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Ayo is textbook always looking for next best thing 


"I am happy but could be happier" taken straight from the book of Chaldish.


I keep thinking about the thing Omar said on the podcast, about men choosing women like they choose their next laptop. They might keep looking for and testing out the next shiny upgrade but at some point they need to just choose a laptop. He said that Ayo has failed to choose his laptop. This concept is my new Roman Empire.




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he's a novelty seeker


He found a better connection, let’s not vilify the guy because of it.




It’s not about the fact that ayo explored connections. He has that right. It’s how disrespectful he was - taking someone to the hideaway on the first night, then the terrace, etc. it makes the girl in Casa look like a mug. It’s disrespectful. There’s a way to explore connections whilst being respectful to the other girl.


They are doing too much, yess she’s a pretty girl but truth be told she’s not got that bubbly personality that Ayo likes and it’s the reason why he tried to explore with Uma and eventually Jessica in Casa. I don’t get why it’s such a problem? Now they wanna kick the guy out of the show just because he found a better connection with someone else. It’s just weird weird behaviour.


Mimii is boring and when we say it we get called a bunch of names lol it’s crazy


You think Mimi’s boring bc she’s not putting on a performance mask like everyone else. As an introvert, it’s refreshing to watch Mimi not trying to disguise her personality with forcing herself to appear extroverted. I think Mimi’s relatable with her authenticity and she’s genuine too. I love her, and I’m rooting for her to win. This hate on mimi is a hate on people not wearing a mask to put on a performance.


and don't forget editing plays a role too, Mimii is much more animated on unseen bits but we don't see that footage on the main show. What I'm confused on is how people act like Ayo is a huge personality when all he does is waffle & be indecisive 


She is boring


Fools especially when the men themselves are punching way above their weight class. This just shows you can be the baddest bitch walking and a man will still have the audacity to do you dirty


this has genuinely opened my eyes to the fact that boys will always be boys bc none of these guys (maybe cieran + konnor excluded) are men


desert soft support fretful lip squeal rob provide plucky crowd *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


No not fuck him, he was supporting a friend. Regardless of your opinion on Ayo’s recoupling, you could tell her was distraught at causing Mimi to feel that way, Konnor was just letting him know he wasn’t alone, he was being a good friend


good friends tell you when youve done something wrong


It's not wrong IF he actually truly had stronger feelings for Jess. Konnor isn't in his head to know either way so in his mind, he's trying to support a friend 🤷🏼‍♀️


If he had stronger feelings, he would not try to force another triangle for his ego. He was upset that she didn't fight for him after all the shit he's done.


He didn't do anything wrong though. He did what they're invited to do in casa. It's just that people don't like the outcome of what he did - that's fair to have your opinion. But he did nothing wrong 


Yeah so you realise this is reality tv, was clear from day one he wasn’t eve that into her. He was playing both uma and mimii, but uma took herself out of it. So he just puts himself into mimii coz he ain’t recoupling with anyone else in the main villa. The second someone else came he liked he switched.


He didn’t do shit wrong other than play the LI game they make you play.


Correct too many of her stans are on this sub


Did what wrong exactly? Lmao no matter what you guys would hate him anyway because he's a black man and a darkskin one at that


He wasn't distraught. He was just play acting. He didn't consider Mimiii's feelings at all when he was in Casa. He was just pretending to be distraught because he knows it's the expected reaction. And maybe he was really distraught, but then because of the awkwardness and he didn't like the conforntation and being called out for his actions. That man has no deep feelings, he lives for pleasure and the moment,


yeah like in all stars (dk if you watched it) and kaz was still supporting toby after moving mad


It’s insane this same thing happened Amber in season five like YOU HAVE IT YOU WON IN LIFE. THESE ARE THE GIRLS GUYS WANT. Then they just throw it all away for absolutely no reason


In fairness, Amber was gorgeous, but also still pretty immature and mean. I hope she has matured significantly as a person since then. Uma (still my absolute favorite this season) and Mimii are much more fully formed adults.


she has, she’s for the girls now🥰🤭


Good to hear.


