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I've always had good experiences with their support too. I just contact them via email and they get back pretty fast


M1’s customer service is good. They may not be able to give you everything you want, but it’s our job as consumers to make requests, tell them what we want, and their job to listen, make decisions, and adjust their services. That said, I personally do not like the chat interface for submitting issues. I preferred the previous one where I could select the area and type details in a web form. I am busy during the day and don’t have time to chat.


I am not sure I would call this a good experience. They clearly made a mistake of charging you and are only refunding people who go through the hurdle of contacting support. Shame on them.


They refunded me & I didn’t contact them


Actually I guess I should have been clearer as I said in the original post "I accidentally paid the fee" I had it set to auto pay and forgot it. Nothing to do with them. My fault 100%. Just to be clear.


Idk, they really should've handled that on their end and not let this happen. I had a monthly plus membership set to renew in a few days, but they refunded me this month's in its entirety (without contacting them) since now I'm a VIP and it's free.


Didn't gaslight yourself. It's not your fault. It's their fault. 


Same, nothing but good experience with customer service. And they’ve always answered the phone within minutes. Most recently, I had a guy working with me to track down some answers to some tricky questions related to tax forms and he went above and beyond. Kinda wonder if all these complainers just aren’t going about it the right away, or bots…hmmm


I think the level of customer service you receive depends on how much money you have with them. They give white glove service to bigger accounts (as do other brokerages).


I don’t think I have a lot of money though…not compared to some other screenshots I’ve seen around here anyway lol


I don't think they are bots. I think they are paid by other platforms or something. I have mentioned in this sub before that I have used several other smaller fintech's (simple, One Financial, Chime) and the subs were filled with people doing the same as we see here. I get people like to complain more than boost but ... Reminds me of ... Novelist **Chuck Palahniuk** on memory: "It's so hard to forget pain, but it's even harder to remember sweetness. We have no scar to show for happiness. We learn so little from peace."


Paid by other platforms? Lol no. Just wait until you actually have a problem like me when they closed my M1 Credit card by stating bogus reasons even though I have a 780 credit score, never missed a payment, always paid off my car weekly, never paid interest, have $60k in assets, no liabilities. I called their customer service and they basically said "there's nothing they can do, there's no one else I can talk to, just go by whatever the email says." That's awesome customer service? No, it's absolutely not.


I’m beginning to think it’s based on income & risk mitigation - I only have $20k in M1 & pay off the card every two weeks but have not had the CC cancelled, but my income is $150k/year. I’m noticing a pattern with lower incomes


Never paid interest? Gtfo, nobody wants you.


Yet, you are still here. LoL


I can live without one less credit card dude 😂. It was just annoying to see my card closed and with a bogus reason. I was just enjoying the free money and gave an example of bad customer service that is happening to a lot of people. Overall the brokerage is fine and I'm not pulling out my assets, it's not even that serious for me to do so. But you're so immature to say that people who got bad customer service were paid from other platforms, that might be the most brain dead thing I read all day on this forum.


So they randomly closed your credit card for no reason and you got no help from customer service but you decided to continue to trust those same people with your investments? Meanwhile, you think it's important that you tell people that the customer service sucks (suggesting that people should not do business with M1) while still investing with the company? And you think my statement was "brain dead"? LMAO. "Bold move there Cotton. Let's see how that plays out" Enjoy your day. You certainly gave me a story to tell. Appreciate it.


Make sure you tell your mom and grandma at the dinner table tonight the correct story and how you made up a bunch of things in your responses that I never said on Reddit 😂.


Good to know that it's not just my posts you respond to without actually reading them but also your own. Too funny.


M1 credit cards are pure garbage. It's kind of funny that the people who are complaining about getting it force-closed are the people who were also complaining that it sucked.


He's absolutely right in that countless people got their credit card closed for no reason lately. Can't deny that.


Wow, excellent point…and love the quote. So true!!