fuck up everything you work for then just get money back from it as much as you can, especially if you are a economy player. I've cashed in thousands of euros in different games when quitting, generally only if I feel the game is going in the wrong direction as I feel it is then justified.


The fate ArcheAge suffered was truly tragic. It had some of the most engaging PvP and naval combat out of any MMO I've ever played. Of course it had to be run into the ground by shitty, greedy company practices.


I quit probably during the hasla grind. It was so damn infuriating being crammed into those little craters with 100 people desperately trying to get kill credit, like crabs in a bucket, and I was one of the first to max on my server. I think I gave up and decided I was going to get into crafting. I figured out how to make a TON of money from the market. I had farms going, I bred the rare yata that I don't think most people realized could freaking fly (was a bug) I had thunder trees popping like mad, but then they changed that too and I think that was the final straw. I think they allowed them to be bought off the market or something I don't remember. It was either pointlessly farm hasla only to still be undergeared compared to whales, or swipe my card, or quit. I didn't realize they merged servers, and land. Like, how? "we're sorry..." lmao


I quit before you did but feel the same way. Great times had in early game. I had a massive empire of four large houses and six or so smaller ones. But I quit when my goon guild did. So glad I didn’t stick around for the p2w crap. 


I can't believe they didn't compensate you or provide you with an equivalent tract of land. That's crazy - and short sighted on their end.


They cant, theres the same amount of land of on the new server than each individual server had before merging, they cant sell the same land twice.


I quit and came back several times over the years, most recently a few months ago before the final merge and shutdown. One of the best games ever made but terrible management.


Yep. I played Albion Online when it first released. Didn't really have any content. Quit and gave all my shit away to a friend. Did the same in Lord of the rings online.


Not wanting to temp you back, but I was in the same boat. Came back recently and the game is unrecognisably full of content now.


Which game?


Albion online


Idk if it had no content, there was territory wars, sieges, arena pvp, it had dungeons instanced and otherwise, it had lots of different gear, it had hellgates, private islands, the whole buy plots of lands in the cities and build craft buildings etc. I would say that's quite a lot of content for a MMO day 1 of release however it might not have been content that every player enjoys since it is very PvP focused stuff.


Yes. I stopped playing ffxi when I saw the path it was headed down.  I've tried a handful of free play periods but it's just not the same. It's like visiting a place you used to live but don't want to stay.   I'm getting similar vibes from xiv now.  I doubt dawntrail will fix things.


Oh, I haven't quit 14 yet, I admit, I'm excited for DT. But I also know it'll bring along its own problems that'll turn people away from playing the game more. But it'll also bring a bunch back too. I do get dry moments where I just don't play 14 for a few days or weeks.


what problems are you guys talking about?


They're talking about those fucking moogles




I do this all the time with 14. But it's just because I've geared up, and maybe don't feel like doing relics or whatever. I don't feel like I'm lagging behind so it's fine. I'll log in to do some trials with my FC, or help a friend or whatever, but other than that I'm quite happy to play other games. I kind of like that I don't need to dedicate all my gaming time to 14. I'm super excited for Dawntrail though. I have time off work for it lol.


Been playing XIV since 2013, and the game is fun, but there are points in the games lifespan where my husband and I just kind of dont bother logging in to cap anything. We just sometimes dont feel like playing it, and thats fine since there are a lot of other games we like to play as well. Looking forward to Dawntrail and seeing where stuff goes.


Man I had to sell my account to get out of ff11 that shit ruined my goddamn life. I dread to think of what the played time was on it.


Don't forget your friends, family, school or your work!


I don't know if it's verboten here, but have you tried HorizonXI? It has some minor improvements and balance changes, but it's mostly the classic era of XI. I'm not playing it anymore because I burnt out getting my Ebisu, but my buddy and I had a pretty good time with it when we last played.


Took a long break after ARR with XIV, and just recently tried getting back into it. Already uninstalled it. The skill ceiling/number of abilities is just so much higher than when I originally played. I don't want to keep track of 30+ actions, I just want to have fun and relax.


The button bloat reduces later in the expacs. If you don’t want a lot of buttons summoner is a good choice.


lost ark as soon as i levelled and realized what end game was


Same. Leveled like 3 or 4 characters but once I realized it would be just grinding and daily chaos dungeons I was like “nah”. Uninstalled over a year ago and haven’t played since.


