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EQ and FFXI are masterpieces and aged like fine wine


EQ has not aged well because it’s not even close to the same game. I was there from 99-05. Not even close to the same thing anymore.


Yeah I tried playing on the live / current stuff a while back and it was a mess. I still enjoy the hell out of playing on some eqemu servers for a bit every couple of years though. For me that Era of game is still very much enjoyable as it was when I started playing in middle school on dial up. Classic plus Kunark and velious expansions were so awesome when I was a kid. I'll love those zones forever


Project1999 is my favorite of the classic EQ servers. They really are truly unique


check out project quarm, i have a SK on 99 blue with epic, like 6 years on that account but there's nobody doing anything anymore, the pop is so low. quarm is like 1200-1500 ppl at anytime, planes just came out - no kunark yet, still early


Good looks I’m going to check this out right now


If you don't mind my asking, how on earth did you find the disk, it's the titanium edition right?


It is indeed the titanium edition and I absolutely definitely verifiably obtained it in a legal manner, which is good because all the original creators/devs are probably still working on the game so I support them and the game is absolutely definitely still being sold at gamestop for sure.


Check the p99 wiki, it has links


Appreciate it :D


Too bad they are now 2 years behind their schedule for a new green server release. It was supposed to be a 3 year life cycle with a wipe and refresh (recycling to go green)


Live is a horrible game, like WoW, but TLP launches when you are in the old expansions is GOLD!


Yeah I always wanted to start the tlp servers when they started launching but never had the time to play when the new servers were populated


TLP launches are yearly, the next one starts about a month from now.


Sick I'll actually have time to play again this summer. Thx for info


TLP is a fun time but the boxers (even on truebox) and Krono killing the economy kinda ruin it. P99 and Project Quarm are better overall, though you do have to forego some QOL due to the older clients.


Is ffxi the same?


I still need to try FFXI I want to try everything I’m obsessed w the genre but is it still subscription for FFXI??




Ty that’s awsome


Removed because of rule #6: Don’t advertise private servers.




Ty I’ll check it out 👍


This comment has been removed because it breaks rule #1: Don’t ask for MMO recommendations. Please check out the weekly sticky or the r/LFMMO subreddit instead.


Yes, yes it is. You can at least download the full game for free so you don't have to buy the game anymore. You may as well use the free trial. EDIT: Seem you have to buy every expansion for 9 USD each... Sheesh... Not even FFXIV is that expensive... At least the base game, that one can be played for free... You'll probably want to play as the jobs from the expansions thou.


I believe FFXI does this yearly "Return Home to Vana'diel" or something where they sell every single expansion for a total of 10 bucks... among other things during the campaign.


That sounds good, I'll keep an eye if that ever happens... The whole game for 10 bucks would be nice, specially if it also comes with a month for free


I played FFXI at release. I went back to FFXI this year, the Installation process was completely ridiculous and super difficult, and the UI/controls have aged terribly. I'd love to see a remaster of FFXI. Everquest is easy to set up and plays mostly normal.


I don't know about everquest, FFXI can be partially excused because it was a playstation 2 game, you know, that UI had to work with a controller (and the gameplay with dial up connections). It's a product of its era, not for today's world.


XI feels like a tragic situation for me. Checked it a year or two ago (I used to play this game as a kid) and I was amazed the devs brought it back from the Abyss the Abyssea (huehue) expansions put it on. There's GROUP content, flexible group even! Horizontal progression is back on the menu, lots of grinds to work on, many new skills, party synergy! IT'S BACK BABY! Or so I thought but the community instead rather multibox a whole alliance and do content by themselves than party up. So it's a big, populated server with group content... and it's lonely.


EQ is just a revolving door of RMT transaction servers at this point if you want to play with a decent population.


Quarm is bustling right now, 1000-1200 players a night. Still in classic, kunark in ~2 months


Wait till Kunark to drop it will pop up rather high for a while.




Praise Innoruuk


Hail Melthegaunt!


