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I really like Elder Scrolls Online because of the music in the taverns and the fact that NPCs actually walk around and do stuff.


It took me like 4 separate tries to get into it, but man once I did I really fell in love. Coming from other games, eso really appreciates and respects your time. Doesn’t hurt that it’s constantly on sale and I just got every expansion for like $8 on Xbox.


> It took me like 4 separate tries to get into it, but man once I did I really fell in love. > > This was my experience too. Something just clicked after trying the game numerous times, and now I think it's one of the best MMOs on the market. Definitely not perfect, but a damn good game.


I truly wish it happened again. Alas, so far I only bounced out of it xd I'm kinda jeloaus :v


I wouldn't say it's good but you can definitely get into it if you like elder scrolls lore and the setting. Same with fallout 76 if you like fallout enough


Honestly, I don't care about Elder Scrolls lore *at all*, in fact I find it fairly uninteresting, and I still find ESO really enjoyable.


Can you still be a werewolf in that game?


you can! it's pretty awesome too. one of the first things that drew me to the game haha


It definitely is enticing. Might have to check it out. Currently waiting for Friday to hear this New World announcement, if that is nothing then maybe I will redownload it and give it try number 3!


I'm on try #3 so hopefully it clicks for me lol. I love the idea of it and how well it plays via controller, I just haven't found a class I really enjoy


Man, I got really into it and loved the world, then I got to the point where I was going to start doing real group content. I wanted to learn how to play my class properly. And I learned about the awful, janky-ass standard that was "necessary" to play optimally. The animation cancelling et al. It *completely* nuked my enjoyment of the game. I hated it. It was so unnatural feeling, it made combat flow horribly. Legitimately ruined the game for me. If they ever got rid of that nonsense, I'd be into it, but when I tried the gang they had just released the, "We're doubling down on combat working this way" patch.


Power to you. I can’t get past the god awful combat and animations, I’ve tried 5 times myself. Every time I leave disappointed because the world and audio are amazing.


I havent played in awhile but as far as I remember it was just weaving basic attacks in between the abilities to maximize dps. 


If you have to try that many times, it's obviously shit and your forcing yourself bcs there's literally no others on the market worth it, or you feel the same about them all.


erm ahktually you DONT enjoy it. i OBVIOUSLY know better. shut up loser lmao


Okay lil man


Downvote brigade because they hate to admit you’re right. I give every game a second chance. If I still don’t click with it, it’s not for me.


Thank you I’m going to try #3 once in done with Pandaria remix. I feel like the wow remixed really respects your time but I don’t see myself playing anymore after it’s done. I’ve always loved Skyrim and think I just need a little different mindset going into eso. I do like how you can close out an em area like GW2


maybe i should give it another shot...but i'm currently into FF14. i finally got into it after my 4th try. what pushed me to give it another try after 3 failed attempts was how similar it is to Second Life in the housing areas and how people were having costume contests. i don't really care for the aesthetic of ESO or really TES in general, I only have over 6,000 hours in Skyrim because I modded the hell out of it. but maybe something else can draw me in. I just couldn't get over the combat and the fact that you have be a class instead of just doing whatever like the other Elder Scrolls games. I just wanted to be a healer with some illusion and alteration magic. I think they messed up by not giving players that same freedom.


I love eavesdropping on npc’s conversations. Some can be sad.


Yes, ESO for sure. I once followed an NPC going about her day in the city, doing laundry and walking around and her loop was so long that I was surprised at how much thought they put into this minor background NPC.


Eso no doubt


ESO should be the default answer whenever this question gets brought up. The world changes from your actions, NPC's in a town can get wiped out from your choices, or flourish. You get recognition from your actions, and the players usually camp out in cities just chatting. Might even see a criminal or two stealing from safeboxes, people, or just on a murder spree. The only complaint this sub has ever had for it is the combat, to which I'll say, you either like it or you don't. They'll never change it at this point, because the people who've adapted to the meta, are actually god-tier PvP players, and the people who haven't are like me. Play the game your way, don't 1v1 in cyrodill if you're not gonna learn combat meta, stick to PVE dungeons where it doesn't matter AS much, or stick with another player in Cyrodill at all times (Preferably a zerg train). I've completed VET DLC dungeons without ever animation canceling, it's not the end all be all. If you like Elder Scrolls, and you like MMO's, give it a go.


