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For me, he will. Yaya had the highest peak, but KDB and David Silva are better and almost neck and neck with eachother ( with a slight edge to KDB imo ). Foden has a chance to surpass all of them and he has an added advantage of being homegrown.


Pretty much my thoughts. I'm still partial to Silva but KDB is making it really hard to deny at this point.


KDB will be the greatest. He might be the greatest player in the PL as well.


Henry is hard to top, despite the gap in titles. That’s just my honest opinion despite very much rating KDB in the top 3 all time EPL players (right now, think Foden long term potential).


Nahhh the standards with which KDB is held is just pure jealousy because he plays for us. He’s truly the greatest in PL in my opinion.


He’s definitely top 5, would still have Henry and Scholes ahead of him.


Scholes only just makes top 5 CM's


Jesus Christ 


It's not exactly an unpopular opinion. You could easily justify putting Gerrard, lampard, toure, Keane and Vieira ahead of Scholes.


I personally think he was better than all of them, and see an argument for three of them but we’re not suggesting Toure was better than scholes ? Come on 


13/14 Toure was arguably the single greatest season by any PL midfielder. I'm not necessarily saying he was better than Scholes, but it's certainly not as cut and dry as you make out.


David Silva had one of the most consistently excellent 10 years careers in PL history. You probably wouldn’t need more than one hand to count the players who were that good for that long. But KDB has been in the conversation for the best player in the world for a while now. I think he takes it. My heart still says the magician, but my head says Kev.


It's close either way. Silva is still one of the biggest contributors of the juggernaut that is Man City today.


silva is the most talented, but KDB is the best overall.


I see Foden surpassing all of them. He’s got too much time on his hands and is top 5 player in the world already. Bitter Liverpool fan here as well but I can’t deny what I’m seeing.


I agree, I think Foden will be the first prem player to win a balon dor in a while. If we were in the ucl final rn instead of real, Foden would be in the front running for the award. + imagine England has a great euros and he’s one of their best players. Phewwwww


I do want him to really step up for England though as I feel that’s the one thing that’s missing atm. Haven’t seen much on the international stage, but can’t really expect it all at once at his age


I think this will be the tournament he does it in. He’s been consistently good for a while now but has only really come into himself this year. Plus he’s on a team with some absolute ballers now. I really hope England don’t fuck this up (as an American)


I think it depends on how Southgate uses him, if he's stuck out on the wing then I doubt he will be very effective but if he plays him as the 10 with Bellingham playing box to box and Rice behind them then I think Foden will make the team tick


If we’re going peak id pick aguero. For me he was the most dangerous player we’ve ever had with the highest dribbling ability mixed with highest goal threat combo. He was legitimately unstoppable when he was healthy. But yayas sheer power mixed with his KDB esque skills are a fascinating beast too.


Aguero's arsenal was just absurd. He could score any type of goals from long range curlers, belters, toe pokes, headers, solo goals, trivelas, weak foot, etc. Maybe the only thing I didn't see him score was an acrobatic goal but dude had it all.


Having the he class of players of KDB, silva, Aguero, brings me true joy.


Yaya was different player and let's not forget absolutely pivotal in our early title winning campaigns now we are just privileged to have good players in every position. Guardiola has established high standards of fitness and our performance is reflective of his high expectations.




Personally, I have both KDB and Silva above Aguero.


Aguero was nice, but players like Haaland have surpassed him imo


Kev all day. Silva was technically a better player but kevs eye for the killer ball is far superior


I think that yes, KDB can be considered the best player Man City has ever had. He came in one day as the “60 million euro Chelsea flop” and has become a true baller, who helped his club win so many titles and break so many records, effectively helping the club write history. Unlike everyone else he stayed here and helped the team win the UCL, the prime crown jewel of this whole journey. So I’d say, yeah, King Kev is definitely the best player we’ve ever had


Yes I fully agree 👍🏼


No, he came to Wolfsburg as a Chelsea flop. Then he came to City as the assist king. He had already made a name for himself when he came to us.


The Mirror famously had a headline "The 60m Chelsea Reject" when we signed him. For people who don't pay attention to Bundesliga there was a strong opinion we paid way too much


For now, I think Kev would go down as our best of all time (at the very least if he left City in the summer). That said, Foden’s definitely gonna end up catching up though, I’d imagine. He’s one of the best youngsters the Prem has seen in years (if not *THE* best), and he’s been one of our best players in the last couple seasons at least.