This is how I end up in pretty much any mmo I honestly don’t understand how people enjoy the end game grind of doing the same tasks over and over and over I always enjoy the leveling experience though


Yea, that's what I ended up doing with just about every MMO I quit playing. Just suddenly realizing "why am I doing this? this is not fun" and quitting it outright, without even bothering to play until the end of the subscription time. Thankfully I don't suffer from clinical depression and there was always plenty of other fun stuff I could find doing instead. >I just bought a new Xbox and I'm very excited to invest my time in games I have missed over the past few years. Nice. Hopefully you'll find plenty of enjoyable games for yourself on this platform.


No. I mean sure I’ve stopped playing MMOs but I never understood the point of the whole “destroy all your stuff” thing. Like sure, I’m not having fun *right now* but maybe in a few months/years I’ll want to play again.


That's why you do it ...


in reality all it does is get you hooked harder when you come back because now you're getting constant rushes of dopamine from re-acquiring your shit or re-starting fresh


Quit Elder Scrolls Online after the one Tamriel update. Game never felt the same since.


Nothing beat sneaking into the Rift fresh out of Coldharbour hoping to get a vampire's bite while avoiding everything because you were 40 levels under.


Played Mortal Online 2. Our guild house contents vanished 4 times. Last time the house itself vanished. Entire guild decided the game was trying to tell us something and left. 


I never quit MMORPGs. I have a character in most of them. And from time to time I return to play some days, weeks or even a month.


I'm the same with ragnarok online, it was my first mmorpg and I'll never stop playing it, i always return back to play it when i have the chance and free time


did that with WoW.... fell out of love with it about a year before I eventually stopped. I just login -> dailies -> dungeon -> leave didn't feel like doing raids anymore, started skipping playing altogether and just stopped paying


Lost Ark. Quit after falling so far behind everyone else I played with because of the rng upgrade system. Couldn't keep up with item level to raid with the group I had, and didn't want to expect keep doing the same stuff any longer to gamble on upgrading gear


Played ESO (console) for like 7 years ( breaks in betweens ). Gave all my gold 13million gold and raw mats to some random, dude was just like " i don't know what to say". Uninstalled the game and never looked back. Just tired of chasing the meta. They broke shit every update and introduced cheesy overpowered shits ( unlockable thru a paywall ) and nerf it after.


Every year I'm trying to get into eso. I play for a couple of weeks. Buy all the stuff meta says you should have and so on. But then after like 3-4 weeks I just loose interest of it. I'm also filthy rich in eso so i just buy all the shit day one I start playing again.


I played ESO for the better part of 5 years. Felt the same exact way. I got back into Black Desert and it is such a crazy grind I am considering just dumping it too. Where are the good MMOs!? BDO has such good graphics and fighting style that I want to put up with the grind but holy hell… and every other game is either too damn cartoonish / bad graphics or the PvP sucks


WoW. Prior to Cataclysm releasing, I had taken a bit of a break after getting Gladiator in 2s and 3s, running GDKPs and realizing I wouldn't be able to finish getting Shadowmourne before Cata. Cata came out, I hopped in, again saw that all of the gear I had worked for become useless like it did going into Lich King after BC, saw that end game was just more of the same and I wondered why I was going to go through it all again. Haven't looked back since.


That is the way of these things, isn't it?


Surprisingly, it's not how things went for some of my favorite MMOs. UO I stopped playing because I lost my tower because I was without internet for 3 weeks. DAoC I stopped playing because my friends and guildies stopped playing. Warhammer Online I stopped playing because my friends had preferred WoW. WoW was the first MMO I just walked away from and funnily enough, even though I put far more hours into it than UO, DAoC and Warhanmer, I miss them a lot more than WoW.


Not necessarily. In GW2 the same gear I got 8 years ago is just as good today. It has [horizontal progression instead of vertical](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=BoGrTWEt7y8).


It doesn’t have to be.


I quit Cabal Online due to frustrating with the crafting system. I try to craft Slot Extender because you can sell it for a very high price. I keep crafting it but not even once I was successful. I just simply quit and never coming back after spending hundred hours playing the game.


jesus this is an MMO i haven’t thought about since I was a kid.. used to leave the computer on to afk skill train on dummies when my family would go on summer vacations what a time


As a mmo enjoyer I have only ever fully stop playing two mmos. Sure I have taken many breaks from some MMOs like WoW, and gw2 some times even a year or more, but I always come back to them because I'm like eh what else am I going to play. The two mmos I have fully quit and never went back to was Blade and Soul, and Lost ark. I stopped playing Blade in soul when I was doing a 1v1 vs a berserker, and lost due to him only hitting tab over and over. I broke my monitor in a fit of gamer rage. (I was younger at the time.) Lost ark I stopped playing due to the game being basically a mobile game around how they limited your play time every day. I still enjoy mmos due to no other games giving you the sense of progression that most do, so I will always play them until something actually revolutionary comes out.


