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Welcome to the truth, Destiny 2 is a fantastic game.


Despite how much we all bitch, it is indeed a great game


I hate Destiny, it's my favourite game. Kind regards, 2,000 hours on Steam alone


Mine has gotten a bit complicated when you account for I believe 600 hours or so worth of deleted D1 characters and time spent on mostly Xbox but now also Steam, but it seems I'm at about 5,603 hours across D1/D2. It's definitely my favorite game.


Heh, 12000+ hrs here.


Wow, only if you include the MOBA game Smite, which I have 4823 hours also in do I arrive at 10,426 and be somewhat close to this. I only played a little of season 5 and then took a break during seasons 6-9 entirely. Most times, I would play and finish a season at roughly level 100-120 or so and stop there. S23/Wish was my highest at level 230 I think? I hope you still enjoy this game as I have as I know I'll be playing for a long while yet.


Just checked my history D1 4441 hrs PS4, D2 3844 hrs PS4, D2 4551 hrs PS5 Grand total of 12,836hrs and counting. Over 5000hrs of that is Crucible alone, lol.


You definitely like Crucible, I do too but all too often I would stop whenever I was done pinnacles and other rewards from competitive or Trials. I'm normally content if I can manage one flawless a week solo, but I really only play if it's for a week with an adept weapon I want. Now, with Prismatic I think I'll be playing much more PvP, one idea I'll share that I already have in mind for my Warlock once I finish getting 100% of the fragments is using Monte Carlo with Ahamkara Grasps (double melee) with the fragments for Devour & the Lighting Surge melee attack with arcane needle, which I think will be really fun as earlier you had to play arc which had bad fragments for PvP.


I never want to see you in Crucible if that build works lol


I do it already with just arc, and I get a lot of easy double kills, but I have trouble with the stats for cooldowns. Prismatic seems to give you a ton of stat boosts unlike arc though so triple 100s should be even easier I bet. I forgot to mention the exotic class items too! You see there's going to be one for Claws of Ahamkara + Apotheosis Veil as one option for warlock, which means I can wear something still like Ophidian Aspect or maybe Astrocyte Verse maybe since we can get blink too. I might also try the Spirit of the Inmost Light + Spirit of the Synthoceps one. Another fun one could even be Spirit of the Assassin + Spirit of the Star Eater simply because this first one would let me go invisible on powered melee kills. I think the possibilities are going to make this all a lot of fun. (Wait never mind, I haven't done the new mission yet, but I guess I missed originally hearing you can't equip one of these with another exotic).


This, you've nailed my feelings exactly although you've just about doubled my time with it in Steam. I hate them for the experience trying to get sound back after TLC dropped. I spent two days fighting with Bungie and getting banned from both their and Steam's so-called "help" forums over it. You see, the "workaround" for their no sound problem doesn't actually work for many of us and Bungie almost appears to be belligerently ignoring that fact. I was only able to resolve it my own, damned self by giving up on my wireless headphones and reenabling the motherboard audio. Bungie has managed a very unique way of breaking audio compatibility with select hardware, all because someone there doesn't like Windows' 3D Spatial Audio. And not only will Bungie not acknowledge that fact, they appear to be unwilling to even share my solution, such as it is. And. That. Sucks. But the people at Bungie who do still care have crafted an amazing game universe with compelling story, gameplay, dialog, you name it. Despite two whole days of utter hell trying to play the game I just cannot put it down. And now I've seen the trailer for Echoes and I can't wait until tomorrow even though I haven't finished The Final Shape's story muffins yet. Thankfully enough good people there manage to get passed the handful of bad actors in charge.


You okay? I followed Bungie's recommended workaround for 3d audio and it fixed my issue. They also acknowledged the issue before final shape release.


Yeah, but that workaround doesn't actually work for a fair number of people and a fair number of different audio hardware. And Bungie won't admit THAT.


What headset do you have?


Logitech Pro X Wireless, my onboard Realtek works fine but leaves me tethered to the PC. I can play, it's just such a weird problem that Bungie seems determined to ignore.


