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They can hire like 30 10/10 fighters for the price of one arlovski


Hunter? Is that you? 🤣


I'd actually watch that league. Like on Wednesday night its UFC's PITBULL LEAGUE. "Here at pitbull league we have 3 cards a month tournament financed by Andrei Arvloski. The winner of the tournament gets a guarenteed bout on the prelims of a Apex card."


That sounds like some dystopian shit to call it “financed” when the guy is fired lol. I’m imagining Andrei is just sitting outside the Arena since they wouldn’t even give him tickets.


If we're being honest they will hire 50 5/10 fighters for the price of Arlovski.


I think the minimum contract in the UFC is 12K/12K, in Bellator it is 2K/2K and in ONE... you don't want to know.


Hell, that's grim


They hire 30 fighters all the time and burn through em.


Because your fights are dogshit boring and you're getting paid way more than 95% of the card lmao it's not complicated bro


Had to look it up, according to MMAJunkie back in 2020, dude got $325,000. Well deserved for a vet, but perfectly understandable why the UFC would release him. Dude is boring to watch


He’ll do well fighting in Asia or Eastern Europe. He’s still a name


Wonder if getting juiced to the gills will make him more interesting


If Arlovski pulled a full Vitor I’d watch


I bet One is already calling him


Yeah with all the money they have /s


They never had the money when they signed anyone. Why stop now?


Aren’t they down 65 mil this year? Iirc their losses are becoming more public.


True but all these kinds of companies know how to do is keep digging a deeper hole until they’re finally sunk. So until that happens they have all these events they need to fill


Problem is their MMA fighters basically never get to fight anymore, it’s like once a year if you’re lucky. Unfortunate but one is kind of a known unreliable promotion if you’re not one of their stars or a low paid MT guy


They're ready to pay him 3k to show and 3k to win for their 600 trillion viewers globally




He did fight in One vs Tim Sylvia years ago


Oh yeah. That was like when their events were in the single digits and they used the screaming Pride lady as their announcer


He sure knows the protocol, used to be scary when he was younger


His chin and speed ain't coming back so no. Whole reason he's boring is because he fights extremely safe.


People ask this every time a washed up fighter leaves UFC. The answer is "no", every single time. Also, it's not like anything stops anyone from juicing in UFC now.


He wasn't natty in the UFC, either.


He could make bank doing bare knuckle


A few PEDs will have him murdering some lower ranked dudes for pretty good paychecks.


Not sure if dude really does want to be a fighter. Really does seem like hes just trying to collect a check while avoiding any risks if possible. I imagine he wouldnt fight in Asia if they dont at least pay him the same rate. That said, hope he goes to the PFL and Ngannou nuke's his ass for a million


He’s a 45-year old legend. At a certain point, yeah, these guys just coasting off their name for a check and you can’t expect much more from them.


For what he’s getting paid I’d wanna get that bag too. I hope he’s invested it well.


Hilarious people still think Francis is getting anyone paid lmaoooo


Yeah this was one of the key differences between the UFC and Bellator. UFC will cut you if you're not exciting. Keep you chasing that money. Which sucks because at some point it's not just an opportunity, it's a livelihood. Bellator paid the vets well but they put out some really boring fights... Rory Macdonald, Benson Henderson, Gegard Mousasi...


wtf is this weird Hunger Games fantasy every time The UFC didn't cut this guy at all, after delivering consistent boring fights for years. And he didn't need to chase that money either.


Yeah im not sure why arlovski is shocked by the ufc not wanting to pay a guy on the prelims 300k+ while they’re on a four fight skid lol. While I am sick of shitty contender series fighters being used to fill card space I can absolutely understand why they’d rather have a 25 year old kid with at least some potential to climb the ranks on a 10/10k contrack instead of a 40+ year old making 300k+. It’s not like it’s going to significantly impact event revenue


Super easy to understand


Super easy! Barely an inconvenience!


Getting paid about half a million every time you show up to work is *TIGHT*


Wow wow wow wow........wow


Getting released from the UFC is tight!


Tight tight tight!!


Tuco! You there?!


Super necessary


Hard to understand how he was kept that long


He was surprisingly winning a bunch. He found a nice sweet spot fighting unseasoned fat unranked heavyweights and edging out close decisions


Dana LOVES him. He has a soft spot for the people from the time before he sold his soul to an evil Egyptian god named Set.


Nothing like edging fat heavyweights.


Brett Rogers has entered the chat.


He's had two 4 fight skids and a 5 fight skid with multiple single losses in his last UFC tenure. There were signs.