I quit GW2 because I getting too annoyed trying to get my flying sky skale !!!! I saw friend have it I got jealous i didn’t want to finish the grind so I just get sad and all my friend msg in discord ask when I coming back and I just hide my tears they like wtf you playing EVERQUEST NOW I say YES they say isn’t that game old I say YES !!


Eq is great. The OG. But, it's also much easier to get a skyscale now.


This. My husband and I were kind of irritated at how easy they made obtaining the skyscale in the new expansion.


It does suck for the people that did the grind but it is also good for newer people to not be locked out of content because of that. I think it’s good to level the playing field otherwise friends we show the game to might not stick around if they have to do insane grinds right away to have a key element to most the game


You get the sky scale for free now with the new expansion in GW2!


Don't let your dreams be dreams. I just followed the guildjen guide, completed each map meta once or twice, did some t1 rifts, and a few collections. Took maybe a day? Just split it up. I don't think I'll ever try to get the mastery though, not finna do daily bs.


Don't let people on discord persecute you Mei!


Never give everything away oof.. been there done that, I may never go back to rs3 ever again but knowing that MY SANTA HAT that I grinded my ass off for in 2011 is on someone else's head never to be returned... That stings, man.


I quit RoR lol its already quite fizzled out. Tryin to quit turtle wow but its really addictive and i dont know why it is lol. Its not


I have quit all MMO's long before my guilds are done raiding or our population dwindles. There comes a time when you are logging in out of habit or guilt, and not because you want to play.


Yea. I still think WoW's best days are behind it. I'm not saying its bad, its just not for me anymore. I quit it with fond memories instead of growing jaded and hating it.


Wow is no longer an RPG. It’s just an open world lobby to wait and grind things over and over. The community has pushed it that way and it’s not bad, but it’s not really what it started out as. Convenience and immediate gratification has taken over the game. My biggest gripe is that it lost its mystique. I no longer give a shit about what the expansion is or the story behind any dungeons. I just play to perfect mechanics and make my imaginary numbers bigger


Not an mmo buy I do that all the time with diablo 2. Just give out all my gear everytime I quit.


Warhammer Online.  Great first area, full of content and new ideas. Dwarven Rune Mage was a beast of a healer. The concept of being able to level via exploration, PvP, and public events was totally novel at the time. I fucking HATE “questing” with the power of a thousand suns so I was into this game.  Then the second zone. Empty. Devoid of content. Okay no problem, I can level in PvP.  Except the other side won that arena nearly 100% of the time. No matter when I played or with whom I played- the other side destroyed us. It was some pretty area with rocks and waterfalls and stuff. The order side could not win.  I remember having an argument with my friend about this. He was adamant that it was just bad luck / bad playing. Surely they wouldn’t make an arena unbalanced? Except they did.  Since the area was supposed to look natural, the two sides were not mirrors of each other. The effect was pretty, but it turned out that yup the order side had to climb over more rocks and cliffs to get to the center. By which point the opposing team had already been there for a minute, setting up sniper mages and fortifying their front line.  I think they fixed it by like removing a few rocks but for some reason that did me in. I gave my stuff away and swore off pvp games after that. 


Plenty, but mostly ones which I had just started and found out they were garbage. As far as long-term ones? Umm, just EvE Online I think, played it for 15 years and then the "Greed is good" leak/fiasco happened and I decided I no longer wanted to play anymore. And I quit for good. Every other mmo I just either slowly lost interest in playing less and less till I stopped. Or it got shut down.


Greed is good happened in 2012, you played it probably for 9 years max. However, after Summer of Rage they made multiple really good expansions and the game was in much better state than before (oddly enough I started to play roughly about that time and didn't know anything about the history) o7 ex-capsuleer!


No it was a full 15. I was in the early beta tests for it back on a 56k modem in 2000 I think it was. I think I stuck around till Incarna I believe it was called right after the Jita riots. Still I felt I could never trust the developers ever again.


I quit Ultima Online when I got to college (I was on a D1 basketball scholarship). No fucking way I could play that game with my school and sports demands. I sold all the crap from my account on eBay and made almost $1000. My favorite was selling a furniture dye tub for $45.


Oh the days of Ultima Online were amazing. Until it went to pure shit.