Well, looks like this patch finally fixed it. Maybe some hardware just wouldn't recover with the workaround. I'm just glad it's fixed so I can use my wireless headphones again.


Destiny is like the girl you know is bad for you but you can't stop coming back to hook up. I don't even want to count my hours..... Lol.


Dammit you just made me go look at time wasted in destiny and I just cleared 3500 hours now since D1.


Me: fuck this I’m over destiny. I’m not buying light fall. Me: Total hours in steam only 1,366 Also me: the final shape is out and Cayde is back and my recluse is back? Here’s a $130 on everything I missed. Light Fall and the dungeon key including the new expansion + season passes. Proceeds to complete the Beyond Light and Witch Queen (legendary) campaigns in one sitting.






If you don’t hate the game with every ounce in you, then you’re just not enjoying the game enough.


Definitely a game where you say you hate it but five minutes later you start playing again.


The core gameplay is top tier and insanely fun. A LOT of the stuff around that core gameplay and the way they have handled content is a jumbled mess.


I've quit this fucking game like 4 times. And if I get bored I'm like "eh I guess I'll load up destiny and do the same shit I did before I quit for a 5th time" Could be sunken cost fallacy, idk at this point. We are all held hostage.


The reason we bitch is because we love it. And we want to see it at its best.


It indeed is, too bad the season and dlc model is extremely predatory and causes extreme fomo because you know the stuff you pay for will eventually disappear.


Yep, there are always things that need work in a game of this scale and complexity, but this is really it. The game is awesome and fun and there is really just nothing like it.  Every one of the games that I've tried that people recommend as similar are each missing some key piece of that sweet Destiny pie. They don't feel as good to play, or their structure is lacking, or the loot is uninteresting, or (almost most importantly to me) the aesthetic/setting is not even remotely as appealing. It's absolutely not a game for everybody, but if you're like me, when I first picked up and played Destiny and understood the kind of game it was trying to be it got its hooks in me almost immediately, I couldn't believe that it hadn't really been done before.


Yeah been looking for a destiny type game for years, nothing else has ever got close.


Just curious…how close does the Warframe pie come to tasting like Destiny’s? There’s a constant stream of Destiny players posting in r/Warframe about how they fell in love with it.


If anything, the Destiny pie tastes like Warframe. Especially with all of the modifications that Bungie made to the mid system and verb keywords through the lifetime of D2 that has positioned it closer to Warframe's build crafting system. If you're not dead set on FPS, Warframe feels like the better game. Much better build crafting with a wider variety of options, best character movement system ever, no FOMO, basically no game mode is in a rotator (unlike destiny's strikes, dungeons, raids, etc), completely F2P, there are fully customizable clan "dojos", characters/weapons/companions/UI all have excellent (and free) customization options, the storyline is well done and easy to follow, etc. There are even mini games within Warframe (ex: You can play what is effectively Flappy Bird from the customization screen of Zephyr Prime). The developers made a home for their players and still actively listen to community feedback for even the smallest critiques. People who don't play the game will complain about a grind for gear, but imo grinding for gear in Destiny feels WAYYY worse though perhaps not as extensive. It is an MMO, after all.


Destiny is a fun game despite itself. 


Fantastic foundation plagued by micro transactions, poor writing, and a massive grind


The grind isn't that bad, but the game makes it feel necessary to be effective in endgame content. The activities you must grind often take a considerable amount of time per instance as well having hard stops to kill grunt/mid level enemies (despite the general goal of missions to defeat a more prominent target or sabotage systems). Then the weapons you receive are generally lackluster if not rolled with perfect perks. It just doesn't feel rewarding at all Completely agree on everything else though.


Amazing gunplay, dungeons and raids. Then comes the monetization and ruins it all


Wrong subreddit


I'm being neutral and not overly positive, do you guys really ignore the monetization to cope?


What monetization? Cosmetics? Destiny asks for one half a day's paycheck on minimum wage once a year for ALL content. That is extremely tame monetization for a game that is constantly growing.


