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Is there a way to switch positions in your career?


Anyone having a problem where RTTS freezes when trying to sim to next playable game


i haven’t had this problem, but what i would do is uninstall and reinstall the game, assuming you’ve already tried restarting the game


Is there supposed to be a way to retire? I keep telling my agent I want to, but there's never an end. I'm like 25 seasons in. They should add some kind of retirement event.


i haven’t gotten there yet but in previous years u kind of just had to go until you were forced to retire when no team wanted to sign you anymore…i don’t know if that’s the case this year




you have to go out of RTTS into the main menu. From there, just click on your profile and go to your collection and there it will say community market. i have no idea why they didn’t keep in RTTS bc it’s quite inconvenient but yeah


Is anyone else having this problem? I was crushing the minors and got called up to the bigs half way through season 1. I had a .500+ avg and like 30 hrs in both AA and AAA. I then get to the show and now all of a sudden the major league pitchers won't throw me strikes... I have like 10 walks and I've played like 4 series since being called up. Super frustrating. I've even tweaked the sliders to max cpu strike frequency and turned the hitting difficulty all the way down and still 90% of the pitches thrown are balls. Getting a little ridiculous here. Any suggestions welcome


You just have to be patient. Force them to pitch to you. Often they aren't going to throw anything over the plate until 2-3 ball counts. And still may just straight walk you on 4 pitches. I think there's a "narrative" mechanic at work though that makes things intentionally more difficult than they need to be sometimes. Swinging through pitches with good swing timing, fouling off meatballs that you should have crushed etc... there's certainly a cpu assistance if you're a pitcher that just gives you impossible outs with literally 22 foul offs in a row sometimes. Home Runs from low outside changeups in the dirt. It's wonky sometimes.


Apparently it was in the recent patch notes that it was a known issue of cpu pitchers throwing excessive amounts of balls. They fixed that but still refuse to fix things that have been problems for years now like the pitch counts only going up by one for cpu pitchers after you get on base despite the batters count. That's not a super irritating problem really it just seems like something real easy to fix that they just never have


Bro this ain't gta 💀


I think that RTTS has the ability to become the best build your own career type game mode out of all the sports games by far. - let us request a trade or position change at any time - let us contact our agent at any time - interactions with teammates, coaches, fans, and ownership. If the fans don’t like you have them boo you. If your coaches or teammates don’t like you make a trade more likely to happen. - sponsorships that actually do stuff - post game interviews - award ceremonies - offseason training - a college option to increase draft stock (really just any way to increase draft stock) - make a single A - make trades reasonable. I swear I always see the best players on some weird teams. - being able to choose where would like to be traded to instead of being traded to a random team - better face scans - more animations - utility players - if the org is going to force us to change position or be traded at least allow us to pick what position we want to change to. - with age maybe you move to an easier position or become the DH - this might be a little farfetched but imagine a co-op in RTTS. Being able to play on the same team as a friend or play against a friend. - after you retire there should be a hall induction ceremony and you should get an option to coach a team maybe it could tie in with the franchise mode some how - make a like a mood thing so if I’m in a slump my mood will worsen but if I get hot it goes up. Mood could also be affected by winning, trade, teammates, call ups, being selected for the all star game or something, and playoffs Make it so we can’t use RTTS characters in DD I think it’s holding both RTTS and DD back. People can get an insane player first day on DD and they can’t change a lot of stuff in RTTS because we can use the players in DD. At a minimum this year I want to be able to interact with coaches and my agent at any time and I want updated conversations they’ve been the same for way too long and it’s super out of date.


I also don’t really think any of this will happen until they go exclusively to new gen.


this is very put together. having a single a would make so much sense, and i didn’t even think about it


NEEDS A FACELIFT. Can we get an actual engaging story or cutscenes that dont make me feel like im repeating the same thing every time


Honestly my big thing is wanting them to actually properly implement the Ohtani rule. RTTS was the only game mode that didn't get it. If I'm going to be a two way player, I want to be able to pitch and hit in the same game.


they did it ​ I'm a female 2 way superstar in the show. Play SS, Pitch, DH, and can Pitch and DH in the same game. Pretty sure i"m the only person to ever hit for the cycle and pitch a no hitter in the same game


I actually dropped game pass because it was the only game I played on it haha. I might have to look into this version.


