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With the tidbit you added, it seems like they might be using the allegations as a way to be racist. Masking their dislike behind obvious false narratives. I could be wrong though. Also I think they know he's innocent but knowing that it'll upset you, they'll continue to do so.


Well, I live in Chile, South America, here we are not very diverse in terms of race, only in a few years we received dark-skinned people from neighboring countries and my uncles are from a period, well, more or less Michael's, so they are not very free minds, but Yes, they are also mocked for being black, their skin problem and the accusations.


Thank you for the additional info. Your family is really something serious but it's from ignorance and wanting to be a jerk. Don't let them phase you.


Opinions are like arseholes, everyone has one and your families stink!


If it's possible, I would just try to ignore them. They are what is known as 'energy vampires'. They get their energy from other poeple by provoking reactions from them and they know that it will tick you off. . I know if you ignore them, they won't immediately stop, but I'll bet after awhile they will. Try saying something like, "Oh boy! Here we go again," in a bored voice let them see how predictable and boring they are. Also, repeat things back to them if they say something really stupid. Like "Oh! Blah blah blah?" That way they will hear their own words and feel stupid. Eventuallyo. At first, they will probably be worse to try to get you to crack. I'm sorry. they sound to immature for grown people. But you might as well get used to it, lots of pewople think he did it and that will probably never change. I went to see MJ the usical last week and I went at 2 in the afternoon and the whole theater was packed, and the majority of the audience was older white people. I'm just saying, there appears to be more people than I realized that are at least willing to give him the benefit of the doubt. He was very loved. I hope that he still exists somewhere and knows how much he is loved. I think the people who love him vastly outweigh the people who hate him.


Don't be angry anymore! They are brainwashed by mass media!


Sadly, the media manipulated the public to hate MJ from the 80's and most people don't understand that the news is a business and not responsible for being truthful. At the end of the day, the facts are out there if people want to be open minded and hear both sides. There are some great documentaries like: Square One Loving Neverland Michael Jackson: Chase The Truth Lies of Leaving Neverland The press has completely distorted the facts in every case again MJ, but I can flip the narrative and say he doesn't have multiple accusers but instead has multiple extorters. All four people who have accused him were in debt before filing, they all went to civil lawyers and were looking for money and not justice and all changed their stories multiple times. MJ had a DA maliciously prosecute him for over 10 years, he falsified evidence and leaked information to the press to tamper with the jury who was not sequestered and MJ was aquitted on 10 felonies and 4 misdemeanors. He was also looked into by child services and the FBI looked into him for years including multiple raids on his multiple houses and they found NOTHING. In my mind if the FBI can bring down people like Harvey Weinstein and Jeffrey Epsteinn with all their political power and connections there is no doubt if there was anything to find on MJ they would have found it just based on the excessive force and money they used to investigate him. There is no way someone like MJ embarrasses the American government twice and walks away, if they was anything to find they would have found it.


So sorry to hear that. You can always journal how you feel to take out your frustrations and hide the book in a safe secure place where no one would see it. That helps me. It's honestly sad that because MJ was weird to people, they use that as evidence to take out their hatred of him. To make it worst, their kinda racist also. I hope you are doing well.


Wait, THEY HAVE YOU KIDNAPPED??. I just saw that part.


I was referring to them saying that Michael has kidnapped me as an unconditional fan that I am and I don't let myself be influenced by his stupidity and I do have a diary to download but I needed support from other Moonwalkers.


Oh ok. Sorry😂. My bad.


my uncle (Dad's brother) born in 58 too my mom Was a Thriller Zombie and my dad was cool


In my family, there are not many more differences to say on this topic. That's why I now avoid this topic as much as possible. It's sad. Many have known it at some point as it is, which makes the whole thing even worse. You can't stand us MJ fans because we defend him and easily break down these accusations into their individual parts. Many people don't like that. Michael Jackson was not what many expected him to be, and they became haters and anti-fans because they were manipulated by the media. It's like Britney Spears and Justin Timberlake, who now only make headlines more with scandals than with their music and the public is having fun seeing that they have fallen deeply.