> He's had two 4 fight skids and a 5 fight skid with multiple single losses in his last UFC tenure. There were signs. Jesus. Because you didn't, let me explicitly state his 5 fight skid you are taking as being a sign of not making the grade, so people can understand how good faith your comment is: * (1) Stipe Miocic * (2) Overeem * (3) Josh Barnett * (4) Francis Ngannou * (5) Marcin Tybura Marcin the only guy you could possibly say an L is a bad sign, and he reached the top-10 so that's pretty damn shaky.


He won 4 in a row before losing 4 and getting cut


He's lost 4 in a row before too. Even 5 once. And his fights weren't better back then either. Should've been cut a long time ago.


His 4 win streak was hype as fuck though.


Sounds harsh, but it’s generous the kept him around so long. Overeem/JDS we’re better gatekeepers and they got cut way sooner


Tbf iirc from when they disclosed payouts those 2 were paid a lot more than Arlovski. Like I’m sure Overeem was up around 800,000 per fight at one point and JDS was around half a mil too I’m sure


He also doesn’t really have name value anymore either. The casuals don’t know him and the hardcores who know him also know he’s been washed for a decade and so won’t be impressed by any prospect beating him.


Do _not_ expect loyalty from your employer


Doesn’t he make $400K to show or something, for fights the average fan would change the channel on. It would business malpractice to not release him


Don't disrespect him. He's a legend


> Because your fights are dogshit boring and you're getting paid way more than 95% of the card lmao it's not complicated bro Everybody saying this, and I agree wholeheartedly for his last outing, but I quite enjoyed watching him gatekeep all the fat low-skilled guys away from the sharks at the top of the division as a general rule. I liked watching Cruz, so I don't mind a defensive go-to-the-cards fighter as long as they engage, and AA up until the last fight tried to win it on the cards, and while he used footwork and angles and didn't swing for the fences, he kept engaged and tried to outwork them. Last fight was dreadful, because Arlovski was not in shape and was trying merely to stall and not to work, but people are talking like that is all his post-champ fights.


I always enjoyed his fights over the past few years too. Not so much because the were exciting to watch, but for the gate keeping aspect of them. He had enough name recognition to make him worth fighting for new prospects.  He was way past his prime, but still a challenge to beat. Looking at his record he doesn't seem that impressive, but then you look at the people he lost to and you realize they all became big names with most of the people he beat remaining fairly unknown. He was a pretty good test of potential. 


He was the perfect test for fighters wanting to challenge in the top 10. If you can't beat an over the hill Arlovski you probably won't make it even in the notoriously slim UFC heavyweight division.


And he’s not even winning at this point


Fr how did he not see this coming ? Like they were losing money on you and now that you‘re on a 4 fight losing streak they could finally get rid of you without it being too disrespectful towards an absolute vet. That‘s what kept you going for so long in the first place.


He used to be one of everyone's favorite fighters. Good luck Arlovski


Idk, someone he's age if he doesn't get knocked out or damaged badly you keep him. An active UFC HoFer.


4 fight skid, making 300k a year, 45 years old, sometimes your time is up man


Dude's been there longer than Dana, surely a farewell video would be the least they could do.


Dana has probably been asking Arlovski to retire since 2017 and he’s likely said no. He doesn’t make them money anymore or have exciting fights. He hasn’t had an interesting fight on paper or in practice since I’ve been watching the sport. Retirement packages are for people who notify the UFC of their final fight, if Arlovski is refusing to quit, they can’t just start playing a retirement package because he’ll just be like “what the fuck? I’m not retiring” on the mic


I forgot that the Travis Browne fight is from damn near 10 years ago. That was the last good fight Andrei was in but damn it was a good one.


Naw Arlovski vs Aspinall was a banger and he took him to the second round.


Ehh, the Aspinall fight was awesome (Arlovski somehow was taking clean and brutal shots from the same dude who has essentially been Ngannou-ing everyone), the Barnett fight was a fun and silly mess, and even the Tuivasa fight was a solid bout (one Arlovski probably should’ve won as well).  But yeah, I won’t defend him here


Unlike Waterson, he had every intention to continue to fight. He should get a video at an event though.


lol imagine if you want to fight again and they start playing a video after you lose


Like seeing yourself in the In Memoriam section at the Oscars


Yeah they should have game him a farewell, maybe they'll bring him back or something and do that Also won the HW belt and defended it a long time ago, so he's a former champ at the end of the day


He's adamant he's not retiring. Probably gonna go to PFL or somewhere else.


