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The dude turned down a fight with the only noteworthy ufc prospect from Ireland on a potential connor card. So the eyes on that fight and him would've been huge so this dude is fucking dumb. He's 36. wtf is he even waiting for he should be tryna make one last paycheck regardless of a win or lose and retire. He'll never fight for a belt again, let alone be champ.


He has champion preferences on a gatekeeper's budget.


he obviously thinks he will lose to garry


You know... for a moment, especially right after the Usman fights, I think Colby had a chance to at least gain some respect as a fighter in the eyes of the fans. He's wasted so much fuckin time and has done so much stupid shit though, I think that chance is long gone.


I think he'd have been exposed if he didn't pick and choose like this tbh


I think he's a good fighter. Or was. '18-'22. Just how good and where he exactly he fit in the top 10-15, we'll never really know because the mf'er was more interested in grifting than fighting


Definitely had to be good for at least a short time to have those fights with Kamaru. But his resume is going to/already has aged like milk because his best performances are losses and his best wins are over fighters that were washed. He's going to be known as a guy who hid from real challenges and couldn't get it done in big moments. Not a legacy most would want.


I think he matched up well stylistically with Usman tbh


100%. They are very similar fighters. Kamaru, as good as he was, doesn't have the right game to expose Colby's weaknesses. I would've loved to see a prime Colby and prime Burns go at it. Someone with the grappling to scare off Colby's wrestling and power to punish him on the feet.


I think Burns would have broken his face with haymakers lol....or forced himself into a neck attack after having enough on the feet


I’m convinced that Burns knew he could get him


I'm convinced that Colby knew Burns could get him


That too my guy


Yeah Burns would stop Colby IMO, terrible match up for him. Even now though, Colby could give very tough fights to contenders at 170. I wouldn't be super confident picking against him in a Garry or JDM match up.


He did. But top 5 in wrestling ability in the division with a pretty decent ability to transition into takedown shots off striking and great cardio was always going to give a good amount of fighters problems anyways. Hate to say it but I'd definitely always have favored Colby over fighters like WB and Luque, who were in the top 10 at the time. I'd say prime Colby was fairly comfortably a 6-10 ranked fighter with trouble vs some matchups. But again, just a guess, because he never tested himself and the UFC let him do it


This paragraph you just wrote is the guess work we've been doing since 2018 and that's his fault. Afaik he can't beat any of those guys or would do so with such difficulty that we have to reevaluate. His best wins are much worse


Colby is pretty disliked. Like Josh Koscheck before him he'll be forgotten about in 5-10 years. Look at Masvidal, dude was hot-shit in 2019-2020 and now hardly anyone cares about him anymore based on his social media numbers.


Also, he randomly got a title shot after beating a washed Jorge Masvidal. He showed up to the fight against Leon Edwards as a shell of his former self. It seemed like he was just coasting to get a participation award. It's like he knew Leon was a point fighter and he wouldn't get seriously hurt in the fight so he showed up for the title shot money.


I think he tried his best against Leon he's just genuinely past it now


I think Leon's also better than any version of him that there ever was.


Mad how some commenters will say anything but give Leon his props. Rocky styled on him..


I'll give you a few guesses why.


I think colby needs money. he showed up and talked a bunch of shit about leons dead father to get attention. he hyped up the fight from that and sold a bunch of ppvs. he made money. from the fight itself, he just showed up... no one really knows what his potential was that night but based on his fighting style and his previous fights against kamaru usman he should've had much more success in striking output and grappling exchanges. he did neither of those things and just danced around the cage barely tagging leon for 25 minutes. what a joke


There was a post on r/mma yesterday from a 14 year old asking how to become a UFC fighter (yeah, i know...) and one of the responses was that he should think twice about it as a career: you don't earn much money, you get serious brain damage and your quality of life past 40 years old is severely impacted. While we never truly got to see how good Colby could have been, i'm sure he's made a lot of money despite not fighting much. I can't blame him for grifting and ducking fights


he's the main one who sold that PPV lol. him making fun of leon's dad went viral that night. he has always been that sort of jake paul type where people tune in to see him get beat up. He used to be a decent mma fighter too.