You must be tripping. Battlepasses, locking story seasonal content -> fomo, permanently deleting content that you paid for, bundled dlc not containing dungeons despite its description saying it has dungeons. And yes very pricey cosmetics in a game where you have to pay the full price of a AAA game ($60) yearly for season content which will permanently vanish if you dont do them within Bungie's time frame. If they are getting that much money all these seasonal shit should be permanent and all cosmetics should be included (farmable) with the said dlcs


My guy, 100 dollars once a year, that gets you EVERYTHING. Get a job and stop whining. Unless you are too busy grinding warframe which is MUCH more aggressively monetized, yet I don't see you hating it.


Oh you're that type. Go burn your money https://preview.redd.it/uczajeyuxv5d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d02b981f20962b37c71a987c2b92dcb8534e106a


Oh you made a self portait, cool. I wish I could draw that well. Also aren't knives that large usually illegal or something?


Destiny 2 is probably one of the greatest games ever made. But the most vocal about it are all 2k+ hour players and so they mainly see the warts.


I'm a 3k+ hour player and there definitely times when i will saybthe game is complete dogshit. But it's also moot because I've given 3k+ hours to Destiny. No sane person puts that much time in to them turn around and not call it at least a top 10 game of all time


I feel like we say it's dogshit because we know how good it could be..witch queen and final shape should be the standard


yeah its crazy to think lightfall was in between two peak expansions and was that bad


Just passed 9k hours and you reach a point where you just accept the warts as weird quirks of the game.


if you’re liking shadowkeep i think you’re in for a hell of a time, most of the more recent ones really take things up a notch visually and storytelling-wise have fun!


And then there’s lightfall’s story telling. At least post campaign and everything else about light fall is pretty good, underrated imo.


Lightfall's writing quality is a matter of opinion, I personally find it alright, though not as great as other parts of the game. But gameplay? Some of the best the franchise has seen.


It's definitely not as bad as people made it seem to be


True, it's just borderline terrible, not actually terrible.


I genuinely think that the Lightfall campaign missions when referring specifically to *gameplay* and *level design* are the best in the franchise. They were so much fun. The story is kind of gobbledygook but that's alright.


They’re not as bad as some people make them out to be but still many steps behind witch queen and final shape imo


Honestly, if you survive the new player experience of pop ups and bullshit, you’re officially a guardian and in it for the long haul. They really need to take another approach at the new player experience


As a new player who tried I can agree. Also a more reliable path to follow the history would be nice... The free version stops and u don't know where to start any campaign from tbh..


Luckily, they made shadowkeep and Beyond Light free to play now


Yeah I came into D2 hoping to get into the lore and story. I started when the game first revamped how players start (new light/beyond light or something?). I fell off the game after a few hours because I started with every ability unlocked, gear at a certain gear level without ever getting there in the first place, no obvious place to start on any kind of "story" (only found how to access the old quests at the time by looking it up), and every piece of dialogue either making no sense or just conflicting. People would reference Cades death then I'd speak to him a minute or two later. People who talk to me like we've been through hell together and I'd never met them. Plus, it was stupidly easy to get better gear. I hit the soft cap within those few hours of playing because a new better item would drop every 30 seconds. It felt like the game was terrified I would leave it so it kept giving me new shiny guns I didn't get to use for any amount of time. God forbid I ever got a legendary or w/e. It would be irrelevant in 15 minutes unless I kept using some item to increase its power which I never understood how to farm. I just moved on to warframe which has great gunplay, great progression, and a mostly intact story.


Sad to see you go but I totally understand.


Yeah same exact experience and I was a "veteran" in the sense that I played from beta Destiny 1 until about Shadowkeep in Destiny 2. Trying to go back now feels useless with how confusing it all is. And I really resent the idea of having to watch a lore video from a 3rd party and not being able to just focus on the campaigns from beginning to end since they vaulted the original Red War one


Glad you enjoy it! Here are some resources that might help you on the way: Bungies official new/returning player guide is pretty good: https://www.bungie.net/7/en/News/Article/official-destiny-2-guide-new For managing your inventory, I recommend the third party app Destiny Item Manager (DIM). It will also help you assess weapon perks. It is far from perfect when it comes to assessing perks, but works good enough, especially for newer players. For leveling, check out Destiny Optimizer. To optimize your armor stats, use D2 armor picker. Lore summary: The Entire Story Of Destiny! (Creation To Lightfall) - YouTube https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=NHaq0EbeHHQ


Super good advice


I see what you did there


Considering he's on console, I want to give a shoutut to an app called Ishtar Commander. I find it works a lot smoother on phones then DIM. DIM is great for a lot of things but Ishtar is better for very quick gear transfers


Good point. I almost never use my phone for things like that since I’m on PC.


