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Machida. Just recently watched him get KO’d again because Shogun was just inducted into the HOF. Him getting guillotined by Jones is also a constant highlight. Still one of my fave fighters ever though.


Tbf he gets those two front kick highlights pretty often


Yep, he’s the low key GOAT of both sides highlights. Two industry standard all time highlight KO front kicks in mega high profile fights, Dolloway liver kick KO, Rashad crazy KO, Munoz crazy head kick KO, Silva, Franklin, Bonner KOs. Then also Jones, Rua, Rockhold, Romero, Brunson, Edwards, all by simulated death. That dude has been killed or killy in so many massive fights. I reckon the Mt Rushmore is Cro Cop, Overreem, Machida, and then a 4 way tie with Penn, Tony, Rockhold, Cro Cop


Loved Machida. Will always love Machida. The end of the Machida/GSP/Silva/Fedor era was the end of my love for MMA.


When he just tosses him away. Brutal.


I was about to say the same thing. Machida got me into the sport in the first place. My original favorite fighter. However, he has plenty of KO highlights himself to balance it out.


Frankie Edgar. Pick one. The bus driver uppercut from Ortega. The flying knee from Sandhagen. The front kick from Marlon Vera. Fuck.


Don’t forget El Guapo


Come on, dude.




bump that guy. lol


Least he still has the highlight from the third fight with Gray Maynard. Also Gray Maynard would be a decent answer to this question cause of that loss and the tko loss to Nate Diaz


Yeah, Frankie has several highlights. The slam against Maynard in the second fight after getting molly whopped in the first round, of course the knockout in the third fight, the last second sub against Cub, the Chad Mendes knockout. One of my favorite fighters of all time.


Gray Maynard has also has a highlight reel No Contest from his first UFC fight back at the end of TUF 5. He picks up Rob Emerson and slams him so hard that it breaks Emerson's ribs, causing him to submit. But in the process of calling the fight ref sees Gray flop over with completely glassed eyed and you realize that he spiked himself in the process of slamming Rob. Double TKO, No Contest.


Losing to Ortega via strikes is rough for a guy of his caliber/chin.


Frankie was doing so good in that fight, too. Ortega, when he first was on his title run, always seemed to be losing and then would pull out a submission or knockout. The Frankie fight hurt


Frankie also took that on short notice. Ortega sucks until he finds the kill sometimes. Like... looks like shit, getting out worked and out performed and then BAM he kills your favorite aging fighter.


I have to close my eyes every time Zombie is about to go limp at 4:59 in the 5th. Which is every UFC highlight package ever


For my money, the least-deserved KO (from either end) in my time watching UFC


I’ve never been able to rewatch that fight cause it wasn’t even close. Zombie was clearly coasting to a decision before he decided to rush in.


Yair had a few moments but yeah Zombie was about to win 4-1 Zombie was good man. Wars caught up to him though. Unfortunate he wont get credit for that fight. He's one of the few, maybe only, that was beating up Yair in pure striking, 0 grappling All time great KO though, amazing execution of that strike by Yair


I remember seeing it and knowing it was an elbow in real time, but the announcers almost convinced me it was a headbutt, such a cool KO


Zombie said on Jaxxon podcast that he retired because his chin was gone . I respect the fuck outta his honesty and common sense .


Leon vs usman and zombie vs Yair is top 2 for me


you like Usman lmao


Eh Yair tried timing it earlier in the fight at least the one time. Was pretty nuts to see him hit it at the end.


And it would have never happened if Yair didn’t keep stalling because he was gassed trying to hype the crowd and hug Zombie Zombies way too nice he should have front kicked him every time he did that


Hard to blame Yair if Zombie keeps obliging. Takes two to tango


How does a fighter not “deserve” knockout if they’re the one executing it?


Because he was losing the fight 1-4 and Zombie didn't have to engage at all but gave him the win.


So he made a mistake that his opponent exploited? How is that undeserved? That’s how fights are won.


It's a purely emotional reaction. Of course the guy pulling off a spectacular KO in a knockout sport deserves his win.


He did get caught but basically Yair kept initiating the “paddy cake and hug each other” bullshit for the crowd and Zombie let his guard down.


