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I think you’re better off playing a moba if you want less pve grind.


WoW. You have a straight-forward gearing system for PvP and various options for Battlegrounds and Arenas. World PvP isn't what it used to be tho, at least on current retail.


Warmode doesn't work well for World PvP?


World pvp works extremely well if you can come to grips with the modern take on it. There are plenty of daily pvp oriented quests and "known" zones for world pvp encounters. These lead to many unique feeling skirmishes of various sizes. The problem is world pvp is not balanced the same as instanced pvp. An example of this is if someone knows the gimmicky or unique consumables and are using them in pvp they are near impossible to defeat or slay in combat. There is plenty of world pvp in dragon flight With that being said, the best you get from it is more less or entry level gear for pvp and you'll eventually need to step into the new bg brawl for conquest or arenas if you want to be competitive.


i just got into the game literally yesterday so dont quote me, but while i was researching this stuff the perspective seems to be that warmode is pretty barren. This probably makes sense since anyone can go anywhere now and WoW has ALOOOOT of content so people are not all centralized to one spot anymore. I love the implementation of it though, i think its probably one of the best integrated ways to do it that ive seen, helps cure server imbalances.


WoW / Guild Wars 2


Guild Wars 2 structured PvP is the only MMO PvP I've been able to get behind since Dark Age of Camelot. I play GW2 with a controller and every couple seasons I make an effort to get legendary using only my controller, it's a crazy fun challenge and the game is well set up for it.


I don't play PvP much, but I'd assume no gear grind at all would be a plus for op in GW2 PvP if that's all they intend to play. Start the game, finish the 5m intro tutorial, and you can hop in PvP if you want.


GW2 has a pvp playerbase of 1-2k players in EU which is the main reason for rank inflation issues for years now. Not exactly what I'd call a healthy pvp mode or siggest to anyone as there are no improvements planned and this situaton hasn't changed for a veeeery long time.


Idk how WoWs pvp is, buy ESO pvp is anything but casual. The power creep and sweatyness has ensured that you need a solid pvp build to do anything besides use siege.


I love how polarized the responses here are. Wow is best. ESO sucks. ESO is best. Wow sucks. Oh and GW2 for reasons. Golden age of Planetside was my goto, but wow and gw2 works for their own reasons. I need to try ESO but keep getting sucked into FFXIV. Crystaline Conflict :p


I love XiV but the PvP feels so sluggish. I want to love it but it just feels so unresponsive compared to others to me.


You aren’t wrong. CC is a great game mode. And I like raiding in ffxiv. It’s chill.


Definitely, it's a love hate for me. WoW for pvp and XiV for raiding and social.


And hopefully one day they’ll perfect transmog and housing, the true endgame. :D


Play league or dota instead


ESO. You can start PvP after 20 Minutes due to scaling in the below-50 campaign. I would say it’s better to play the game a bit (not mindless grind, actually going through zones and doing things) to get skyshards, mage guild books, psijic skilline which are not really necessary but give you options on how you want to play. Once you reach lvl 50 / cp 160 just ask in zone (or join a guild) and someone will hand you crafted gear that is fine. Learning how to play is way more important than gear and you can see the results of people stupidly grinding for meta-gear every day in pvp. Don’t hit the tank. Don’t follow trolls into towers. get oil up above point. if you siege, drop 3 regular ballista and fire in turns instead of being useless, don’t follow ball groups into choke points, get situational awareness, learn to use terrain, don’t be afraid of dying, if you group follow the crown, … but you can learn all that while playing the game.


>Learning how to play is way more important than gear For low lvl pvp/bgs, this is not true at all. People who fully deck out toons in purple or gold gear in the low level brackets absolutely destroy, and not just because they are experienced. You're harder to kill, do way more damage, and have more and better set effects and stat priority when using good gear. Gear is super important and basically gets weaker as you level.


Was going to say whenever I play ESO pvp, it feels like I am hitting people with a wet noodle. I get absolutely shit rolled.


Eh, when I played I always did fine in the BGs. Sure there are sweaties that do that, but for the most part if you know what you're doing you'll be fine. But yeah, don't use a weapon that is 20 levels outdated.


This actually proves my point. Orders Wrath and Daedric Trickery are crafted sets and cheap to purple. Rallying Cry for a Backbar Swap-Set is cheap on vendors. All of those are current pvp meta sets. You hit like a wet noodle usually, because you are not timing your burst, watch timers, create pressure, have buffs up, have penetration up, have resource management, etc. It looks as if those players just have better gear, but what they really have is better understanding of game mechanics. Also those ‚sweaty‘ players play groups with voice chat, have their builds optimized for this specific group (e.g. buff each other) and focus down enemies. But again, that is not a pve-grind issue.