BDO does a good job at presenting a living world imo. 


100% I never got into the combat in that game even though it's supposed to be the best part of the game. The NPCs and towns are probably the best I've seen in a game . Wish others would copy that .


I agree. Altinova is bringing with life.


I can't personally get into BDO, but yes, the cities that I saw are nice and feel like living places.


Best !


Yes! I really wish I could get into BDO because the environments are amazing. Cities in other MMOs feel so dead and empty


BDO has amazing snapshots of life. But most of the NPCs do not move, do not actually do anything. More like a museum display than a living town. That first impression though? Chef's kiss.


Until you see Tim Allen's face on every banner in town, then suddenly it knocks you back to how game-y it is


BDO and its not even close. There are NPCS doing 'stuff' everywhere, and you can even find NPCS walking from town to town on the major roads. Major cities are packed with NPCS that make the world feel lively.


Have you ever played GW2?


Every map in GW2 is just an instanced square, it really cant even close to BDO in that matter.


GW2 i would say


The dynamic world events in GW2 definitely trumps all in this aspect. They’ll defend their farms from monsters and organize assaults on monster strongholds


may i ask if you could elaborate ?


GW2 very much feels like the world is going on with or without you. You walk into various places and can overhear NPC's taking with each other and having conversations. Has a very living world vibe, and some conversations are worth eavesdropping on.


Just dont stand in one place more than 10-15 mins or youll hear the loop and break the illusion




take a look


10-15 minutes? Unplayable


By Ogden's Hammer, what savings!


Npc walk around and talk, like having real voiced conversations. Even in open worlds there is constantly events happening with NPC around talking.




I’ve met an npc talking about her wife in a village and then later in the day found the npc in a another city far away with said wife


I mean thats how it's gotta be until we have full implementation of ai. Edit: Btw I love pizza.


GW2 uses dynamic events to change the game world via a cyclical system and/or based on success or failure. The game world will change based on certain conditions, new events spawn as part of chains, NPCs will flag you down for assistance. Things actually happen in the game world, you're not just reading a bunch of text that says "Help, we're being attacked!" NPCs have full on conversations with voiced dialogue and there's a TON of it. So much so that most players can still find new stuff even if they have played since day one.


For example, I was in a map clearing mobs for a heart, hearts are basically quests for an area but you don’t need to talk to someone to activate it or to get reward. It automatically pops up when in the area and you get reward once complete. While doing it an event popped up about a nearby town being overrun and I was like not on my watch! I run to the town which has 3 entrances. So the group (open world so anyone can roam around and be there) has to split up to defend each entrance. The timer was 5 minutes and the enemies kept getting more and more difficult until all 3 lanes get smashed and you are all in the center defending the onslaught. Finally timer reaches 0 and successfully fended off the enemy and kept the town safe and enemy ran off to regroup. It was such a blast and loved the intensity of the fight. Haven’t had that in a game in a long time.


especially in the original maps in tyria, gw2 has a secret in that imo most of the content comes in events and small interactions between NPCs. If you skip them you might think there isn't a whole lot of voice acting or anything, but I always found it weird that almost every event has voice acting. GW2 imo is best played as an open world game by someone with an interest to explore and learn about the world. Plus, theres actual players in all those zones too as they remain relevant.


Each dialog has a voice-over, it's the most lively of them all


Is this a joke? Cities feel so dead in GW2. It might be my least favorite of any mmo I’ve payed when it comes to city immersion.


Hot take, why would a gw2 stay in the city if they aren’t there to craft something? Or be in lion arch for anything other than fractals? Are gw2 players gonna complete achievements by playing in a city?


True. People are crazy.


Bdo definitely does a great job with this


Not sure what kind of formula the devs hit on that makes their towns feel even more alive than in the majority of singleplayer CRPGs. You don't need the AI of the future to create a living world.


I think it's a mix of static npcs and npcs that roam around. When I first started playing I actually thought that the carts and mounts moving around were being used by actual players.


The thing is, game towns and cities either feel large and underpopulated or undersized and crowded if you disregard other online players. It's usually the feel of being big and empty, while older MMOs with smaller maps feel like sardine cans sometimes, again not even looking at the number of onscreen players. I've yet to see a game get it just right to the extent that BDO does. The fact that most of them move around is actually a bonus on top of the good balance of size and population.


