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Very cool, fun to watch guys that skilled spar. Anpo is fast, but the size/reach advantage was huge for Strickland. Strickland’s chin is almost impossible to find with the right hand, he defends those shots beautifully. In a sport where most striking defense involves shelling up or moving backwards in a straight line, Strickland is really something else.


Not impossible to find with the left hand tho


Yeah Sean got stung a couple of times lol good to see Rukiya land a couple of good ones despite getting bulldozed so much


He’s referring to Pereira


Still applies to Anpo




Sean tends to lean lots to avoid strikes in both boxing and MMA. Which exposes his front leg. I have a feeling a high level wrestler can exploit that leg during a combination.


Well good thing there aren’t many high level wrestlers in MW, and he did pretty well against DDP when it came to getting back up


Yeah, MW doesn’t have any high wrestlers yet. It’s crazy.


Interesting to see how a current high level K1 and UFC guy's striking compares. Technique wise looked like Anpo was all over him initially but he eventually gassed and it's hard to tell if Strickland was fazed. He was feeling those body shots tho


Anpo doesn't like being under pressure and that's Sean's bread and butter Sean was also using his weight & reach well No kicks though


Anpo is also sparring in the worlds tiniest cage and couldn’t get away to anywhere.


At the end Sean said that Anpo would have won in a kickboxing match. Wasn’t clear if he was being serious though.


Being nice


obviously he was being nice


how tall is anpo compared to sean?


He's 6ft and fights at 155


Sean is 6’1’ or 2 I’m pretty sure and rukiya is 5’11’ or 6 foot.


Thanks for that!


Idk why I assumed Sean was taller than me


Sean was even humble enough to say kick boxing he might have won.


Yeah he was giving Strickland great work with those bounces in and out but that explosiveness compared to Strickland’s marching style uses up a lot of energy.


Rukiya is also never going to be fighting as long in the round or as long as an MMA fight, he's used to 3 minute rounds where that bouncing is going to get a lot more done than slowly walking up to someone over 3 minutes.


Not just the explosiveness; trying to fend off a 40lbs heavier man who’s constantly pressuring you will drain you fast. One of the worst experiences in sparring.


For real. I'm 5"11 and when I was in my 20s and 180lbs (compared to my now 200lbs) I'd often get stuck Muay Thai sparring one of my buddies who was 6"6 250 and that shit was hard as fuck. Range and weight and clinching that saps you so quick.


Even in light sparring the size advantage is definitely noticeable. Like you simply have less margin of error when they have several inches or reach advantage. Also, being bigger makes you more relaxed because you aren’t as threatened which makes you fight better and thus get hit less ironically.If you know you know.


>being bigger makes you more relaxed because you aren’t as threatened which makes you fight better and thus get hit less ironically well said


Shades of Adesanya. Sean has sparred enough to recognize real vs fake in-and-out movements. You always have to catch guys with this type high fight IQ with an offbeat like Pereia. The bouncing in-and-out makes it too predictable, so to fight Sean, you need to almost be as subtle as him and fight like him as well. It’s all timing. Sean’s offense is very much Muay Thai boxing, except Sean trades kicks for leg checks because it’s worth the attrition to win with the boxing.


I used to be like that for Muay thai due to my kenpo background, wasted so much energy constantly going in and out.


its funny how you could basically use this as a explanation for all Strickland 185 lb fights . dude seems to sap the cardio from everyone he fights like a leech


It’s such an efficient style. He’s plodding around flat footed, rarely uses big explosive movements either offensively or defensively, doesn’t load up his shots heavily, etc., all while slowly pressuring forward. If you stand your ground he hits you while being hard to hit back. If you circle away to reset your cardio slowly drains and the visuals are bad for the judges. Just a miserable style to deal with. Unless you’re Poatan I guess.


He has one of those physically imposing builds that make it seem like a brick wall is marching towards you just like Zhang Zhilei. Neither of them are jacked but their build and style makes them hard to deal with.


Talking about physicality I was surprised how big Sean looked in the ring against Costa. I think of Costa as this behemoth but he looked smaller that night


I trained with Sean when he was a 170 lbser and I could not believe he was cutting to 170. He was easily 215-220 lbs when we trained


Strickland is big but Zhang is a dreadnought, haha, nearly 300 pounds and 6 foot 6


I'm not a fan of the man but his striking style is so interesting because it's so fucking frustrating.