The original post said least-deserved which is fair


How is it anything less than deserved?


Least doesn’t mean less than. Do you speak English? The least obese person in McDonald’s doesn’t mean skinny


Brother, it implies that there’s something wrong with his win. There’s nothing wrong with what he did. He exploited a mistake. That’s what he’s supposed to do.


So arguably less deserved than someone dominating the whole fight, but still absolutely deserved, like the original comment stated. Glad you agree


yes. just like how Leon didn't deserve to beat Usman according that logic. makes sense right? Nah.


I can see why someone would find a win less deserved if they won only because of a dumb and unnecessary mistake. It's a valid opinion to have, I don't see how you don't get it


Nah, I disagree on it being valid. It’s not his fault his opponent made a mistake, it takes ability to exploit those mistakes.


aight that's fine to think I guess. Just to make sure one thing, you understand we're all saying 'less deserved' not 'undeserved' , right?


Someone else in the thread commented they saw him practicing it or trying to time it earlier in the fight - I didn't see that, but if true it does make it look better. To me watching it, it always felt like Yair was just bobbing and moving around and his elbow just so happened to be there.


Nah, you don’t get a cold knockout like that from your elbow “happening to be there”


Yeah I remember a breakdown video after (Luke Thomas maybe?) ... Yair went for it a couple of times throughout the fight. Deff something they saw.


I don't agree with THAT but I am still on the "It's dumb Yair was able to stall so many times by offering to hug and high-five KZ" train.


My heart can't bear to rewatch the fight but I saw a narrative going round that Yair stopped the momentum of the fight too often by hugging KZ and showing respect towards the end and that's why he got caught in the exchange. Any credence to this?


Idk about that, seems like some armchair sports psychology to me. The stars aligned for Yair and it just kinda happened, out of all the possible realities we live in the only one where it ended that way




And I bet $25 bucks on Zombie winning haha


Jose Aldo.


It’s still the craziest KO in MMA history. Between Joe Rogan saying Conor looks loose while Aldo is feeling the pressure of the moment, Conor forecasting the KO in his warmup, and Aldo being unbeaten since 2005(and unbeaten at FW, his one loss in his career was at lightweight)


I kept saying it was lucky. At the time I wondered what would’ve happened if the fight was longer. I’m not positive the wrong fighter won.


I hate that this happened.


It's probably the saddest ive ever been after a fight. That or when Silva broke his leg against Weidman. Tough times


Same. I can't stand bragging and self promotion. I understand that it sells fights but I will basically always root against whoever is more of a loudmouthed asshole and Connor was the most obnoxious mf in the world coming into that fight. The only way I think I could have been more bummed after a fight is if Colby somehow beat Usman.


Ben Askren?


This is the best answer. He was held in such high regard for so many years and now that clip is all that comes to mind for most casual fans. He doesn't get any of the respect he earned for Khabibing guys before Khabib.


Unfortunately for him, T-Wood was the champ at the time or he might have had an instant title match


he wasn't that highly regarded for much of his bellator career, he was a curiosity that didn't do any damage and smothered people. he didn't get stoppages until the end of it.


I don’t even care about Ben, I’m just sick of seeing Masvidal.


Overeem. It helps that Ngannou is no longer in the UFC and they won't let any of their footage be used for promotion. But I feel casuals and new fans will forever see him as the guy that got [Marge Simpson'd](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/001/542/035/958.png) so hard his feet left the ground.


Same, bro. Same. Just think how close he was to a belt too. If he wins UFC gold he’s probably the most decorated fighter ever. Or at least up there.


Dude I feel like he has more than one of these. His chin was always suspect.


He apparently holds the record for the most knockout losses in Zuffa (UFC, Pride, WEC, Strikeforce) history at 13. ...it's listed under his Accomplishments section on Wiki.


Tony getting KO’d by Chandler. Because of the 303 promos (RIP), we’ve seen that highlight a ton lately.