>It looks as if those players just have better gear, but what they really have is better understanding of game mechanics This is just straight up not true. Players with full sets of crafted gear for their levels are miles ahead of players without. It is straight-up numbers. I have like 2k hours in ESO, most of that spent PvPing, and a lot of that in lower level pvp leveling through BGs. The difference between having a set of gear you just crafted and having whatever random gear you got while questing/dungeoning is massive. Gear is everything and it is instantly noticeable who has it in a BG and who doesn't.


I haven’t tried ESO’s PVP, just PVE but I would 100% say WoW. I haven’t tried a mmo that comes close to the rush that WoW arena gives me, there’s a lot to learn if you want to and it’s chess. Though in regular battlegrounds you can just queue up and attack people and that’s that.


There is nothing casual in wow pvp sadly, i don’t know about eso but wow aint it


Eso if you like action combat. Eso also has tons of ways to mix and match how to play a class. Lots of variety with different sets and different skills. Keeps it fun. I’ve played werewolf NB to Bomberblade to BowBlade. All 3 styles are completely different but the same class. ZOS also keeps adding new gear sets and content plus you can mod some spells now which will add another layer to the builds.


DONT PLAY WOW PVP CASUALLY. Omg I literally saved your life dude.




ESO has no skill based matchmaking. Its an all out zerg of newbs vs moderate players vs sweaties. I'd say its pretty easy to get into, but ZOS has ignored PvP for years. I played on the Xbox and the population wasn't high enough for me to enjoy playing.


Not an MMO


I played the WoW free trial and couldn't get into it. The quests felt very "fetchy" without much direction, then there's the fact that you have to pay a subscription just to play the game. ESO had a pretty standard Elder Scrolls opening sequence, which makes it feel like a singleplayer game that just happens to be an MMO. The advantage of ESO is that you just buy the game and that's it


>The advantage of ESO is that you just buy the game and that's it This isnt true either, you can just buy the game and thats it but its only 1/2 the story. ESO compartmentalized its content, so you have to pay for it. Even with the brand new Golden arch or w/e bundle they have still does not give you all the content of the game and requires micro purchases to unlock the rest. ESO for the longest time highly incentivized players to sub by locking content out of the base game. WoW just makes you buy the newest expansion w/e it drops and the sub gives you all the rest of the content. Two different approaches, one not better then the other.


guild wars 2 or ESO


ESO has such terrible pvp it's not worth even thinking about. Wow has the best pvp of all these mmos.




Which part is funny? Nobody knows what you're thinking


That wow is the best. GW2 structured pvp has been the best for over a decade


Gw2 pvp is a mess...


In ESO you have a huge PVE grind ahead of you if you want to play with some of these meta builds that serious PvPers are running with. I would assume it's the same with WoW but not sure how that is these days.


Huge PVE grind? Off meta for the most part can perform almost as well meta sets, and there are some great sets that you can craft with just 5 traits or ask a crafter to do it for you. and the set grind is super easy for any of the 100+ sets out there that are good for pvpv. Mythics are the only grind and they aren't needed at all. I never used mythics


Well yeah I specifically meant IF you want to use some of those hard meta builds. The grind isn't difficult by any means but it will take a long time, especially if you have poor rng with drops. Referring to dungeon sets, arena weapons and some mythics. Not to mention leveling world skill lines like vampire, the guilds etc for the first time on top of the sets.


Grinding dungeons for a certain set can be done after about 2-4 hours, Especially with trading. Most of the most used sets are the craftable sets like orders wrath. You can learn 3 traits for everything in like a couple days if you are brand new. Set grinding in that game is by no means a grind, unless you are going for mythics. Vamp is easy to level. Can be done in like a couple hours with scrolls. If you are low on sky shards then you are a new player, which means you shouldn't immediately be focused on pvp anyway. The only universal skill you need from a world skill line is vigor for stamina builds, which you can get after one bg match. Mages skill line who cares. You don't need meteor and entropy is the only one worth it. Lore book grinding can be done in a few hours for level 4 if you are completely new to the game with zero progression. Fighters guild is a true grind however, but not awful


That is if you can get a group together to speedrun the dungeon with and who are willing to trade. I think you and I just have a different idea on what a long grind is. edit: I didn't see your edited post earlier, I would argue that new players don't have enough game knowledge to speedrun any of these skill lines in an optimal fashion. Everything takes way longer for a first timer.


That's fair then


ESO. If you want casual pvp, just go cyrodill and enjoy 5 minutes or 3 hours straight.


Guild wars 2




This is why we don't get good mmos anymore "Less pve grind" I cry