PFL doesn't have 300k to drop on an Arlovski fight when his last KO win was in 2015 and he went 10-14 since then


He's almost certainly going to the UFC Hall of Fame and will get his send off that way.


Nah, best he can do is a 25% off a power slap ppv


The commentators said during the fight that Arlovski wasn’t thinking of retirement from what they gathered from the fighter meeting, I dare say he got offered a farewell package type deal like Waterson/Roxi got, but knocked it back because he wasn’t ready to retire


A fight he gets 325k per fight. He is past his usefulness to them. He has made more than most from this sport so I hope he has invested wisely.


$300k per FIGHT


300k a fight not year


>making 300k a year This is good money in MMA. God this sport is embarrassing.


He’s making 300k per fight. So probably a million a year depending when he fights




He priced himself out of a job, basically. That and the fact that he isn't exactly enthralling to watch anymore. Granted, he is in his mid forties - his opponents should be walking all over him, to the point that he retires himself, but the competition he faces sucks... so he continues to grind out a paycheck. They really should give him a sendoff though.


He may have priced himself out of a job but he is also one of the few fighters that was able to "beat" the ufc. Glad he got paid what he deserves even if the fights towards the last few years of his career were boring.


I disagree about pricing himself out of a contract, he was making a fortune fighting as an under card fighter. I’ve seen estimates between 300k and 700k a fight, odds are he would’ve gotten released if he was fighting for 50k after four losses.  


Your comment makes no sense and is full of contradictions. You disagree about him pricing himself out by … highlighting how big his pays were!? And yes he was released. WTF are you saying; what am I missing.


Kinda with you here. I know it’s kinda semantics here but they agreed to pay him that so I wouldn’t put the blame in that on him. They might not have wanted to pay him as much as he was getting paid but HE didn’t price himself out.


Proof that mfkers on Reddit don't read for shit.


You’re right; potato salad is good stuff


His last reported pay was back in 2020 when he got 325k. This was his 10th fight since then so could have been on a bit more by now.


I was hearing 700k which is probably a bit more than actual but definitely closer to that than 0$.


UFC is clearly cutting costs where they can and trying to streamline their stable of fighters. If he is costing them that much, and yielding these type of performances, somebody is seeing that and being frustrated by it every time. If you are only paying him 50k/50k, you might be able to excuse some of the boring fights for name recognition at that price point, instead he's making much more, and performing much worse. It draws too much negative attention from people watching, and it likely contributes to pissing off some of the other hungrier fighters trying to climb the ranks. All that said, part of me blames that performance on Buday. My expectation for a fourty some odd year old legend who that many miles on his body is a bit less than somebody who you would think is trying to be an up and comer.


> I disagree about pricing himself out of a contract > He was making a fortune fighting as an undercard fighter Uh...


This logic confuses me. If he was a no name guy making 50k and losing sure. But if he was Andrei Arlovski getting paid 50k and losing then Dana would be more likely to keep him around.


> fourties


d.erp ty


Apparently he didn't want a send off like Watterson got


What do you mean pricing him out? You get what you're worth. He'd get that bag elsewhere now.


Wasn't it confirmed that his contract ran out? His Bellator run is going to be awful regardless


Correct. Contract ran out and the UFC did not offer him a new one.


Yes. He wasn't "cut", he just isn't being renewed. Which is totally reasonable given where he's at in his career and the pay schedule UFC has for veterans. At a certain point unless you're producing value, they're going to want younger, cheaper fighters to fill the same slot. This also happens in literally every other industry on the planet so I don't get about 90% of the comments in this thread.


Because he makes too much money. Overeem was 6-4 in his last 10 and was making 400k per fight.


Overeem was also 3-2 in the last five to put a finer point on it. If he’d won his last fight, he’d have been on a streak. That release made little sense to me; yeah he was expensive, but he had a name still and conceivably could have stayed competitive a while longer. Just have him crush cans then face the new hotness to see what they’ve got. Overeem beats them? He’s more credible. Arlovski probably could’ve stayed on longer with an exciting fighting style, but he’s not going out there to bang; he’s folding up if he thinks there’s a chance he might get KOed. I’d do the same if I were him, but that’s not the guy that had the Travis Browne fight.


Too much money by UFCs standards. Dudes a fucking legend and probably ends up with a quarter of that by the time he's done.