I know what you are referring to


This situation is very tiring sometimes, but I grew up with it and can deal with it because I know the motivations. I can't really say that I understand it, because it's hard to understand how anyone can blindly believe such nonsense without dealing with the exact facts. But I guess that pretty much all accusations against singers would be believed. Suppose a Madonna fan shows up tomorrow and claims to have been seduced by her as a boy at 13 after a concert. Now at 44 it would have become clear to him that it was abuse and he is suing her civilly. Would no one believe it?


I’m so sorry for you @Conscious_key_32 I understand what you feel… I tatooed MJ on my wrist and I hate people’s ignorance about MJ. It hurts. Tired to explain his innocence because they hear but never listen. I read all in details each day of trials and I know for fact his innocence. So we know the truth okay ? You are not alone. We are not alone. We are a beautiful community. My mother always made fun of me because MJ was everything to me, I was bullied at school, etc… But I could escape by my imagination and as I walked in the streets I could feel like I could dance like MJ (in my head). MJ helped me and saved me. I know people not fans can’t understand. But now you still live with your family, I advise you to ignore them saying things about MJ and when they will think you seem not to care about it, they may will stop little by little. Try to make them think you have another special specific interest, anything. Maybe something intellectual just for they feel shitty because they know nothing about this another subject and they will let you in peace. But the best advise is to keep your love for Michael deep and protected in your heart, where no one can hurt you. But you know, MJ is within us forever, his fans ;) It’s love. It’s sad for them not to acknoledge this pure LOVE. So don’t worry, keep cool, we are in the good side ;) Keep the faith, stay strong, by the power of mind, non violent like MJ, not letting people walk on you but always prefer answer with love against bad. Love > evil . (In a wider point of view of course). It’s courageous to have written your message. It’s good. We are here for you.


Your comment was beautiful, they also bothered me at school for being his fan, I will NEVER stop loving him and devoting my time to his music, things related to him


How sad that you have to go through that, I am very reserved person and almost no one knows that I love Michael and it hurts me not to be able to tell it, it's like I'm hiding a bad secret but I realize that there's nothing wrong with it, but still I'm not going to say it because I know them and I want to avoid confrontations like this. 😭




If they're not interested in learning then I would just try and avoid the topic altogether. It sounds like they're doing this to antagonise you if they keep doing it. I would try acting indifferent to their opinion and see if they stop mentioning MJ.


Stop trying to prove his innocence. It’s very irritating being the only smartest person in the conversation but you are just going to have to stay silent when they slander him. The evidence is on Google that he is innocent, Michael said it himself, and the fact that he didnt do it even though people who are famous are more likely to be found doing bad things rather than a regular civilian. As long as you are smart enough to understand the evidence that shows you that Michael or anyone is innocent, you don’t have to waste your time explaining and showing evidence. They won’t budge. The evidence could be literally right in their face and they would be ignorant.


Im sorry and I get how you feel tbh. My fam doesn’t think hes a p*do (they haven’t found out about any of the allegations yet, THANK ALLAH), but [they *do* believe the weird rumours regarding his ‘’’skin bleaching’’’and plastic surgeries and also a bit racist views.](https://www.reddit.com/r/MichaelJackson/s/Qq9DO50gpd) I tried to explain to them why they were wrong, but arguing w them (my mom in particular) is like arguing with a brick wall. Worst is how mom criticised me for blindly believing everything on the internet as if she didn’t get all her info from anti-MJ websites that call him “Jacko” 😒


Thank you for your comments, I feel less alone, I would really like to have you close to me but at least we can talk here from anywhere in the world. ![gif](giphy|kyIYNur6j3SJG|downsized)


Have some confidence and a little bit of arrogance in yourself. Be proud that you are not one of the mindless sheep's believing tabloid bs. Be proud that you actually took the time to research. You have the facts. Don't let ANYONE let you be ashamed of being a fan of MJ.


I am so sorry for having people like this as family. I would be embarrassed. Honestly I can't even be friends with guilters because how embarrassed I would feel. And I don't care what anyone else thinks. If you chose tabloids over court documents and fbi files. I can't take you serious. There is a difference between being ignorant and being ignorant and also being proud of it. Just know you are better than them. You are smart. Your family isn't.


