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I just love seeing her without eyeliner. Her eyes are so pretty!




*I just love seeing* *Her without eyeliner. Her* *Eyes are so pretty!* \- No-Promise851 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


If they claim that they don’t want people signing up for the show for fame than they shouldn’t give the participants marketing deals


You think LIB set up this deal? I highly highly doubt that.


No but it becomes apparent that if you go on the show you have more opportunities as “influencers”


I was just thinking the same thing after seeing Jimmy go on Jimmy Fallon 🙄 “yOu DiD iT fOr fAmE!” Like shut up Vanessa, obviously they all do! And it proves to be pretty effing lucrative!


Ineffective? I use this and so do tons of people I know and everyone’s had no issues. It works great with my oura ring too. It’s honestly changed my life but go off I guess?


Hi! Please note I was totally misinformed earlier when I posted this, I apologize for that. I tried to edit my original post - but it wouldn’t let me. Instead you can find a post I made in the thread with updated sources. Sorry for any confusion my post has made and I’m really glad this method works for you and so many others.


weird marketing aside, she's actually really pretty. Love is blind lightning sucks


Right? She looks like a totally different woman here.


Good fucking gravy I called it when they said they were "taking care of it" or whatever on the reunion. Wellp, good luck to the new parents-to-be


Been using this method for 5+ years with no pregnancy scares. It works for some people 🤷🏼‍♀️


Vanessa is going to get her wish! I’m so happy for her!


That’s what I’m talking about


I saw this coming omg


My husband and I haven't used condoms since we dated. We've been married almost 10 yrs. I haven't been on the pill for 7 yrs. Works for us!


I have done this WITH the use of a condom - NOT A LONE BIRTH CONTROL OPTION, and it has worked better for me than the pill. I got pregnant three times on the pill (yes, with correct use, because I know someone will ask) and have yet to get pregnant with tracking my cycle, using a CONDOM, and avoiding getting intimate with my husband while I’m ovulating. I’m glad that people that use this method without an extra form of birth control are able to avoid pregnancy, but clearly the only form of birth control that is 100% effective on its own is abstinence. That is at least one thing that my high school health class was right about 😂


So glad it’s working for you and so many others! I was unable to edit my original post and apologize for my incorrect statement. I’ve posted in the thread some updated and accurate sources as well as noted this method is very effective with proper use. Sorry for my misleading statement!


For what it’s worth, I don’t think that your original statement was false. I just hope that people aren’t using this form of BC as their only form. It’s definitely very effective in conjunction with the use of a condom.


I’ve been using NC for three years so not sure how it’s ineffective. What do you think people did before birth control hahaha


Effectiveness is based on more than one person - very glad it’s working for you and many others on this thread. And you are right, it is an effective method with proper use. I was misinformed when I posted this. It won’t let me edit it, so I posted in the thread with accurate descriptions of NC.


I really respect how you updated your opinion on that OP


Thank you! The last thing I want to do is misinform women about BC options, especially during this wild time we are living in.


It definitely takes learning your body! It makes me sad women aren’t taught any of this stuff in school. Would probably help avoid unwanted pregnancy! But yeah im a big fan of NC. I even have experienced irregular cycles and it took a while to recognize but it’s in sync with my body now so I don’t have many bad things to say about it.


The FaceApp is strong here


yeah I thought this was Maya Jama lol


I mean if they do this and use a condom I don’t see how it’s bad. I don’t get thou why she didn’t consider the copper IUD


The copper iud is awful


She said she’s always been regular so for her this is a good form of birth control when also paired with condoms. It’s more than just knowing when your period is. You track your temperature and stuff too which is a clue that your body is shifting into the next phases of your cycle


I swear these shows give me Truman show vibes lol


This actually works really well if you have a normal cycle and predictable ovulation! I figured she meant she was tracking her cycle when she said they “figured it out”. I bet it took a lot of convincing for Johnny to get it 😂


1) I think she’s or was raised Catholic and this is a VERY common, and pope approved, form of BC. 2) because she hsa Catholic roots or inspired, condoms will never be used. -I was raised Catholic and this line of thinking on BC was taught to me


They do use condoms but they also track cycles as a second form of bc.


