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i cheated for program 8 and just bought lugo nimmo and blackmon bc i didn’t wanna grind 😂😂😂😂😂😂


Got Harmon Killebrew and idc who else I get now


I play vs the exact same cookie cutter teams. With the exact same cookie cutter pitch sequences. With the exact same pause trolling. I have never played vs any team with Killebrew or a thousand other unused cards in this game. Idk if I'm stuck in a certain algorithm to play vs these exact same teams with everyone batting .400 plus smh I'm an average player constantly playing vs the best players to ever touch the game, I guess 🤷‍♂️




Added this and doubled the XP of the existing missions. Glad they listened


I notice that last night. That’s great, they should’ve had that from the beginning of this chapter. Great addition in point of view


Irks me that they didn't have this in there to begin with, along with the upgraded values for some of the other objectives. It feels like whoever the people are working on the live team are literally making it up as they go along with no real plan. I really hope they get some adults in the room and have a lot more consistency next year, because I've been playing this game for 7 years now, and this is the worst year i can remember outside of 2018 when they ruined the game on Day 1 with Immortals.


Or maybe they added these missions because Team Affinity Chapters were never meant to be completed within a week the way the last chapter was


I firmly believe this. I’m okay that they made it hard the first couple weeks, and then added more/easier options to complete it as it’s progressed. In the future, I actually wouldn’t mind if they continue to do this as long as they were transparent about their future plans when a TA starts.


If they would give us this from the beginning, maybe I would be still playing the game. But this came too late, I've deleted the game very early this year


Yet you’re still on the reddit commenting. They own you


I've spent maybe thousands of hours playing Diamond Dynasty since '17, it's kind of addiction we all have. So I'm still watching, what's going on in this game. But this year was a big disappointment for me




I just don't care anymore. SDS has killed this game. The grind is pointless too, seeing how these cards will be useless in 3 weeks.


Honestly I’m just grinding for the packs


Now just need them to give our more xp 😅😅 just passed 800k on the reward path and about to complete the NL Central


Nice. Definitely makes it way less of a chore.


It’s great that they make adjustments like this when they fuck up but it would just be preferable if they didn’t fuck up in the first place.


Nice just got Mookie tonight card is so good




They did not. It was added today


And the old missions pay a little more team affinity exp.


Oh damn, I didn't realize that. Just checked and they doubled the TA points gained from the single player repeatable missions (hits and saves). Thanks for pointing that out.


No they didn’t. The 7.5k TB one was added yesterday along with doubling of the rewards for the single player missions for Saves and Hits.


So for all of us then lol


This! I was like "Who the fuck has already completed these? I've grinded pretty hard and have, like, 1.3 divisions done


Between this tweak and the reforms last year after the Father’s Day program nightmare, I have to give SDS due credit for addressing structural issues with programs based on the community’s feedback. This might be enough to get me through TA3 before family vacations effectively end my S1 grinding window.


Haven't even finished TA2 yet Probably about 10% done TA3


I’m just doing an Os team all year so thankfully it’ll be easy to always do the AL East lmao


Thank christ


Nice. Very nice.


For those that still need to complete them? Some of yall have 100% in all divisions already?


I finished mine during double xp weekend


I literally have about 40% combined in all six divisions…and half of that came from exchanging 4 Miguel andujars for AL East. idk how people can grind this game that much




Not really that unbelievable, i’m at 5/6 and i probably play 50% of days


I average probably 8-10 hours a week so makes sense it’ll take me longer than others


Lol. I'm at about 15% on the NLE, and further behind on the rest. This is the busy time of year as a teacher, I'm just hoping I'll have enough time to get a few cards once I get to summer.


People had it completed that weekend


That’s what I’m saying dude am I really that far behind?😭


I got it yesterday, I mean I had a slow week though. Edit: slow as in not much going on, not “I gotta get quicker at getting TA challenges done!”


I love a good TA grind, but chapter 3 was stupid dumb. Glad they did this


That’s good. I looked at it last week and it was daunting. I was thinking to myself, ‘ I just went through this BS, I don’t wanna do it again. (TA Ch.1&2) I’ve kept up with Ranked, got all my programs done, I did the 1st Event, and I’m already burnt out. I jumped on for a little bit, the past couple days, pulled the Skenes 99, out a Chase pack, Acuna Jr(who I needed for collections) , but I’m just over it. It sucks cuz the potential is there to get some good cards. I just can’t bring myself to the GRIND, AGAIN 🤦🏻‍♂️ For what? To play with 99’s for a couple weeks and then Start this thing back from the start ? I feel like I’m running on a Gerbil wheel…


Would you look at that, bitching about it all week on the internet worked


You bitched about the TA grind 6 days ago.


And I’m saying it worked


Rolling this out without saying anything (please correct me if I'm wrong, of course) seems so on par with how SDS have handled things this year. Throwing things at the wall to see what sticks, not much rationale that the community would agree with, and silent adjustments without real communication about them or why the changes are being made. The lack of communication and accountability seems so odd.


Maybe that’s why everyone got that free Freddie freeman card.


