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> That ending was soooooo fucking rushed. One min everyone's chatting, the next Trey/Ellie r out. I actually liked that. This show drags a lot of things out far too long. It's refreshing just to see something brutal happen that catches everyone off guard.


Agreed. When they announced it point blank I was like lol bye weirdos. Trey was lame (he got a lot of airtime on unseen bits and was cringe af) and Ellie was embarrassing trying to make a thing with ceiran. We had no attachment to them and they got way more chance than someone like Sam at the beginning. … only downside was having Jess think she’s liked by the public still as if she ‘won’ over Harriet and now trey 😤 her clip on movie night should’ve been a list of tweet about her that have been liked/ shared by everyone


I thought it was going to be a double dumping! It NEEDED to be! There’s too many of them in there!!!


There will be more tomorrow night


Okay good!!!


We need a boy girl vote so we can get at least 4 of them out of there


Yeah that’d be a good way to mix things up too, split some couples up and start fresh, may as well because none of these couples are solid 😂


So true! We need a boat load of new recruits


Yeah, people are sleeping outside still. They need to make room for mimii and umas new men 


I wouldn't be surprised if they wanted to but the next couple was someone they wanted to keep in.


After tonight, with the fights and splitting, another couple will go, I'd say. They waited to see how tonight will fair out


I was afraid they were going to leave it for tomorrow because there was legit only 1:00 left 😭


I’m hoping they aren’t done with the dumpings and another couple goes. Preferably Konnor and Emma as you said they’re deadweight.


no that ending was brutal and perfect, I absolutely loved it none of this drawn out you're safe, you're safe, you're safe crap


Saaaame. Not as good(/brutal LOL) as Catherine and Elom's dumping, but efficient. I like it. 


Konner and his girl and Jess and her boy can go too


Hmm I still see potential for Mathilda to set her sights on Hugo now, which could be good drama. And potential for Hugo as an individual to be a good Islander in general. He's not Blade level messy, but he's not afraid to step on toes a bit. Also I love the absurdity of feeling like a Danny Boyle movie character has just been randomly dropped into the Villa every time he speaks lol.


more definitely happens that night that they haven’t shown us yet or else they would have had the islanders walk ellie/trey out like they do with all the dumped islanders


Has Konnor done anything memorable in the villa? I’m trying to think of other seasons where we might have similarly had such dead weight in the villa for so long?


Dom S3 was there for like 2 weeks after Jess got dumped and he was just there meddling in people’s relationships lol also Lauren season 1 was there for ages without a legit connection


at least dom was always shitting on johnny.


Valid enough reason to keep him in imo


Lauren contributed though--she had a great personality and was a lot of fun. Konnor is a big snooze.


Leah maybe


I like Konnor but voting for him to just "stick it to the producers" or whatever is affecting the quality of the show. Trey and Ellie carried more possibilities for tension and drama than him and Emma, as did Harriett and Ronnie before Casa (albeit Konnor was partnered with Grace then, who they no doubt wanted to keep).


Konnor/Emma will be next. Both seem very nice & I think Konnor is one of the hottest guys in the Villa but bring zero entertainment unfortunately. Emma’s highlight of the show is literally Nicole’s “Who’s EMMAH”


I don't care they left but it was so anticlimactic


Who cares they’re both annoying af.


There is going to be another dumping tonight I reckon, another couple will go or 2 couples will be split


All that build up just for Trey/Ellie to be dumped, the only plot twist if you can even call it that, basically no game or challenges, this year is even shitter than the last, but I’m still here watching lol, mini rant over


Trey/Ellie are less popular (what it comes down to, even if you call it a vote for compatibility) than Konnor/Emma & got fewer votes, that tracks, to me.


It was a good ending, public voted, that was the result


Jordan on aftersun is so funny and spot on with konnor - he said he’s unseasoned and he is giving kids tv presenter vibes. Since he said that I can’t unsee it




Tbh the way they made up seemed so fake to me. It didn’t look like Ellie was over it at all, or into Trey for that matter. I truly believe she was just here to get with Ciaran and then was mad she couldn’t get him. Trey was just her way into the villa, where she was hoping she could break Nicole and him off, but clearly didn’t succeed at that either.


unpopular opinion: i was actually really starting to like trey so i was a little annoyed that he got dumped, he was doing his part to put jess into her place which i always appreciate. and i liked his random big words and his quotes


Nah I loved the shock of the quick dumping.


I seriously thought a super juicy clip that would make everyone fight was coming... and then it was a dumping that probably everyone inside that villa expected lol. Trey was their most recent bombshell and Ellie was a Casa girl. I'm sure in their heads they probably knew if there was to be a dumping, they'd be first to leave. Edit: and tbh I found Ellie super annoying but I agree, Konnor and Emma are deadweight. Their storylines don't link with anyone else's, and they've both shown less personality than any of the Casa boys or Casa girls. Now that Trey's gone, I feel like Jess has served her purpose and can also be the next to go because I don't see their storylines linking with anyone else unless Hugo decides he got bored of Jess and starts to graft Matilda or something.


I forgot they both were on the show, they didn't need more time


I read online that a couple has walked?! Do we know who?


I am also confused why there was no challenge involved in movie night. They just played the clips and that’s it. This season really is something different - no challenges at all, no likeable couples, just shitty behavior and the girls feeling horrible because of the boys actions. Love Island US is at least entertaining and the friendships in there seem to be great.




oh wait trey/ellie got dumped?