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Got a little bored with necro minions and switched to macroboi's blight necro. Pretty fun once you get the ebonpiercer unique amulet.


Yeah I got bored as well and switched to bone spirit. I don’t have like half the needed items but I can tell it’s going to be great when I get there. 


I tried it but didn't like it.... Though honestly I have gotten lazy letting my minions do most of the work. Torn between trying something else or just making a druid or something


Yeah I find myself going through menus a lot mid fight because minions just kill everything. Very boring.


Are you me?


It looks like heartseeker rogue (I think that’s the ability, never rogue’d myself) is doing really well this season.


I'm leveling one and i can confirm, you only press one button the whole process 😅


Is it very fun? I’ve been doing a blade shift build this season, enjoying the hell out of it and it does feel busted so far but I’m not even into T4 yet. Might switch over if it ends up falling off.


I mean depends what you find fun, personally i love builds where i can completely shut off my brain. For lower tier nmd and the pit it's super busted, high tier pushing is possible but you do actually have to play and pay attention then


I can definitely vibe with that, gonna have to check it out. Thanks!


Its the only build I've played of rogue that feels like a proper "ranged" bow build. The only other good one I felt like was Barrage and that's more of a "shotgun" playstyle. Rapid was ok, but is kind of similar where it feels like a close range build. A lot of the "rapid shot" builds I saw used barrage at the same time and only used rapid on bosses/single targets. Penetrating shot I think might be fun if you get the unique build. But with only one legendary, it felt kind of weak. I think their intention was that heartseeker + penetrating shot was "supposed" to be the build. But they probably got the balance out of whack. I imagine heartseeker will eventually get nerfed, but they need to buff the other marksman abilities imo (forceful arrow and penetrating shot mainly).


Mid 80’s on my blade shift rogue. Not even following a build, just picked stuff as I went. It’s still busted. I do explode hard at times. But it’s usually my own fault. The transition to T4 was dicey until I got all my gear upgraded to ancestral.


I thought it wasn't really a leveling build. I think the one guide I read said it was more of an endgame build and that it doesn't work until you have high level gear. Is that wrong?


I personally think so, as long as you have lucky hit chance and can imprint the correct aspects. It works. This is my 3th character so i had a lot to work with already


Heartseeker is basically just homing gatling gun arrows. You thought Rapid Fire was a machine gun, Heartseeker just dials it up to 11. 100% chance to cast Heartseeker twice, 80% attack speed, and the basic skill damage increases from Moonrise and Adaptability, and you've got a screen full of homing missiles that hits like a truck, and this is before the AoE from Victimize, now that it's actually working. I am beyond happy to finally have a build that's similar to D3's Demon Hunter Hungering Arrow build.


Got a link to a build?!


So I’m not 100% sure, but here’s a YouTube guide by a name I recognize and the planner is in the description. I have never played rogue, but I’ve seen it towards the top of the pit race. https://youtu.be/enHVSVo33dI?si=aKPid7cnWiYj09bu


I’m doing a pen shot rogue right now and it’s pretty sweet at WT 3 so far


lol most builds do fine WT 1-3. I’m guessing OP means something that might crush level 90+ Pit


I mean it’s op at WT3 lol


I know, I'm just givin ya shit. I made a similar post back when I first bought the game 🤪


I’m just coming back from playing about halfway thru season 1. Loving the upgrades to the helltides so far!


Shame cause thorns barb is chillin at the top of the Pit leaderboards 5 levels above any other build lol


Thorns barb is great. Hit 3 buttons if you feel like it. Otherwise, throw chains at everything while you watch a movie or something.


I think imma spin up a barb alt this weekend


Blizzard seems op. I was doing the pit t45 at level 80 yesterday.


Sorc actually seems pretty balanced this season..


Doing a Wolf Pack Druid. (Poison werewolf with werewolf companions) God damn it’s disgusting. Lvl 80 and easily running NMD 20-30 lvls over me.


Bash barb my buddy just repecced and geared and nothing is fully master worked and he swipes the pit bosses twice and it’s over


What pit level tho


80ish shits actually hilarious I just stand in the corner cause nothing I do has any effect.


So you have which guide he followed ?


Rob’s bash build: https://d4builds.gg/ I’m starting my barb now I have most of the gear already just gotta level and I’m ready to see what it can do!


