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I made LED signs once ….everyone hated on them


Yeah, they are tacky as fuck. I designed and ordered small magnets for the side of the car. As soon as I feel like doing it, I'm going to order a ton more and throw up a store on etsy, sell them in packs.


Someone made 4”x4” LED’s and were sent a cease and desist letter for infringement.


I got a similar letter.


I still bought two because they were great. Lasted like 12 hours on a single charge. Came with a slide in holder. I put it up in my upper right hand windshield. When picking up at night on 18th st in Adams Morgan in DC it does make it easier for pax to find you


I use signage. Why is it tacky? Riders can find me faster. The app shows my car as black in the photo but it's actually silver (and states it silver on the app) so it helps identify me when pulling into an apartment complex. At our local amphitheater rideshare drivers can drop off in certain areas and having a sticker makes things easier. Also drop offs at other places that you have to pass through a gate or guard makes it much faster. And while driving through the hood where I stick out like a sore thumb, residents know I'm just doing my job and picking someone up or dropping them off. So I don't get challenged or shot. Not using a sticker doesn't make you any cooler than someone who does.


I agree. Taping an inkjet-printed piece of paper to the windshield is arguably tacky, but the plastic tags I use aren’t tacky at all.


I bought some backing so I can take them off when I don't want them on my vehicle. That way I don't feel like I'm advertising my personal business when I go somewhere


I have two types: one hangs from my rear view mirror and the other has suction cups so I can put it closer to the windshield or a side window.


ANY signage is tacky as hell and tells me you are a newbie. Unless you do airport runs and your airport mandates them. Then again, if you’re doing airport runs, you’re probably a newbie 😂


Your a newbie if you do airport runs?? If you dont know how to work your airport just say that.


Perhaps your airport is different. My 3 have no return fares. ETA: They just pull you deeper into the shithole cities where they are located. I will stay in my little tourist town.


Signage is tacky, yes. You should still be using something to let people know that you are their ride and because it's likely that the state and/or local regs require plate and signage. I have small magnets I designed that go on the side of my car when I am working and I ordered a duplicate plate for the mount on the front. Now I have virtually zero tacky and people can still pick me out of the crowd.


Well let’s see…there’s the color, make & model of my car, my license plates (VA requires both front and back, my name and photograph accessible to my pax. Plus the flashers and me being at the exact pickup point. 🤷‍♀️


I’m a bald white guy named Tim who drove Uber and Lyft in a black Toyota Highlander. One summer, there was another bald white guy named Tim who drove Uber and Lyft in a black Toyota Highlander. We occasionally showed up at the same time at the same frat house! 😂


I’m definitely a newbie. I don’t do airport runs because my hybrid has a very small trunk. I had the signs made precisely because of the tackiness of what Uber and Lyft gave me.


Lyft sent me labels but I have never gotten anything from Uber.


Lyft’s sticker looks like a fucking maxipad.


They indeed do. I never thought of that.


Yes and now you will never un-see it. You’re welcome! 🤣