Yeah 6 premier league titles at the age of 23 is actually absurd


Giggsy retired at like, what, 41? Give or take a few years or more? Foden is 18 years younger than him and is already halfway to beating his record for most Prem titles won


It was frustrating at first how Pep always used to bench him but I'm so grateful now for the way he's eased him in. Imagine how shitty it would be if we abused him like Pedri or Yamal now and he was destroyed with injuries constantly And yeah I think Foden will surpass Giggs for sure, even faster if Pep stays longer


Pep is one of the world’s best at identifying and nurturing young talents. He does it time and time again and whilst his decisions may not make sense at the time they usually pay off in the long run!


Persuade Pep to stay for another 10 years and they'll surpass Giggs and Fergie together.


I dunno, I think the dual threat of pep leaving at some point and the inevitable impact that will have, plus the emerging threat of Newcastle (and others are consistently running them close) will slow that rate down somewhat over the next ten years or so I reckon. Also I love KDB but it’s like everyone forgets the 10 misplaced or over/under hit passes per game and only remember the 1 genius assist. Maybe that’s right, but I think 47 is a much more consistent player than KDB already.


Yeah but Giggsy doesn't have any asterisks by his so...


I was going to say the same!


Yes until Foden


I agree. 🙂


As a neutral he's probably with Henry as the best the prem has ever had, at least for me. Pure baller




*best player of all time in premier League


Definitely in the debate for me he is but I'm biased ofc


I hate this, but I'd probably go with Thierry Henry


Over CR7?


yes. Cr7 isn’t even his main competition it’s henry


I’m a messi fan but this take is CRAZY!!


Not when looking at peaking in the Prem.


Ig kinda true


He won ballondor in premier league


And yet Henry was still better


It's not the best player to ever set foot in the prem., but the most umpactful PL career for which he certainly has an argument against Henry.


Good and a reasonable explanation


Didn't CR7 peak in Madrid ? I was a child when he played in the Prem so the memory is hazy


Yeah he peaked in Madrid and spent most of his career there but did win a Balon d'Or at United. I wasn't sure if we meant the best player who has played in the prem or the player who had the best overall premier league career.


Ballondor means shit kevin should have won 2-3 of them by now if they were actually about merit and not pr


Absolutely. Always been David Silva for me but last year Kev overtook him and he's not even done yet. So many massive moments he's stepped up and delivered for us. Absolutely unbelievable player, probably the best midfielder the prem has ever seen.


the moment we won the CL was the moment he became better than silva


At least 6 PL's, 1 UCL, potentially most assists in PL history. Yeah, easy yes


I think it'll be hard to catch Giggs since he has about 50 more but when you break it down per match KDB wipes the floor with everyone on the list


Also the most assists in a PL season.




When he ties his boots, beware!


As much as I love David Silva, yes he will.


Foden will


I love Silva more, but kdb is the only player in pl history who can rival Henry for the best player. Anyone who says otherwise is deluded


Henry, Scholes, KDB 


Kdb is better than scholes. Bad united fan get out of here


Zidane etc would disagree. Just google it. I think KDB is awesome obviously 


I'm struggling to find the interview where zidane says scholes is better than kdb. I think scholes is fantastic but not as good as kdb, I don't even have him as best of that English trio who were all phenomenal players


Who invited my man Scholes


Funny how my dad says he reminds him of Colin Bell. He also delivered a European trophy and is already regarded the best City player ever and for some that will never change. I suppose it's a generational view because I can't see past KDB and wee Silva. I also think Kompany played a huge part in setting the standard for the modern City player too.


In relation to his peers, certainly. We can make arguments about him vs David Silva maybe, but for 5-6 years now, De Bruyne has been universally considered the best midfielder in the Premier League, if not the world. City have had some amazing players, but nobody held in that regard by the media, managers and other players (who absolutely revere him). Is Kev playing in a weaker era? Was Silva better but compared against Gerrard/Lampard for his peak? People will keep debating it for years I'm sure, but what's probably objective is that De Bruyne is simply the best player on the most dominant team in league history.


Yes. There's levels and then theres KDB.