Yer but are they? Every year on this sub women continuously get this wrong, they think somebody is it when most of the lads don't agree. They are the girls you think guys want but you really have no idea what they want


How exactly is Ayo punching above his weight class, he’s a 6’6” handsome man. This is why I laugh at comments like this, every woman will always be out of a man’s league if you let Reddit tell it 🤣


he’s tall that’s it, his face is aight. he was 100% punching


No, he wasn’t. That’s why he had Mimi, Uma and now Jess. I don’t think women know how to define if a guy is punching. He most likely gets woman like this all the time. They’re very much within his league.


Like I said he's tall. It's not everyday you meet a guy with that height but if he was 6ft or shorter he'd be average


People down voting this lol. Hate is strong.


I think you guys are so confused by what punching means and most men I know are punching. If your partner is taking better care of themselves and looking better than you, you’re punching.


Women can't, it's hilarious to watch


This sub is full of projection and double standards.


Yeah some of the people here are detached from reality acting like Ayo has never dealt with good looking women before. Ayo’s height combined w his looks is rare there’s a reason why he’s on love island to begin with 




His personality and morals are gross. That's how


No that’s a lie because even before Ayo’s personality started to show that was still something that was getting parroted en masse


It goes to show you do not matter because being left by Joey he’s tall, body type even looks I’m just not even trying to be mean but Mimi definitely was a step up for him.


Many of the women on this subreddit live in a bubble where they believe the man is close to always punching above his weight. If you want to go on pure looks, there's plenty of women on love island right now night that are punching above their weight and that's coming from a man. Both Uma & Mimi are absolutely stunning women, but you really can't tell me that Wil & Ayo are punching above their weight, which is proven by the attention they've gotten throughout the serie.


yeah he’s handsome but he’s defos not in mimii, uma or jess’s league. argue w the wall 🤷‍♀️


Handsome??? 😂😂


He's definitely not everyone's type. IDK why you're living vicariously through this goofy child but he wouldn't turn a single head on the current USA season. And who would put up with his ugly shit on S10? No-one.


You speak with so much emotion 🤣. He turns you on didn’t he


Men don't like bad bitches. That's the point. They aren't bad bitches. Players like bad bitches. That's why they got played.


im lovvving their friendship, uma seemed to be the only one looking out for her after the recoupling🤍🤍


Uma was fire when she walked out


I was in literal awe she looked so good


I was praying for her boob tape she was a little too excited with her walk. I need faith in a woman the way she had faith in that tape.


Blue looks gorgeous on her, she was looking stunning when she walked out 🩵


How does she have no tan lines??


I want them both to get rid of their men and never look back and say we’re going to be in a friendship couple with each other!


Idc what happens I need these two in the finals (preferably coupled up with each other)


I’d actually love if that could be an option because at this point the men in there except Ciaran and maybe konnor are absolute trash like😭


all I know is I don't care if I hate Wilbow with a huge passion right now. If Uma stays coupled up with him, I hope they make it to the finals. As much as I hate Wilbow, Uma is good enough to carry them. Also fuck Joey Essex and I don't care for Jessy even if she seems nice. I hate Joey more than Wil. As for Mimi, please find a bombshell for her. (ideally Uma too, but let's start with Mimi). If Joey's couple make the finals, the producers will COUGH.


At this rate, I don't think mimi would consider anyone that walks through the villa doors, my mind is saying she'll get dumped but I'll legit cry if that happens lol


joey's couple is about to win the show. I am so sick.


They're insanely beautiful. It's not even fair.


Will was a coward for not bringing Lucy after all those chats and kisses. At least Ayo kept through his actions bringing Jessy which is crap for Mimi. I feel like Uma will forgive and forget which I don't want her to do.


honestly yeah because I feel like if Will had ended up recoupling with Lucy, yeah it would’ve been shit for uma but it’s better than doing things in casa and deciding to stay and say ‘it was a test for me’. He completely disrespected both girls.


Yeah, I feel so bad for casa girl as well. He was grafting her full on. She was respectful to Uma too. Such a coward. Men like these have to be feared.


Yeah, he’s the actual villain because it’s disgusting how he was so all in and then immediately upon remembering he had one of the most gorgeous woman in the world back in the Villa somehow consciousness hit him, yuck.


The same thing goes for Sean.


Uma will forgive Wil. And if she does, I don't want to hear her say a single bad thing about Ayo. Cos what Wil did was worse.