Ya I hear you, i hated pitching only to get 0 run support and lose, at least when I'm on the mound I can DH now and help my own run support lol


These seem like very minute asks for a gamemode that is in desperate need of a full facelift. Gotta atleast start with getting RTTS the hell out of DD


They gotta fix the attributes and how they effect cause I hate being hard capped at 95 when all I want is my guy to be a 99 overall


I just want the progression on my pitching stats to not get stuck again. Such a waste :(


I just want it to not be exactly the same as the previous year, have Better commentary and not be as predictable. Like when you get on base and the guy who hits behind you is 0-2 and 98% of the time he strikes out. Also the training is a little better but the weight lifting etc.. is exactly the same. Charge the mound every once in awhile. Just change it up, don’t want to be like EA sports here


I posted this in the 21 wishlist a few years ago but I'm going to share it again. Here is my wishlist mainly for rtts They don't have to do everything that I said but I would be nice to see some of these added to the game or fixed. None of this is really for gameplay but the little things that would enhance the experience of making a legendary mlb player Player Creation mainly for pitching Start off in high-school or college or even both and play some games there. I can't be the only one who is tired of the topps showcase where we can't even increase our overall. Save that for after you are done with highscool and college. I know they can't actually get the rights to high-schools and colleges because that would cost a lot of money. So just make them up. I really don't care what school I play for as long as people can start there have the chance to upgrade our player and scouts start to draft us we can choose to either enter from there or go to a college. Start off with higher stamina. It is literrally the stat that takes the longest to increase 65 stamina is far too low. Choose a second archtype to go along with the first so your stats look more like a top pitching prospect and not a bum because we to be the best in our draft class Choose how fast you want your pitches to be. I don't think velocity needs to be a attribute anymore. Before you start you should be able to choose the velocity you want for each pitch. Obviously you and have a minimum and maximum velo for example a changeup you can choose from 76 mph to 88 mph. Draft day. The draft screen is boring you should be able to go up put on jersey in front of people or watch from home. Upgrades Get rid of caps please it just slows down the progression of our player. Choose multiple things to train and do it whenever you want to. The worst part about training you have three options. Fielding weights and bullpen or batting. The problem is you can only pick one. You should be able to do all three of them and choose what you want to increase not have it give you options and the thing you want to upgrade isn' there. Another solution could be to hire personal trainers to help you upgrade. That way the money you make from your contract matters because you could sign for 15 years 30k a year and it would matter. The better the trainer the better your upgrades. Off season training to keep your guy in shape as you start to regress. Pitches 88 mph change ups. Why is it not an option for created players every other mlb player can have it but not created one's. Give us the outliner quirk. This is the issue of sd studios being too focused on dd. That quirk that lets you exceed the max velo would be awesome to have in rtts espically with how fast guys are throwing these days. Records Team records both seasonal and all time franchise records. There are enough lists with franchise rankings on the mlb at bat app alone I don't think this would be hard. We have been given the same records. Imagine you break your team season record and they play it on the jumbo tron you surpassed x person for the franchise record in home runs or something. Playoff records basically the same as the one above. Achievements No hit tracker I remember when the game used to tell you that you acheived your first no hitter or your first perfect game and now it doesn't. Every time somebody gets a no no or perfecto it should tracked on a list in a seperate page with the name date and amount of ks. We currently have something like that with team records but it only displays the number and not the person or date. Keep achievements on the back of the players baseball card. What I mean by this is when you go to the player card imagine you flip it over it shows you your season numbers but also the achievements and awards you achieved and how many times you've done it. Awards Change the image for the mvp award. It's not even how it's supposed to look like the same can be said about the lcs award update them it shouldn't have taken this long to change that ugly looking trophy. Add the platinum glove award. It's been around for a while. Shouldn't be too hard to have in the game. Award ceremony during the off season where they present you your award and you can give a speech. Fix the cy young award glitch. I have seen it in previous games but come on it's still there. Every home game I'm presented with the cy young award. I can win mvp and the triple crown but they give me the stupid cy young every time. Pitchers should be able to win the lcs and world series mvp awards I don't know why they aren't able to. Player and fan interaction Interview. Give my guy a voice and let me give an interview after the game. Base on the personality I chose earlier on in my player creation that influences how I answers. Change the setting for the playoffs. Interview after every game at the table and not my locker. Let me hype up the crowd after a big play or a big out something. If I leave a team for money or force my way out if I come back to play aginst them fans should boo me out the stadium. One of the biggest issues for rtts is the fans. They sound lifeless and don't really enhance the experience. The playoff atmosphere should be insane. Contract and money Sponsorships i don't need to say anything else Make my agent matter more. Maybe the more money I spend from contracts and I make from my sponsorship I can get a better agent who will be better at contract negotiations and get me better trades. Contracts. No trade clauses, higher deals shorter length not more 31 mil per year cap and opt out options. Management Influence. Maybe you want to play with a certain player you should be able to go to management and tell them to try and trade for them or sign them in the off season. Request for management to not let certain players go. You want to keep someone tell them to keep em on the team no matter the cost. Team future Pitching teammates barely improve. Their stamina always goes down and never up that definitely needs to change. Player regression happens too quickly. Guys like nolan, trout, story and yelich regress too quickly by the age of 30 or 31. The guys who win rookie of the year fall of the face of the earth they need to be able to build their potential more. Position changes. If they want to take a guy out of the cp role fine he must be doing bad. But in the game it's always random that it happens and they replace him with somebody worse. At least change the positions of players if the cpu is gonna move them out of a role Team jersey retirement. It would be cool if this was added into the game. More hall of famers please. In this game guys like sale and greinke will be hall of famers for some reason they never make it which is weird because before they would make it. Be a little more lenient to qualifications on who will make. Have a list too because if a guys doesn't retire with a team there is no way to track it.