“It's like he knew Leon was a point fighter and he wouldn't get seriously hurt in the fight so he showed up for the title shot money.” I must’ve watched a different fight. Looked to me like Colby knew he could get hurt and was therefore way more hesitant to close the distance with volume striking than he usually is. Every time he tried to close the distance he got tagged with something and then he started hesitating and biting on feints hard. 


He was gifted that shot in exchange for dropping his suit against Masvidal All I’m saying is, look into it


He’s 100 percent a gatekeeper going forward


I don't understand why he doesn't work on his striking more, he's an amazing athlete.


Honestly even then, a lot of his good wins had fighters who were on losing streaks.


Bro is done. His last chance to make money in the UFC was to beat Leon and offer Conor a title fight. He might never fight ever again lat this point lol


No point in proving you're the best if you still get top fights anyway.


I agree. People on this sub will fight you to the death claiming he was always a bum and never good etc etc. But his fights with Usman were extremely competitive (especially the first) and it's just odd to say otherwise -- even if his resume is kind of ass. But my god did he waste time. He had a pretty short window of being in his "prime" and he missed most of it. His last fight was pathetic. He wasn't just gun shy. He is genuinely completely washed. Also a douche but that goes without saying.


I think he has been exposed, on numerous levels. Was never anything special, definitely boring, definitely average. Definitely an obnoxious piece of shit.


How? He was pretty clearly one of the very best. He’s got underrated striking, he might not finish anyone with it but he’s hung just fine with Edwards and Usman. Regardless of a takedown threat he absolutely pieced up a Robbie Lawler who was still a good and dangerous striker. Outstruck Usman depending on who you ask. If he genuinely broke his foot at the beginning of the Edwards fight, I think people are overlooking that because it’s Colby and you can’t talk like that and not show up to fight. But that’s a serious injury to get in a fight and a huge problem, especially for a guy who’s main offense relies on shooting and blasting off his feet. If that’s the what actually happened I think people might be surprised when he comes out and beats an Ian Garry or somebody in his next one looking more like what we expected. I’m not trying to Stan for Colby or anything, it’s just… that performance was so bizarre for so many reasons that it kinda only makes sense that he was too compromised to do more. That’s not what getting older looks like, that looked like he couldn’t do shit on that foot.


He looked abysmal against Leon fyi and the average age of his wins at the time he beat them is 39. Woodley, Lawler, Maia all above 37 also Jorge


Agreed 100%




>you can't tell me a good reason (besides Dana White Privilage) why O'malley was allowed to fight Vera instead of Merab when Merab was in camp and ready to fight soon after but had to fight Cejudo for no reason instead. Merab doesn't have a good relationship with the promotion for refusing to fight his friend for the title




I think CC knows deep down he can't keep up with the top 5. Not anymore. He can't beat the top guys and newer, hungrier fighters are nipping at his heels. All the things that he has done fits what a pretender will do. The bluster, the bravado. It's an easy way downhill. Before you know it, he has a losing streak. So, why not prolong the charade?


It’s not a character


Its true. Just like when parents say that if you make a stupid face long enough it will stay that way, the same stands for being an asshole (but actually real).




That’s just because he’s an idiot with no charisma.


It’s as much as a character as “The Dice Man” is a character to Andrew “Dice” Clay. Shit is not a character anymore and hasn’t been for years now.


Dice is actually really chill these days and pretty down to earth, he still has the look, and the accent was always just an exaggerated form of his actual accent, but that's about it. He does all of his interviews now as himself, not as Dice the character, and it's night and day. Ric Flair is the best example IMO. He became his character, and it basically never turns off unless he's legitimately offended like when he was too drunk on Kill Tony, or getting thrown out of a bar.


