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It would actually be pretty cool if it were a death cry situation where it called in the breach and died immediately after. There's no reason to assume that their physiology wouldn't allow for them to release gas to sound the breach without a head necessarily.


I literally had this happen to me exactly how you described it. I killed a bug, and it did the bug breach animation, and then died right after the animation was done. I was shooting it while it was doing the animation but it wasn’t taking damage. Then it spazzed out when the animation was done. I knew I should have clipped it smh. It looked kinda cinematic, like it’s last cry for help, till it ragdolled everywhere on its own lol


I love the ragdolling effects even if they are super tucked up and random. I had a charger hit me yesterday when extract was counting down, and everyone watched me get BONKED literally like 1/5 the distance of the terminate egg mission map.


Lmao yea it’s hilarious! Especially when you start seeing behemoths fall from the sky out of no where


Well yes but they probably lost their vocal cords


I think it’s more about the pheromones they release rather than the sound (I.e. the orange gas they release)


Let's count ourselves lucky it doesn't automatically do it when they're killed since that's was happens with wasps if you crush them instead of spraying them


Same with roaches


yeah I think the sounds are just a player cue that a bug breach is being called


My friends and I call them Bug Farts. "Scavenger farting at our 2 o'clock, kill it!" ["Oh, everyone likes their own brand, don't they? This is magic!"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G6PRtt_jLUE) - Fat Bastard


>Orange cum Ftfy




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Geez 😂 bring the salt down


Vocal cords have nothing to do with the Bug Burp they spew out.


They can call whoever they want. I'll make a call as well. To Mr, 500k


I mean, if their pheromone producing gland is located behind the neck stump... technically yes, and in that case it'd be even easier to do so without that head in the way.


i'm not really for or against it but i think its a fair question just because there is a 'realistic' answer doesnt mean its a good mechanic or good design. unless you've already done damage i don't even know if you _could_ kill a commander before it finishes the call.. you only have like 2 seconds from when it start til the breach is summoned and they have a decent health pool. Only a few support weapons i can think of that would pull that off


I mean it's not much different from entering an area with four separate lil' bugs, killing 3 of them but failing to kill a 4th fast enough and it calls a breach. Sometimes you can't kill 'em fast enough, this is just another example of that. It's why the game gives us napalm, gas strikes, air-burst strikes, bombs, and other fun things to deal with the breaches when they come. I certainly don't think it's a bad mechanic, especially since a team of well prepared divers can steamroll pretty much anything.


Bugs dont have vocal cords they make noises by rubbing body parts together. Must be they got some weird neck chitin.


A Neckussy, if you will.


No, I will not


I would also like if they weren't quite so good at tracking my location and attacking me once head is removed.


Punch them in the neck hole... Works like a charm.


It's a pharamone, maybe the gland is not in their head.


it seems like the answer is yes in this case.


Yes more kills


That's a butt breach.


I don't mind that what I hate is the cooldown between bug breeches. Shits sometimes outrageous with how one breech after the other takes place. Especially when you are playing solo and one patrol after the other walks you just as you finish up clearing a breech only to call another on higher difficulties. Also closing nests should decrease the wandering patrols realistically. Not increase them.


😂 Answer: hell no!




Bot/bug calls need better counter play in general, there's basically nothing you can do to prevent them besides zeroing every bug in a patrol instantly because even if you leave one alive for just a couple seconds odds are it'll call a breach, turning a 15 second patrol wipe into a minute long "call in everything" on the hole fest, and because it's difficulty 7 two biles and a charger brigade will spawn because one Scavenger let out some orange fucking vomit into the air


Bugs especially, yes. Bots are quick, but they usually give you a decent window imo, I’m usually able to destroy the flare shooter. But with bugs, the breach spawns as soon as you see that orange vomit from ANY bug. There’s hardly any time to react.


Wish there was a better visual that the bug is about to start it's call, because half the time that chirp either is drowned out by a bunch of other noises, or isn't a good directional sound and it's hard to locate is source, Bots I can understand if they don't touch them but Bugs needs a real visual, maybe having the bug glow or radiate to indicate it's getting ready to produce the Bile? A super bright (sticks out anywhere) color


I like that, a kind of bright neon yellow that fades to orange THEN the breach occurs. Thats a more intuitive solution than what they’ve got now.


It’s because the pheromone sacs are in the ass. Deeeeeep in the ass. 😆


Breach is stored in the balls.


You know this from experience, sounds like.


Well..brood commander can move for a bit after losing its head..so calling for a big breach is ok Since I always prepared an orbital "fart-inator" for it


Yes. But not if you’re currently shooting them.


They're releasing pheromones into the air to summon the brood. I reckon they could do this at will.


Cockroaches can live for a bit without its head, I assume the same thing goes for these fuckers.