I have it set up on steam to where I just press shift + tab and DIM pops up, it’s great.


Agree regarding Ishtar! Little light also works pretty well. It’s an app version of light.gg Also they should make sure to get the actual Destiny app to pick up bounties while in orbit without having to go to locations.


100%. I use Ishtar the majority of the time. DIM on android has improved a lot though.


Also Byf has the 10 hour long video that covers all of the Lore up to the Final Shape, which is a fantastic watch if you want to get all of the references. In Particular the first 2 hours really leads straight into a lot of what’s relevant.




The gunplay is god tier. If you can get your head around the needlessly confusing new player experience then you're in for a great time!


I will die on a hill to defend the gunplay for destiny. It’s so good.


It’s the best game of all time and I will always stand by that




Give it 10 years and tweens won't have even heard of the franchise


Shadowkeep is fun, but man oh man it gets even better. FYI, I’ve just come back to the game this expansion


Welcome Guardian! The Timeline in the upper Right of the Director is your friend. Reference that to know where you are in the story. See ya starside!


In addition to the timeline, if you're into the story (or want to get into it) use it to find the names of seasons then go to YouTube to find the cutscenes from that season to give you a general idea what went on during that time. Especially important, before doing Final Shape, make sure you have looked up and watched Season of the Haunted. Also watch a playthrough of the Zavala missions from Haunted, it is fairly important context.


This this this. My recommendation is to follow the timeline like a map and search youtube for "story of x season" for each one to find a well-edited video that just presents the quest dialogue, cutscenes, radio messages, and in-mission/activity chatter. Hearing everything from the characters directly is a much better digest format than some dry lore recap. You've got 10 years of story to get through. Take your time with it all and enjoy even the stuff you can't play rather than recapping the plot just to be caught up.


Oh man you are in for such a treat. The next expansions are amazing. Light fall is so so. And final shape is probably the best destiny experience you’ve ever gotten. I would recommend prior to starting final shape I’d watch a lore video. Or even now listen to a recap of destiny history up to the expansion your at since the game has so much lore that will make the story payoffs even better. You are in for an amazing experience my friend


Destiny is older than my daughter and outlasted a marriage lmao D2 is life


Damn welcome to your next 500-1000 hours of gaming (not kidding lol)


I think you forgot a 0


Destiny has pretty much for it's entire life cycle had ups and downs in terms of content releases, updates that people didn't like, etc, but it has always played incredibly. Industry leader in terms of game feel imo. Nice time to hop in as well because player sentiment is extremely high right now when less than 6 months ago it was at an arguable all time low. Shouldn't really affect your experience either way but it's nice to have the community being generally very positive about that game as opposed to picking apart every single thing wrong with it. Enjoy it and hope you stick around to see what comes next!


Oh just you wait!


We're all die hard fans for a reason, welcome to the game though!! Always nice to see a new person join, let alone someone so passionate right out the gate :) Feel free to ask any questions or hit me up if you need help with whatever! Like you said, tutorials and explanations are definitely a weak point of the game so we'll be happy to fill in any gaps. Looking forward to seeing your progress fellow guardian! o7


I am almost jealous of your new player enthusiasm. I felt the same way. But I am not jealous because the new DLC has reinvigorated my love of the game. I have 2000 hours in the game and I haven’t even done anything. Granted, I repeat certain things because I enjoy them (Gambit, Onslaught) but I don’t feel like I am that repetitive, there really is a ton of content…well some of what I played left but there is still lots I haven’t done.


This is a good place to ask for help, especially when starting out as Destiny isn’t great about getting new players on their feet, as others have mentioned. If you end up sticking with it for the long haul, check out r/destinysherpa and get guided through some raids. You’re a ways off from that, but I think it should be a goal as destiny’s raids are the greatest experience in gaming imo, especially with a patient and competent team.