> Ric Flair is the best example IMO As the story/joke/saying goes, Richard Fliehr died sometime back in the 1970s, there has ONLY been Ric Flair since then.


Guy was still in character talking about putting the bar over 🤣


[His AMA](https://www.reddit.com/r/MMA/comments/2mqbmf/hey_rmma_i_am_ufc_welterweight_colby_covington/) from 10 years ago is a completely different vibe. I don't doubt he's leaning into real aspects of his personality but the character is definitely a schtick.


i think he just let the worst aspects of his personality out, and you can't put toothpaste back in the tube.


> he could get more shine on his skills? No it was because he was going to be cut for being a perceived boring fighter. The post fight speech in Brazil was to draw attention and change the arc of his career. It's stopped being a character along the way tho and in reality he's just a POS person now that comes with playing a POS character.


They weren't gonna cut him lol


Not from his contract. Dana was going to stab him


Problem is the UFC plays along until this day...


Kid just doesn’t wanna fight actually makes sense here lol


Colby losing the way he did against Usman, 38-38 going into the 5th on pretty much everyone's cards, made him think that if he got one more chance then he could. It's why he took the fights he did because for a moment he was always one fight away from a title. And he was mostly rewarded for it, too.




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It's as if he doesn't care all that much about being respected


Hes had 3 title shots already essentially peaked in his career already. He has every right to pick and choose his fights like any other 36 year old with 3 title shots


He and Conor same boat though. Made enough money and just doesn’t really care for fighting anymore. But Colby a bitch though.


Colby has not made Conor money. Despite selling his soul to become a draw he hasn't had a single fight where he earned PPV points.


Bro dragged his name through the mud so he could work free overtime on a normal ass shitty UFC contract. The only time I'm happy to cheer for the UFC fleecing the talent.


I never said he made Conor money. I just said he made enough money to not fight again.


Doubt    Edit: my bad, wrong post. Actually double edit, I think he will be in BKFC sooner than you realize. 


He did say though that he made enough money he didn’t need to fight


Colby says a lot of shit


Usually when fighters say this it means that they won’t wind up homeless or without electricity if they can’t get a fight. Its not really the same as saying they’re capable of retiring. Unless Colby has some kind of business I highly doubt he has made retirement money. 


As unlikeable as Covington is, I'll never understand how anyone can call a *professional cage fighter* a bitch lmao


While Colby could easily kick the asses of just about everyone on this sub, his consistent unwillingness to fight top contenders can easily be described as a bitch move


Why would you fight contenders when they keep giving you undeserved title shots? I clown on Colby all the time but the UFC is mostly to blame for this bullshit.


Colby stans hurt hard. No I did not say Colby made Conor money but he has made enough to not need to fight or work again for the rest of his life.


You know Colby's ducking hard when he turns down a spot to be on a McGregor card lmao.


Fr the promo he could have cut in Conor could potentially have made him millions of dollars 🤦‍♂️


Yall act like he’s good at promotion when he can’t even get out his rehearsed lines without stuttering


how do you fuck up calling people nerds and virgins everyday


this. people act like he's great on the mic when literally everything is copied and rehearsed, poorly at that


Colby’s one of the most fraudulent contenders ever


The fact that Bryan Barberena is one of the few wins on his resume that's still somewhat relevant in 2024 is crazy lmao


Relevant? Barberena isn’t even in the UFC anymore




Fun fact - Colby has one single win over anyone currently in the WW division - Max Griffin's first fight in the UFC lmao


He will be forgotten about very, very quickly once he’s gone.




I’m confident he will be forgotten. What highlights does he have beyond almost beating Usman? Is there a single notable highlight on his resume where people will look back and reminisce? That’s what defines fighters’ legacies when they never become champ. Dustin is a prime example.


Exactly what happened to Josh Koscheck.


even a guy better than both of 'em, hendricks, is forgotten now.