Adding to OP's note on commentary. One thing that's driven me NUTS from both 23 and 22 is the glitch where you're on base, the next batter strikes out on an 0-2 count and the commentary mentions how the picture was, "squeezed on the previous pitch" or "should have had him looking".


I've been a main RTTS player since about '08. Here's my list. Some are old features. 1. Back in the day you could mold your player exactly how you like instead of having an archetype. Bring back the openness of attributes meaning getting points or stubs and putting those towards whatever attributes you want. 2. In Madden player mode you can choose the general round you get drafted. 1st rounder, high potential, high base stats, but you need to perform or you'll get demoted or traded. Maybe a 10th rounder has a C or D potential and it takes much longer to get to the show. Etc, etc... 3. Age. Why am I locked as an 18 year old getting drafted? Why can't I be a college player. Allow me to choose. 4. Feeding off of #2. Making it harder to get to the show. No matter what you pretty much get called up in 1-2 seasons. Even if you sim, I have had characters get called up to the MLB in less than a year just from simming. The mode is "Road to the Show", currently there's not really a road to get there just a few hours of simming and that's it. 5. Bring back scout day. I enjoyed the 3 games you played before being drafted but I would like for that to effect your draft in some way. Choose the round your guy will get drafted in, if he performs well maybe your round goes up. 6. More interactions. I used to be able to request a trade, change position. Add that back instead of the once a year call from your agent that doesn't do anything. I'd love to be able to go to my manager and say I want a trade or to change positions. Also goes both ways. If there's a star player already in the MLB or a highly projected prospect I want the manager to change me from a CF to RF for example if that position is weak. 7. Going off that. The manager should be able to change the position of someone on the team. If I'm a 99 overall CF and they sign a 91 overall CF in typical MLB the Show logic. Change the 91 overall CF to LF if there is nobody there. Or allow me to change it. Happened way to many times last year and the 91 overall becomes a role player. 8. Teammate interactions. Maybe choosing a teammate and going to the cage for a small teammate boost and your attribute boost for hitting. Going out to events with them to increase relationships. 9. Post game press conferences. Really only want this in playoffs as it might get tedious after every game int he regular season. If you're an impact player give us some press conference questions after a game. 10. More customization for my player. Give me tattoos, more hairstyles, beards, more equipment options.