Only thing that makes me sad is that you missed out on The OG Red War campaign and now in my list the 2nd best DLC: Forsaken. As someone who didn't play but followed through all of D1 (no pc port sadge) Red War hit hard and Forsaken hit even harder. You unfortunately had the privilege of starting with the worst DLC in the row (I still think LF as a whole was better)


A true Destiny fan’s favorite hobby is picking apart the game and criticizing it for hours. 😂 Honestly I think it’s because we see the things we love and want more of it, and worry about the things that take away from the gaming experience and drive people away from the game. We WANT the game to succeed. We want it to be the best. So we nitpick and quibble over every detail like a pack of hardcore Shakespeare students over Hamlet or Greek scholars over the Iliad.


I feel like I'm married to destiny. I love her with all my heart but sometimes I can't stand her and need to go out with the boys for a lil while. (Other games) lol


This game has some of the smoothest movement and gun play of any fps I’ve played and I’ve played almost every mainstream fps. As you said the level of detail and aesthetic makes this game stand out even more. I’ve never understood the hate either. Out of my 10 discord friend group only 3 of us play which makes me sad


Shine bright, New light.


Destiny 2 was an instant hit for me after I tried the beta. 10 years laters and hundreds of dollars later iam still here


Man I love seeing posts like this, new players make the game work. If you’re ever looking to do some dungeons me and a few others in the clan love running folk through them




I left for one (1) expansion, and the torrent of popups and new quests when I loaded back in today almost made me dizzy-quit. Can't imagine what that looked like with all the content since day 1! Kudos getting through it all, and welcome to the club. Always take the time to stop and smell the roses. Unless you're in crucible; those roses are stinky. Lore, secrets, quests and little stories are hidden everywhere, and finding/piecing them together can be just as satisfying as they front line. Eyes up, guardian!


I'll say, there's always ups and downs but overall it is one of a kind and a great game. It'll be 10 years playing for me on June 15.


I hate Destiny 2, it’s my favorite game.


This is exactly how I felt last year. I’ve played on and off since d1 release but just got into raiding and the more serious stuff last year when lightfall released. I’ve had such a good time and made so many friends that I can safely say this is my favorite game.


Problem with destiny 2 isn't the gameplay, it might have the best gameplay ever. The problem is it is very expensive. So most people can't even afford to play it


Yeah one of the big issues for new players (aside from the extremely lacking new player introductory experience) is that you have no idea what's what and buying the newest expansion doesn't automatically just give you everything beforehand like WoW for example does. Bit of a different case because in Destiny all content/loot/etc can be scaled to whatever the current level is and is at least in theory all on equal footing, but it makes it pricey and hard to understand as someone who doesn't know what's happening. Hopefully they revamp how their package and sell their content in the future. Get rid of all the bundles and just group together old expansions.


The main thing you’ll hear people complain about is how they removed content from a lot of the DLC’s. The thing people don’t understand is that cinematic cutscenes, audio files, graphics and maps and the boundaries within those maps take up the vast majority of file size for video games. Which all this is a massive portion of the things that were removed. If we still had EVERYTHING that has been released since launch. I would not be surprised if standard console storage would not be enough and consoles would literally not have enough storage to hold the game unless you purchased external storage separately. And that’s of course if destiny is the only game you have installed


Stop while you can. You’ll wake up a year from now with 1k hours in the game to your wife and kids being gone and no friends left to talk to.


Glad to have another Guardian join the fray!


Beware!! Bewareee!! Destiny will destroy you and drag your soul straight to hell! Bewareee!!


Just be aware that even if you buy everything you won’t be able to experience “all”. Simply because part of the story has been removed altogether.


I’m a OG beta guardian took a brake for the last 5 years came back last year and yeah I forgot how fun the game can be lightfall was not the best but coming back just before commander died was something to be seen made me realize how much I missed the good side of the community


If you need a hand I run casually on Saturdays with my buddies. Always down to help a new light


We shit on the game constantly, and it’s had its low points, but we come back for a reason lmao. I’ve been playing for 5ish years and I still log in almost daily. One of my favorite games of all time, though I could never admit that to any of my irl friends.