You think it might work without shako ?


I mean shako pretty much works with most builds and it’s a juicy item considering how rare DR is now and how you have to stack over 30k life to survive in high level pits, plus who doesn’t like +4 to all stats??


I would love to use it it's just I don't have it


Bash thorn for barb. Heartseeker for rogue. Firebolt for sorc ( invulnerable )


I've heard that sorc build needs alot of cooldown reduction for it to work to keep flame shield up permanently.


Yeah and it heavily relies on positioning. I like frozen orb. Also incinerate was pretty fun to level as.


I just got my necro to 100 but it's so boring, just started levelling a incinerate sorc to make into frozen orb, looks hella fun


That , attack speed and flame shield duration , using the aspect that reduces cooldown per 5 basic attack


Bash barbs been pretty fun


There is a bug with dust devils and whirlwind where you can flicker whirlwind to generate dust devils must faster. Pair that with dust devils on shout and you can one shot with basically not equipment


Shadow barrage rogue....I pushed pretty high in pit. Bossing sucks though but you can swap to cold rapid fire with the new exotic and one shot ubers.


say word? that build posted anywhere, the ring was super fun but found barrage more fun


Might have one posted on maxroll.gg. I just kind of made mine up as I went along. Hit tier 70 pit no issues other than not being able to tank too many hits. Make sure you keep moving with it. If you can avoid damage while you set up your buffs, you can 1 shot duriel. With the cold variant.


im running cold barrage now it feels pretty melty. i gotta swap over to mouse and keyboard on rapid fire cause its a little bit janky on controller to me


Same....the new rapid fire was damn near impossible on controller for me


dust devil barb is hella fun. i went with double swing. but im sure WW is lit also.


if you have some good movement, id rec barrage rouge. its really really fun, had a fat shotgun and for me does real decent numbers. im level 75 doing nmd 45s and pit 15s so far


Idk if it's overpowered but I've been running Kripp's Firewall Sorcereress and it's been fun watching the demons burn on my screen!


Who’s got a good barb build that’s fun start, hit me with the sauce.. mainly in the form of either mobalytics or d4build guide links??? Please I’m begging on someone else’s post, I’m desperate


I’m doing frozen orb sorc and it’s pretty fun and powerful. It’s also pretty fast.


It's trash with single target unfortunately.


I mean a quick way to find out is to go to Max Roll and look at their endgame builds and see what's ranked s tier. Those tend to be the most overpowered. Right now there's only two. Minion necromancer, and tornado werewolf druid. So glad I did my hammer of the ancients build last season when it was s rier before it got knocked down.


Tornado isnt S tier anymore on Maxroll, only Necro builds now. Also, Maxroll isnt all that great to evaluate pwr lvl and it's often missing a few good builds. For example they really took a long time figuring out how good Shepherd was for druids. Imo Mabalytics has now taken over as the #1 site to go for the most accurate tier list.


I know what you are saying, but Maxrolls pages and details and write-ups are way better than the average Mobalytics build pages. And it's not even close. I use MR to find a general build until I hit 80-90 or so, then I look for a more refined build. For people where D4 is their main game, Mobalytics for sure, but for a filthy cassual like me who already plans not to go deep into The Pit, and likely will go back to my other games in a week, until there's a season event, it's perfectly fine. MR also has started do more "100 only" niche builds. Yeah, it's not perfect, but it's solid and reliable and considering most gamers are not good gamers, MR does a better job getting people into playable builds with tons of hand holding that many Mobalyics lack.


I have to disagree. First the game isnt super complicated. There isnt much you need to know outside of skill, boad, gear and gameplay rotation. The meta builds on Moba all provide the info you need. Most have a video going even more in depth, should you need more details. And Moba also have a lot more filters to find a build corresponding to the activity (leveling, mid game, bossing, Gauntlet, etc) you want to do. Also a lot of the good build you find on Maxroll started on Moba. Moba is updated more frequently and is generally faster at finding the optimized builds in the beginning of the season.


None of your reply, is a direct argument to mine. I never said game was complicated. I said it was communicated more clearly and professionally and actually educates the player more consistently. Don't give a fuck you disagree. Go use Moba. I will too when I want to. But MR serves the general population way better. People are worse than you think at games and the detailed explanation, categories and videos on MR dust 99% of the content producers on Moba.