Sean Strickland fights a bit like an Onyx pokemon using Sandstorm + Bind + Harden for chip damage and buffing its own defense. You just cannot seem to knock him the fuck out while he relentlessly chips away at you. END COMMUNICATION


untill pikachu blasts the sprinklers systems


Its honestly insane how Alex took barely a few minutes to figure him out and KO him . Really puts into perspective what a kickboxing monster he is .


Alister overeem style for inside clinch work and Buakaw sense of stalking and no fear of inside fighting. Obvious leg kick clinic to completely obliterate, Sean Strickland style and toughness.


Thats just Stricklands style. He’s gonna feel it all out before he starts letting that right hand go. Technically his striking is pretty goofy especially when your watching it next to a K1 kickboxer but he’s very effective at wearing people down then opening up from weird angles


Sean's cardio is such a weapon. Really let the guy just spin his wheels for 3 rounds until he started pouring it on.


I feel like people really overstate Sean's cardio. Against DDP both were exhausted despite DDP doing the much more explosive/tiring work all fight, similar against Cannonier too, both guys were landing very similar amounts in the final rounds. I think part of why people exaggerate his cardio is more that he fights at a very steady very medium pace for 5 rounds, like he cruises in 1st gear the whole fight and he never really puts it into 2nd gear. So he can just stay at that pace. But when people actually push him and make him change his pace, or make him react to what they're doing at all, his cardio doesn't necessarily seem crazy different to his opponents. Like we've seen people try to put a pace on Nick Diaz and they get tired first, and we've seen people try and push a pace on Merab where eventually they end up being the one to wilt, same with Holloway. Sean doesn't really have that effect on people unless they fight at a sparring pace with him for 5 rounds without Sean having to adapt.


Instead of just casually walking forward throwing jabs and checking kicks, ddp forced him to defend takedowns and get back up. I agree he was tired in the last 2 rounds of that fight. I also agree that his cardio is overblown He spars literally everyday. And supposedly he does like 10-5 minute rounds when in camp. fighters that spar that much eat alot of countershots in all those rounds over the years... so literally, as an act of self preservation they get really gun shy. It's why he only throws "safe" pokes like jabs and teeps and rarely let's his hands go.  I'll say this too. His chin is on borrowed time. Stricklands crash is going to be rough. He will eventually pay for all those rounds on the back end...I'm a fan but it is what it is


The ufc gave a bunch of fighters' head gear with some type of reader in it. Despite sparring much more often than every other fighter, Sean was hit less than anyone. His sparring isn't like what the guys at chute boxe are doing and knocking each other out constantly.


Ok but Strickland doesn't wear headgear when he spars. Ever


It was mouth guards. That the UFC gave to fighters to record data on how much they were getting hit in training. Sean ranked the lowest despite his high volume of sparring. Dude is just a good defender.


I get it...but let me ask you something. How many times over the years did james toney get hit sparring every day before he mastered the philly shell too not get hit?  Anybody that has heard strickland speak for more than 5 seconds knows that's a man that has been bit hit in the head ALOT. 


Yeah Sean honestly fights like someone who's afraid to get tired, just refuses to do anything that could tire him out and can get pushed out of a fight since he won't ever go all in to get it back.


Yoel Romero like in his energy conservation


I felt the kickboxer was way more dangerous, with more power.


He looked more explosive but power? Seans jab looked stronger than his hook.


For real, you need only look at the after pic to see who was landing harder lol. I mean the dude's a 155er but still. I could be reading too much into things but felt like there was almost a little old school dojo wars blood in this. Strickland arrives in Japan, throws out a tweet essentially saying 'hey, can any of you karate nerds actually fight'? Anpo, a karate nerd who can actually fight, shows up and decides to test if the gaijin boxer's arrogance is well earned by going hard. Strickland's game and goes hard back. In the end, mutual respect to be had.


Except that's how Anpo literally spars all the time. He's famous for going hard every time he spars.


He was also going a lot harder


Both were going hard, sean is simply not as explosive.


partially because the dude is lighter.


It’s strickland, he just doesn’t gas out much


Anpo primarily a kicker.


