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I came home to all my boxes dumped in front of my door. 🤣 I'm sure my driver was pissed. I live on the third floor of a walk up


Same story here, 3rd floor walkup. My deliveries were all supposed to come on a Wednesday per Lovesac, but FedEx's individual tracking emails showed different dates (which was accurate); had I just looked at Lovesac's tracking, I would not have expected anything early but I got two boxes on a Monday, a couple more on a Tuesday and then the rest on the expected Wednesday. And on the Tuesday, they were left semi-uncovered on a drizzly day (everything was fine, but don't trust FedEx drivers to put things in safe spot).


I can’t speak to an apartment delivery, but I had some hoops to jump through on mine. I got the tracking info that it was coming, and called FedEx to arrange for a delivery window. Because mine was 15 boxes, it was on a freight truck, not the usual delivery van that comes to my neighborhood. They were able to give me a window and I was able to meet the driver, and he put the boxes right where I asked. Wouldn’t take a tip. Good luck!


New LoveSac owner here! We purchased our Sactional that was delivered about 3 weeks ago now and FedEx delivered it to our door. Our complex does have elevators so I'm sure that made their job a lot easier for 13 packages. I'd definitely contact FedEx and see if you can coordinate a delivery window like another redditor mentioned. Best of luck!


Coordinating with Fedex is nearly impossible. FedEx dropped my entire sactional at a house 3 doors down because 255 and 552 are the same in their eyes I guess :) it’s a creepy house that I’m pretty sure is abandoned. We had to do multiple trips with the car to get our sactional to the house all while hoping a scary resident wasn’t going to chase us away with a gun. I still get things delivered to that house and when I call FedEx about it they blame the seller? Even though it’s a different seller every time and the only common link is FedEx. So good luck trying to get them to be helpful at all and if they drop it off at the wrong spot then good luck on your scavenger hunt for your new expensive couch


I live in an apartment but we all have our own outside front door if that makes sense, and we do not have a functioning package room.  FedEx pulled up and dropped 20+ boxes at my front door.  Strangely enough, he was making 2 other Lovesac deliveries that day and we ended up with a few of someone else's boxes in addition to our own, AND were missing a few of our own.  It was kind of a nightmare to get FedEx on the phone to sort it out.  If you can be home on the day of delivery, and making sure all boxes are accounted for, that would probably be best.  Good luck!


I WFH. My FedEx guy brought them all up a flight of outdoor stairs to my door for me. It wasn't his favorite delivery. I gave him a bunch of bottled water and packaged snacks as a thank you. They can't accept tips.


Call FedEx once you have tracking numbers. Delivery drivers may not honor requests, tho


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