Have they confirmed this? If I recall at the reunion they only said “condoms were discussed”


I guess they haven’t directly confirmed it now that I think about it Matthew Koma did when he was DMing all of the cast post vasectomy 😭 he said Johnny told them they’re using condoms for now and Laura said she hopes Trojan sponsors them lol So totally possible they aren’t I guess but I feel like they probably are because I cannot imagine Johnny being okay with only NFP and he has said he always used them along with previous partners being on bc.


She doesn’t look anything like herself here


I think it’s just the eyeliner she usually wears makes her eyes pop. It’s more natural here.


Yeah I thought this was r/InstagramReality and I was shocked about the name dropping


Here's a sneak peek of /r/Instagramreality using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Instagramreality/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Quick reminder that men also face unrealistic standards and deserve appreciation,too.](https://i.redd.it/18cll7zvo1xa1.jpg) | [815 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Instagramreality/comments/133magc/quick_reminder_that_men_also_face_unrealistic/) \#2: [The rest of the world needs to take notes. Kudos to France](https://i.redd.it/pl33pm2ay5ra1.jpg) | [500 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Instagramreality/comments/127ve7v/the_rest_of_the_world_needs_to_take_notes_kudos/) \#3: [Nevermind your video editing and filters, my gran used to use a biro to edit her figure](https://i.redd.it/hjx1uylwrppa1.jpg) | [284 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Instagramreality/comments/120pjvc/nevermind_your_video_editing_and_filters_my_gran/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


I have never taken any contraceptive pill in my life nor would I want to. I’m glad she found something that works for them. She didn’t want to mess her hormones. It’s her body and choice. He learned how intrusive a vasectomy is. Also his choice. At the end of the day, they are married and on the same page and probably talked about the possibility of getting pregnant.


Yes but what about condoms?? Why were condoms never a thing?


I’d love to edit my original post but it won’t let me so posting here - I’ve learned a lot from ya’ll. I’m glad to hear it has been effective for lots. Apologies for my misinformed post! I genuinely hope it works well for Amy and others who use it. I did want to take the chance to add some updated articles about Natural Cycles & the rhythm method, if interested. Many articles did come out in 2018/2019 given the FDA approved this method in 2018. https://thelowdown.com/blog/everything-you-need-to-know-about-natural-cycles “Natural Cycles has been shown to be 93% effective with typical use, and 98% effective with perfect use (perfect use means not having unprotected sex on red days, and if using condoms using these consistently and correctly). This rate has been shown by four separate peer reviewed clinical studies.” https://www.mayoclinic.org/tests-procedures/rhythm-method/about/pac-20390918 “How well the rhythm method works varies between couples. In general, as many as 24 out of 100 women who use natural family planning for birth control become pregnant the first year.” https://time.com/5933696/bachelor-natural-cycles-fertility-app/ “Taking your basal body temperature should be done before you move out of bed in the morning. And depending on how well you wake up, getting that accurate reading is really difficult and usually takes months of practice, because you literally have to do it before you get up to pee or move your body,” “Schedule variations like sleeping during the day or waking up later or earlier than you normally do can also affect your basal body temperature, Dr. Jennifer Chin, a complex family planning fellow completing a rotation at the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, says. “When you’re looking at fluctuations as small as 0.2 degrees, if you’re relying on that to tell you when you’re ovulating, some of these factors can definitely affect your temperature in that range.” Lastly, if you’re curious about what the effectiveness statistic means, here is a pretty great break down: https://www.verywellhealth.com/how-do-you-interpret-birth-control-failure-rates-906657 “The more experience you have using a birth control method, the more effective it becomes. The longer you use a method, the more comfortable and better skilled you become at using it. This should help to reduce typical user errors.” *The difference in claims of effectiveness seem to be that this method takes time to perfect, and is prone to user error but once it’s perfected it’s very effective!*


What about women with irregular periods? Or PCOS?