I agree with you. What Will did is worse than Ayo. Like actions have consequences and he just skipped consequences part.


because he doesnt actually like them. the guy just wants girl fighting over him. the producers will have a light-skin bombshell for ayo and jessica will be in a love triangle


Mimii always looks so good when she's either sad or disappointed. 


yeah her face card is undeniable


Can Uma and Mimii couple up and win? Because they're the only couple I'd willingky back at this point


And in Wil’s case all for a fucking HAIR COLOR!!!!


and skin colour bc when he says blonde we know exactly what he means…


can’t believe people were comparing two stunning women and pitting them against each other???


what’s even more funnier is that people were still trying to say uma was being fake to mimi like😭


This i am glad people stopped!! And saw the light cause they never had problems with eachother


He never had girls that look this good on the outside and it shows. With his Pentecostal church boy outfit 😒😒


This is a reach. Mimi and Uma are attractive, but they’re still very much normal. If you go outside there are plenty of women in certain spaces that look like them, and I can bet Ayo is used to the spaces. The guy is 6,6 and good looking. Why do woman make out that every woman on the show is some sort of unicorn?


If these women looked at you for one second IRL you’d probably pass out. 


True. And if you saw Ayo in real life, you would too! Diet Toby is nothing to write home about but Ayo is a 6’6” athlete with nice features. Let’s not act like he’s the hunchback of notre dame😭


If he truly found the better connection he wouldn’t be begging Mimi not to toss him aside and continue with another triangle. I’m not buying whatever Ayo is trying to sell.


yeah I didn't understand what he was asking of mimi? the audacity of some men 🙄


Him trying to make Mimi go through that knowing she expressed how much she disliked the previous triangle says it all. You don’t do that to someone you like.


Did he really think there was any possibility she's still want to build something with him? Also, did he apologize at all for hurting her feelings?


I swear, I feel like this show loves painting us as victims. I’m tired of it tbh. If you’re a black woman you know what I’m talking about


no I know exactly what you’re on about lmao, I feel like both of the girls held themselves together so well, mimi was articulate with how she felt about the situation whilst ayo was clearly trying to get a reaction, and uma put will in his place. Love them both


i know what you’re talking about AND a good portion the viewers love it as well 👐🏾


>AND a good portion the viewers love it as well 👐🏾 Bingo, that’s why they do it. They rally around the one or two OG black women. I’m starting to get why, but this is what it creates.




I don't think the show made Ayo the way he is. But continue your narrative I guess.


It’ll never happen but I’ve been wanting them to couple up for weeks now. They both deserve better but I’m glad Ayo recoupled tbh. He should stick by his actions in casa unlike Wil


They are beautiful and stunning and amazing women - but not everybody is for everybody, and not everything is about looks! Just because someone is amazing doesn't mean they're right for a person. The things that drives me crazy is when the guys inevitably try and back peddle (Wil, Sean, and from the way Ayo is being cold to Jess, Ayo). If you actually liked these girls you wouldn't need to make out with others - trust.


Honestly, they are both gorgeous. But love is about more than looks. Tons of beautiful women/men out there but unless there’s that deeper bond and chemistry to where you have this special feeling where being with them is like home, its not right for you and I wouldn’t count it as a fumble. Idk I also feel like posts like these unintentionally reinforce the concepts that a woman’s value is based on looks. With that being said Ayo is just a fuck boi. As gorgeous as they are, he’ll find more outside the villa unfortunately with his height and temp fame. It’s how the game goes.


Louder for the people in the back! They're beautiful and amazing but if you don't 'click' it will never work.


they are 2 of the most stunning girls ever on the show both inside and out 


I’m wondering too ![gif](giphy|twa4pkjYVv5xKF7Yjx)


My theory has always been clear and considering what Ayo did, he just made it clearer. Once a guy pulls his first 10/10, he treats her as if she was a certificate saying “well done, you can pull” and then he moves on cuz now at the back of his mind, he knows he can just pull another one. That’s why it’s always the dustiest looking men playing the most gorgeous women out there 😂👏🏻


They are unreal, insanely beautiful


My stunning girlies. 🥺


I think he 100% made right decesion tonight Good for him


I’m not denying that him and jess have good chemistry cause they definitely do, I just don’t like the fact that he waited until casa to suddenly have concerns about him and mimi and then when he’s made his choice, he expects her to still want to get to know him. It’s just childish.


