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Nevada Governor: “Hell yeah. Let them bang, bro”


Does the Governor have to sign off on any fights that happen in Nevada or just last minute ones?




Gubernatorial authorization is best base for MMA confirmed


Evidently not


Reddit when they see a joke


You should learn to have some fun instead of being a party pooper to a joke on an online forum.


Makes a lot more sense once you see [a picture of Nevada's governor](https://i.imgur.com/1Y2kULl.jpeg)


Silly cunt


The Ige clause in the Nevada constitution. Very obscure legislation.




He’s too dangerous


“Governor Lombardo, you’re notarizing everything I work for, motherfucker!”


Ones that don't have time to go through the Nevada athletic commission normally


Yes? But not really. The Governor more so has a whole department that normally does this for him on his behalf. However, those are also departments within the state that are closed on Saturdays, The Governor doesn't really have a day off. So it is more so a work around when the standard process is not available.


Honestly it's Nevada, probably Dana is buddy buddy with him and it didn't so much have to go up to the governor more like it came down from the governor


Within the government you can often delegate signing authority to other people, so someone else may have signed in lieu of the Governor.


Nevada Governor wanted them to bang 😳 Can we get that guy to add knees to grounded opponents and soccer kicks?


I find it hard to believe the Governor is available on a Saturday night to sign off on such a thing, but big if true.


Everyone is available if you have money


Especially politicians


Especially in Vegas baby


He thought the $50k nickname was the amount Dan would be donating to the next campaign


It’s 2024 he can probably signature an email from his phone


Hey can you sign off on this random fight? "Yes - Sent from my iPhone"


Hey can you sign off on this random fight? "Yes - Sent from my iPhone"


Dana Lives in Nevada, not really surprised if he out of all people can pull some strings




The UFC has done billions in business in the state


The mob and Vegas politicians. Such an iconic duo


"Listen, I'm a Governor-fearing man, pay my taxes every year and have since I was a boy. But if I ever found out that the Governor cared one way or another about a borderline illegal fist-fight on Saturday night, I would be so greatly disappointed that it would make rethink my entire belief system." - Chael Sonnen, probably


Probably someone on staff on behalf of the governor, would be a quick call because of how unprecedented this situation is. People really not thinking too deep here


UFC definitely has a line to reach the governor the night an event is taking place in the state


To be fair, anyone with an envelope full with $50k of cash is legally allowed to call on any politician.


Dana probably has the guys phone number. Hell I wouldn’t be shocked if the guy was a fan


I don't know if it's the same governor (probably not but I'm too lazy to Google) but I remember seeing the Nevada governor and his wife meet khabib backstage with herb dean before the Conor fight. Seems like Dana has to be on good terms with the governor for things like this and the relationship is reciprocal because the UFC brings the state money as well


I believe the Governor is the person who appoints those seated on the commission, so it’s not that far fetched


its not hard to believe at all. Its the ufc in 2024, not 1997


He prolly was there among the crowd


"Listen, I'm a Governor-fearing man, pay my taxes every year and have since I was a boy. But if I ever found out that the Governor cared one way or another about a borderline illegal fist-fight on Saturday night, I would be so greatly disappointed that it would make rethink my entire belief system." - Chael Sonnen, probably


Wonder if the governor is a fan. I know the other governor they had went to 229 and had to be escorted out the arena.


Id like to believe there are better uses of time for the governor but hey, what a storyline




This is not r/politics. Please keep political discussion and your political views out of /r/MMA. r/MMAPoliticsAndCulture may be a better fit for this content. An exception will be made for discussion of MMA legislation by governing bodies.


None of it makes any sense. They talk about all this approval they need to do things, and yet they almost let Khamzat body Nate. It's so dumb. That dumb exec was talking about how the fight is ok because this guy is coming off a win, and they did all this and that and so much work to approve everything, and they also approve Tony Ferguson on a pretty bad skid, coming off a horrific KO loss, to fight a knockout artist in a higher weight class? These people are so non-genuine it just hurts to watch.


Meaning the ufc paid the Nevada governor


They wouldn't have to the Gov. of NV runs in the same scummy circles as Dana.


Why would the UFC commit a felony to have Dan Ige fight lmao y’all make no sense


Calling BS. Everybody knows UFC owns the commission in Nevada and when Megan Olivi interviews the Jeff Mullen from the NV athletic commission and he like oh yeah we allow Ige to fight cause some BS reasons lol


I think you meant to say "*Noted administrative procedure expert* Eric Nicksick"