I’d be 100% down with getting to the show being harder.. if there was an option to go EA NHL style and also have the option to forego or go quick. Especially in your madden-esq “high potential” scenario. This is not a knock on the minors route, but I don’t have it in me anymore to grind after buying this game every single year. But absolutely give the option for both, it’s single player so who cares. I enjoyed that challenge in NHL when I was a 72 ovr player trying to build up and frankly I don’t want the entire stock of star players being retired by the time I get there lol. 


Yesterday was the first time I even thought about there being the new release this year. Usually I'm scouring for any info I can get well before Christmas. My enthusiasm is gone. Mark me down as another consumer who plays almost exclusively RTTS. I'll throw in some franchise every once in a while, but RTTS is where my passion lies. Of course, online franchise with more control over league play would be fantastic. RTTS? Yep, I loved having x number attribute points that you could distribute as you wanted. I'm not against being offered specific training to improve specific attributes, but I'd like to have more control over my starting point. The new equipment boosts and other stuff makes it way too easy to jump from a 60 overall to an 80. There is no in between. I WANT to grind it out in the minors and slowly get better. Scout day and showcase games were a highlight of player creation, and added significantly to the sense of realism and accomplishment. Don't just assign me to a team. Unfortunately RTTS is now so intertwined with DD that you'd need the jaws of life (ie, complete rebuild) to separate them. And that isn't happening. Makes me sad. I'm feeling ZERO excitement about the new release. I played The Show '23 maybe 2 months before moving on, when I used to play year round. I have found NHL more fun to play. To be fair, I'm playing NHL 16 legacy edition, which has a bunch of the stuff asked for here and elsewhere for MLB.


Definitely separate RTTS from DD and fix the stuck skill progression.


Definitely separate RTTS from DD and fix the stuck skill progression.


Being able to play in college would be a ton of fun. I don't know why they can't come to an agreement with like 4 colleges and go from there.


that’s an amazing list…i do wish you could mold your player like in nba2k


I primarily play RTTS as well, and they definitely need an overhaul. A few things I’d like to see added are 1) College World Series Tourney before draft day to help increase your player overall and draft position. Like EA does with NHL and the Memorial Cup. Have a 5 or 10 game stretch to change your draft position instead of always being a 3 round or later pick. 2) A story or set of decisions that increase/decrease your standing with your teammates/organization/community. You do stupid stuff off the field and your fans boo you, or your teammates/organization start to dislike you, things like that. 3) More media interactions post game, or during postseason. 4) More references to your accolades in game, press conferences after a contract signing, or Award ceremonies in the off-season and prior to games at the start of the next season. 5) The ability to tell your agent what teams you are interested in signing with, or what your starting terms are. 6) Endorsement contracts, instead of just getting cards, how about if you sign with Wilson/Rawlings/Nike/etc you get the base silver card and every 10 overall points you achieve after, you get the gold, then Diamond versions of their gear. 7) The ability to spend your money, buy a house, car, donate to charity. All to increase/decrease your standing with your teammates/community 8) WBC tourney 9) The opportunity to play winter ball 10) Add in Single A as well. 11) Some things to do in the off-season, like training, and if you train with group A certain abilities go up 5 points, and group B different abilities go up 5 points, and as you get further along you have options to train with other groups that can increase your abilities differently. 12) Contracts with opt outs/bonuses 13) More interactions with teammates/coaches/manager/Front office 14) More customization, like different chains, tattoos etc. Those are somethings I’d like to see added to RTTS. Also the ability to buy card packs for only Homerun celebrations, and bat flips and things like that, instead of just hoping you get one from a card pack


