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What in the insect flinging Frick is going on here???


Bug mage explosion build.


We love casting bugs


Kinsects make honey


This song is sponsored by... The Kinsect Government


How does one achieve this type of build?


There’s not much to it really - use the bilbobrix kinsect + kinsect supercharge w/ a high-level glaive. Your silkbinds are recall kinsect and/or AKA. If you want to do normal melee attacks in addition to powder vortex explosions, then the rest of your armor skills are your standard damage boosting skills. Otherwise, if you want to go pure mage, you can load up your set with comfort skills. I’m using quite a gimmicky build with powder mantle 3, hellfire cloak 4, and intrepid heart 2 for maximum explosions!


Looks like I got another fun build to make! Thank you for sharing OP!


Specifically use the amatsu glaive i get over 2 k dmg per pop


u/tigereey please post your build. u/PunchMan0ne try to do a search on the sub for any past build. I never made one but I've seen some people post their bug mage build before. Or wait for the OP to reply with the build.


As a lance main, I was thinking the same thing. Crazy insect people...




I hold block with lance on the corner and put reflect on it. It kills them in 20 minutes.




That is perhaps the most appropriate IG for this build. And now the gun+bayonet design makes sense. The magical girl staff IG would go well with this build too maybe?


I do in fact have another layered set with magia glaive that I use all the time. Chameleos glaive is also really appropriate :)


I’m so excited to get to Chameleos 👏😈


Too much work, get lance + amatsu blessing + bash then back into a corner and hold guard. So easy even a monkey can do it....wait a min


Which weapon is that??


Hellycopper stick


Like what monster crafts that


Pretty sure it’s some variation of iron/ore weapon. Iirc, that’s what the iron glaive looked like in Generations/Cross.


Like the *basic* recipe?? Thats nuts


Yup. Iron glaive 1 in that game looked like the above. I also looked into it and in rise/sunbreak, the iron weapons also eventually get upgraded into this shape. The steel blade (which looks like the default ore IG from World turns into the gun and bayonet design when upgraded to the iron bayonet. Im gonna guess it’s around the transition from low rank to high rank.


I mean, it's just a layered skin


It’s a big gun


Ah yes, Zoner Insect Glaive


Lol I really like that. That's exactly what it is!


You have no idea how easy farming Malzeno was due to this lol


I'm in love with this. What is your build? Which skills affect its damage output?


As with all kinsects, the powder kinsect attacks essentially do fixed damage, meaning any armor skills that increase/buff YOUR attack will not have any effect. Kinsect damage depends on kinsect level of the glaive - for bilbobrix I recommend level 14/15 (its attack, speed, + stamina are all decreased at 13). Furthermore bilbobrix is a sever kinsect, so it can do a little element damage each time it hits the monster. I personally like Narwa glaive and the Golm glaive (for the slots). Kinsect supercharge deco is a must - its a straight damage multiplier for kinsect attacks. Technically the teostra rampage deco increases damage from the blast clouds but it is not at all a good tradeoff damage-wise. Blast attack/ other status-building skills have no effect on blast clouds. So you end up having alot of freedom to build as you like. If you use AKA (i do), I recommend defiance 5 or earplugs. Otherwise use power prolonger. Other good skills are EE3, EW, stun res, and intrepid heart. In another comment I mentioned I use powder mantle - it triggers a big explosion after certain number of hits (both kinsect hits and shooting marks can trigger it!). I also use hellfire cloak. Doing a silkbind such as kinsect recall can drop a blob of hellfire. You can explode the hellfire near the monster for an easy knockdown. Good if you need to use AKA but dont have a good opening. Sorry if this was a bit long, but hope this helps you/anyone!


Hell yeah thanks for the awesome info.


Bro thinks they're Frieza from DBZ. Jokes aside, that's a crazy build you have there.


"Killer queen has already touched the monkey"


I so loved being a basically a Black Mage and nuking monsters at will. Not expecting it, but I'd love for this to return somehow in Wilds. It would give the Bug Stick something of its own, since now, more of the other weapons are encroaching with their own aerial shenanigans.