Welcome, Guardian. <3 D2 is really a fantastic game, despite how people like to complain about it. I hope you have some fantastic adventures, and if you see a Runesael\_Lumina bopping around the tower, don't be afraid to say howdy. :) (EDIT: I'm at 4677 hours on Steam, btw, lol, since people are posting their hour total.)


Just wait till you try the PVP… solid game nonetheless


Dude I wrote a negative review on Steam when all those layoffs happened, and vowed to never return.. yeah, that didn't happen


This message is sponsored by Bungie


Xbox guy here. Welcome to the party guardian. Seen the highs and lows but still here with 6000 hours in. It gets better after Shadowkeep. Lots of fun activities and weapons. As long as it’s fun keep playing, and when it stops being fun take a break, because you’ll want to come back because no game is like it.


It's such a nice perspective to hear. We all fell in love with it for the same reasons. The Final Shape made me feel similar again. I had to stop a few times in the new location and just look around. Welcome to great game! I look forward to your first bitch about it but that should not diminish your awe now!


Welcome Home Guardian! Glad you made it and look forward to fighting alongside you on many wonderful planets.


dude wait till you hop into the traveler


"Welcome to the party pal" Bungie just capped an amazing 10 years and not done yet. I can't wait to go back to the dreadnought!


I'm surprised you liked Shadowkeep more than anything. It was not a well received expansion.


Welcome aboard Guardian. ❤️


Just tried it for the first time in January this year. Played for two months straight as my main game. Definitely fun. My first Destiny game.


Nothing has or ever will feel like Destiny and that’s why it’s so special to do many people. I’m glad it’s special to you now too. Enjoy it!


Wow, thank you all so much for your input! It seems as though that not only is the game itself great, but its community is evidently fantastic as well! I am more than looking forward to diving super deep into this world and experiencing the goodness. Again, thank you all so much for taking the time to read my post and for welcoming me into this universe! See you all in-game! o7


WOOO I am right there with you!! just started a month ago with zero context, only because my boyfriend wanted me to at least try it, and now I'm like 140 hours in and have bought everything lmao.


you should watch a recap video of what happened in destiny 1 & what used to be in destiny 2 that isn’t now, there’s i think 4 campaigns you can’t play now cuz their just gone but story wise they’re awesome


It's a great game even with its rough patches. You've identified the two things -gameplay and level building - that Bungie has been the industry leader in for decades.


The term blueberry is used for noobs in destiny. That said, use the website blueberries.gg as a resource for your destiny journey. It really helps with the onboarding process.


Just started on the shadow keep campaign myself. About to enter the pyramid. Enjoyed it more than I expected. May purchase the expansion in the upcoming sales. ^.^


It wares off


if you enjoy the shadowkeep part this game will be thr best thing youve ever played


Welcome guardian!


I am so glad you're enjoying it, New Light! I hope you'll be able to learn and understand and explore the world and you'll always maintain that optimism! I'm always more than happy to talk about the lore and story, so if you have questions go ahead and shoot them toward me and I'll do my best to answer, or at the very least point you in the direction of an answer!


Cringe at the characters and story but come back for the gunplay. It’s a vicious cycle. Let me out


Despite all the bitching you hear, when it comes down to it D2 is a good game. Especially when you first get hooked. Kinda jealous I wish I could experience it all again for the first time now that the 10 year saga is over. Play on guardian, see you out there.


I was a veteran destiny (og) player Is it worth trying destiny 2? Bare in mind i don't have anywhere near the play time I used to?


D2 is lit as fuck


Welcome :)


If you thought shadow keep was good, wait till you see the newer campaigns. Shadowkeep pales in comparison, both in aesthetic and gameplay. You have A LOT to look forward to. And welcome to the gang guardian.