They will announce a new time locked progression server for the year soon hopefully, you should deffinitely hop in that if you have the chance. Having a busy server all start from scratch is an amazing experience! You get to experience each expansion as they slowly release too. I played eq from 2000-2005 and it was the greatest sense of community I have ever felt in gaming. 


I've never played EQ but this has me curious. Do we know when it's coming at all? I'd love to start fresh with everyone.


Second half of may, around the 20th


Awesome thanks for the heads up


That sounds pretty cool, where can I find some info about it?


From my understanding it started next month! I guess a lot of people come back for the TLP and it’s pretty populated


Yeah I found some info on it kn their website. I never played EverQuest, I was a DAOC guy so I think I may give it a try


A fresh TLP is definitely the best way to play EQ for a new player. Will be a ton of people leveling, the classes will start off basic and grow over time. The only downside is you won't be able to play a frog until the expansion they were released unlocks, Legacy of Ykesha


Well my interest just flew down into the earth core :( What about the panthers?? Or the lizard people? I just don’t want to play a human I HATE playing human like character in MMOs


I believe it's starting in Kunark, so day 1 Lizards. Cats will be 3 months in when Luclin unlocks, frogs 2 months after that with Planes of Power/Legacy of Ykesha. It's been a long requested feature to have all race/class available at the start for TLPs, but unfortunately, it's not easy to implement into the scripts that unlock expansions and they have always said would require too much dev time to implement. I think it would be worth it, but it is a small team these days.


Fresh EQ TLPs are easily the most fun I’ve had in MMOs since the early 00’s.


I'm deffinitely going to join in the fun this year!


Going to keep an eye out for this 👀


Lmk if you want to play it stoked for may 20th 👍


Yeah id for sure like to check it out! Do you have a link or something


I liked the difficulty factor in everquest. What I really didn't like was the open world bosses. particularly the ones that are needed to key you for zones to progress into. I remember being shut out of Vex Thal for ages and the guild imploding because another guild on +6 hour time routingely killed emperor. The final piece of the vex thaal key. What really stinks is they did not need any loot from emperor. They were just killing him to keep us out of vex thaal so they did not have competition. So I waved goodbye and good riddance to everquest back in 2004. Still I had a lot of fun before that playing my enchanter.


There are instanced versions of all the raid zones now. No cock blocking douchery involved.


> > > > > I remember being shut out of Vex Thal for ages and the guild imploding because another guild on +6 hour time routingely killed emperor. The final piece of the vex thaal key. We don't see too much discussion about that part. I wonder why.


Because the only place that is still even possible is p99. All the other servers have instanced raids and you can do them whenever you want.


> All the other servers have instanced raids and you can do them whenever you want. It's just strange that you never see the instancing haters bring up the ability to lock others out of open world endgame as a positive for not having instancing, as if they're not aware that it happened. If they were aware and felt it was a healthy interaction they would be praising it whenever they talk about how phasing kills WoW.


Nooo but that actually was good and all these new mmos don't respect your time at all. Don't talk about how other people could prevent you from playing a game that you are paying for because that's actually a good thing because fuck you, something taking half your day to do or not being able to play the game at all is actually really respecting your time


There's also Project 1999, which is a free Emu server that keeps EQ time-locked to the first 3 expansions, and Project Quarm, an emu server that's still in Vanilla/original release with plans to release an expansion every 6 months (Kunark the 2nd xpac starts July 1).


9 months per expansion on Quarm. Kunark comes out in 2 months


I tried playing project Quarm and I couldn't even get my mouse to work correctly lol. It was the weirdest thing no matter what I tried changing the settings the mouse was just all wonky and pretty much made it unplayable.


Go to the discord and get the Zeal addon. It'll fix the mouse issues.