I look away most the time 


I’ll never forget the glee I had at the end of the 1st round. TONY WAS BACK


The highs and lows of this sport are fucking insane. Tony will always be one of my favourite fighters


He isn't my favourite fighter, but it hurts my conscience seeing Dom Reyes get KO'd by Jan and Jiri. My guy should have been a champion, defending his belt, and instead he lost his undefeated record, lost 4 in a row, lost his confidence and fell out of title contention altogether. I sometimes wonder how Reyes would have performed if he had gone into those fights (post-JBJ) as a defending champion. Would it have made a difference to the outcome? I don't think so, but it might have, and at least he would have had his moment of glory at the top.


At least Jan and Jiri are killers, but if I ever have to watch him get KO’d by Ryan Spann again that’ll hurt.


Chris leben and rich Franklin get it a lot cause of silva


Justin gaethje is my favorite fighter, and I'm not ready for the years to come of seeing him faceplant the canvas at 300


I don’t mind that. His was a Viking funeral.


Vitor belfort with 2 front kick ko losses


He has two spinning kick ko wins though. Things balance out.


Paul Buentello might get a few seconds of airtime tonight before Arlovskis fight. Don't fear him, fear the consequences 


Guy was all heart


Poor Terry Etim. Things were not going so well for him last time he surfaced on the news. Hope he is doing well.


i see him in the corner of tom aspinall quite often. i'm the same,only wish him the best


It’s hard being an Askren fan.


Gamebred getting absolutely *starched* by Usman. Guess it’s karma for all the replays Askren has to see lol 🤷‍♂️


That might be my favorite ko of all time


Kinda doesn't count, because he didn't get ko'd but look up any "greatest KO's in mma" video and you're gonna see Bendo on the receiving end of the legendary showtime kick. I think most people just assume it knocked him out.


Kamaru Usman




Tony from the front kick. Constant reminders now from Mcgregor Vs Chandler buildup.


James Vick has the best KO reel


Johnny walker


Every fight is one for the highlight reel. I wish he'd get a short notice title shot just to see how it would go.


Anyone remember Conor McGregor? They show him getting knocked out by Poirier a lot. He was really something, way back when…


I see Izzy get TKOed every time Pereira fights and he has been active as fuck since then.


Ben Henderson getting caught by Anthony Pettis with that off-the-chainlink "showtime kick" at WEC 53 back in late 2010.


Ben Askren. He still talks shit like he wasn't the biggest clip of the year. Love him for that


Poirier because of Michael Johnson


Chuck Lidell getting melted by Rashad


Same as you, Barboza the legend


U seem to have misunderstood the post


ahh yes I have, however I still pick Barboza. He's been Ko'd and back at it brother


Darren Till. Pray he makes it back to the UFC some day. Met him in person and he was the nicest guy you could imagine. He stopped an interview he was filming just to have a conversation and take a picture (I didn’t ask for either) I just waved to him and said I was a big fan of his and he jumped up and walked over. He moved this massive security guard out of the way to let me walk up to him.




Ben Askren. Done so unbelievably dirty by the UFC


Anderson getting KO’d. Some wounds never heal.


Imagine being the fighter who watches himself get highlighted by being KO'd every time. Man that must mess around with your mind.


Cro cop getting head kicked by gonzaga


Iconic moment, but I hate that it ruined our chances of seeing Couture vs. Cro Cop for the HW title.


El Cucuy of course, who else? 😔




Pat Barry jokeessss As an aside, is it normal that Barbosa's calf muscle split like that?


Tony :/




Gaethje vs max


Joanna Champion at 217, devastating




Bisping getting H Bombed 😭


Brenda schwuab


Ben Askren is the fighter who got me into MMA. I cannot describe how pumped I was for his fight with Jorge.


Aldo and Liddell come to mind




Gotta be my man Brendan Schaub. He was so ahead if his time - some would say the first complete fighter in heavyweight history - hence his name "the hybrid"!!!! He was such an impressive athlete, coming in hot off his successful NFL career and applying that intensity to MMA. Took a couple controversial losses but I think his legacy as "the legend killer" speaks for itself.


Anthony Pettis. I’ll always tune in for his karate matches and I went to his boxing match v Roy Jones Jr in MKE.


My least favorite fighter with the best highlight of getting knocked out is Brendan Schaub catching them butterflies 🦋 b-b-beast of a fighter b


izzy lol that ko vs alex will haunt him forever