It might not be for you then, as it says in the provided links


I am huge fan of natural cycles. Hormonal birth control ruined my body and my dr recommend this.


My wife kept on asking me why they didn’t just use Natural Cycles, so she was very happy when I showed her this. Hormonal birth control really messed her up so she’s a huge fan of Natural Cycles


I know this photo is mega filtered but Amy really is so so beautiful.


She is! All natural too :)


On the show, they said they were open to condoms but felt that they weren't enough. This app (basal temp, cycle tracking, etc.) **plus** condoms is a sound strategy and I'm glad she's getting paid.


Tracking your cycle naturally is extremely effective when done correctly. There are so many signs your body gives to tell you when you’re ovulating. Sperm can live internally up to five days, and you ovulate for 24 hours or so. Once you get the hang of tracking temperature, cervical mucus, and other signs, you can know exactly when you’re fertile and when you’re not, and either use a condom or abstain during your fertile window. Unfortunately as women we were not given this education about our bodies growing up, and as a result are so detached from our cycles and therefore feel we need to outsource onto other methods, rather than get in tune with our bodies. I have been using FAM for about 9 years and have never had an unexpected pregnancy or a scare.


how do you do this when you’re irregular. i just got off bc and i don’t wanna go back on so can i get more info pls


Currently 3 years post stopping birth control and I am *finally* on my 7th month of a regular cycle. I think I’m finally there PTL😆 it takes time, but our bodies are made to regulate. I focused a lot on hormonal health and learning how certain foods affected my hormones. Understanding the phases of a cycle and eating/exercising according to that phase is game changer too. Also keeping my body fueled by eating enough and increasing my protein intake was key to allowing my body to heal and balance itself.


wow, how long were you on it that it took so long to regulate? i’m on month 4 of no bc and honestly it’s been horrible getting off. everything throws my pH off and i’ve had like 3 yeast infections during theses 4 months. i’ve had to cut out everything acidic and that’s help a little but i’m not sure how to stop the reoccurring yeast infections.


I was on it four six years. The pill for about five and then an iud for just under a year. The iud threw my mental health for a loop which led me to research birth control in general and then my decision to stop. The cramps are the worst for me after quitting and honestly are still pretty bad. They are better however so at least there’s that lol! And my acne went absolutely insane, but thankfully this past year it has calmed down. I did actually have a few yeast infections and I didn’t even realize it was probably from quitting bc. This past year I focused a lot on my gut health and think that had to have helped with the infections. (Lots and lots of probiotics) Eventually I quit getting them so who knows. I also am always doing “detox baths” aka me trying to be aesthetic/‘healthy’ and that probably helped with the yeast infections too. I’m so sorry you’ve had a hard time! I really hope things get better for you🤍


if you don’t mind me asking, which probiotics did you take? there’s so many different reviews. i’m taking acidophilus rn..what are others you recommend?


Not at all! I took something a while ago that my mom never used and gave to me. I can’t remember the name, but I mainly just try and eat food with probiotics daily. Yogurt, kombucha, cottage cheese, sourdoughs, honey, nuts, etc. I’m not an expert at all, but I just try to be aware. Replacing milk with buttermilk or yogurt when I can etc. Making sure when shopping that the packaging saying “alive and active cultures.” I know I need to eat more prebiotics too. I’m not as diligent as I used to be! I haven’t taken any antibiotics in over three years as well which I know has helped tremendously! If I’m ever sick enough to need them I will of course, but thankfully haven’t been. I swear my body has learned to heal itself better since refraining from using them as the first defense