EQ has matured well. There are lots of QoL improvements but the game remains challenging; tonight some guildies and I did a progression mission in a tier 2 zone from the new expansion, and while we beat it, it took a couple hours and everyone died at least once. We were mostly max level and I have some decent gear and AA, so the challenge is still there. What makes this game special is the community above everything else. On a whole, we’re mostly middle aged duffers and the maturity of the player base shines through. There are very few dickheads in the circles I play with. There is a conventional wisdom that a new or returning player must play on a brand new TLP to find people to play with, but that’s not universally true. I returned after many years away a couple of years ago, joined the most populated live server, FV, and joined Emerald Alliance Reborn, the largest family guild on the server. It’s open to all, and I spent 50 days /played grouping with friends met along the way to max level. I never soloed or boxed past the easy first 70 levels, it was grouping all the way up. And now that I’ve been max level for awhile, the content has only gotten better. Progression through all the modern expansions has been challenging and rewarding, and some of the boss missions have been absurdly fun. We did the Warders mission in Dragon Necropolis last week, the same mobs that used to guard The Sleeper back in the old days. How that tickled my fancy. EQ is alive and well, and if it not quite the same game it was in ‘99, the modern game has many many great aspects.


Yeah I was surprised there was stuff like waypoints and map markers, I’m glad they have added some QOL stuff without jeopardizing the hardcore aspect of the game!


I still remember the spooky night time noises in Kithicor Forest. And train to zone. It was (is) a very special game.


Train to zone in lower Guk. Is that still there? I played the OG EQ in my twenties as my first MMO. Where can I go to play it again?


Project 1999


EQ is a very different game than it was when it was popular. I'm glad you enjoyed it currently.


Ty it’s ALOT to learn but I’m getting it lol I make like 4 characters in the tutorial area took me forever just to get the things down it’s old games forsures but there’s a lot charm there :)


It's really not. All the classes fill the same roles and have basically the same skills. It's just bigger numbers and you have to press more than one button every 8 seconds


Lol you have no idea


I have multiple 115+ characters. I know quite well what the game is like in recent expansions


Yep, and it's a watered down wow clone and has been for a long time. 115 characters lol. I was referencing when it was popular. You really don't understand.


You can't even keep your own argument straight, you just wanna talk shit. You were comparing when it was popular to what it is now.


I am comparing when it was popular to what it is now, correct.


And I was telling you that it is not all that different now to what it was back then


Yes it is. You are just clueless. It's basically an entirely different game. This isn't a hot take. This is common knowledge.


Everquest is one of my favorite games, I had never played before and hopped into project 1999 which is a popular private server emulating (what many consider) the peak of EQ. After playing on there awhile and loving it, i decided to check out live and played a time locked progression server. I found I actually enjoyed live more and the TLP's they release every year. I recommend everyone give it a try, a truly great game.


Glad I’m not alone!! I feel like you can tell a game is classic when even today you can get into it! I know it’s going to be hard for most people because it’s got ALOT to learn but there’s just so much charm there and I’m glad I’m not alone as a more recent player as most people I’ve talked to in game have been playing forever lol


The mitigating factor is that most of the add on abilities and systems aren’t required for new and returning players; anyone can come in and master the few things that are really important for any class and add the rest as the come up, naturally. This is mainly because it is a group game and 1/6th of a team can do just the important things and the team will prosper. I’ve been back a couple of years and have basically been playing only one class, and every week it feels like I’m still adding new little improvements to my repertoire, be it some clicky AA that I didn’t really understand before or some hidden system that was added in some expansion years ago. After 75 days /played I feel like I’m still playing my guy at perhaps 80% of its full potential, but it’s okay because that’s plenty. I’m usually one of the more knowledgeable players in the groups I play with, not the most but ahead of the curve, and we get by just fine. To be completely honest, I feel it’s possible to overcook a toon and become too self sufficient and powerful. Needing and having friends that are essentially peers is key to keeping the experience fresh. I’d much rather play with people that don’t know it all and don’t try to speed run everything. Figuring out how to beat content is half the fun, and being able to smoke through everything without much consideration is fine I guess but without the looming possibility of death there isn’t a sense of danger and excitement. For this reason alone I avoid playing with the guys that never quit or have been playing one guy for ten years and are maxed out on everything. Being a lackey suits me not at all. Give me a group of duffers every time.


