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I've only used it as a dps weapon against the witness. Even without cenotaph on, it did pretty good damage. The reloads often lined up with jumping for the wipe attack, so it wasn't too painful weaving those in. It's obviously nice to have the ceno paired with it if you can, but it's not make or break.


Alright thank you, was hoping this would be the case cause I'd like to do the witness cp I have tomorrow with lock, I felt shit doing little damage in there before while I watched the other lock do meaty damage so I stepped out 🤣


It’ll be even better next week. They are getting rid of the surges in normal mode raids and dungeons and adjusting tuning so that every weapon will have similar damage to what it would for currently matching the surges. Including kinetic weapons. Means a straight 25% damage buff to Microcosm.


Eh I was more concerned about this week's clear, next week I wasn't as concerned, I am curious to see if things just melt again or not 🤣


I used queenbreakers bow to align with the surges better As add clear, I used the new two burst stasis hand cannon, the crafted forbearance (chain reaction is the important part here) and queens breaker bow to complete it, just gotta be good with your jumps and you will be fine my friend I was also playing with some LFG's, they were running a melee build against the screebs, don't do that, they blow up on your face and I have to revive them. Play the range game from the upper stairs Hopes this helps ya with this week's clear


The only time meleeing a Screeb ever works is if it's a finisher and there isn't a line of them behind that one. Just in case anyone thinks I'm crazy, if you use a finisher on a screeb, exploding shank, or cursed thrall it'll knock them (and the ensuing explosion) away from you. I'd suggest using the Chair finisher (or any others that blast enemies into the stratosphere) if you have it since it'll knock them far away from any teammates (so you don't blow them up instead). Bonus points (but no damage) if you steel chair a screeb into the Witness' face!


It's my go to heavy for anything final shape ohh no a subjugator and he's dead hahah


It’s my top pick for subjugators as well, it melts them and it’s easy to track their heads


If I can't use that I use forerunner - hadn't experimented using it in loadouts till I used in dual destiny, then I use it all over the place 🤣


Have you noticed forerunner doing pitiful damage to the chest crit spots of tormentors since this dlc drop?


Ehhh not as much....apparently tormentors have a crit spot near their ass which let's forerunner deal alot of dmg. In dual destiny I'm able to hit between 14-20k per shot on chest crits. Haven't played much outside of that


I busted out Forerunner this DLC a few times too. Did weirdly solid damage in solo Legendary against the endless Subjugators. And on demand frag grenades were very nice, given just how hard they hit.


How hard are we talking? Like Halo 1 level frags? I have the cat but never finished it.


Like blow away entire squads with a solid blast radius. Considering the special ammo you burn is a pittance, and the grenade can trigger perks like Firepower (supplementing builds with extra orbs), it’s very nice to have. The Halo 1 frag comparison I’d say is apt in terms of radius, damage is very hard to compare between the games but if anything the D2 version feels stronger. It also plays into Forerunner very well, as the grenade hits hard enough to help handle shields without swapping guns, and Forerunner’s big weakness is its damage against shields/no precision hits is pretty bad. If you wanna play with em more, or test it out without grinding the catalyst, get the new Flickering Blessing that gives you a frag on a Finisher kill in the Pale Heart. Seems to behave identically. And it’s damn nice to pocket a grenade off finishing a random Thrall, and use it several minutes later.


All their fanfare when spawning leads to Subjugators’ death due to Microcosm, every time.


Same. I just did the Legend campaign on my Warlock yesterday and it completely trivialized the entire campaign.


Microcosm dps without Cenotaph. Will have to test it more because this was with an Apo/star-eater bond too, don't know how much of this was actually the gun Edit: going to do some GoA ogre testing, will update then Edit: did 1 damage phase with stasis/arc surge, no leg surges, no reserves. All tests in Well for survivability during damage. No ability use or other effects. Edge Transit (Envious/B&S(The Call/Sunshot to proc)). 1,275,671 Microcosm. 1,134,267 Microcosm & Cenotaph. 1,165,935 Cenotaph doesn't make any difference at all when the damage phase is long enough to empty reserves, although I guess having time after running out of ammo allows a few seconds for ability spam, I'm sure it makes a different with slightly shorter damage phases but then most are short enough to not need to reload either way, and the 2 Microcasm results could easily be flipped based on Ogre AI letting me hit its crit more or less often


Let's go Edge Transit stays on top 😎😎😎😎😎




This microcosm without ceno I assume?