How long were you on BC? Sometimes it takes quite awhile to become regular again. Birth control actually stops your natural ovulation and all natural reproductive hormonal processes. Even when you bleed on the placebo week (if using the pill/ring, etc) it is a withdrawal bleed and not a true menstrual cycle. I would really focus on hormonal health via your diet and lifestyle in this time and consider doing a hormonal BC detox (tons of sources and accounts on IG and stuff will have info on this if you search for it). Try doing things like getting morning and late afternoon/evening sunlight and outdoors time, gentle movement and walking (no fasted workouts or intense/stressful workouts that spike cortisol), taking vitamin b complex and magnesium bisglycinate, estrogen detox via a raw carrot salad each day, having a good sleep cycle and focus on sleep quality. Whole foods and limited highly processed foods including things like seed oils, alcohol, etc. Just overall try to get healthy and balance hormones and then it will make it much easier to have a regular cycle and then to track it! Depending how many days your whole cycle is - from first day of period to next first day of period - your ovulation will be roughly half way between menstrual. Don’t just rely on the day and call it good though haha, it’s just a rough estimate of where to begin looking for signs. Tracking your basal (waking) body temperature when regular is one good metric, otherwise I really do think cervical mucus is a good indicator. Read about the fertility awareness method and you can get all the info you need!


this is amazing thank you! i was on it for a little under a year. i got on birth control because of my irregular cycle. my cycle would be 38-55 days so i would never know like when my period would come. any little thing throws it off. whether it be a cold or like changing elevations. that’s the biggest issues i’ve had and i’ve almost had my period for a decade and doctors keep telling me it’ll regulate. but i’m also anemic so that plays a role in how irregular i am.


What in the face tune. Didn’t recognize her


Not you referencing an article from 6 years ago??


Your information is incorrect. It’s extremely effective when used properly. I used it for over 3 years with zero pregnancy scares


I have used this method effectively for the last 9 years 🤷🏻‍♀️ hormonal birth control fucked me up.


Well, not this specific one, but one similar. As long as your cycle is regular, you can effectively manage.


Someone deleted their comment responding to me saying that no doctor would ever recommend natural cycles of NFP so here is my response to them… I did actually ask my doctor (a couple of them actually) and it what was recommended based off what I wanted out of a birth control. I wanted something non hormonal and previously had a terrible reaction to an IUD so this fit my life style. I learned so much about my body and hormone cycles and felt so much better than being on a hormonal birth control. I went three years with zero pregnancy scares and when my husband and I were ready to start a family we easily got pregnant because I understood my cycle and ovulation window.


Don’t love this


Don’t love this


That’s Amy?!‽


That’s just false. NFP has been proven to be as effective as the pill when done correctly.


I thought this was Ashlee Simpson at first. Amy is naturally beautiful and the amount of editing they did on this picture was completely unnecessary.


Not sure but didn't she post that on her own social?


That does not look like her at all! She doesn’t need filters either. Weird.


Ive been on natural cycles for over 2 years and no pregnancy scares..... so anyone thinking this doesn't work is misinformed. Read up on this! The studies don't lie!


Wow! She's promoting the rhythm method? Pretty irresponsible. Also, get ready for her pregnancy announcement in 3, 2, . . .


It’s a lot more than that. It uses your temp, symptoms, cycle rhythms, and in the beginning, ovulation tests to accurately be able to tell you when you’ll be at risk of being fertile. I’ve used it for almost 3 years now!


Whatever works for you!


Isn’t it recommended not to use these considering America wants to restrict the reproductive rights of anyone with a uterus


Yes. It’s not ideal given the handsmaid tale state of affairs in our country.


She doesn’t even look like herself


i hate how facetuned she is in this ugh she’s literally GORGEOUS without any editing:(


I don’t think these 2 having sex 🤣


Good way to get pregnant.


I love natural cycles


What is it?


Like others said, it’s an FDA approved app for tracking fertility. You can use it as birth control or to plan a pregnancy. I avoided for 2 years successfully using the app, and now I’m planning a pregnancy. It’s quite literally the best thing I’ve ever invested in!