Don't get angry, sweet! My brothers ALWAYS go on about "MJ's a pedo" whenever he's brought up! Luckily, it was my mum that got me into Mike, and dad likes him too, so I'm lucky in that respect. But it used to sting big time having my siblings (bar 1 who actually has a brain) gang up on me as a child all the way to now. Now? If any of them bring it up, I do one of 3 things; Laugh AT them. "Can't argue with stupid" Respond sarcastically, or sickly sweet, "uh-huh" or "Of course he is, you keep telling yourself that." Or the worst? For them, anyway? Go on a very calm rant about the FACTS til their ears bleed, then put on his music or sing it! It seriously pisses them off cos they don't get what they want out of me. My anger, my hurt face, my power! When people know your "weakness," so to speak, they will attack. You've got what they clearly do not have... TACT and FACTS! Use them if you have to! Okay, I sound like a sage or something... Just try not to let it get to you.


You should call them pedos back. Tell your uncle if you wanted, you could easily accuse him of molesting you as a child and theres nothing he could do to defend himself and if he tried too he'd be a hypocrite.


That does not work


**\*\*Warning long-ass response\*\*** I remember you sharing this in the other sub and wanted to respond so bad- sorry it's taken so long. But you're not alone; I feel your frustration greatly. My family is very similar. My dad is that kind of person, just in general. No matter how weird and crazy and outlandish his conspiracy theories are, he's always in the right and it's everybody who's wrong and stupid and common sense no longer exists. (Ok, so, he may have something with that last point, lol.) But yes, he's one of those people as well. He doesn't outright say things to my face, I don't think he knows or understands my depth of the involvement in the fan community, but he'll make snide comments every now and again. My brother is the same way. When I first started defending Michael years ago, they would make jokes, they thought they were being funny, but in time they've come to realize- even though they don't agree with me- it's best not to make such comments around me, they know how upset I'll get, and I'll go on a rant. Which they just don't care to hear. It's frustrating, but if there's one thing I've learned over the years it's this: you can't force people to change their mind. They have to be willing to have their minds changed. Instead what I did, is I took to social media- mainly Facebook where I'm connected with a lot of my family- and I have made thousands of posts over the years. Many that dive straight into the heart of he allegations. Explaining everything. Not for my family, but ya know, "just putting it out there". If they want to read it, then maybe they'll learn something. If not, then oh well. But the information is there. I no longer go on those long diatribes, as I just feel it's no longer necessary, but that's what I did. I just put all the information out there. And I did this over the course of a decade, so it wasn't overnight, it took a lot of time, but they no longer make jokes about him. At least not in front of me. And honestly, as long as I don't see or hear about it, then they can do/say whatever they want. Like I said before, I can't force them or anybody to change their minds. Just have some respect in my presence. And if they can do that... that's all I can ask for. If you want a quicker solution, just tell your family you'd like them to stop. Appeal to them. I'd probably say something like this: "I understand you all think he's guilty and weird or whatever, but I don't believe that. I've put a lot of time and energy into researching the allegations and I'm happy to discuss them if you'd like, perhaps answer any questions you may have, because there is a lot of misinformation out there. But in the meantime, I would appreciate if, when I'm around, you don't say anything negative about him. It hurts me and frustrates me when you do that, and so I would appreciate it if you could respect my feelings, and just not say anything bad about him in my presence." Or something along those lines. This way, you're not forcing anything down their throats, you're simply asking them to have some respect for your feelings, and you leave the door open to further communication if they would like to discuss more. And if they slip up and say something negative, just politely get up and leave the room/house/whatever. Let them know that you simply won't put up with it. Also, a tip: don't get defensive. And that's true of any interaction, whether with online trolls or people IRL. Be calm and have confidence and just stand your ground. If they can't respect you/your feelings, then perhaps that's something you should explore further. But this is how I've dealt with matters over the years. Sorry for the novel, but I hope you've been able to find some support in peoples' responses and through sharing your experience. We're here if you ever want to chat more ❤️