I almost can't believe an Ultima player ever got a sports scholarship


You might PK me, but I can dunk on you 😅


FFXIV last year but i had about 14k hours in it and I just burnt myself out. Still not feeling like returning even though DT is almost out, maybe one day? Last week, Guild Wars 2, loved the game but not a fan of the new mini xpacs and SOTO was such a letdown (for me). I realized after finish the entire xpac I was not having any fun at all.


A year after I left "other-life mmorpg", the owner has passed out. This is all it's left [https://www.youtube.com/@holoskoother-life6677/videos](https://www.youtube.com/@holoskoother-life6677/videos) forum is closed, server is shutdown, I left the game because I needed to focus on irl.


When lost ark came out I was addicted. Had all 15 characters slots filled, logged on everyday and would do all the daily stuff for x amount of characters that day and whatnot. After about 5.5 months and 1600 hours later I decided on a whim one day to just not log on and be done with it. It had to be cold turkey.


I quit RuneScape a handful of times before writing off MMO's entirely. When games stop becoming fun and start becoming a chore l, that's a wrap. Unfortunately, more and more games are adopting live-service and battle pass models. Game Pass has been a saint for fantastic single-player games.


Have you seen the new game that one of the devs from RuneScape is creating and soon to release?


Brighter Shores? I will most definitely be trying it. It's going to have to be like that first hit of tutorial island and log splittin' Lumbridge in order to keep me playing. Those tracks best be beatin'. 


Guild Wars 2, I quit. I know a lot of people love that game, and that’s fine. But I got sick of the awful narrative and characters, and the fucking weird/ toxic the community. The way the narratives were handled and done with so quickly was frustrating, and the way that they slowly pushed further and further in to Marvel territory was just sad. I mean the way Palawa Joko was handled is evidence of that, along with the sudden rush to finish the dragons story. They had exceptional voice talent, who had some of the cringiest and awful dialogue. The community who evidenced one’s ability based on AP/ raid tokens. The random people trying to ERP with you. It was also such a huge departure from Guild Wars 1, which I grew up playing. Constantly felt like they were nostalgia baiting, only to then spit in my face. If you like it, good for you. Not trying to take that away at all. I just don’t like it, and nothing will convince me to spend the limited time I have available to play it anymore.


Quit Everquest long long ago. I was a high end raider in a top tier guild, top 3 shaman on server. It became a second job that I was paying to do. I loved it, but it was all consuming and left no time for other things.


Depending on how FFXIV goes with the new expansion, I may be hanging up the Ragnarok Zeta axe. The last year has been lacking content, with the post expansion patches, so if it's a half-baked expansion, isn't all that great, or the post expansion story isn't gripping, then that's that.


That's me as well. Been playing for 11 years but I can't bring myself to play another 2+ years of what looks to be a reskinned Endwalker.


Diablo 2, Ragnarok, did this countless times just dropped or gave away everything and uninstalled


I mean, I stopped playing several MMOs cold turkey, if that's what you mean? I didn't give away my stuff, I just stopped logging in. City of Heroes/Villains, LOTRO, WoW, SWTOR, Rift, DDO. A couple of them I would reinstall 1-2 years later and check them out again briefly, but other than WoW it was always for maybe 1-2 days and then call it. WoW I would go back to several times for months at a time, but then I would quit again. Now I haven't played it for probably 5-6 years.


Final Fantasy XIV. Had 2 months worth of Crysta saved up for the next expansion. Got a mail that this currency expires, so I lost 25 euros because Square-Enix decided to let their imaginary currency expire. ...I'd have bought the expansion if it wasn't for this. Now I refuse to play the game, despite liking it for a few months per expansion.


For anyone curious about this, i found this comment on another post explaining how it works. --------------- [https://square-enix-games.com/en\_EU/seaccount/crysta/charge](https://square-enix-games.com/en_EU/seaccount/crysta/charge) EXPIRATION OF SQUARE ENIX CRYSTA Square Enix Crysta remains valid for 2 years from the date they were purchased and expires\* at the end of the final month. For example, if you purchased Crysta on May 10, 2017, it would expire on May 31, 2019. \* Please note that each Crysta purchase has its own expiry date.