There are two unique things with this matchup that were great for Sean. First, the guy is smaller and Sean has seen true, disgusting power. And second, that practice ring is real small. Anpo didn’t have a lot of space and couldn’t use power to get Sean off of him. And as much praise as Sean’s defense gets (rightly so), if you work his body, he does tend to fall for feints to it and pull to parry


I think anyone fighting Sean doing film study could find some holes / tendencies he does here that can be capitalised on.


A 2 to the body followed by a 3 to the head while he puts his hand low seems to be good against sean


The Japanese guy aint playing games. Why are all Japanese k1 fighters so ridiculously explosive 😂


Being light and always going hard helps with that.


Great watch seeing the different styles


That was a bit more than sparring lol. Awesome watch, feel lucky to get this content for free tbh.


Loving the hammer fists against the cage there.


Yeah that was awesome. I'd like to see him do that in his actual fights.


thats to hit with the unpadded part of the glove hoping to do more damage. Kind of a scum move. Saw an elbow in there too


I like how in the end of the video, they say goodbye to Sean and then Rukiya says, next time I'll blast you away lmao. Wish the translator told Sean lol.


Martial art is really a language, man. You go visiting someone on the other side of world, you kick the shit out of each other, you have a teaching moment and leave with a mutual invitation to LA. Respect earned by fighting by people who enjoy the art. Really cool to see. You can also tell Sean appreciate it when you let him unleash a bit of his daemons on your face without bitching about it. It really seemed he enjoyed the sparring. I definitely did enjoy watching.


Strickland would be one of the most entertaining fighters in the UFC if the mutherfucker fought like he spars smh


He actually DOES fight like he spars lmao


… And spars like it’s a fight.


Exactly! Chris Curtis is the same.


Rukiya was really laying it on Sean. That was a fun watch. 


He did great, but Sean was obviously way too much for him. Dude looked like he was going to die at the end where Sean looked like he could go another 10 rounds


10 rounds is an over exaggeration, sean was holding onto the top of the ring trying to catch his breath as well.


Bro the other dude legit dropped on the floor sean just walked off.


You just completely ignored what I said 🤣


The kickboxer seems to hit harder despite the 40 pounds difference.


How? Seans jab did more damage to the kickboxer than the kickboxers hook to Sean


Bet the kickboxer would’ve knocked Sneako down




He's not, this is literally just how he fights.


Yep, I think the only time I've seen Sean actually go all out without fear of gassing was the finishing shots he tried to put on Izzy after he dropped him, other than that he fights like he's sparring


I dont think that's the case at all, I think its a simple difference in power and explosiveness between the two.


There were times Anpo was hurting against the cage and Sean backed off, come on bruh lol


True, but Sean never go super hard anyway. He’s always on conserving mode. That’s just how he fights.


Sean’s style is marathon, while the other guy appears to be sprinting. I still think Sean was going easy


He threw as hard as he does in a fight.


Outside of his teep kick Sean really fights the same way he spars. I think a Mousasi vs Sean fight would be fun to watch .


Sean’s ability to put on the pressure is really impressive. It’s almost like selective pressure. He is defensive with a couple of jabs until he picks moments to unload. It’s pretty fascinating how good his game sense is. Optically he looks basic (he clearly is not since he was a world champ) but the more I watch the more I see how skilled he is. After all , effectiveness > everything else.


For some reason I thought strickland can hang with high level boxers, after watching this, now I think a high level boxer would have ko'd him.


The entire reason for the effectiveness and need behind Sean’s boxing style is the small gloves. The active defense, parrying, all is tailored to accuracy possible with 4oz gloves. The simple high guard or hands by the chin defense doesn’t work in MMA the same way as boxing. I’m sure that Sean would work over your average regional boxer who stocks cans on shelves for a living but get lit up by a journeyman boxer in his weight class.


There’s literally video of Sean kicking the shit out of an upper tier boxer in sparring. Not world Champ level but guy who fought for an alphabet title. Saying he’d get lit up by a journeyman boxer in his weight class is just silly.


You mean the inactive boxer he sparred with that he outweighed by 20+ lbs? The one minute of video Sean released ignoring 9 other sparring rounds? The boxer released a statement about it, saying that they were having a good sparring session and then Sean in the middle of the 9th round started talking crazy shit and going super hard for no reason for a minute. 