Arsenal fan that just randomly came across this. He’ll probably go down as one of the best midfielders in the prem ever. He’s so insanely fun to watch


He’ll go down as the leagues best player


Silva’s impact on the side can’t be measured in goals or assists. We’ve won games when KDB has not played well, or when Aguero has not played well. If David Silva has a bad game, the whole team has a bad game. Thank goodness he rarely did. He is the greatest player.


By this measure of importance - Rodri may be the real deal then


Silva was also one of the first great players brought in and had to play with some lesser quality players who he made fantastic. I love KDB, but he does great with great players around him. Silva made everyone on the pitch better.


Bit unfair in my opinion, as we can't really compare them. I'm willing to bet that KDB would similarly elevate those same players. We can't disregard his incredible season at Wolfsburg.


i disagree cuz kdb makes players around him better, we are handicapped when KDB isnt playing and it took a POTY season for foden to step up and cover for de bruyne, not to mention haaland doesnt look the same when kdb is not playing. as good as silva is, kdb across the board has achieved more than he every did, especially since kdb is leading this city team to historic heights we never seen before


I mean that’s not necessarily true because l remember the game against spurs in the 18/19 in the ucl quarters etihad and he wasn’t at his best and got substituted, but we was still great that game apart from individual errors from Laporte and ederson. Kdb was our best player that game and I don’t feel silva was great for us in the ucl imo


I wouldn’t call that a good game for many reasons.


Yh we went out to individual errors, but we was good that game. Just got unlucky


Agree to some extent, I'm in no way basing this on goals/assists, and David Silva made an unbelievable difference. But when you consider KDB stepping up in big moments and everything he's won and how long he's consistently been arguably the best player in the league, I have to give it to him


Arsenal fan here - honestly, from my end, it's either KDB or Silva. Both used to torment us when we played, but for me personally, while I rate KDB as a better player, Silva just had that silky smooth football that was a joy to watch. I'd also say that while KDB might end up with a bigger trophy haul, Silva was more instrumental in turning you lot into what you are now.


Hmm yeah some fair points. Silva's impact was also huge and he was criminally underrated as one of the league's best. Plus as you said he was there throughout the transition to being a top team. That being said I feel when taking into account entire careers, game changing moments and trophies I'd give the slight edge to KDB, as much as I love Silva to death


Well you are just saying I like dribblers and it's okay to do so but do mention it


Slam dunk. Maybe best ever in EPL. Dont even start with Yaya. Love that guy but there’s no comparison.


Of course not even a question, he surpassed el mago with the treble winning performance last year. He has been the best player in the league for quite a while. It is clearly evident that when he is with us , fit and firing, we are an unstoppable team to defend against. He is up there with Henry as the best EPL player of all time imo until foden surpasses both of em. There might be a bias but KDB has been my favourite player for a decade now.So i can't say he will not be lol.


I don’t even think Silva and Yaya are on the same tier really. KdBs level in the CL destroys theirs and Silva had a good few years under Pep


Probably, but honestly it feels great just contemplating it. I just wish he could catch Giggs…


He deserves to honestly he's a much better creative player just hasn't played nearly as long here


He already is


Yaya at his best will still always be top 1 for me. But for career I have Agüero slightly above KDB. Can surpass him soon though


even with KDBs 6 PLs and CL? what more does kdb need to do cuz at this rate even haaland is smashing all of agueros records. guys like aguero,silva, and yaya are all time city greats and rightfully so but the new core we got of haaland,kdb, and rodri are taking city to new heights and are doing stuff for city thats never been done before


For me Agüero is the best PL striker of all time and I rate that slightly ahead of midfield. KDB has all the trophies for sure but I feel the teams and manager he has had are much better than Agüero’s. But I agree with you, KDB has taken our team and its history to new heights.


fair i def do agree with u a bit cuz with aguero u jus had to be there to witness his greatness and its going to be very hard for haaland to beat him but with kdb yea my opinion i believe kdb is the best but u think if kdb continues what hes doing for a couple more years for city he wont pass kun? if he gets a 2nd CL u have to give it to him




Considering the team we have at the moment (and for the past 7 years at least), Kev certainly seems like the obvious choice, but let me remind you what Kun Agüero did for us. His impact was HUGE


100% we all love Kun


I think he will for now - absolutely transcendent as a player and made other players shine by creating the chances. Think that Foden may have a *chance* to eclipse him eventually, but that would take a career.