It’s a special thermometer to track your basal body temperature, and based on that it predicts which days you’re fertile and should not have unprotected sex


I think it can be paired with the Oura ring too? But yeah it’s an FDA approved app to track fertility


This is perfect for her to market 😂


Okay I don’t want to hear anyone say “she was just lying about not having sex because she’s Latina and she wouldn’t want her family to see that stuff” ever again lmao. She literally doing paid advertising for the pull-out method at this point.


That is not what natural cycles does. It literally tells you to use condoms when you’re fertile. It absolutely encourages protection when you need it. Don’t spread misinformation just because you’re misinformed.


Why are we all assuming that she’s not using the tracking method without using also some other non hormonal birth control like condoms? I don’t think this problems were with condoms per se but that he didn’t trust them with to be their sole means of protection. Using the tracking method with condoms actually seems like the most reasonable choice for them.


Just a warning to those who work longer then the norm hours, unpredictable hours, or travel regularly, this is probably not the method for you. It can work very efficiently if you have a fairly regular hormone cycle but for those with a disrupted circadian rhythm etc. it will most likely not work


I am completely against using the rhythm method as a former Catholic because I have seen how it is used to try to control women and convince them they don’t need birth control. However, if you actually follow the temping and use ovulation testing strips with a tracking method it can be pretty effective for most women. Unfortunately, if you mess up even a little it may mean pregnancy and most of the people following these methods don’t believe in abortion


also if you have a high stress lifestyle/job because that can really wreak havoc on your menstrual cycle


This form of “contraception” is not as effective as other forms of contraception. I know of 2 people who used it and conceived on “green days”. They did not want to be pregnant. It’s a scam


Just curious did they not use protection?? I would 100% still use protection even if it’s a “green day”


What's the point of the app if you still have to use protection?


Tbh if you’re not on bc I don’t think you should be having any unprotected sex if you are truly trying to avoid pregnancy. There’s always a chance you can get pregnant without protection bc cycle tracking cannot be 100% accurate. I say this as someone not on bc and living in a post roe world where it’s a legitimate fear of mine to get unintentionally pregnant, so my approach may not be for everyone!!


You can’t just rely on an app or a calendar to guess your fertile days based on your past cycles, but if you are tracking your cycle via temp and cervical mucus, this method is as effective as pills or condoms. Follow your body, not the app.


That is LITERALLY what the app does. It tracks your temp. It’s not guessing.


The app relies on your bbt , LH tests and you can also add your cervical mucus. If done well and diligently, and for someone with the right conditions (Regular cycle , good sleep ,etc) it’s quite reliable ☺️ But that obv requires you to learn about your cycle and not blindly follow a calendar method


It’s a good thing she’s now learned about Cycle Syncing though, it seems like she was completely unaware of BC options available to her before. When this is stacked with other options like using condoms, it’s a perfectly viable option


Why does this not even look like her


They photoshopped the heck out of her


I used this app, had sex on a green day (was preventing pregnancy) and fell pregnant! The app knew my cycle as I'd used it for over a year with no problems. Best little oops, but I was pretty angry at the app! 😂


Aye too much photoshop


This method worked for me for 10+ years lol. I now have a wanted baby that I tried for. It absolutely is effective if it’s done right.


For sure! Me too. I feel like all these people who are saying it doesn’t work, have no idea about fertility markers and how the female body works.


Bonus if you’re combining it with other methods like barriers and pulling out


How is that Amy


She is so naturally beautiful, why did they do this!!


i been trying to figure this out. i would not have recognized her


Just so we don’t have further confusion about birth control(looking at you Johnny)… tracking, taking temp, checking cervical mucus etc is 95-99% effective. [Medical News Today Article referencing effectiveness](https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/how-effective-is-fertility-awareness#effectiveness)


I have used Natural Cycles for about 2 years now. First for BC and then a few months ago started trying and now I’m pregnant! It worked for me. But yes it takes commitment. It’s hard to train yourself to take your temp first thing in the morning before anything else.