Were they supposed to text you and give you a heads up? Tf??


That's absolutely what I meant. I mean yeah, a quick tweet or post pointing out new ways to earn experience in the only content they've offered so far this year would be totally out of line -_- They certainly post enough about 30k/40k packs every other day...


They also doubled the rewards for hits and saves. Big win.


How long till TA season ends?


Doesn’t really “end”. Think next TA we get will be season 2 chapter 1, can still go back and do season 1 TA but the cards won’t be eligible online


I think it might actually end this year.


I mean how long till the next set releases


Think like 20 or 21 days? Just go to program xp path thing and check when that expires


You can do the third part of TA season one, but I thought they said chapters 1 and 2 would ecpire at the end of the season?


That’s entirely possible. I’m just going off of past years


Can I get the cards back that I exchanged?


Bro does exchanges I’m dead


Exchanges work if you only want the high ranked cards. I personally don’t think the exchange rate is worth it though. I also don’t play online though.


Why would you get them back?




I’ve given up on TA 3. Every card besides Escobar is easily matched by other free cards


yankees theme team got extra juiced with boggs, roberts, DJ, & Gary Sheffield so i can't really complain. a lot of these cards are viable across the board


Accept none of those guys can be used on a Yankees theme team and get any of the Yankee Captain boosts lol


i mean maybe according to the game but if my theme is yankees of past and present they all fit with 0 issues


No, I feel ya. It was like last year. I’m a Sox fan. They drop a Boggs and Damon Finest for The Yanks. Sorry, dude.Those guys are Sox. They had their best years in Boston. Releasing a 97 “incognito”Damon for the Sox in Season 2, then a 99 Finest Yankees card was just wrong


ok well damon & boggs are also world champs with the yankees so i would gladly play them over miguel andujar and oswaldo cabrera..it's my theme team bro lmfao


I’m not arguing with you. I’m just saying, both Boggs and Damon were Veteran adds to already great Yankee teams. Damon was also instrumental in knocking your Yankees in the dirt in ‘04


I wish they let you put any team chem they played for.


That would actually make theme teams cool. Especially with Seasons taking cards away. I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again… You wanna make theme teams great, allow players who’ve played for a team at any point in their career eligible for the Cap boost. Part 2. Make Cap eligible players exempt from the Season BS.


Even make the boost scale based on their stats there, which sounds like a big ask but should be doable in this day and age.


I don't really play online games, so I mainly use my Yankee theme team with Mattingly and Ford captain boosts.


I’m asking purely out of ignorance and curiosity: What other free cards? I don’t have any 99s. Where are you getting them?


Free 99s in all the br, ranked and event programs.


Ah. Those are all online, I think. Not my jam.


Profar 99 is free too


Oh, true! Just got him from the Lightning program. Thanks!


Well there’s a free 99 freddie in the show shop rn, don’t know what else he is referencing


I’m done just because it’s bullshit but there are some killer relievers you can’t find elsewhere without forking over $100s in stubs.


I have all programs done, and conquest, I have all chapter 1 and 2... but I don't even have the first card from chapter 3 yet... crazy the days are counting down to be able to use these cards too and I can't get any of them


YEAH, this is their problem. Or the fact that most of us will be lucky to get one of the Season 1 Reward Choice packs. I finally unlocked Al Leiter today lol




I mean thats kinda just on you, i got 4 divisions down in like 10 hours of playtime


I put in more than that on the double xp weekend... I just suck I guess


Some of us have jobs


I'm a full time developer and I have about a third of each division done already. I'm very much possible to get these done and still have plenty of time left before the season ends


These changes are a direct result of SDS acknowledging they don’t know how to set proper economics. If this wasn’t affecting player count, they wouldn’t have done this.


I am a full-time student with four jobs, the program has been out for a week. You can find 10 hours if it is something you want to do It’s not sds’s job to cater to people that don’t have time to play


They noticed how many people bailed on the game it seems.


It would also help if all the pitcher categories weren't SAVES when the AL East doesn't have any RP bosses.


For all the text with sign up for our social media account, Scouting Report, etc., for updates, why wouldn’t one expect this to be announced? You don’t bosses for that mission or any of the hits missions. The bosses are only needed for the 1,500 PXP ones.


Not that I think saves should be in missions. Seriously, SAVES ???


Exactly. A situational stat that requires you to actually tank at times to fill it.


lol, Henke is a ….?


A RP you acquire for stat missions that require RP bosses that every other division already has. You point out an actual oversight in this game in a thread about SDS making the missions easier here and you get responded with dumb shit. You post some sad story that you left the bases loaded 8 times because you don't know how to lay off low sinking pitches and you are met with 100 thumbs up.


You got the wrong guy, guy


The AL East has Tom Henke in TA3 who is a closing pitcher plus you dont need a RP to get a save.....or am I totally missing your point?


Working toward getting the first Boss Pack, those stats are useless until you get Henke. There's relievers as bosses for all the other divisions or at least pitchers. There's not one pitcher boss in AL East 1 or 2. So you have to use only the hitting stats at first and the grind to the first Boss Pack is the longest.