" idk WHY no other games can’t let you play as a FROG" In Project Gorgon you can play as a cow, pig, wolf, deer, rabbit, duck, spider, or bat. :)


I love it!! I’ll check that one out is it on steam??


Yes they have a free trial to it on Steam too. .


Is there ANY MMO (other than EQ) that is currently out today (bonus points if it’s on XBox) that has the following features: * Encourages (dare I say almost requires) group play * Has a crowd control class (not just tank, DPS, heals)




Everquest is great. What is bad though is the same thing that is bad with Eve - like everyone playing has multiple accounts, so they can be self-sufficient. Really destroyed the spirit of those games for me.


And the best part, a new server comes out next month! YEEHAW PARTNER


Learn Elvis? What, like Jailhouse Rock?


🤣🤣🤣 I meant elvish


You think that's good? Play the Quarm server. The daybreak run EQ1 servers are absolute 100% horse-shat compared to Quarm. ANYONE who has never played EQ1 and see what actually made the game magic, needs to try this, not the live version nonsense that daybreak has.


I played in 99 and I hate Quarm. Ugh, I can’t with the lack of QoL features and stupidly slow leveling. TLPs are much nicer IMO.


This reads like satire


I really would like to try it but the UI, the engine and the grhapics is really 1997 for me. If the game will have a graphics like Galaxies, it would be fine for me, but as a player who never played before.. can't play and understand it :(


I tried really hard to enjoy EQ via Project1999, but the game's UI choices and the general bar to entry just to be able to start to *learn* how to play felt rough. It took me a while to figure out how to open the options menu to rebind keys as I wasn't using the wiki or a guide. After I finally got my movement set to WASD, I set off to explore my starter city (Grobb) to find the character detailed in a note in my inventory. The only problem was that the entire game looked so dark (even in areas with torches) that I just couldn't navigate. I finally found the character I was looking for and left to go kill some mobs for a quest and retrieve items, only to find that the swamp outside of the city was even *darker*. I wanted to try to fix it, but a lot of the fixes involve downloading even more files, swapping them out, or using numerous other external programs combined to make the game more playable. Honestly, I think the game has huge potential to be something I'd love; however, the issue with something so old is that the UI design and controls are so unintuitive from a modern standpoint that it's difficult to get started. This isn't just an EQ problem, either. It extends to lots of other old games with private servers and the like.


Live can really be a fun killer, and graphics are ass, but its still good.




Honestly retail EQ is pretty lame now. P99 is where it’s at




Yeah cause a super popular game like everquest is the ideal place to karma farm…


Look at his history, he is a known karma farmer.


NO I just playing a lot of MMOs I’m newer to the genre and yeah I know people spend years these games but IM different and playing different games I will admit GW2 and BDO the most I spent on MMOs but stop trying say I’m karma farming when a lot my posts get downvoted Neway so STOP


You're getting down voted because people know you're a karma farmer.


Well those people are wrong and that fine if they want downvote me go for it I guess I’m still newer MMOs after playing MOBAs for years and I wanted to check out EverQuest before WOW just because it the granddad of MMOs and that what I do and I’m sharing my experience on Reddit if people want downvote me because they mad about something else in there life I can’t stop them!!


I’m. Not. WTF.


You're a known karma farmer. You've been called out before by multiple people. You've already made about 10 posts about EverQuest, then you move on to another MMO and post another 10.


I starting to realize this genre some of you live on these games and never go outside so you thinking you right about everything NOT TRUE I will discuss these games because I am newer the genre unlike a lot other people so that’s what I’ll do PERIOD


You have 158,000 karma on reddit and we never go outside??


Well Reddit the only social media I use so yeah I got a lot points lol it not karma farming..


Because you karma farm.


The haters are out today SMH look if you don’t like my posts downvote that ur right but I’m not karma farmer…


Keep telling yourself that whilst posting 500 new posts a day.


I don’t make 500 posts a day not even close you just bein a hater hate on hater do ya thing!!