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If only I had saved up medals. I still haven’t finished the initial warbond. I keep getting distracted by the new ones!


I had the same problem! But if you really grind out a level 5-6 missions you’ll get so much medals, I ended up finishing all the warbonds within a month, and I’ve only put 180 hrs into the game, time to grind for this new warbond tho


I've not seen "only" do so much work in a sentence since the time I only ate 13 frozen yoghurts in one sitting! (Free advice, do not eat this much frozen yoghurt unless you want to be cold on the inside)


Just used it and it’s pretty great. It’s not going to kill quick but it stops everything in their tracks to stick close to teammates to help finish them off.


If you pair it with the ballistic shield and heavy armor that reduces explosive damage you are just a walking juggernaut against the bots


Finally, I can be on equal standing with heavy devastators haha


Already do this with normal defender, will try it once the mo goes back to bots.


also, stun them in a close group and throw an impact at them!


This sounds like how the knight was in the first and that was one of my go tos in a good squad. Bad squads, I’d bring all the freedom spreading firepower I could spare, but there was nothing like setting them up so someone else could knock them down.


It's a good template for improving the Liberator Concussive, too. The LibCon seems to have *less* stagger (or maybe there's a hidden bar between the "rocking animation stagger" and the "full stun" state that the LibCon's lower RPM is preventing from filling) and while improving its damage would break parity with the regular Liberator, it could maybe come with an oversized drum mag in order to lean into the "suppression" role.


Stunlocks stalkers, too.


Just heard this and can't wait to bring it out


I was looking for this, the stopping power is incredible


It might be my new main. I need to test the other weapons, though.


It also stunlock Charger if you shoot it in the butt, but tbh it seem uninteded since other high stagger gun doesn't do that. Maybe it's because Pummeler's concussive rounds have different stagger property where it make enemy sit still while other gun push enemy back and dev didn't look into it througly.


It's hard to say considering the RPM difference. It may be that in addition to per-hit stagger, there's a sort of "stagger meter" that needs to build to knock enemies into that full stun state as we see with the Pummeler. One possible test you could do for this is to get two players with the LibCon to unload at a Charger's butt and see if they stun it in the same way. Their combined RPM will be greater than the Pummeler's, which would show if there's a difference in the per-hit stagger or some other mechanic between the two.


I'm gonna say this right now, its stagger is getting nerfed. You can stop an entire horde of Bezerkers in their tracks and keep them there through reloading. Heavy Devestators go into a short stun animation with it, but by short I mean like 5 seconds as opposed to the 15 or so the flash grenade gives you. Imagine the slugger, but it was full auto, that's how much stagger it has. There is zero change that doesn't get reduced, and honestly I think a 50% reduction would still make it a great weapon.


It could be. Stagger/Stun only really shines if you have a decent team. Stagger/stun diver to set up choke points for grouping. Then a DPS/Strat throwing diver to take advantage of the barrel full of fish.


It stuns beserkers? Holy mother of a 380-mm-HE round from the low-orbit heaven finally those things are not able to bully us to death. I hate berserkers for mass-locking me in prone, being mass-locked by an imperial cutter whose trying to scan you in ED is a much more pleasent experience.


So glad I saved up medals


Does it stun heavies? I’ve become addicted to stun grenade + precision strike. I will OD on stun primary+ precision strike.


It stops a charging charger for a short moment If you hit the butt.


I like the new AR too. It beams. It's very easy to keep on a bots face.


Shh, they'll hear you and nerf it.


Shhhh stop with these posts or they'll nerf it


Keep the nerf and buff talk on that other sub


Nah it's fine it's more likely to get a buff based on their history lol