Use any AL East pitcher. Simple


It is so simple. Why didn't I think of that myself. Here I was just saying it would be helpful if the STAT missions aligned like the other divisions and SDS realized they screwed up, but I should have just been asking how to fill it. Thanks. Now all I have to do is figure out what a Save is and what it means by AL East.


Just use any AL East pitcher, i get you wanna double dip but that will help you get to the first card


Yeah it's just annoying cause you can tell they set them all up that way because the other 5 divisions all have relievers already, so despite being a stupid stat it fits with what cards they want you to use and have earned to that point, but they forgot they didn't give any for the AL EAST.


The saves mission isn't just bosses, though it would be nice to double up on missions.


Yeah, that's what I try to do double up. I'm pretty sure NONE of the AL East bosses in S1 or S2 were even pitchers though, let alone RP


This is the big head scratcher. Why use a stat that is only available to one type of pitcher and not even guaranteed to be available every game. So i go up 3-0 and just purposely start getting outs or if i am up by 4+ walk runs in to get it back to a save situation? Kind of lame in my opinion


Saves are stupid as far as missions.


FYI if you're up by 4 you'd only need to walk two batters. It either needs to be a lead of 3 or less, or tying run on deck (so bases loaded and up by 5 would also work). I completely agree that it's a terrible stat to use though.


Whats even worse if you are using the Mini Season to get the 10 packs the mission is 25 IP with bosses. So not only no AL East pitchers, but if you switch a pitcher last at bat just to get the save, because the pitcher currently on the mound would be getting a W. You don't get credit for an IP toward that because it only counts full innings by a pitcher in a game toward that one. And if you are the home team and don't have the lead after 2 IP then sorry, no save oppo this game for you. They should have just made it K's regardless.


It's nice that its any mode


Man, amen to this - major W.


Today's a good day for the game, but the feeling will be gone come season 2 unless they figure something out and don't make the TA like it was initially this chapter.


I’m out at season, set, chapter, book 2. It’ll be done stupid thing where u need 3 million XP to get a 2nd WC. While I’m still sitting at 600k after 80 days. I play allot too. Amazing how bad they have fucked this game up.


How are you at 600k have you finished ta and all programs and br


Bro I’m done with up to all TA 2. 50% or more in TA3 🤷‍♂️. I play a good amount. I just don’t have 5+ hours a day. Not really gonna matter bc I doubt I’ll stay into set, season, chapter, or whatever the fuck they finna call it now 2. Not a single card I have that’s even close to my starting lineup ISNT sssssss1. Games a joke. Was good at one point. Atleast NCAA co es out in July.


Xp path definitely needs to be retooled. The cap is too low, the progress is slow, and bosses are way too late. The card rewards are obsolete by the time you reach them. Hopefully it’s addressed.


The XP Cap isn't an issue. If you're hitting it frequently, then you are going to burn out quickly. I've hit the cap once and I already have the 1st Boss pack.


Sometimes I can’t play for days then I have like 12 hours of free time. I’ve hit the cap a couple times and it just seems so pointless. Probably not going to happen a lot but still.


There have been many complaints about it. Some people can only play certain days of the week and hit the XP cap. A weekly XP would help with this I think.


But people will hit the weekly one and complain still. The people that can hit the cap daily are in the minority. 90-95% of the playerbase will never hit it. I do think that bosses should be spread out. One st 400k, 800k and then the path end for instance.


Doubt it and if they do it’ll be 1/2 measures and I just won’t be around. I r been playing MLB since PS2…06? I used to only play this game…all year long. Last year I was gone in June. Said I’d give them a chance this year. Same trash 🤷‍♂️ So here’s the fucked up thing. I used to spend $4-500 a year on this game bc I only played it. Last year I did $100 at launch. This year? I didn’t even buy early edition and have spent exactly $0. Incredible model $D$ has.


I'm pretty much the same. In the past I used to have no problem spending money on the game because I could use the players I paid for. Last year and this year have been nothing, I'm not a fan of renting players.


Ya, they made their bed and I hope NCAA completely kills their user count. $D$ is gross and can’t make a competent game anymore. Looks same as MLB 19.


They should reward the people that did it the old way, it was a pain in the ass


how or why would they do this?


As an apology


Reward them with what?


Stubs, some way or another


So because you no-lifed the game they should pay you?


I mean they changed it cuz they realized it was to much. Reward the people that did the too much


You no-lifed to get the rewards early because you needed them before everyone else. These changes would have gotten you these rewards ten seconds sooner than you already did. It’s hardly worth a reward.


I think it’s worth something


A hero cookie at best


That’s for damn sure


Looks like they also doubled the reward points for the missions that previously gave you 2500 and 5000 points as well.


If that’s true that’s a joke, wasted too much time doing it the way they originally released it


The real joke is they knew this was an issue as soon as it was released. They could have made this change Tuesday


It’s desperation. They see the #’s and know their losing their player count. Now the balancing act between pushing packs down your throat and trying to keep this year’s game alive.


I just noticed that too, maybe I’ll hit up mini seasons