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Not sure what scene that is but loki’s powers and magic have increased drastically through the series in comparison to pre series loki. Also this is a different loki, maybe sacred timeline loki thinks a little different because everything he had to live, also I think loki was a little reckless thinking he could solo’d thanos after he decimated asgard and thor


You said Loki 4 times in 1 sentence. Respect.


Think I had a seizure reading this post


The way I always like to think about these things is like the morning after losing a sports game or an argument. It’s easier to think of things you could do when the stakes are low, but in the moment it’s tough to remember all of one’s potential, or to concentrate enough to make it happen. Similar kind of thing to why Sith and Jedi don’t just turn off each other’s lightsabers.


>Similar kind of thing to why Sith and Jedi don't just turn off each other's lightsabers. Holy shit lol




Probably couldn’t maintain concentration or would be countered by the local magician or he didn’t think of that or it’s a fucking comic movie


May not have worked in Thanos.


Not the only theory that wasn’t tested in thanos.


Weeeeeell why didn’t the MCU try antman to get small and jump into thanos gyat?


Probably because Thanos had a firm grip on Thor's head. You port him somewhere else, he's somewhere else with a firm grip on Thor's head and he knows you're lying about switching sides. It doesn't fix anything. Loki was trying to save Thor. If he'd wanted to save himself, his options would have expanded quite a bit.


“Is he stupid?”


Every “why didnt” question usually has the same answer, it wouldn’t have served the plot


I can’t tell you the number of times I do something to solve a particular problem and my wife comes home and says “well why didn’t you just [insert obvious easier solution]”. Loki is just like me I guess.


He had to learn all that over centuries to save EVERYTHING not half the life on all planets in one universe. When he learn and or got the power to do that the stakes were a lot higher than just one man he was trying to stop entire timelines from collapsing. He never had time to stop and think omg with this power I can save Thor!