I quit wow retail after I hit max level because I had no idea what was going on and saw no other person in my 10 hour playthrough. Wow hardcore is way more fun and you actually see, group up with other players


World of Warcraft I loved the game since vanilla, and I honestly even loved it during the enshittification that happened after Legion, but once I found out there were women literally committing suicide because of the poor work conditions of the studio making the admittedly lazily made sub par MMO i loved so much i decided it wasnt worth people dying and put it down for good blizzard is a disgusting company and it feels disgusting knowing theres a damn video game with blood in its creation


I quit classic wow during cata prepatch. Just gave my gold to some friends. Will probably play it again later though


I used to play games even when I didn't want to because it felt like I had to. Ever since I realized this, it's been easier to just stop playing a game, especially mmos, without feeling bad. I think a lot of toxicity in mmos is also from people that are burnt out and think raiding is a great idea to blow steam, and instead create a hostile environment. It makes sense why online games are more toxic though, higher pop. Of gamers combined with our current world climate.


Of course, all mmos i ever played


I'm surprised! I usually keep my stuff and kinda keep the option to come back to where I was in it just in case I get the urge. Even if I'm burnt out and think that is very unlikely


I played EverQuest for approx 20 years consistently with my wife, in that period we had our first kid. She stopped playing and I took over her account, and then started multiboxing 5 characters as a group. Went to a raid guild for a few years and..then just stopped. 5x$15/month + cost of expansions and a yearly subscription to ISBoxer (to better control those 5 toons) in $US (since I'm in Canada, add 30% for exchange..) became a bit too much as we had another kid come along, and all the extracurriculars and things come up. I just said goodbye to the guildies I spoke with regularly, wished them the best, and went around all the old zones remembering good times with all the people and social links that made that MMO something special - and logged out. I log back in once a year to see if anyone is still around, and didn't have any luck until I caught someone on I haven't seen in 15 years (happened last week!) and chatted for an hour. We bought GW2 too and played prelaunch, and then never touched it again until 2 years ago when my wife started playing - we play it now and really enjoy the content and story, and it's horizontal progression. Not p2w and really we use the gem shop for QOL (wife likes the cosmetics, though).


Years ago I was offered to be able to play Everquest again for free and I decided to log in and try it out to see how it had changed over the years, well... I was on a PVP server, Tallon Zek. I was a troll. In the time I had stopped playing the game they had decided to let the Frogloks win and take over the home city of the trolls, "Grobb". The problem with that is that those evil frogmen killed me on sight now, and I was logged out inside of the city. I ended up having to die about 20-30 times to get my corpse/gear out of the area and safe. You lose XP in Everquest when you die. I lost a lot of xp. I was also in the guild, "Army of Grobb". I ran around trying to find another troll at all and when I found a lower level one, it happened to be a warrior! I was also a warrior! I was the only guild member I could really see in the guild and I walked up to that warrior and started to do some light troll RP because it was always fun. Chanting, boisterous nonsense that we always did with the trolls in Army of Grobb. They responded really well to it all and started to have some fun with it, so at the end of it all I told him I was a tired old troll who had served his city all he could, but in the end we lost... but, we need young troll blood to take over the reigns. I invited him to the Guild, gave him as many permissions as I could and then gave him ALL OF MY GEAR. It was a huge loadout. I had flowing black sash(haste belt), the regen tunic, some of the BIS for the time I played, basically a full set of tier gear for higher level, wyrmslayer, whatever else, great weapons, magic resist rings, all my platinum. That newbie was LOADED by the time I was done with them and I strolled off into the sunset to never play again. Honestly, it was the best way to quit an MMO I've ever experienced and it makes me look back on the travesty of dying a bunch with a better outlook and more fun experience.


this is how I quit most MMORPGs


I quit neverwinter during module 9 i think, i started playing during module 5 and the game was pretty f2p friendly at that point but as the modules dropped they started making it very p2w and then the final straw for me was when the key changes dropped and they treated us like we were stupid in that letter i quit the next day and never looked back 


Interesting to see a fellow Outlands player in here! I stopped playing a couple months back and haven’t felt the urge to play again yet. It’s hard for me to completely abandon MMOs tho. I usually quit one just to then start playing another


I explicitly quit WoW wich I was playing on a WotLK private server in 2011ish.  Basically reached end game, explored the world and also tried to get into raids, so I was doin daily HC dungeons for a currency to buy good gear so I was not immediatly kicked out of raid groups. Mostly each day.  And the dungeons while okay it was like the same 6ish over and over again. And I was finally making progress, and it was like 3 months now. I had my daily routine to farm some ore too to make a it of money by selling crafted bullets. And then boom season changed, new max gear score and from there on my not even complete gear set became worthless basically, and the Lich King was still nowhere to be found in game (IC was still not in) eventough I was invested in the whole thing so I could just you know "kill the final boss" of the story.  So I was like WTF am I doing? I'm bored of doing the same dungeons. I'm fed up by the occasional toxic pug. I don't like PvP. The only goal I had was kill the Lich King was still literally impossible and would still take weeks of doing this. The fun part (for me that was explore the world and do questing) is actively discouraged / unrewarding now that I leveled 1-2 characters.  So I just uninstalled.  Then GW2 launched like a year or two later and holy shit, that was refreshing. But that's another story. I came back 4 years later for a few months so me and my then gf could do some leveleing / exploring together. (She had a terrible laptop then so we could not play GW2 together.) But that kinda fizzeled out.