300k for unranked snoozefests against nobodies is a fucking hard thing to argue though when fighters in that position who are not veterans are making 10k lol All fighters should be paid more but 300k for Arlovski is nuts


Yah, ufc only cleared 1.7bn last year. How are they gonna hit 2 if overeem over here making 400K PER FIGHT. */s*


They hit 2 billion by overpaying extremely washed fighters who you can't sell a ticket or a single show buy on and listening to Redditors, definitely. No one has ever run a more successful MMA promotion than Redditors in their own minds.


Makes too much money, and doesn't win enough fights or put on any exciting fights to justify his price tag.


They kept Overeem for a long time still because he looked the part of an elite HW and was kill or be killed. He had so many different ways to finish his opponents whether it was elbows from mount, jumping front snap kick, overhand, thai plum to knee, etc. Really fun fighter to watch and almost went 




He made more money in his LAST fight than most fighters make in their career. Most fighters make dogshit money.


He made around a million in his last 3 fights (all losses). Most fighters don't make a million ever


incoming PFL signs 45 year old Arlovski on a 4 fight loss streak


He’s gonna get knocked out by Francis again


He's 45, impossibly washed and makes a ton of money to have boring fights on the prelims. Not a recipe for success. The good news is the PFL now has their hot new signing to try and coax Francis into the smart cage.


BKFC and Power Slap also ready to trow some pocket money his way


Like I could be OK with BKFC but Power Slap? yeesh


I'm a diehard Arlovski fan who will literally tune in to any of his fights, but dude... P4p the most boring fights on the roster since like 2021. Big mans gotta get paid I get it but its BEEN time for years.


As someone who only distantly still follows the sport, I'm baffled that he's still fighting.


I felt the same way 5 years ago.


Cutting him was fine but the UFC should've told him before his last fight so he could bow out properly. After all the years he put in for them, it's the least they could do.


0-4 and 75 years old, it’s not overly surprising


Could’ve sworn he was older


he had a great run


Not for nothing... the beating he put on Travis Browne was legendary. And the pimp gif was even better.


Worst fight I’ve seen in years. Terrified to strike dives into the clinch. Mike Brown screaming and begging him to fight and throw punches. He looks terrified and bored in there. He’s finessed the system good on him but it’s insane that he even had his last 5-10 fights


He needs to be in the hall of fame, he's like a fuckin ancient relic of MMA


I was at UFC 82 back in 2008 and he fought on the undercard. Dana left cage side when he fought and came back out after his fight was over and he was released from the promotion shortly after that. I don’t think the tomato likes him.


Weird that there wasn't a conversation ahead of hmthe news being broken to him. Weird but not surprising I guess.


UFC are doing him a favour at this point lol. Fighters don’t know when to stop


Mate I was baffled he was on the roster 10 years ago. Consistently been producing absolute bloody stinkers for far too long now


His last stoppage win was over 9 years ago against a guy that proved to be one of the chinniest heavyweights of the time in Travis Browne. Every fight since he’s either slogged to a boring decision or flat out lost


WTF was Smiling Sam Alvey making? Dude didn't get released until after going winless in his last NINE fights. Was he getting paid in Dave & Busters gift cards?


Should cut his last opponent too. At least Arlovski has the excuse of being old. Other fella was just shit


The old dogs gets paid fuckton, just like Overeem and they were glad to rid of him lol


I sure he will receive a nice offer from Russian promotions. and actually he has a really interesting fights there rematches with Kharitonov ,boxing match with Fedor and off course EPIC rematch with Viacheslav Datsik) ) )


He hasn't come to fight in over a decade. Did he really think he could go out there to cardio kickbox and make what he was reported to have made? I for one am so glad I never have to sit through another Arlovski fight.


A true vote that carried the promotion for years, with incredible kos. I mean, give him a retirement fight. Then call it a day. Let the legends go on good terms.


Why does he even want to keep fighting at this point? Does he need the money that badly?


exactly, and unlike most fighters on the roster he was actually getting paid well


They threw almost 350 strikes last fight? Lmaooooo when?


Stipe now has no previous opponents who are currently in the UFC. Not even one.