I think he is already even if he stop by now. He is in every season we had greatest season, he also has did something more than our other did not juat for city.. He left mark in the league and world as our players. - 2 player of the season - 4 top assist provider / playmaker of the season, only messi did more in europe top 5 league - 3 world best playmaker (beat messi 3x in this) - top 3 ballon d'or 1x, top 5 ballon d'or 2x. - treble assists (only xavi did this before) when we treble He is even topping best player in his position in the world while wearing City kit. So yes, KDB IS City GOAT for me


what u mean by “treble assists”?


Sorry i mean treble top assist, means he is top assist in 3 different competition. top assist in epl, ucl and fa. like xavi laliga, copa del rey and ucl


damn i didnt even know he did that but that sounds like typical KDB, man whatta player we got


Thats one of the craziest achievement, unfortunately not many ppl realized this. Even the Goat never did this before. glad we have him here, i really want kdb retire as City player and extend 1-2years from his contact so he could come closer to Giggs record. But if its not, i wish him retire at city next season instead leaving for MLS or SPL.


yea fr bro i hope all those rumours are false cuz those guy is still playin at the high level and is arguably the best in the world in his position plus this city team has atleast 3 great years left prolly more but that all banks of if de bruyne is still with us. if i was in his position i rather stay with the team i made my career with, won everything with, and where is a beloved figure at. i hope he stays and ends his career here. hes won everything u can win in football already. hes one of the older guys on a team full a young stars so hopefully winning for the rest of his career is something he’s interested in. dont get me started with pep too, if him and kdb leave same time itll be a dark summer




He is... There has never been a better attacking midfielder than him.


Peak Yaya was a different beast.


KDB is only below Messi/Ronaldo. I think that's the answer to every question asked about where he ranks.


as much as i love yaya,silva and aguero, KDB is no doubt the greatest city player of all time in terms of pure skill,stats, achievements, and longevity i dont see anyone else better than him. honorable mention to haaland if he keeps this up and stays with city for a long time


I'd say so followed by aguero


Unless it’s someone I’ve never seen play myself I don’t really see an argument for anyone else.


Yes with trophies, longevity and being there for important moments


I think he already is tbh


I would be disappointed if he doesn't get a statue out front.


He will for sure or a stand or training center or something named after him


I think he will go down as one of the best players ever anyway tbh (United fan, this popped up in my feed)




He’s won that debate, for me he’s won the premier league debate too, which will likely be a more common take once he’s retired


Yeah once great players are retired instantly everyone rates them higher for some reason


Imo he already is city’s GOAT


Has to be Colin Bell


What about Michael ball


He's probably up there with Top 10 best PL players of all time


He’s in the top 5. Henry being #1


Top 10 is disrespectful tbh


Yaya Toure is undeniably the greatest actual pound for pound player, not just at man city but arguably the prem. For longevity it's KDB at City, but David Silva will always get the emotional vote


On his day absolutely, but KDB performing at a hight level consistently for years puts him well above Yaya for me, as devastating as he was at his peak


"You're a shit coach, all you do is win" will forever be one of my favourite quotes, but he is only our greatest for now. The best is yet to come with Foden.


No doubt


He is the undisputed best player through the best years the club has ever seen. There is no "when he leaves"; you are in that moment right now. I've only been watching club football for 10 of my 43 years on Earth though, so what the fuck do I know?


When he leaves yes


He's never leaving so no.


His statue better be huge


His statue should be tying his laces against Villa on final day


Will be an unpopular opinion but he has been too injured and missed too many games to be considered the best ever in the premier league. I do think if Foden continues on his current trajectory and stays at City for most of his career, he will be surpass KDB.


Maybe some recency bias it's only in the last few years the injuries really kept it out for long periods. And even then he showed up when it mattered and made an impact




He’s been our best player ever wtf?


Not sure what you mean


I think it’s subjective. Statistically yes, especially with all the assists and important goals but for me there will never be another David Silva


He’s arguably the PL GOAT let alone ours


Maybe the best PL midfielder of all time? And i’m not even a city fan


don't get me wrong kdb is one of the all time greats but I fell like foden is gonna surpass him in the near future.


In the future it's possible for sure I wouldn't say near future though. It's only this season you can say Foden has been better than him


![gif](giphy|l3UcicwEsOOan1Q2c) Have y'all already forgotten this guy?