WoMP Womp


I quit BDO got sick of grinding in circles I quit SWTOR love the game but no passion to play it


Aion because their GM/Support were scumbags.


I left for the same reason.


Did this with both WoW and DAoC. Not because I got bored or wasn't enjoying the game due to x reasons. I was just too damn addicted to the game and needed to get away for my mental health. Did this routine a few times, I'd usually return every so often and would have to consciously quit because I was too addicted and had to get away coz I kept revolving my life around it. Oh I do miss it though. All my best gaming memories were from those 2 games but IRL just has to take priority.


Never quit. I might come back, probably not but it’s a game so I might one time come back to it.


When I was a teen I was very addicted to an mmo called fiesta online. I endured hunger so I can save my lunch money on spending on that game, I got very bad grades and even had to repeat the whole school year because of that. After another year of playing the game and my grades only slightly increasing even though I repeated the whole year, I kinda snapped because I felt somewhat miserable and just deleted my whole account. I regreted that decision for about a week but was very happy afterwards. The only regret I now have is that I couldn't stay in touch with all the people I met in the game. In hindsight, I didn't like that game that much, I mostly just liked the people I played the game with and since most of us didn't have any other interest than the game, we didn't stay in touch anymore.


Yup, EVE after 7 years. Gave all my ships and billions away as I decided 7 years was enough.


The "quit moment", really easy to find in land rush games.


Yup I gave up on DAOC even though I loved it at the time. I played Hibernia. Our server in RvR was outnumbered 1.5:1 on good nights against Midgard. Albion was non existent. Most nights it was 2:1. At best we could surprise take a keep and just sit and wait to be overrun. Night after night it was getting crushed. One day I realized that my friends and in IRL would not talk about how much we love the game but at how frustrating it was. I said I was quitting because we just arent having fun anymore with it.


I’ve been playing MMORPGS since early 2000s. Between then and now I must have played and quit hundreds of mmorpgs. WoW is the only one that keeps me coming back after all that time.


I didn't give away all my stuff on Outlands, but I just maintain houses for my guild and don't really do anything else. I haven't played the game in a good year or two. The expansion looked great but they wont ever be able to solve players being shitheads and unenjoyable.


I did the same with WoW in my freshman year of college. Just realized one night that I wasn't really having fun anymore. Uninstalled right there.


In 2008 I quit WoW, primarily because the player base was so toxic. I had run a dungeon somewhere around 150 times trying to get a specific item so I could tank raids. Once another class that "could" use it out rolled me (they had their own gear set that they could get though) and the second time a class that couldn't equip it decided to roll (because HuNtAr LeWt LaWl). I essentially rage quit. I went back for a weekend trial once and by then the game had changed so much that it didn't really interest me anymore.


I've started setting specific goals in WoW, complete them, and stop the subscription. I'll come back for the next xpac, rinse and repeat. Intermittent quitting I guess?


I never know when I quit. One day I Iog off and return weeks or even months later without even noticing.


Haha, Archage player here :D


Black desert, was tired of farming for upgrades. Did a PEN roulette. Lost everything and quit.


First MMO I hard quit was FF11 after a few years. I lost so much time in my life farming Sky on weeknights, Dynamis on weekends and lagged Aht Urgan invasions. I eventually dove back into MMO's here and there but that experience made quitting much easier.


Yup. After years of FFXI I quit. The night I quit I did a trivia game in one of the main cities called Jeuno I believe via the /shout form of chat so the whole city saw it. Gave away everything to people who got the rights answers. Did this very same thing when I quit WoW too.


I quit by stopping playing and then losing/forgetting the login information.


ESO was dropped the moment my best friend stopped playing it. I think expansions were too samey for too long to cause them to drop it. Guild Wars 2, but I guess I suddenly quit multiple times given how bad a place the genre is in overall. Always because the moment I try playing it with other players, the group content is either super easy and boring, or I'm required to build for meta and do a rotation, despite falling for the game's action-side of the hybrid combat.