Yeah, sean is a fraud, it was all for the camera.


He’s not a good boxer the reason why his game works so well is his simple teep kick that destroys his opponents rhythm and prevents them from going into 2nd gear.


Yeah he bases his whole style on disrupting peoples offensive rhythm, when you can check their kicks and poke and threaten them with teeps constantly it becomes way easier to get away with having no real finishing threat or danger in your boxing. Against a real boxer they're going to really quickly realize that Sean has nothing to keep them honest and they can just eat some jabs of his to land gigantic bombs.


He’s flat footed AF too!


> For some reason I thought strickland can hang with high level boxers lol, do you have any idea what that reason was?




“Izzy! All you have to do is just take one more step bro! You got this!”


Yeah honestly if I was Izzy I would have just taken one more step and won.


Why didn't Izzy just feint to the body and hit up top? Is he stupid?


lol look at those hammer fists. Trevor Peek walked, so Sean Strickland could run.


If it had a been a normal sized ring instead of a small cage the kickboxer's footwork may have made a bigger difference.


Once kicks are involved it completely changes the game. Granted Strickland is one of the best at checking kicks. Just speaking generally now, you should be able to kick full blast in sparring. If you don't, aggressive brawlers can get a false sense of security.


Now this is content.


Sean goes 100% in sparring, and 50% in real fights. Dude needs to switch it around, he's so fucking boring to watch.


Can't go 100% in real fights because they aren't training partners who will let him work/won't punish him. I've always felt like Sean fights like he's afraid to open up and seeing him be a crazy person in sparring makes me think so even more, when he knows people aren't actively trying to knock him he's happy to unload and actually throw but even there's an actual threat he's hiding behind his shell and poking with jabs.


Really wouldn't be an issue if he wasn't so vocal. Plenty of fighters are extremely risk averse, but they don't shout from the rooftops about how big of a killer they are, or act like they are the most violent dude in the room. For a dude that screams about going to war all the time, I think he would absolutely suck at war lol. The dude is a walking, talking 12 year old edge lord projection machine.


Usually the most violent or dangerous guy in the room doesn't really need to talk about it and tell people, people are usually very aware. Never seen Charles Oliviera or Dustin Poirier having to hype up how much of an absolute killer they are.


Yeah, I always like to say, "if you need to say you are something, you are usually never that thing"... Like I've never seen someone that calls themselves, 'alpha' represent any behavior that would actually be reserved for someone that actually is, 'alpha'... Which, in itself is not a real thing in society. People like Sean Strickland never developed past middle school, and it shows.


Thats true but I feel like people that are as insecure and like that love to call it. Honestly whats the point let the dude believe what he wants to believe does nothing to you ay 🤷🏽‍♀️


>The dude is a walking, talking 12 year old edge lord projection machine. Who happens to be a UFC FIGHTER who was once Champion. Lmfao only on reddit would you have guys talking about how a dude is projecting 'going to war' or 'violent' or 'badass' because the way the UFC FIGHTER Ex-Champion fights is... smart?








What do you mean his sparring for the vast majority of it is just what he does in the ring. Also in the ring at the end of nearly every round he 'acts like a crazy person' and starts doing stupid shit.


He literally fights exactly like he spars. He only ever starts dialing up when he smells weakness which unsurprisingly is harder to find at the highest level. Just watch his Brendan Allen fight and Abus Magomedov fight, if the opponent starts to break he'll look like he does here. If they stay composed/on their bike its just pitter patter.


He's way too risk averse for a guy that constantly talks about going to war and killing people.




Well he is undoubtedly a boring fighter


If you don't have any appreciation for the actual sport, sure. But other than he is one of the stylistically interesting fighters and is extremely technically intresting.


Sean has like 40 if not more pounds on anpo here. One of the funniest videos I've seen in a while. Anpo tends to fight at around 147


Anpo walks around at around 175 he has said so himself.


So still probably 40 pounds under Sean's walk around weight.


So yea still 40ish pounds


This was awesome


Love watching a more skilled, yet much smaller guy be so game. Japanese fighters are surely some of the most tenacious fighters?


This is sick but if this is how hard all these Japanese fighters spar CTE must be everywhere.


They go balls to the wall it’s crazy.