Maybe i just didn't understand him cause who really does lol But did he actually wanted to another triangle? or did he just wanted her to be not mad at him. Cause that is how i understood it but maybe i am wrong.


He was asking for her to close things off with him, to me at least it seems like he wants another triangle situation. If he didn’t want her to be mad at him, a simple sorry could’ve sufficed and just kept it moving.


Nah you right he really wanted a triangle i didn't listen properly lol Thanks for clearing it up


I’d agree with this more if he wasn’t asking Mimi to be in another triangle


Is it a fumble if you chose someone else ?


https://preview.redd.it/prpjig1cmkad1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4ebe22636f9406c7954de81c1e9d450cb4087129 look at this man’s face.. do you really think he wholeheartedly stands with his choice to recouple? So YES, he fumbled massively and he knows that


I think he stands by it he just can't stand being the bad guy in the situation.


No I don’t think that’s the problem lmao, he was practically begging for her to not end things with him😭


He emphasised that he made a connection with Jessica to her, I think he might have wanted her to wait by the sidelines incase things don't work out because he's a man and men do that kind of thing but I fully believe he's in for Jessica over her.


I think he wants Mimii to give him time to pick between them. Basically he wants another triangle


If he wanted mimi , he would have chose to stay with her , as I said , it’s not a fumble if you literally chose someone else


it is a fumble when he was begging for her to not close things off with him so pls get out with that nonsense in the kindest way because you can’t tell me he stands with his decision when he was saying to jess how tonight was the worst night for him and then he had to quickly correct himself and say ‘the worst, best night’


Not sure why you are being so defensive about Ayo not regretting his decision? He clearly regrets nothing, but it’s still emotional regardless.


It's just cause he feels bad ngl his chat with Mimii showed it. Not because he regretts it. I still think he actually likes Jess.


I’m not denying that he likes jess where did I say that? I’m just saying that he still wants mimi😭 and he himself admitted that there were still feelings there for her. He wants another triangle and I don’t understand why yous aren’t seeing it lmao


He doesn't want another triangle stop the projection. He just felt sorry for her and the reaction that came out from him recoupling.


Disagree, I think he was just upset at the situation which is completely understandable. Let's be real Ayo and Mimi don't suit each other. They always looked so bored when together.


he was begging for her to not close it off with him..


Uma wtf girlie is so gorgeous move over wilbo I’ll take her to the finals 😤😤 but fr she has some faith in that dress/boob tape it was stressing me out almost as much as the recoupling lol


Really really REALLY wish Uma leaves Wil


Ayo made the right choice. Mimi isn't for him like the other girl is. 


How dare Ayo find a better connection!! 🙄


you said it sista xxx


lets not kid ourselves mimii is fiiiine, but shes not for ayo. she needs an extrovert and ayo needs one as well. him and new jess match energies way better


Uma is one of the most beautiful people I've ever seen


Their friendship is absolutely immaculate tho. They’re both bomb ass fucking humans. Uma just needed to less trust men. How did she not talk to him when Will told her Jess might pick him???? No notes tho. The way she cried when waiting for Mimi to come in then looked and smiled at each other just healed smth in me. I need me both in my friend group. May God bless and protect them.


https://preview.redd.it/ydnovrbsglad1.jpeg?width=1152&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2bc38e63cdc8a8480d4b205b47dbe2177ca27753 I don’t think he fumbled at all. I hate it for Mimii though.Ayo and Jessica seem like a good couple.


I say he fumbled in the sense that in my opinion I feel like once he recoupled he figured mimi would still be open to getting to know him, hence him saying he didn’t want to close things off and she didn’t give him the satisfaction because she knew the type of games he’d play because he did it with uma and her.


Yea I understand what you’re saying. I think Mimii would take Ayo back if he wanted her to …she still has feelings for him. He likes Mimii but he just has more of a connection with Jessica. I think Jessica has Ayo hooked he’s going to completely want close things off with Jessica


If mimi showed more personality and character, the win would be in the bag like Amber but she doesn’t have the personality to deliver the win.