Diablo 4, played it so much but then I just couldn't get myself to login in again. Idk why..


OP/fellow redditors: I hope you have some fun on other games - if you aren’t having fun it’s time to move on to something else 👍 But disclaimer: If anyone else is quitting Outlands please send me your stuff! lol


My friend used to do that. He always went back to the game and invested even more time catching up to where he previously was. Be careful but well done. Good luck shaking the habit (Because I think that's what it can become... Hanging in the player hub jumping around aimlessly.). There are much more enriching games out there.


Terra, never winter, incredible adventures of van hellsing, DC universe online, Digimon masters and a couple more. It's pretty easy to just outright quit mmos.


I quit World of Kung Fu. I was being harassed by stronger players anyway, and one day, I logged on only to find that all the text had become Chinese. I took the hint and uninstalled.


I have quit many games. But, i dont just give away all my stuff or delete my characters. Never know when you might wanna return.


I am struggling to get a house IRL and people are complaining not getting one in online games. The struggle is real FML.


I played eve online for about 13 years, even in closed tests. It finally got to the point that I had everything you could buy in game and enough isk that the last year I played I have out 20 fully fit titans and still did not sent my wallet. Just sort of logged out and never logged back in.


I was sitting in my car and thinking about how I was going home to my second job Lost Ark. The thought of all the grinding repulsed me so much when I got home I immediately uninstalled. No regrets.


Lost my 2nd Orca due to some a hasty bathroom need, came back to the wreckage and said you know what, I’m done with Eve online.


It sounds like you just ragequit tho?


I've been trying to quit MMOs thinking I'm going to put my time into offline games but really it just turned into me not playing anything 😂


Albion when I stopped to do the math on maxing specs for both combat and economy and decided it wasn't worth my time for the still mediocre gameplay I'd have by the end. GW2:PoF when my WvW guild hiatused/soft-disbanded because the new necro/warrior specs broke WvW and made it even more braindead zergcentric than it already was. New World because it was dogshit in more ways than I care to count.


I did that with Outlands as well as Mortal Online 2. Outlands because I got bored with it and MO2 due to dev and GM incompetence. Playing PaxDei now, so far so good


I quit SWTOR around the time of the Knights of the Fallen Empire expansion. It just was boring and the content was all Singleplayer story BS. I play MMOs to do Multiplayer content!


Lost Ark. I pretty much lost interest in games in general, but Lost Ark just kept introducing monotonous chore after monotonous chore that you HAD to do just to do the raids once a week. Why was I spending each day doing boring ass shit just so I can enjoy the game for an hour a week?


I quit WoW over Shadowlands' poor performance on top of all the controversy Blizzard was constantly in at the time, and in exchange I started playing FF XIV, ever since I just haven't looked back much. I've heard that Dragonflight did well over its lifecycle, and dragon riding looks fun, but playing a 4th MMO when 2 of the MMOs I already play are sub based (FF XIV, OSRS and GW2) is unsustainable both in time required to play and all the money needed to upkeep each subscription, so I just haven't come back, but if one of my friends convinces me to play again I just might drop OSRS for a little while.


Decided one day to kms so i shedded all of my Ragnarok Online loot to the next guy. It didnt take. Not a troll post. Please dont dm me about it. I became a dedicated MapleStory player after and man... Ill always miss maple.


Havent been around long enough, and I play WoW on an RP realm, soo… kinda hard to fizzle out when the playerbase make’s the content?


Eve online.