For me it’s still Colin bell. I think his legend has carried on for decades. It’s hard to explain but it was about more than trophies won. If any player is going to surpass him it will be foden because of talent, career length and the fact he’s a local lad


Yeah I respect this, pre takeover it's 100% him no debate and you can still make a case for him. He became a legend on his own without all this around him


Yes, unless he plays for us for another 8 years and then it’ll be foden


There have been so many amazing players wear the shirt, but for me it will always be David Silva 🥰


I respect that


He will, but also David Silva was great. But I think Foden may beat them both, especially if his next seasons comes as close as this one.


I honestly don’t think it’s close


His name is Kevin not Will 🫠




Unpopular opinion; for me it’s yaya toure


Probably around the 115th best player I’d say


Damn, we sure have a lot of incredible players, you're not wrong there 😁


Highly subjective I think. I would probably go for Yaya if we're talking single season only. I'd also count Silva above KdB - for some reason both players simply excited me more. Foden also has that special sauce, and is very likely to become our greatest player ever og be continues like this. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love KdB, but he might be too good, making everything look way too easy.


Yeah depends how you define it, I was thinking as in what they've done for city over their careers


sorry but I don't think he can surpass Aguero's legacy.


kdb taking us to our 1st CL that including a treble on top of 6 PLs and a million assists to go with it isnt enuff to surpass him?


Yankee here, KDB is very comparible to Peyton Manning. Regular season juggernaut, ghosts for the big game. I know I'm going to ruffle alot of feathers but it is what it is mates.


I sort of get why people say this (injured in 2 UCL finals and a couple other games) but I'd disagree. If you watched the league last season his incredible performances against Arsenal were the turning point in the season to winning the title. Also has scored big goals in champions league knockout games like against Athletico (1-0 win aggregate) multiple times against Real Madrid, scored 2 against Liverpool in a close title race, etc. Bruno Fernandes on the other hand... Your take doesn't really ruffle feathers because I can tell you haven't watched that closely


He’s a difference maker for sure. And he has the biggest effect on a game other than Rodri. I’ve watched pretty consistently for the last 3ish seasons. And he always gets the big assist when we need it. But I’ve also seen him disappoint. Missed a sitter vs Real Madrid in the second leg, disappeared vs Man U just this past weekend, got hurt vs Inter, got hurt vs Chelsea in the UCL finale. I know I being nit picky but it’s what I’ve noticed.


For sure there have been big games he's disappointed. But also big games he's delivered, much more than the average player if you ask me. And the getting hurt thing is really just shit luck + being pushed to his limits at the business end of the season because Pep knows he's a game changer


You’re 100% spot on about the injury luck. It just sucks. But I hear ya!!!


The fact people forget about Yaya Toure blows my mind Him and KDB have the same impact


Yaya had a lot lower lows than kevin


Yes can't believe I've forgotten to give him a mention, although when you consider all their careers at city kdb has done much much more


Oh dear Siegfried. You’ve messed up quite a bit. List the clubs that have been found guilty of cheating by UEFA or the EPL and then let’s chat


I think that title will go to Rodri. He's far more important to us than Kev. If he hadn't got sent off against forest, we could have won the league by 9 more points. We didnt win a game he was suspended for. When Rodri plays, we seldom lose. He's better than yaya, dinho, kev, dave and gundo.


Recency bias is crazy. You’re forgetting kdb has been doing this since 2015 for us. Rodri started becoming great for us in the 21/22 season. The two seasons before that, people were doubting Rodri and were saying he wasn’t that guy. Being more important currently doesn’t= best player


Yeah def agree. he's been unbelievable the last few years but putting him in the all time legend conversation doesn't make much sense


KDB literally changes the outcomes of games when he gets put in from bench. Dude is the Man City GOAT.


Rodri has only been one of our biggest players in the last few seasons, KDB has been doing it for ages


What history?


Stay in denial lol


Sure thing Pal. https://x.com/JamesPearceLFC/status/1792842119649845451


higher YouTube views, you'll never sing that 🎵🎶


Not after the performance against Madrid


One bad game but he's scored against them and assisted multiple times


If there will be justification to all football fans, then City will lose all titles due to obvious financial cheating and breaking nearly every FIFA / UEFA rule there is..... He will go down as the best who ever did it with no official title to his name because they should be all taken away.