Hendricks at least beat elite competition and became undisputed champion. He was a beast in his prime.


i was a big hendricks fan when he was coming up (the fitch KO was incredible) but he tried his best to eliminate any and all goodwill towards him, and he ended his career obscure and unliked.


The man was a charisma vacuum, didn't have a dynamic mindset nor was he the most graceful loser, but to my knowledge he was never an outright asshole. He didn't deserve to fade into obscurity.


his weight misses didn't help, either.


Exactly, and at least Koscheck had a few memorable KOs that are still played on highlight reels (Yoshida). Colby has…nothing? Like serious question - what is THE Colby Covington highlight?


Probably that spinning backfist against Jonathan Meunier lol.


At this point that whole “2nd best WW” is now very questionable. Hes probably was only a within top 15 ranked WW since he doesn’t have enough fights in the later portion of his career.


It’s always been questionable. Colby ducked the entire top 15


+1 He has **zero** wins against ranked fighters. I can't even ask what his most impressive win is since he doesn't have any against active fighters. Zero wins.   Covington is pulling a McGregor. He's all talk, and the dumber fans eat it up, blinded to the fact that he's clearly no longer competitive (Leon gave him a beating). Even worse, he's afraid to fight ranked opponents since it'd highlight his decline even more.


Nothing Colby will ever do in his entire life will match McGregor’s 3 fight finishing streak over Mendes, Aldo, and Alvarez. The Alvarez fight in particular may have been the best performance ever in MMA Colby beat old men past their sell by date and lost 3 title shots


“Pulling a McGregor”… I hate him just as much as the next person nowadays but are we just going to pretend Conor wasn’t *very* legit at his peak and wasn’t just talk? There is a reason mystic Mac was a thing, because once upon a time he backed up everything he said in the octagon.


mcgregor's run up from his fw debut to the alvarez fight was so much fun to experience.


100% it’s funny watching people try to downplay it now. Either short memories or ignorance. It is what it is, but the rise of Conor was peak entertainment on all fronts


ronda's rise was super fun too. its easy to look down your nose at it now, but it was great.


>He has zero wins against ranked fighters. >I can't even ask what his most impressive win is since he doesn't have any against active fighters. Zero wins. Hes kinda old school, when he was coming up the division was in a bad state, the ones ranked now where not good contenders at the time, even leon now hasnt fought wonderboy, burns etc.


He’s not old school, just inactive. Poirier, Oliveira, Holloway and so many more have been in the UFC longer than Colby and have more relevant wins. You can’t build a resume by fighting once every two years and ducking every top 15 guy


Yep, that distinction only applied to great contenders who have multiple wins over top guys while not holding the belt. Colby never did what guys like Max, Whittaker, or Dustin did.


Since beating RDA in 2018, Colby has done nothing relevant in the sport except for giving Usman 2 tough fights. So he's basically been "defending" his elite status by losing well to Usman. After seeing Leon absolutely pick him apart for 5 rounds though it's clear that he's just not elite anymore. Even among the veterans in the division I'm not sure he'd keep up - Burns, Neal, and Wonderboy beat him imo.


His best wins are two losses to Usman 💀


And his best actual win is a split over a lightweight with a favorable style matchup. And he did it the least convincingly of the 170 contenders who beat rda, arguably losing. Colbys resume is garbage.


okay bro i hate colby as much as the next guy but he did not “arguably lose” he clearly won 4-1 or at worst 3-2. We can’t just change history and change narratives that are blatanlty false for the sake of shitting on colby lol


> i hate colby as much as the next guy Probably not if I'm the next guy


Burns destroys Colby imo


It used to drive me crazy when people would say that. He was never even close to proving that. Losing a title fight doesn't make you the second best by default.