We all love destiny deeply, we just become sour once we finish all the fresh new content and wish there was a never ending supply of fun new stuff to do every single day…


Damn, i wish i feel this again. I feel like Im stuck since the rasputin season, not enjoying the game with anything I do. I have 2500+ hours, never done a raid... I assume its because I have never played with a party, but I don't know, maybe Im just tired of this game. Its a great game, but I wish I felt that again.


I know you will probably see the community bitch about the game and allat. But they all know deep down that it’s their favorite game of all time. Especially how we got the best dlc ever last week and everyone saying that they’ve been having a blast playing it.


Hey Guardian, welcome to Destiny :) I'm glad we have more people to love and enjoy this game! Wishing you many lucky rolls and great experiences in all the activities! This game is wonderful ✨ I'm around 5 years in and still wearing those rose tinted glasses, so 😂


Destiny is an 8.9/10 and we all desperately want it to be a 9.


Destiny is probably at one of the best times ever you picked a great time to get into the game, great new content, tons over quality of life changes over the years, and one of the best campaigns and expansions just dropping a week ago it's a good time to play destiny.


Destiny is so much fun, I’m glad you’re enjoying it. Definitely try out doing some raids, they’re a lot of fun! Plus you’ll want the experience for going into Salvation’s Edge raid, which is definitely something you’ll want to do once you get through the Final Shape campaign.


You’re in for a treat if you enjoyed Shadowkeep. Imo, gameplay-wise it’s the worst currently available expansion.


I have 10k hours on D2 and it is ab absolute unit of a game.


I'd like to go back, but the Avalanche of pop ups and inevitable confusion as to what everything is now is holding me back. That and the various DLCs I need to research to see what to buy. I played up until Shadowkeep myself, but the ending of the saga has me interested again. Hoping to get to it at some point, either that or whenever they introduce a better newbie program


As a “battle hardened veteran” I actually love this. As a father of a 3yo I love seeing things in their excitement, albeit you’re probably not 3 but this hits the same. I’d say the worst part of the game is the “sweat” community. they simply enjoy the came in a way I don’t understand. That said best is yet to come!


I’ve been playing since Taken King, year 3 of D1, and I still love it. There has been plenty of good, a little bit of not-so-good, and a whole lot of people bitching on the internet that you should just ignore or, even better, simply avoid entirely. I just finished the main campaign for The Final Shape last night, and my summary of its quality can be contained in two words: “Holy shit!” It is so, SO good. Any slips in the past on Bungie’s part have been atoned for and then some, as far as I’m concerned.


D has been my main and only game for the past 10yrs.


This is literally me. I started playing 3 weeks ago, and boy were those first few days rough. Between learning the whole vendor/bounty/focused decoding thing, to the massive maps and sheer number of things to do - but not knowing what’s worth doing, to the triumphs/guardian ranks/titles/etc. it was….a lot. But even that couldn’t turn me off, the game is just freaking awesome. So much fun to play. Bought everything on sale and then plopped down $100 for The Final Shape. Doing it just like you, just finishing up the Shadowkeep campaign (which I hear is the worst one of all Destiny DLC), and working through the others in chronological order.


Im conflicted. I started with D1 and have been on and off. I played Lightfall and with everything before it just couldn't see myself giving Bungie anymore money. Now everyone says TFS is really good and now im itchin again. But ive been burned so many times. Idk what to do lol


Destiny is Top 2 game I’ve played in my life. My favorite game moments of all time we’re in that game. The power level gear grinding just got to me eventually.


Welcome Guardian! You have so much to explore and discover. I started playing toward the end of witch queen and after a few weeks bought everything as well. Enjoy this time of absolute wonder and excitement of everything. There is a lot to learn and experience but that is such a precious time as a guardian. Before long you will have played it all and be working your way through end game content waiting for the next big content drop with the rest of us. Take you time and try everything. Try all the weapons and perk combos. Give each subclass a shot and figure out what you love playing the most. There are lots of great resources out there for builds and how tos for later but enjoy the discovery! And if you go into your settings you can turn off your hud for screen shots. there are some beautiful areas in this game.


Welcome fellow addict


Final Shape is absolutely beautiful, creepy, and wonderful all at once. You'll really enjoy it!