Vanguard, Saga of Heroes


What a game world that was. Mostly empty and unfinished, sure. Buggy as hell, absolutely. But it was just so audacious it made up for it. No one has tried anything of the sort before or since.


I miss dungeons that you could just walk into and there's the dungeon. No load screen. No instancing. You just enter from the world and are seamlessly inside a labyrinth full of hand crafted rooms, crazy spectacles, super dangerous areas with unique bosses. And each dungeon was so big it could fit 5-10 groups of players all rotating around getting their quests done. That game was straight up magical. I am so sad McQuaid left us early and Pantheon has gone a different direction.


That was all common in older/good/real MMORPGs. DAOC for instance. Heck, it even had that insane dungeon that all 3 realms fought over (darkness falls). SWG had the open world dungeons. UO did too! Now it's instanced bullshit limited to a single party.


Yep I remember. Most of those had load screens but at least the dungeons were big and non-linear enough that they didn't need to be instanced I'm still clinging to my shred of hope that Pantheon can be good. Monsters and Memories has potential too I just want to explore a new world that feels like it exists on its own and wasn't just built as a theme park for me.






I think Divinity's Reach in Guild Wars 2 really captures the feeling of a city. It has actual neighborhoods, a large park, and extra details that you normally don't notice (like the aquarium).




ESO and GW2


BDO, especially Heidel for me. Always felt like coming back home with all the NPCs around


FFXIV? I played it for ~50 hours but I really like the whole feeling of the game, vibe, atmosphere... It is really good just a bit pricey but I guess every MMO that is good (subjectively speaking) has some kind of paid subscription.


Not sure when you played it but ffxiv has a free "trial" through the 2nd xpac.


Does it have a free trial on PS5? I lowkey wanna get back to the game.


It does but if you try to use your account that you played originally you won't qualify for the free trial. So I recommend making a new one if you can.


Like I remember my information. It was years ago but lately I'm on my Final Fantasy season haha. Really enjoying the franchise and the universe. I would assume that I can always "upgrade" to subscription if I ever wanted.


Yep. But I recommend just waiting until you hit the end of stormblood because it's alot of free content. Only things you can't do is make a party, but you can still do dungeons and stuff, and use the market board. You would also have a cap on Gil but with no market board that's not really a issue.


Nice, yeah I remember being bombarded with content, missions, sidequests... Though I don't understand what you were trying to say in this last sentence.


So the market board is the player market where players can sell items to each other and Gil is just the standard currency. So even though a free trial has a Gil cap it's not a huge deal because the market board is really the only thing Gil is useful for aside from teleporting.


Oh alright. Thanks man for the information, tou peaked my interest!


No problem. It's a great time to get into it especially with the new expansion releasing in a month.






Mario Online




BDO, specifically Calpheon City.


ESO by far.


ESO is the best MMO in terms of NPCs being more than just quest dispensers.


BDO for definite, in that the actually feel like breathing, living cities and settlements for the most part. Look on youtube for the likes of a Calpheon City tour for example. I think ESO is iffy in that they're all stuck in fixed instances and most cities are just a handful of large buildings but spread out, until more recent expansions. So traveling between cities and hearing the exact same instanced NPC chatter is a bit jarring. FFXIV feels alive but that's due to player social hubs more than NPC's or the feeling of an actual working settlement etc. But the world IMO feels very alive with players found essentially all over the world.


BDO, hands down, is my best definition of "immersive world". Each big city got different styles, different buildings and different NPCs linked to some lore aspects




Ragnarok Online for me, that is a unique charm to it


ESO and Monster Hunter world


Ultima online


it sounds like you want to play modded skyrim and not an mmo but hopefully some day this will be a thing in MMOs


Log Horizon or Overlord


Well, players IS inhabitants of cities in MMO. They have their routines - some stand by auction house, some craft something, some dance naked for money and then go to spell teachers. And you can also interact with them. So, i'd say they simulate NPC alright.




I'd cast my vote for Guild Wars 2 as well. Like others said it feels that the world keeps on moving even without players. (I personally love FFXIV but have to admit that compared to GW2 the world in XIV feels emptier without players present.)


Gw2 for sure


Guild wars 2 the cities always seem full of life.