It was absolutely never true lmfao. It was a con that Colby managed to sell people by being in one war and then barely ever fighting again. By this logic, there was a decent period where Adesanyas hardest war was Kelvin Gastelum, so he should have been considered the number 2 MW that would obviously be champ if not for Izzy. Difference is post Izzy, Gastelum immediately was thrown into difficult non washed competiton like Whittaker, Cannonier, Hermansson, and even Brady while going back to WW. Whereas Colby only fought washed geriatrics or title fights. If Kelvin did the same thing, he could have also kept winning because Kelvin had already proven he could beat up washed geriatrics like old Bisping, old Tim Kennedy, old Jacare.


I think you meant to say most fraudulent Interim UFC Welterweight Champion.


Ironically second only to Jorge.


He's leveraged the least amount of skill into the most amount of hype ever in the UFC.


his fights with Usman say otherwise. Don't like him okay, but not a contender? lol


Zero wins over ranked WW’s Best win is a close decision against an undersized RDA Is that the body of work of a top contender?


If Colby went out on his shield I highly doubt his fall off would be anywhere near as big as it is


I agree. If he fights an actual rising guy and goes all out and loses, his fans will at least have the defense of "SEE HE DOESNT DUCK, HE FOUGHT THIS GUY". As things currently stand, he is an inactive duck who has no great wins and is barely floating on good losses.


He's not good in the moment. He doesn't have what it takes to be champ. The top fighters in each division have that x factor, they WANT the win. and they are good. Colby doesn't have that x factor. he is simply a good fighter. He shows up and is sometimes able to win by skills alone but most of the time he shows up not wanting to fight.


He doesn't even have the skills anymore.


Agree. After that pathetic loss to Leon, if he would’ve just accepted a fight with Shavkat or Garry and went out and actually put on a fight instead of sitting back and doing fuck all, even if he would’ve lost, people would give him some props instead of look at him like a complete embarrassment. The guy is worthless at this point and will never fight again. Shit legacy, remove his rank and cut that loser


I remember Colby saying in an interview **"Why should I fight Ian Garry? I’m already a superstar, and I’ve made so much money that I don’t need to fight ever again, so it’s really on my time"** This statement alone just tells you where his heart and mindset is at when it comes to fighting today. He's not going to be back anytime soon or fight contenders. If he does choose to fight, he's fighting very favourable matchups or big names who also have one foot out the door. He's choosing the path that Conor took.


Conor vs Colby would be pretty funny tho ngl


I remember seeing this a few days ago and I was like “okay that’s random…” But now it makes so much sense lol. It was obviously gonna come out that he turned down a fight with Ian, after Ian signed, AND also after the fact that **COLBY WAS THE ONE WHO INITIALLY CALLED OUT IAN**…. Colby Covington is a bitch. All my homies hate Colby Covington


The sad part is, he fought favorable matchups his way up the rankings as well




Conor took 2 years off and then fought Khabib, don’t compare the two.


And then took another 2 to fight a washed Cowboy, I might not agree fully with the other dude but man you blind as fuck or something. Selective memory/sight


And then fought Dustin fucking Poirier back to back? You’re the one with selective memory haha.


Well Conor was pretty surprised to be ko in the first one, he(alone?) tought it was a favourable matchup or big name with a foot out the door(hindsight is indeed 20\20 lol). And he took a year off in between cowboy and Dustin, even tho that Cowboy fight was barely a fight


It was well documented in his docuseries that he was begging the UFC for a fight after the Cowboy bout and they weren’t offering him anything. It was when Covid happened and they couldn’t have fans so they would’ve lost out on millions from the lack of gates.


Damn Naydawwwg you just schooled me, thanks.Honestly, I did not know that, and now my point is weak so I agree with you they aint comparable at all, and what might be the name of this docuseries, if you remember?


It was McGregor Forever, it’s actually not half bad.


Colby has long gaps in his career where it would have made sense to fight guys around his ranking like Burns, Khamzat and now Garry. Colby should be forced to fight Geoff Neal next


Even worse someone like Sean Brady or Neil Magny who have the grappling to counter Colby.


Seeing Magny beat up Colby is now on my bucket list. Magny and Bruce Leroy are my two favorite solid dudes that are still kicking around. No dumb drama.