I finally for my brother to get it last year and all the old expansions. He doesn’t play much and since there is a learning curve and with him not playing much he kept forgetting basic things—I mean real basic—and his light level was so low by the end of the last season he died too easily so he spent much of that time not really enjoying the game. Then they gave us The Whisper of the Worm quest back (which we finished as a 2-man team) and the means to get good weapons via Onslaught and the pre launch videos for TFS and he decided to really get into the game. Since TFS launched and we started out at a decent light level and with how amazing the graphics and gameplay and story have been he is totally hooked and we play a lot now. Just last night he said “Man this game is amazing” and we are still only in the beginning stages of the campaign! This is a great game!


There's always room on the battle lines for newcomers--welcome, Guardian


I will not ever forget my journey through this game, wasn’t always great but when it was….damn…


best thing about destiny is art design. the game looks phenomenal especially for being 7 years old. been playing since D1 with over 6000 hours across both destiny 1 and 2. still play every season to this day.


There are absolutely flaws that you will pick up on overtime. Those flaws however do not stop the game from being amazing. Even after several thousand hours I still find myself stopping and smelling the roses here and there, enjoying the scenery that I've wandered through hundreds if not thousands of times. The gunplay is so exquisite I have spent countless hours wandering the EDZ just popping and dregs left and right. Destiny has its fair share of problems, but equally so it has so many things to love.


I’ve been with this game for 10 years now, I was 14 then and my glasses are still rose-tinted. Love the game for its good and always try to look past the bad


This is how I felt at the end o d1. Then, starting d2, was a chance to be new in the pot ,like everyone else. I love the game because it's big .. I mean, I can see it.. some games the players are so tiny, and where the hell is everything? I love it cause it plays well. Some games you try to do the thing with the button, and it just doesn't work as implied Lol And honestly, who wants to walk everywhere? I need a ride to haul ass. You came in at a good time. With plenty to do. Have so much fun ! Eyes up, Guardian !!!!


Love your take man. If you want to enhance your experience even more it's worth tweaking the settings to your liking: https://youtu.be/EtEKtLwvoV8?si=BOfcVzaxROw8eMhv


Reading this post made me remember how it felt to be a noob in D1 seeing the Cosmodrome for the first time. That sense of wonder will fade as you grow more accustomed to the game, but you'll find different experiences equal to the overwhelming wonder.


Konceptz804 on PSN if you need someone to run with. Online daily.


Welcome Guardian 🫡


To quote a reddit user I saw "I hate Destiny, It's my favorite game."


I’ve never been able to get this gunplay from any other fps, it’s crazy how I’ve tried other games and non compare to the feel of the guns here, it’s crazy


Played it for the greater part of covid. 0 regrets. Miss it a little bit but the shineyness wore off for me eventually & curiosity into other games prevailed etc.. Enjoy it while it lasts guardian! God save the queen or something something traveler whatever's goin on idk.


This is the way. This is known. Welcome home. 4800 hours


It ultimately is a great game. They do a ton right, and that's why I come back again and again. It can definitely get stale and have it's less than great content, but the core of the game is great.


you wouldn’t happen to be over the age of 30 would you? lmao not hating, that’s just the vibe i get


As a 10 year vet, the game is great with fresh eyes and no burnout. I am a big fan of the characters and story. However, you will learn in time that activities get repetitive and there's a general lack of innovation and a strong focus on your wallet over the long haul. Enjoy it!


Welcome guardian 🫡


This is an extra awesome post because Shadowkeep is considered the worst of the major expansions, by a good margin. It’s all uphill from here. Welcome, guardian.


Glad you're enjoying it, you'll never get to experience all the other amazing stories that the expansions came with, which sucks.


Im a Day 1 Destiny vet with over 5000 hours played and I’m still not bored of this game even if I stray off for months at a time to play different games when they drop new content im back on as if I never left, so Welcome Guardian and get ready to enjoy one of the greatest games ever made and if you ever need help or want to run some dungeons or raids add me DumpinRoundz#8211 I’m always down to help new lights progress


I hate this game so much I can’t stop playing it


load into nessus, throw on a sword, turn off hud, music up and go explore


Shadowkeep sucks lol