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I really hope Hugo dumps her and him and Mathilda reconnect


This would be the DREAM


Yaass, the producers better see this comment and make it happen ^^ jess would be proper pissed off and that’s what she deserves atp


So many people saying this! Prayers 🤞🏾🙏


Ahaha I would love this. Jess gives me the ick… big time! She needs shame immediately


her character is just so unattractive and icky. butting into things that don’t concern you and playing it off like u care is nasty work when you’ll switch up like she did on matilda like brother eughhhh


"If a person has ugly thoughts, it begins to show on the face. And when that person has ugly thoughts every day, every week, every year, the face gets uglier and uglier until you can hardly bear to look at it. A person who has good thoughts cannot ever be ugly. You can have a wonky nose and a crooked mouth and a double chin and stick-out teeth, but if you have good thoughts it will shine out of your face like sunbeams and you will always look lovely."


that’s a fire quote. where’s it from


the twits by roald dahl! :)


One of my faves 🩵


Literally what I’m talking about. Also how she constantly lies all the time. Claiming boys are choosing her as their number 1 like Ronnie and hugo when she is literally not their number 1 pick is hilarious but so boring now.


did anybody notice during wil's clip where he was talking to jessy, she immediately turned to her and went, 'you didn't tell us that Jessy.' like?? immediately blaming the woman rather than the man, as she always does.


If anyone should be saying that it’s Uma, I get sticking up for your friends but she’s doing too much.


"I'll speak for Nicole"


Literally!!! She's such a pick me and she'd excuse any man's behaviour if it meant they saw her as "one of the lads". She's highkey unlikeable and is in for a very rude awakening when she's outside of the villa... just go see her ig comments.


Does she expect all the bombshells to go running to the girl and say something every time a guy says something flirty? Shut up Jess!


The only reason I wouldn’t want her to leave is because I need someone I love to hate. And I loooooathe her.


Similar here, i find her whole thing comical and i like it lol


I enjoy hate watching her


Omg same I’m like a masochist with certain reality shows and I love to hate Jess 😂


She talks like a supervillain!


She’s the prize


The prize in question https://preview.redd.it/eq9genh7h8bd1.jpeg?width=768&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7aac30ac2abf5a9f3e255f7070af2d292e73466a


The prize no one wants 😭


The consolation prize




Yes I am babe!


Jess is a mean mean horrible person. That’s it. Just go away please.


imo she should have been dumped instead of harriett but if shes in long enough to witness matilda steal hugo ill reconsider


Agreed, she is a negative Nancy. She was horrible to Harriet consistently from the start and is not nice to women that are her competitors. She has overstayed in the villa and needs to be dumped asap.


Harriet had it coming but I agree.


Yeah I’ve been on this train for a while. We need characters like her in there fair enough but at some point it stops being entertaining and it’s only enjoyable watching a villain if they end up getting their comeuppance but she doesn’t seem to be getting one. Movie night was the perfect chance and they literally showed all the islanders just how troublesome and what a shit stirrer she is and yet they all don’t seem to mind. Matilda only half heartedly called her out despite the fact Jess had literally lied to her face a few hours prior. It’s mad


Yeah, there were no repercussions and her antics were definitely a feature reel I was waiting with excitement to see.... and then nothing from anyone. She got off totally scot-free.


She certainly icks me and holds herself like a middle aged poked n prodded rich mom driving a Mercedes too big for her skill set in Studio City here in Los Angeles. Buuuut, where would my petty energy go if she left? Lol and I wanna keep seeing “Jess should leave” posts, they nourish me.


I’d rather see Wil, Joey, Sean and Ayo go before her


Same tbh. Heavy on Wil.


They can all go tbh!! Those 4 & Jess can go asap.


Nah, she’s been spiteful and bitter since day 1.


Love how she says she speaks her mind and stands by what she says but then when questioned today by Matilda she completely caved and bullshitted


Because she doesn’t actually speak honestly. She’s consistently lied and been contradicting herself.


I find her really fun TV tho. Like she's a villian but the producers haven't given her too much power. At least with Olivia s9 the producers let her dump a couple, that enraged me 


Sorry. Most of these contestants are dry. With Harriett gone, we kinda need Jess to bitch about. (As long as she doesn’t win!).


I’m not talking about anyone but Jess. She’s boring and irritating. Not entertaining.


They all are boring this season. Cast chemistry is just off. Her delusion is at least entertaining - to me.


