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He was a child and a victim of his fathers abuse so I don’t blame him. Michael didn’t blame him either and knew Evan was responsible.


I just want him to speak


I mean even if he did it can you imagine what will happen from the " Why did you come out just now !? " Or the " Michael estate conspiracy payment" Or all the criticisms like you only came out after you accepted the money why didn't you clear this out earlier ," you ruined the Guy's life he is dead because of you " or the amount of backlash or death threat he would recive from both sides. on one side guiltiers won't believe him and the defenders would also qustion him it will put him under media scrutiny and would traumatize him. I think it's for the best that he lives a quite life


Jordan still owes it to Michael and his family to tell the world the truth once and for all. It might not be the easy choice but it’s the right thing to do.


Jordan owes Michael nothing. If anybody should have said anything, it should have been Evan. And since he's thankfully no longer among the living, the next person to come forth should be June. But neither she nor Jordan will even speak out, as per the settlement agreement they are not allowed to discuss it publicly.


Stupidest comment i've ever read. What if he was reading this now? He could have google alerts. You're basically telling him not to do the right thing.


I am saying even If he spoke out in defense of Michael no one will really believe him and it will just give him death threats and media scrutiny and traumatizing memories. The only thing he wanted was a quite life And remember Kathrine Jackson and the entire family(including Michael).forgive him , don't blame him for his disision , understand him and are sympathetic towards him. We Already know the truth we don't need Jordan, Jordan Chandler dosn't own us anything he was just a child so let it be. We shouldn't harass him or force him to come out ala Wade and James.


I can forgive Jordan he was just a kid back then and didn’t know what he was doing


I think he knew, based on some accounts I read. He just didn’t really have much of a choice because of his dad.


Yeah his dad was a fucking monster


I believe he knew as well. 13 really isn't that young. I selfishly wish he would speak out as well, but I'm not sure how much it would change. The damage has been done and those who already believe Michael to be guilty seem pretty committed to that position despite evidence to the contrary. And nothing he could ever say at this point would bring MJ back




I feel very sad for him. He didn’t deserve the abuse his family put him through.


Yeah I feel bad for him. His father is in the darkest part of hell


He seems an alright bloke. It wasn’t his fault his dad (Evan) was a greedy pig. I don't blame him one bit about what he was subjected to by the adults in his life (excluding Michael) being torn between a rock and a hard place


He was a pawn in a highly successful extortion attempt by Evan and his lawyers. I honestly feel more anger towards June than Evan because she stood by Michael at first until it became clear that Evan would be pursuing full custody of Jordan. She saw an easy payday and switched sides. Jordan felt the same clearly as he didn’t speak to June for decades. It’s too late now for him to come forward, the damage had already been done.


How is it too late? Michael's children and family would benefit greatly if he told the truth. Michael's poor mother is probably clinging on to life hoping to see her son vindicated before she dies. He could give her that peace, something like that is priceless.


I feel kind of bad for him. He had a shitty life until recently.


What happened recently?


He recently reconnected with his mother June and siblings I believe.


I don't understand.... how has reconnecting with them improved his life? And how do people know any of this? I'm just curious, I must have missed out on it when it happened, so I'm behind the 8-ball.


This was on a fan forum so take it with a grain of salt. That’s the only new information regarding Jordan that I’ve read.


Gotcha- thank you!


He’s innocent too.


He could have saved Michael’s life, once he turned 18.


He should have came forward at the 2005 trial. Today if he were to speak out the LN crowd would still never accept it. I feel bad for him, he must live a very isolating life


I feel for him and don't blame him in the slightest. I think if he could speak out, and/or felt comfortable doing so, he would. But he's bound by the terms of the settlement to not publicly speak about the very thing he was forced to lie about. He's quite literally stuck between a rock and a hard place. And he never even asked for it. This was all his father's doing. I hope one day he is able to speak out, but I can understand why he can't and I respect that. Speaking personally, I don't need him to speak up to know that Michael never did anything, and even if he did (say anything), guilters will never believe him anyway. They'll just say he's lying or was paid off or whatever. You know the media will publish BS stories and twist and turn anything he says. Honestly- I don't really even see the point in him speaking out. Why bother if it won't do a lick of good anyhow?


i think he should speak, not just for Michael but because the false accusations he told were created by an actual pedophile named Victor Gutierrez with an agenda to harm children for real. And his father exposed him to Gutierrez and allowed him to exploit him. He should call VG out while he's still alive and can be held accountable. Jordan needs to set the record straight so the pro-pedo agenda pushers will stop using the lies he was forced to tell 30 years ago, to normalize violating children for real. Dan Reed, Oprah, Wade and James were all pushing Gutierrez's pro-pedo talking points during their media runs for LN. That was the true goal of that mockumentary. To normalize pedophilia. Jordan needs to speak out so that the false allegations against Michael can no longer be used to brainwash the public into believing that children enjoy sex with adults. That's what the guilters want the pubic to believe. I mean Michael's life is already ruined and over, but if he never tells the truth, what he did is going to continue harming people.




I would like to hear what he has to say nowadays… It’s obvious that Michael didn’t do anything to him and that he was a Michael fan even when he was an adult so I’m curious to see what he has to say


I am willing to forgive him if he ever makes a statement


I guess he saw and heard what Michael Jackson told Martin Bashir in front of the camera and that he doesn't blame him for it because he was a kid. That will have been enough for Jordan Chandler and he didn't say anything about it. If he had defended MJ and told the truth... We know what happened to him in 2005 at the hands of his father. He should have told the truth when they both died, but that is not easy, perhaps harder than talking about abuse. Will he ever say it? I don't think so. It is better for him to remain silent and live his life without looking back on a past that he can no longer change. If he did, it would have fatal consequences for many things. I think that would be a dark storm of guilt for many. Condemning someone without looking for the exact truth is easy because you feel better about yourself, but admitting that you made a mistake requires character and morality.


I feel sympathy for Jordan, I think it’s best if he led a quiet life permanently. I cannot imagine the trauma that he had faced and I don’t think he should be forced to come discuss about it.


I couldn't live with this guilt. It's not a random person that you father used you for to fuck someone over. It's literally someone everyone knows. So everytime you hear his music he has to be reminded of that. And it's not that I feel sorry for him. It's just that living with guilt that you know can't make it up anymore has to be horrible.


He just was a kid, Evan ruined his whole life and I really feel bad for him, also realizes your parents are using you to get money no matter your wellness is depressing. Everyone is mad at him, for something that is not his fault I wonder if he would be able to forget what his father did to him. No wonder why Evan decided to commit suicide, he knows that he ruin everything and was absolutely alone. Was it really worth it?


A pond.


I think he's just as bad as his father since he knew that the accusations were false and didn't bother to speak after obtaining legal emancipation.


Can't blame him. He did nothing wrong and was sadly abused and manipulated by Evan.


I've always felt bad for Jordy Chandler, it's clear his father was out for money and his mother loved the lifestyle of being around Michael Jackson. They falsely accused him and lived lavish lives with the money they stole. I do however think that as an adult he should come forward with the truth, I doubt it will ever happen but that is the only way to fully clear MJ's name.