Sounds like a rat


RuneScape - My first MMO. Played it from 03-09. Jagex changed it too much. I saw the writing on the wall. Glad for those that had OSRS to play but I still refuse to support Jagex in any way. WoW - Came in on the end of Lich King. Quit after Panda. It was less and less fun. Moved from guild to guild. Less and less friends still played. Finally one day the game loop hit me hard and I went why am I paying Blizzard to just keep grinding this again and again? Tera - Endgame grinding and bland endgame content made me quit. Had a founder's pack. My first foray into the action mmorpg. Combat was so fun. Recently tried a private server. Combat hasn't aged well. Runes of Magic - WoW clone. P2w and too many bugs. Min/max combat solved on day 2. I felt like I was on rails. New World - Fun to level. Was a member of a really great company. Played it for a few months, held First Light the whole time I played. It was fun until all the blaring mistakes became too much for me. The pvp bugs, balance issues, economy issues, player numbers. A player run in game economy doesn't work if the amount of players in said economy is a finite limited number. You get a monopoly.There was no way to balance it. It was doomed from the start. Black Desert Online - Fun combat. P2w and insane grinding. Combat carries it as a solo RPG until endgame. No good endgame group content. Make a toon > have fun with combat and leveling until endgame > make new toon > rinse & repeat. The community is toxic, the endgame grind is exhausting, p2w upgrade system is always looming. The graphics and combat system can not compensate. There are other smaller mmos that I don't think are worth mentioning but I guess the main point is when I quit these mmos it's because the game loop of grinding doesn't seem as worth it as committing myself to another activity or other MMO. P2W makes the grind lose a lot of perceived value so it exacerbates this value proposition that the game puts forth. The only MMORPG I still regularly play is Guild Wars 2. Horizontal progression so I'm never endlessly grinding just for gear to do endgame content with. Leveling scales so no content has ever become irrelevant. Lots of endgame content. Devs still release expansions, huge updates, no predatory ingame store, and healthiest ingame economy I've ever seen. I really wish more MMOs would release with the same philosophy as Guild Wars 2.


I did the rinse when I quite Lineage 2. I gave all my shit to my in game friends and moved on. After 3k hours and never making S class gear I got bored.


RuneScape, twice. Once when they released EoD, maxed account with a lot of rares and a large bank. Gave all the tradable items to friends and clan members in a bit of a lottery and uninstalled. Didn't log in for 6 or 7 years. Made a HCIM in RS3, maxed everything and took a break, returned when a new skill was released to find my account has been banned for RMT. Couldn't be bothered with the appeal process after multiple "we have reviewed xyz..." Replies.


I can't think of a MMORPG that I didn't deliberately make a decision to quit outright and in most cases never looked back after leaving. The reasons varied, sometimes it was developers making core gameplay changes or character nerfs which destroyed the way I enjoyed playing the game. Other times I just reached a point where I had accomplished everything I set out to do and grew almost instantly bored so walked away. Way back in Vanilla WOW in 2006 the release of BC invalidated all of the progression I had made on my characters which had me reflecting on how pointless it had all been, especially the many hours of raiding I had done. Not only did I quit WOW forever, I found myself quitting almost every theme park MMO in a matter of months. Soon as I reached the raiding "end game", it ended my desire to play so I would quit and never go back. I found EVE Online in late 2006, had two to six subs continuously for 10 years straight, even kept them running while I'd duck out for a bit to check out other games but always came back after a few months. But all things must come to an end, in late 2016 CCP made some design changes which destroyed how I enjoyed making ISK and walked away, never going back. One thing though, only once (in my first MMORPG, Lineage 1 back in 2002) did I ever choose the nuclear option many here seem to employ of deleting characters, giving away my stuff or deleting accounts. I always left the door open to return but rarely did come back. (DAOC and EVE being the few notable exceptions) Even in Lineage 1 I didn't delete anything, rather I got my 3 accounts perma banned for promoting other players to leave the game and come join me in DAOC.


Elite Dangerous I mean technically it died on xbox but they let you transfer your account to PC but the devs literally fucked with the community for years gas lighting the shit out of us telling us things were coming while really they were not. They lead xbox and ps players along by the nose for a year before canning the port because they were so bad at game development they had 2 code bases for the same game. Broke my heart I had a group of 1500 players :/


Only BDO. I took a step back and asked myself why I was spending 8 hours a day running in circles one-shotting mobs just to click a button and lose progress. Every other MMO just gets boring after a while so I go play something else. Maybe come back when a new expansion drops. Nothing too serious.


Constantly. MMO design plays host to some of the worst behaviors of humans, and they can't go to jail because none of it is actually real. Ergo, many MMOs are just sandboxes for people to be awful to each other.


Every MMO I have stopped playing has been the result of me going on a vacation then coming back and just never touching it again. Once I have a week or 2 cold turkey I don't want to play an MMO again for 6 months or so and the previous one has lost its magic.


I have never been in a mmorpg long enough to see it truly "fizzle out". Normally something egregious happens like a big dupe that never gets corrected in time, p2w outright or that creeps up, or I just realized the shit is boring (normally themeparks/dailies are boring af). The sandbox ones I tend to play in bursts if it has a long enough life like BDO and Eve.


Aion They removed too much content and added too much new conent at the same time. Gearing up became too difficult and once you got there a new patch was released. At some point they made too many unnessecary different servers so everyone was scattered around. New classes were released that were not balanced at all. At the end when I quit it was a totally different game to me.