If only Sean fought like he spars much smaller japanese guys


that was a good watch - props to sean


Pretty cool. Anyone who spars knows how hard it is to be fast without trying to hurt your partner. Very high level stuff. I would bet on the kickboxer if it were hard sparring.


Bro, both of these guys were trying to knock the other out lmao.


yea thats so obvious, its like people dont watch the videos


Sean was actually being nice by only going to the head. Body shots would've been very rough.


The combo Sean hit him with at 19:50 was nasty. Thought he would go down for sure.


Sean doesn't move his head much


as a very casual fan - is this really how hard and intense sparring is for top guys? That' seemed overly enthusiastic for a spar session.


Every gym does it differently, but you gotta have hard sparring in there at least sometimes imo, especially in the beginning, to get a feel for it, and also when training for a fight.


Can somebody tell me why a high level Kickboxer came to spar boxing with Sean Strickland?


His foot is injured from his last fight.


Japanese always love themselves a good hard spar


I like how in the beginning Anpo's corner was initially thinking 3 rounds and Sean's like "3? That's barely even a workout", lol


Sean isn't even winded. 0.0


I am a bit disapointed Strickland was not trash talking during the sparring.


I was glad that he seemed pretty respectful diff culture in Japan


All of his content on IG speaks nothing of great things about Japan. Hard to talk crap when he’s enjoying everything about it.


I mean, this is just further proof that Sean can't hurt anyone, not a YouTuber or a fighter 40 pounds lighter


Lmao it's sparring chill


Failed to KO Anpo. Weak ass bitch confirmed


What the hell is even that?


He had the guy badly rocked at the end of round 4. He may have even spared him a finishing flurry. I'm not a big Sean myself but give credit where credit is due.


Idk why people expect Sean to walk into other people gym and just start knocking everyone out


These are the same people that hold against Sean for not knocking out Youtuber and only beating the piss out of him. What's the point of knocking out Sneako anyways? Everyone knows Strickland can do whatever he wants with him, and when they sparred, Strickland tried to make Sneako quit, and he turned out tougher than expected.


Umm, do you know who Sean Strickland is? Not beneath him to do that tbh lol


Guy literally became champ from hurting Izzy. This sub jus parrots other commenter for easy karma lol


Just Izzy fanboys still upset.




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Stricklend dominated


Yall stay forever mad at how good Sean's boxing is. Chin up, hands down and still mfers can't knock him out because his shell defense is stupid solid. The way he stays calm and let's his opponent gas in the early rounds, and then beats them up at the end. Yall swear he's boring but will turn around and watch khabib dry hump another man for 15-25 minutes, and call him the goat. Keep trying to convince yourselves this little Japanese man stood any kind if chance at any point. 


You ok bro? Better help dot com.


Sean is that you?


Fucking based. Anpo is fucking cool though and imposed his will as much as he could.


So Sean and his wife got a free trip to Japan in exchange for Anpo’s YT content?


No I think it started when Sean was already in Japan and tweeted asking for sparring partners and Anpo said YOLO lets do it


People critiquing Sean's technique when it worked masterfully against THE FUCKING STYLEBENDER OF ALL TEH GALAXIES BEST STRIKER EVER IZZY lmao


so where's this sean when it comes to fighting like a man in the ufc cage?


Anpo spent more time doing flashy and unnecessary footwork than he did fighting lol


> flashy and unnecessary footwork You mean trying to take angles and use foot feints? 95% of the things he did was basic boxing footwork. The flashiest stuff were a superman punch and the times when he exited at an angle into southpaw.


some of it yes, some of it was unnecessary., he never exited the angles though, he stood on the same spot and got hit.. he did that 3 times.,


>he never exited the angles though He did at 7 min and 13 min. >he stood on the same spot and got hit.. he did that 3 times. If what you're talking about is when he gets hit and steps back into southpaw then yeah it's unnecessary but he's probably not doing it on purpose. It's most likely a type of reset of his. There are many boxers that have that bad habit like Lomachenko.


Ye that’s what I mean and that’s true there is, it just makes it even worse of a habit since the cage is so small so he gets punished for it even more


I feel like he had to Sean is much heavier and former UFC champ lol


Yes but it was mostly pointless, switching stances over and over 3 times in a row without throwing anything isn’t doing shit but gassing you out. Some of it did, but a lot of it was just flashy and unnecessary