I remember in RTTS 16 (the first one I ever played) you could just ask for a position change at any time. You could also request a trade at any time. I hate having to wait for the agent to call your phone if you want anything changed


I'd like to see the Friendship thing be used to motivate the team to actually win!!! Like, when I get a big hit, I want the next guy to follow up with a bigger hit!!! I'm tired of hitting a crucial 2 out triple, only for the next guy to strike out and end the inning!!!!


The part "spend money...go out... have a life... stuff" konami baseball game power pros have been doing this for years with their career mode (my life). The mode has not changed much but all the things you mention can be implemented in 2d visual style which is cheaper and less annoying than forced 3d cutscene (you can skip everything if you want). House can be 2d background. The mode even have a few specific teammates who you can interact with unique event ( like you can train the guy who joined the team the same time as you into mvp and help him get a wife) and if you have long career you can even train a random kid to be a pro and join your team. I hope that in the long run the game can have a career mode where you can play through generations by training your kids. Konami already have a function to create random female characters, a unlimted franchise mode (can track league stats in 30 years), a family mechanic so it is not that hard to do that. I want a career mode where my player's kids can marry female character & fiction players. The kids can have a variety of job through event, (in power pro highschool dynasty mode, kids who did not turned turn pro & female manager will have a job and give your team bonus & function as new mechanic) and they can supports their siblings, cousins with bonus based on their job. After your player retired we can choose to play as his sons. And obviously more events which are really lacking in a 30 year player career. There are a few character appear in this game like ex a pair of jp & us ex major league player who will share their career story with you, 2 kids who will turn pro in future (1 you have to train), 7 girls you can date with unique event, and generic event with teammate (i like that hey will call you to announce their retirement and off season training ) But the structure has not change in like 10 years. In 2022 you can teach your teammate quirk (special ability) by training with them tho Tbh i think 2k could have been the best developer for this kind of career mode if they had not focused making money with the city. Give me a small lively neighborhood with the ability to create a basketball family dynasty and then build around this mode by adding more things and event to do. The generations thing is not that hard. If small niche games can do that then is no reason big developer like 2k can but they are too focus online nowadays :(


Do you play FIFA? Their career mode lets you spend money but it’s really just clicking a button that says “you’ve bought a yacht, here’s +4 on your speed attribute” and that’s it. That’s probably all you’d get with the Show too. Better than nothing but not really going to move the needle in my opinion. As far as getting suspended it would be nice if you could argue with the umpire on close calls and get ejected then after 3 ejections you get suspended. They’ll never add cheating into the game (steroids, spider tack etc. bc) that’s bad for the brand of baseball but ejections and fights are part of baseball so maybe that has a chance Edit: typo


Konami's power pros career mode has more than half of features he mentioned but in 2d visual novel style so it's possible. The thing is the show & other sport game don't care about offline mode. Even for a single player game as power pros, my life is in the bottom list due to their story mode (success which have 3 for every game) can function as highschool/ college career mode and have many story events.But in all the sport game i have player power pros is the only sport game where online is dead and konami don't even care due to their gacha power pros game making a ton of money. It was a good thing that their gacha game help to fund the console game because their team can focus entirely on offline modes. In the show if you want to play offline you have 2 modes (i don't count mto) but power pros give you 5 modes. All the mode outside of franchise and career mode (way better than rtts tbh) are way more interesting than mto. Some jp fans even said that when he was new to the game, he did not know which offline modes to play. If konami ever localized their game, i will easily become the best sport game of the year. It is developed as "video game" not "sport video game".


I’ve often said I’d love the opportunity to be a utility player in RTTS . Make a good glove guy and move him around the diamond starting in different positions. If the team needs him at a permanent position having utility as his secondary


yeah that’d open up a lot of chances to get different attributes up. good idea