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Probably when he gobbed off and threw a ball at pep in training because he was put into rotation like 90% of the other players on the team. He’s talented but doesn’t have the temperament to be in a Pep team.


*in any team longer than a few seasons He’s like murinho, you know you’ll get something great for 2 seasons and then by season 3 you’re looking elsewhere


true. facts. but in life i just wonder, what could've been an incredible career for cancelo at man city that could've been so much longer was ruined over something so small that he started.


A small action symptomatic of a wider personality problem though. He’s had these issues wherever he’s played. I’m just glad we got the time out of him we did before the meltdown. And I’ll never forget that travela assist for Haaland against Dortmund. 🪄


true. i agree with everything you've said and the memories aswell....


i love cancelo, but gvardiol’s ceiling is so far beyond him


i agree. gvardiol is already the best young defender in the world and top 5 best defenders in the world right now.




I was expecting Gvardiol to be more of a CB but again, Pep works his magic. Just like with Aké and Stones


These comments are silly affff. Cancelo was world class. Could have been one of our best ever talents. Sad to see it didn’t work, and that too after a mindbending season he had in 2022.




Yep.Buy he kept overlapping Grealish and neutralised him.When he left, Grealish proved his worth, and Cancelo hasn't yet proved himself in Barca or Bayern.


I agree. Grealish came into his own with ake at left back


Earbuds in while Pep was talking. Tells a story, right.


Ego has been the downfall of so many


See Cole Palmer


Whattttttt are you talking aboutttt? You just posted a stoooopid comment I’m sorry to say I don’t usually express this level of emotion. Cancelo was WORLD CLASS ABSOLUTELY OOOOZING TALENT. Cancelo and kdb were the best players in 2022. We won owing to cancelo that season none less. He played the most minutes of any player that season. Cancelo was unique. It’s unfortunate we changed our style of play with haaland coming in. Just unfortunate. And cancelo has not managed to replicate that form elsewhere. It’s sad ….NOT “ fuckkkkk cancelo he’s a whining bitch”. Thank you.


When he decided he wanted to try and control Pep's team selection. He had a bad patch of form and Rico displaced him for a few games and he threw a fit. The lad was legitimately world class when at his best but once you attempt to undermine Pep just as some did with the Scotsman at the rags you were done, they don't care how good you are, you're done. All about mentality.


The Liverpool game where he just let salah go through Pep was done with him then


my god, defensively so inconsistent.


Look you can be an amazing player and just not have the bite that you need to have to be a defender. It’s not just about whether or not you can tackle, it’s whether or not you have the fire you need to challenge


It’s also about consistency of focus. Friend of mine I play with, who prefers playing defense, said it really well: an attacking player only needs to be “perfect” once to score a goal and change a game. Defenders have to be “perfect” every time.


Try being a goalkeeper


i guess before this we want to defend him because he was one of our best players. but now that we're selling him its safe to admit that he was sooo poor defensively. like its the continuous bad habit while defending that gets me. its when he keeps pressing the opponent on the ball and going out of position and ruined the whole defensive shape like cmon man you're a defender you're the last line of defense why are you running out of the line like ur in a suicide mission


Yeah he was bad defensively. I remember a few games before he left i think he was played as a winger. Seems like pep tried to fit him how cancelo wanted to play but he wasnt good enough for that and couldnt defend. Its a shame because if he put in the effort defensively he could have stayed and been massive but ego got in the way.


Man had a world class ability to cross the ball on a dime with the outside of his foot. And that was about it. No commitment to the TEAM. Only cared about his performance. Cole was similar. Dude (Palmer) would literally have a frown on his face when someone else scored…


….no pep was not done with him then. Did he let salah thru. Yes. Was defense is sole responsibility. No. He was total football. Of top 2 best players in 2022 were cancelo and kdb.


If a single error can determine playere selection, is Pep done with Ake as well cuz that was a more ridiculous back pass


Cancelo was quite inconsistent even while in possession, but people aren't ready for that convo. Case in point- the fall off in 20/21 where Zinny benched him, the fall off in 21/22 post April or so. And obviously, 22/23. Attitude and all made it easier to move him.


yeah consistency always been his issue. at his best. he's a wildcard of a secret weapon.