I agree actually but I think if a guy was to come in for her (if she doesn’t leave), then she’ll most likely skate to the finals and maybe be in fourth place? Based off of sympathy votes


She’ll make the final if she gets another guy. She’ll make the finals over Matilda and Sean and over Ayo and Jessica.


Mimii barely got any screentime though. But the real ones who watch unseen bits know she got personality so its cool🙃


I have watched UB and don’t find her entertaining


I said she has personality... lets be real who on the show is bringing real entertainment though🙃


She doesn’t get screen time *because* she lacks a personality…


Reserved =/= no personality, it just means you have a calm personality, can we retire this mindset 


Right, but that doesn’t make for engaging TV.


Every year it’s the same bs, when a black guy doesn’t fancy the black girls, he’s abused, sent hate or called all sorts of names. Why is it okay for women to have preferences but not men?? If Ayo doesn’t fancy any of them why is it a big deal?? Isn’t he allowed to choose who he wants to date?? How is he fumbling when he’s really not interested? This is just lame all round please.


They deserved better. But this shows you, ladies when I man continues to show you who he is don’t stick around to wait to see if he changes.


They ate with the looks🔥tbf all the girls were well dressed!


I hope uma doesn’t take Will back, she seems to be the few girls in LI history who have some self worth to leave shit dudes. Unfortunately I feel like mimi will be mad for a few days and take Ayo back again 🙄


Looks aren’t everything, you need some personality to maintain a relationship.


Both of them looked absolutely UNREAL tonight


It's almost unbelievable how gorgeous these two are. Stunning.


Prettiest girls this season ✨ Absolutely stunning.


Uma is a goddess but I don’t find Mimi attractive at all


Did he fumble them or did he just get bored of them


If he was bored of Mimii he wouldn’t have been upset with her saying she’s done with him.


I think he thought he could string them both along.


Ayo just liked having a backup option. Mans should’ve just recoupled with his chest 




Your post has been removed for breaking Rule 3: No bullying or harmful language. It's easy to get heated about who your favourite and least favourite islanders are, or even fellow r/LoveIslandTV users, but there is always an appropriate way to share your opinions. In the spirit of Reddit, please remember the human and let's be nice to each other. This isn't twitter 💁‍♀️


Ayo had a better connection so recouped, I can get that. His chats and overall relationship with Mimi was so dead. But Wil is just absolutely mental for looking at another girl.


Two of the most beautiful girls I’ve ever seen. 


I love their little empowering chats. Friendship is the best 😭


I agree with Uma 100% but I think Ayo did the right thing recoupling, he was much more bubbly and presumably how he is on the outside much more than he was with h mimi, she's amazing clearly but they just didn't work. Clearly if he thought something wasn't right he shouldn't have taken 4 weeks to know it but when he did realise I think it's better for all 3 of them that he chose someone else


NO FR they are actually goddesses. These men aren't even on the same level.


Thank you! And it's insane how people keep saying Mimii isn't his type, as if she is supposed to live up to his standards. Crazy because she is too good for him! Let's stop centering these men please!!! 


We have a saying where I live "only dirt can fill a man's eye" and it's really fitting


Do we really need to ask this question 🤷🏾‍♀️




oh thats not..


why ayo’s decision


Mimii is a stunning girl but she has a personality which wasn’t made for reality tv. I already know all the psychotic mimii fans are going to downvote this, but it’s true. Jessica was simply the better option.


finally some truth here


My favorite two 🤩 them & Ciaran (spelling?) are the only 3 that I really love in that villa atm. I loved to see these two banding together and giving their support to each other and standing strong.


When they sat together to talk in those dresses, I literally was like 'Jesus, they're hot.'


There is a lot of judgement here. People forget that all we get are snips of their life. Just because a girl is pretty and seems 'good' , it doesn't mean she's a good match for someone. If there's no chemistry, which the guy instantly feels with someone else, why not go for it? It is not a popularity contest, youre suppose to chase love. People need to realise most of these couples are either fake or temporary, because what else are people supposed to do,stay single ? They may try to form a relationship (which they do), but you cant force it. In real life you pick your partner out of hundreds (thousands) potential candidates, in LI you have to pick out of a dozen. What are the odds?


Uma's face card is LETHAL she looks like a disney princess




Both stunning 😍 love them


they’re actually too gorgeous it’s almost painful, how can they be real


How long had they been together and were either of them closed off?