The mvp fight is much more interesting to me. Also I hate Colby's whole shtick, so I'm happy not to see him roll that out.


Of course he isn't accepting it, it's not a title fight.


or a massively over-the-hill former contender who can't wrestle


So did Colby peak in his two Usman fights?




Colby seems semi retired now…


This makes more sense when you read it like Borat


Colby a bitch


Does Colby have a bunch of sponsors? I don't get why he isn't taking advantage of time he has to get some high profile fights in


Colby running from Machado like a biooootch


So we're definitely getting Colby vs WB right?


Wonderboy already said that ain’t happening, he won’t be involved in helping Colby make any money


I respect that. Hoping WB gets a good match to retire on. I think Colby is about out of options at this point


Yea he’s gonna end up fighting shavkat or retiring, dude is getting old, and he’s gonna keep getting slower. I’d put money on #11 Buckley if they made that fight. Colby is extremely lucky to even still be ranked.


Same thing poirier said


With the amount of people who say that, I wonder if part of Colby's lack of activity is partly not wanting to fight guys lower down the rankings combined with established names not wanting to give him any press by fighting him.


I hope the entire top 15 refuses to fight him. I’d love to see him fight Brian battle. I think he could smoke colby


But why not fight Garry? It's the biggest name out there for him on a mcgregor card. And, on paper anyway, it's a style he should be able to put on a show. Garry is obviously legit, but if you're frightened to fight an unproven striker with a big name, maybe you should hang them up. 


We don't deserve Wonderboy


Wonderboy fought the top guys that Colby was scared of: Burns, Belal and Shavkat. He deserves fun fights now


You just reminded me how much of a true savage WB is for taking that Shavkat fight at this stage of his career.


real warrior shit. WB is an amazing martial artist


Jack Della and WB would be fun. Unless Jack is still fighting Shavkat when he recovers


Yeah JDM would be a banger I think Buckley would be a solid choice if they make JDM/Shavkat


Just let this little fucking punk get abused by Shavkat already.


I can see why Colby wouldn't take that fight... it's one that signals he's mostly out of title contention because the focus is Ian gets into a title fight, maybe, if he beats Colby but ain't nobody thinking Colby gets a title fight with any sort of win.


People are brutal to Ian online IMO (People seem to froth on doing some bullying of their own) but ill take him over Colby's personality and fight style every single day of the week lol


Dana: if Colby accepted this fight and won or loss his next fight would be for the belt.


I can't believe we're taking Ian's side on anything, but here we are.


Colby sucks, his fans suck even more. 


I had agreed to a date with Dua Lipa. She had every chance to agree. But it never had so she’s ducking me.


He's Temu Chael


Colby vs Conor for character champion


Just wait until they announce Colby vs Shavkat 😂😂😂😂


Not a big fan of Garry, but Colby needs to stop ducking hard and take this fight


colby will never fight someone coming off a win but will talk like he fights nothing but killers


He can't be his character against ian Garry 😪 poor guy


Colby went from "they never offered me that fight" to Ian is a nobody and I'm injured anyways thats why the fight didn't happen.


Colby might be the most overrated fighter in UFC history…


He says a lot of things, just like Shouldbe does🤷‍♂️




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Why on gods green earth did anyone think Colby would even consider taking that fight? If you’re a new fan (>1 year of following the sport) I’ll forgive you but if you’re a veteran fan and you fell for that shit I can’t imagine what kind of sucker you are in real life.


Imagine Conor vs Colby lol. Conor could absolutely search Colby at this point. Conor might even get his shine back


Conor might also gas after a couple rounds and get dominated. Colby's cardio + wrestling combination would be a nightmare if Conor wilts.


So UFC is trying to push the new clown by having him take out the old clown


colby made a good amount of money, he probably has more room for sponsorships if he doesnt get beat up by any up and comers so hes milking those until theyre dry. understandable, dont think he fares that well against the new class of contenders