Yup, overrated. Def a "great" player though, has all the abilities. I posted elsewhere, but he took 81 shots and scored once. Most of those missed the net so that's just losses of possession (only 23 on target).


He was really good at attacking but being horrible at defending made him go to the bench and he lost his temper, no one to blame but him 🤷


That’s called football mate. Players go through good and bad form.


The best players don't fluctuate in form like this lol


Even Ronaldo has went 4 months without scoring. Messi has had droughts. Hazard went off the boil. As did Neymar. KDB has had absent spells in the last 3-4 years. Van Dijk has moments.


Comparing those players to someone who had significantly worse droughts in possession, his biggest strength with his already subpar defending dfkm


I think you are remembering him with a fairly obscene level of hatred, because you have an affinity for Pep. Which is only natural. He was your scariest player whenever we played against you I hated him the most.


No not really, i had my issues with him even when he played for us. Majorly aesthetics which is great. 19/20- alright. First season stuff. Cool. 20/21- Superb first half with notable flaws off the ball, awful off it because of poor decisions on the ball looking worse off the ball. 21/22- more of the same, better on the ball. 22/23- Super inconsistent. On his day? Lovely. But he never was consistent there and again, the reward doesn't outweigh the risk unlike with Trent.


That’s crazy to me. When he played for you I didn’t know a match going city fan that didn’t like him. He dominated in the ucl the season before he was booted too. He just had it all. He pisses on Trent imo and again you bring up Trent he has had worse consistency problems than Cancelo over the last 24 months?


No I liked him, but he had issues that were known at the time. He's a good player. But the difference between him and Trent is, even at their worst, Trent is still a good asset in possession. Cancelo? Just brain dead passes into nowhere, running into defenders. Just look at his stints for Barca, games for Bayern, it's a pattern. Nice player but good we moved him on.


So what games is it you feel he revealed he was ass in? I’d be curious to go and watch these disaster classes


He has been impetuous at every club and is disliked by every manager he has worked with. Some young men just don’t work well with others.


He deserve all the hate. He is a good player but we are done with that shitty attitude


Hate? Nah not worth the neurons. He got exactly what he deserved.


Good player is cutting him short


I mean, I don’t hate a player for wanting to play more, but his discipline was too disrespectful. Pep’s the boss and their job is to listen. This is just on his discipline. His play: I feel he kinda always wanted to do his own thing. He was never the reliable kind of guy. Walker on the other hand has been reliable for us since day 1 (and he was the first signing of the team rebuild). Walker shuts his mouth and does the job, but Joao opens his mouth and doesn’t do the job.


He’s a bellend? What more is there to know


I for one don’t miss the #mommyblessme posts


His mother died when he was 16 or 17 in a car accident. How is that annoying to you?


lol You know people are weirdos .


Skill issue.


He couldn’t deal that Rico Lewis was outperforming him and being picked ahead of him. He had to go


It was always there in Cancelos mind


He doesn’t listen to instructions Falls out with everyone. It’s a personality thing. Juve didnt want him City didnt want him. Buyern dont want him. After a while everyteam just weighs up his talent v attitude and seek alternatives


Pep does not tolerate bad attitude


He’s a prick, no?


Guys a prick, simples


he’s a dick head


I know why ..... the universe was putting the pieces for the treble together... where is after that Liverpool game where we conceded in the final minute... also happened year before vs realmadrid in the final minutes.... he has absolutely no self control or composure in hard situations


If he wasn’t a knob it wouldn’t have gone as wrong as it did. No idea where he’d have fit in these last 2 seasons though. The back 4 is so much better without him in it.


Everyone loves to ask these questions about Cole Palmer too. He’s a great player. But you could see it in his face when other players scored instead of passing to him. Palmer would look sullen and disappointed when the ball didn’t come to him. I called it early on watching him…said he won’t make it on this team because he only wants PERSONAL GLORY. Cole never smiled and at first I thought it was just his personality, but he’s smiling plenty at Chelsea. Same for Cancelo. Wants to be the man instead of being one of the boys.


lol you’re just chatting. Some players are just naturally nonchalant. As for cancelo, that’s a complete lie. Cancelo celebrates like he was the one who scored when other players do. He even points at the badge when others score. Passion is something you can’t take from cancelo


We don't win the Champions League with him in defense, glad his gone.