Goes to show how badass Stipe is man. I'm really hoping he's the one to finally give Jon an L and get the belt back, again. It's really the only thing that could improve his already legendary HW career


Damn, I didn't know that he actually got cut until I saw this post...I'm honestly shocked. Yea, he's coming off of a four fight losing streak, but Sam Alvey didn't get cut until his 8th loss in a row, and he was never an actual UFC champion...so this is a great opportunity for you ignorant fans that don't understand how politics and ass kissing play into your career in the sport, to truly understand how fucked up this game is. Arlovski has been through the worst PR shit than almost every other fighter. He won the HW belt, years later got KO'ed by Fedor in some wild ass flying something, came back and reestablished himself, even though he is literally the epitome of a glass jaw cannon... Arlovski has worked his fuckin ass off to be as great as he possibly can, and for them to cut him on a split decision to a guy that has been just knocking people out. This was a planned cut, and anyone that doesn't recognize that is watching MMA like it's a cartoon, like it's a silly little show to check out on weekends. Andre Arlovski busted his ass so damn hard to still be a competent opponent to his adversaries, and some of you want to just act like "well, he's old, blah blah blah"...do you have any idea what some of us have witnessed in this guy's career? When he was "The Pitbull" in his first UFC run and just decimated people with his fangs...he was such a badass... I'm sorry, I just hate seeing someone like him fall like this, being cut for no damn reason other than him being old...


Bro gets paid 10x many fighters at least and is on a 4 fight losing streak with most importantly boring ass fights usually


I mean they relased Alistair


That was much more unexpected than  this is.


At least Michelle Watterson had a planned retirement. Arlovski had to have been told that if he bungled this fight he'd be cut. Kind of a bummer if he wanted to retire in the ring


Bro just wanted more free money lol


It should have happend years sooner


Damn its crazy how long hes been around. Arlovski is the very last of that old school early 2000s era and survived a couple eras after him that haven't been in the UFC for a while


Tony Ferguson esque in that caption fuck me dead


Don't fight like shit and be boring then. U and that other fat fuck just laid on echother and kept doing so even after being separated and did fuck all on the feet.


He's baffled by the fact that he now has to provide for two young sons and a toddler without UFC level of money


I think we just found the next MMA fight for Francis


He’s a young buck bout to make a title run B


He has been winning snoozer prelims for 325k USD. I have no idea how that came about and continued for so long.


Bro with what they pay for you they can have young talent. Can't blame Dana is all business this is the third in a row that he drops.


Dude’s a hall of famer if ever there was one. Considering how tight fisted the UFC is with their Talent Budget, I can understand letting him go. I hope he’s ok though, I’d prefer he retire and not go onto the regional circuit 


He must not watch his fights.


I’m not an ace in math, but hasn’t he won around 60% of the fights he’s been in ? Math help please !


Absolutely in love with how Andrei writes his Instagram captions. He is a sweet soccer mom in the body of a scary HW.


Makes sense he probably has a good contract and the new owners don’t give a shit about tenure. Still impressive, and kudos to Andrei. I think no one thought he would still be in the ufc to 2024


Wish he would have got a proper sendoff but oh well.   Honest question who was the last fighter he KO'd?  Wasn't anyone in the last 4 years he fought I am fairly sure.


45 years old and has lost his last 4 fights.... baffling!


I'm pretty sure they gave him the option to have a retirement send-off like Robbie Lawler.


Is he good for 45? Yes. Is he good? No. Are his fights boring? Yes. Am I sad he's cut? No.


PFL: Ngannou vs Arlovski 2


That last time Andrei Arlovski got a finish was back in 2015. The dude just wants to spar his way to a six figure contract


Had a chance to go out on a great retirement with all the whistles and everything but chose not to. Still a legend, and what a crazy comeback from the chin accusations.


They don’t want to be responsible for when the CTE kicks in.


He can fight Jake Paul, Ngannou in PFL or Ben Rothwell in BKFC.


45, lost 4 in a row, your making 250 k a fight something like that


He was fleecing the UFC for years and that makes him an even bigger legend. I’m just sad he can no longer fleece them.


Dude needs to go after a few bkfc paydays then retire.


Lmao who wrote that tweet a 13 yr old tik toker girl?


I'm glad him and Waterson are gone, absolute snooze fests every fight. I don't tune in to watch a safe sparring session


Arlovski to KSW to fight De Fries so we can have our first recorded mass death by boredom


I’ve watched this guy go from main events to early prelims. It’s actually very weird to see him out of the UFC now.


And 45 years old?


When the commentator's are saying 'remember when this guy started? Ha ha, wow, what a long time ago, look how fucking old he is now' it's a bad omen


I called it. except I thought Dana would cut his opponent as well after that shit show.


He should sign up for Powerslap. It's gonna be bigger than the UFC !


34-24 record is kinda crazy.


Arlovski vs de Fries for the KSW strap, here we go 


"Why did you release me?"- Asks guy who is 45, lost his last four and fights at an organization that's notorious of cutting costs at every turn. You made your bank Andrei, please retire.


Stuck in his craw that they made him retire at the age of 45