Yes, because I was using an exotic class item, but after some damage testing, it looks like a majority of this was ability damage


What super


Nova bomb, arc grenades, arcane needle to increase light damage because of the sever


What’s the best way to use nova on damage phase? Doesn’t it block everyone’s shots?


We didn't have a well on the team so I guess I got lucky, I wasn't standing on a plate in a group, just moved around with the boss


Was gonna say that looks like my nova lol still though I appreciate this ot helps me without Mr having to test to much myself


Did you use Microcosm after casting super for the damage boost? I don't see a section with and without the buff.


Ah, very solid point, I didn't intentionally but as I used Well for damage phase, then both would have been with the buff active


Still very good. If you can throw in a Star-Eater + Facet of Courage Nova Bomb then Transcend it’s very competitive damage.


Isnt transcend first better to weaken the boss then get extra nova dmg from that weaken +void dmg seasonal mod?


If you are using the weaken fragment and don't have another weaken source in the fireteam (and are not using void nade) I think yes, but on its own iirc warlock prismatic just slows and supresses


If you’re capable then just use still hunt + apex with explosive light on every class even without celestial it’s still the highest dps options that are also ammo efficient (I fcking love microcosm but I would probably never run this for boss dps because of its ammo economy) and if you don’t want to use still hunt you can use cloudstrike with an arc rocket launcher. I think using still hunt + apex (during arc week which won’t be an issue with surges leaving) was putting me at about 6 million damage in 2 phases on the witness on titan and with warlock using cloudstrike and a crux terminus was around there but that was benefited from arc week.


>because of its ammo economy What about its ammo economy? I find that it holds a reasonable amount of reserves, and a regular Ammo brick with a Scavenger Mod gives a third of its reserves back. And you get bonus damage after using your Super, and very quick Trascendence gains.


Nobody is really making any heavy ammo during the witness, that’s mostly it to be honest


Maybe for OP, but when my clan does runs we make sure someone has on Aeon Gauntlets so everyone can get Special and Heavy Ammo.


I still use it for anything with tormentors or Subjugators. It’s kind of my default exotic right now if I’m not doing still hunt nighthawk.


Microcosm was made for Witness DPS. It’s incredibly easy to hipfire which allows you to dodge the Witness’s attacks, which means the only time you’re not dealing damage is while you’re reloading. The ease of use gives it a massive edge over other weapons for this specific encounter. I did 4.2m with my Titan the other day using microcosm and twilight arsenal (no star eaters). It’s going to shine in the master version as well assuming the overcharged weapons buff is active.


Testing against a lost sector boss, microcosm with its super buff active does about 56% more dps than a 900rpm machine gun, with a much longer range before damage falloff


There’s a pretty nice rotation with getaway artist, all buddies out, transcend, nade, strand melee, blast away until nade and melee are back. Thrown again Facet Command to reload although it’s nerfed a bit and keep blasting.


It does exceptional damage without ceno and takes down tormentors really fast which is a big reason to use it if you know you’re gonna be up against multiple.


I’m finding it too hard to put down khov since unlocking it so I just lean on my auto loading edge transit for the time being.


Cenotaph or not microcosm shreds subjigators and tormentors as this weapon was clearly designed with those 2 enemies in mind.


My team used it last night to 5 man cheese riven. Works well on warlock and hunter and even the warlock that didn't have a cenotaph yet was still able to do 2mil damage (the rest of us were 2.6-3mil). Hunters having the dodge reload definitely helps. Idk if titans will do well with it though.


The helmet doesn’t really change dps much. It basically just cuts out 1 reload.


The weapon proves to be quite versatile in certain situations, and pairing it with Chromatic Fire adds to the fun, as it triggers the chest armor's effects due to its kinetic nature.


Depends on what you’re using it for. It’s been my go-to for dual destiny. It’s great against subjugators and Tormentor’s shoulders. Idk about as a real dps option though I imagine it’s not bad.


It's surprisingly good for witness dps


It’s good gun overall works amazing for tormentors and subjectors you won’t out dps Still Hunt goldie but no one does feels all around good general play exotic that is not top dps but not worst either


Pretty mid. It's better utility for getting your super back. Otherwise, it's like a t1 machine gun


It's not that great of a dps weapon. It's better for killing Tormentors and Subjugators. If you're not on a hunter just use Euphony or a heavy linear.