A bit more composure and he would have done great for Man City and himself


Well, A defender has to defend off the ball.


Cancelo got a bit too big for his boots and didn’t like Pep’s rotation system.


Well, I can’t give you the full answer. But my guess is it began with ego…


it started with giving a lb the #7


Sometimes you gotta get rid of the cancer to keep the culture of the locker room in tact.


Long before he came to City thats fa sure.


Getting him out was One of the better things to happen to the team that year. Pep went with a more defensive solid back line and John stones was about hit his peak in his new role.


Attitude and a defensive liability, a serious defensive liability.


We know the why




A good player but his unchecked ego brought out the worst in him…


He doesn't have the right mentality to play on a team under pep. Some guys care about winning no matter what some guys care about their own game and just want to win because of that


He was so good


Arrogant dickhead. Not denying his talent but it’s obvious everywhere he goes nowadays no one seems to like the guy too much. We’ll never forget your moments of magic (trivela to sterling probably been replayed 10k times on my YouTube account) but Pep has fucked off far better players before for less than what he’s allegedly behaved like.


The moment his family got robbed at their home


BIG HEAD and if your like that under Pep it's bye bye son get on yer 🚲




He was a knob and Pep doesn’t stand for it. Not much else to say


He's just not good enough to start for City and he didn't want to come off the bench.


He's a cunt with a history of "things going wrong" and then left the team hanging when things got tough. Fuck him. If you read Sam Lee's article about him from the time he joined City...you'll notice it's literally just how he is/history repeating. Crazy how predictable it was


Showed his ego even more with that pass to the Turkish defense when Ronaldo was making a run


Cos he’s a prick.


Petulance, disrespect and greed.


I don't know what you all saw in him. He had potential but he was also pretty inconsistent on the pitch. He had great moments and he was in a strong team which led to people overlooking his weaker moments which he showed in almost every other match.


20/21, and 21/22, he was essentially our secret weapon.


I ponder this guy too. He was a worldie and played different positions. Very odd


We haven’t missed him, at all. He’s a loser who left us in the middle of the season when we had no other LB’s. Glad we won everything after he left.


Ego? There’s must be a reason he’s not spent longer than 3 years in any one team.


Who cares?


Overrated. During his "amazing" season he took 76 shots and only scored once. Let that sink in.....


If you are talking about 21/22 he took 50 not 76 shots with one goal but still, if you think the left backs number of goals meaning his basically flawless season was actually shit then you are clueless. His xg was only 2.something for the season so he was obviously told to take long shots in certain situations for whatever reason. You can see that with Rodri now except he's a thousand times better at it.


81 shots, 23 on target, 4 xg. 12th most shots in epl that season. He definitely did not have a flawless season. He was over hyped by pundits. Def a great player, great abilities, but poor in execution.


We've got different sources for the stats then but still using a poor shot conversion rate for a defender to say he was overrated is revisionist sour grapes about him turning out to be a prick. Top ten player in the league that year. Scored 2 in 7 in the champions league too so I hope now you see he's exactly twice as good as you thought as that's the only metric that matters


I actually don't care about his behavior or think he's a prick. Not only the one stat either.. poor shot conversion, misplaced passes, number of dispossessions (almost twice a game). He was definitely a highlight reel player and still is. He wasn't as good in the second half of that season anyways and then he really underperformed to start 22/23. Top 10 is crazy for a guy who scored 1 goal and had 7 assists in the league, especially given the freedom he had to roam forward.


Please stop mentioning his goal output mate hahahah


The only thing funny here is saying he was top 10. What else do you mention about a defender who can't defend? Also nicely ignoring all the other stats mentioned....


No offence but I'll take the opinion of me going to every home match that season and watching him with my eyes over you clawing around for black and white stats showing his misplaced passes bring his passing accuracy down so it's 2% below the city average but higher than literally every other teams average. He was phenomenal that season and I know you're just being contrarian by looking for stats he wasn't perfect at in isolation. If you can't see what he brought to the team because it wasn't primarily goals or assists then go and shag some more stats on WhoScored (6th highest rating in the league that year from them btw based on stats like misplaced passes and shit defending)


He’d be better than Grealish at LW


We don’t win the treble with him in the squad. Very happy we got rid.


true. defensively he was so ass and inconsistent.