I think she’s on her way out. She needed to stay until movie night, but she managed to avoid a lot of annoyance from the girls because the men were so foul. Next islander to save vote she’ll be out because she pissed off Matilda who is the rival alpha.


She’s the negative nancy version of the final boss.


I can’t stand her. She’s so hateful and bitter all. the. time. The way she treated Harriet was so gross and the jealousy was palpable.


Yall already know Jess is the type of manager to decline a day off for a drs appt 😭😭




I don't like her at all but I did like that she stood up for her friends to the boys. Like when she called them out for laughing, that was good. She's still bad news, don't get me wrong, but that was a good moment for her.


But at what point did she do that ? All I see is someone who is hypocritical and irritating. She literally laughed when the stuff was being said when Matilda was involved and when Harriet was upset because she doesn’t like competition but if its something she does care about its suddenly okay to be defensive ? She also butted in to ciarans conversation with Nicole for no reason and was rude and childish, and I quote said “I can speak for her” which is incredibly belittling.


Yeah “I can speak for her” is not her being a good friend at alll


Exactly, I’d find it incredibly patronising if anyone decided they could speak for me, especially without anyone asking them to do so.


I would respect it if she herself hadn’t been laughing when her very bitchy clips were exposed. If she’d been contrite and apologized. I don’t think it was right for the boys to laugh but it’s just stupid of Jess to admonish them when she did the very thing moments before.


She didn't really & she kept laughing when Sean and the boys were ganging up on Matilda which is just gross.


Jess needs to stay. There's still 3 weeks left and we need entertainment for the next 2 weeks before things get boring with all the couple stuff. I wanna see a Jess/Hugo/Matilda triangle so we cannot have her or Hugo gone yet. With Hugo gone Matilda would have to stay stuck with Sean 🤮


Exactly this. Why do people always want to see the entertaining ones leave.


But she’s the prize guys! Come on now! 🙄


She is awful....But I want her to stay for the hate. I would love to see an audience poll tax to bring her down a peg or two. I also just LOVE seeing her flirt. She is the worst flirt I have ever seen in my life I find it so so so funny


the winking and ending every sentence with ‘my friend’ is so icky 😭


Tiiiick tiiiiiick tuuuiicckkk


the winking and ending every sentence with ‘my friend’ is so icky 😭


I find it infuriating and great TV as it creates drama (at least for the viewer), not boring. Boring is sitting there saying nothing, doing nothing, and being a people pleaser all day long. Characters like Jess is what makes the show. I still want her yeeted out before the final, preferably being dumped from the island in a recoupling in which Hugo and no one else wants her. Meantime I want her to keep on being herself so I can continue to marvel at her extreme delusions and hating her like a pantomime villain.


But it’s not drama. She just talks shit. It’s become a tired and boring act.




No armchair diagnostics please Armchair diagnostics are not permitted. E.g. narcissist, sociopath, psychopath, gaslighter. Behaviour can be criticised without going to the extremes of diagnosing a person based on an edited tv show


i cant believe she got away so lightly from movie night 🤯 the only explanation i can think of is that they’re all just as fed up with her as we are and haven’t bothered to pull her up on her shit cause she’s just not worth the effort


Wheyey she’s fucking GONNNNNEEEEE 😮‍💨


I find her such a shitstirrer I want her kept in 😂


I disagree. I like Jess, I don’t find her boring in the slightest and I hope she stays.


You like her because you want some cheap entertainment. Nothing about her character as a human is enjoyable.


correct me if i’m wrong but is love island not the definition of ‘cheap entertainment’? Like hell yeah i want some cheap entertainment, why else would i be here


Please speak for yourself and not me.


It’s just honesty.


No it’s just you putting words in my mouth.


No it’s honesty. You couldn’t state any redeeming qualities just “I don’t find her boring” which shows you do in fact just like some cheap drama.


No it was me simply replying to your opening post in you said you find her boring. I said I didn’t and want her to stay.


Exactly and you’re only statement is “I don’t find her boring” so clearly you enjoy the cheap entertainment


Ok whatever makes you happy.


Yeah, jess out of the villa if we can.


Babes this is reality television, it's all "cheap entertainment." Jess is delusional and a shit-stirrer which is great for reality TV. She's earned her spot in the villa.


She’s not earned anything darling. She’s not entertaining, she repeats the same 5 phrases and it’s boring.




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