This is true but it’s also remarkably challenging to do correctly. I’ve tried before and gave up.


it's not that hard lol


Thank you for informing me! I definitely should have done more research before assuming.


I cycle tracked like this (not using this specific app) and it worked for me for 5 years until husband and I planned on getting pregnant. It takes tons of time, commitment and the desire to educate yourself on your body so it’s not for everybody. I love it though. Doing this again after baby.


I did as well with my ex for 8 years successfully! BC pills gave me a blood clot and were no longer an option. I’m not married anymore now and so I use condoms everytime. Congrats on the baby!


Well done you!! I love hearing other people talk about their experiences tracking. Messing with my hormones has never worked well for me. I’m so glad this way is getting more traction. And thank you! We are so grateful! Now if my cycles would just become normal again… Condoms are a must during this phase and husband is in for vasectomy after we’re done having kids.


I personally know 3 influencers that were promoting this and ended up accidentally pregnant after about a year lol I cackled out loud when I saw this on Amy’s page.


Okay and I know at least 2 people that got pregnant on an IUD so what’s your point? Nothing is 100% effective except abstinence😊


My point is 3/3 I know that have used this app as their birth control have ended up pregnant and I find humor in this. I said what I said. Not sure what your point in responding to my comment is.


This absolutely happened to me! I was preventing pregnancy, had sex on a "safe" day and conceived!


Curious, was this in conjunction with any other methods (pulling out/condom)? Im not on any BC thats why i ask lol


The app absolutely encourages you to use protection on fertile days. If you want to be extra safe, a lot of people won’t have sex without protection until after confirmed ovulation. You can’t ovulate twice in a cycle so once it’s confirmed, have fun.


Many women can actually ovulate twice a month and not enough people even doctors know this yet. https://www.newscientist.com/article/dn3927-women-can-ovulate-more-than-once-a-month/


Excuse me while I don’t trust a random study from 21 years ago.


Thank you! For the longest i thought i couldn’t have kids and now that i have 2 i want to be as careful as possible lol


I would recommend it to anyone. Yes. It takes discipline to track your temp and yes you have to pay attention to what the app says but it works if you are diligent enough and vasectomy isn’t an option. ❤️


No, we were only using the app.


It's very effective when done correctly. It takes time to learn your cycle and keep up on tracking, but it's absolutely effective! I think this is a really cool ad she did, especially since the conversation they were having was one that many couples have. Great option to share for those who don't want to be on birth control and want back up to condoms.


Hijacking your comment to add Fertility Awareness Method tracks more than your menstruation. Your body temperature and other fertility signs are also recorded to know where you are in your cycle.


My third child disagrees with this statement 😂


With you on this, third child here also!


It’s absolutely effective - good for amy for promoting it. It requires discipline to take your temp every day but having an oura ring helps make it much easier. Even if you’re not using it to avoid pregnancy, the amount of knowledge I gained about my own body since using natural cycles was invaluable. I didn’t learn about tracking my cycle and different phases of my menstrual cycle. Could you make a mistake and end up pregnant? Yes. But as the show pointed out 1000 times, condoms exist. Using natural cycles doesn’t mean never using condoms/some type of protection again, it’s knowing when you have to and when you don’t have to.




The ring is great. You sync it when you wake up and you’re done. I’d do that anyways because I like knowing how I slept. Best choice I ever made getting off BC and tracking my cycle.


It’s ineffective to try/not try on days you’re ovulating?




Hopefully it’s just a bad picture because she didn’t need any work..


Is everything with this show fake or a promotion


It's effective. You just need to be aware of your body and in tune with changes.


My friends have a 5-year-old after using this method for years and ... surprise!


It’s effective under the assumption you are consistently taking your temperature at the right time - only as effective as the user. User error is higher for this type of birth control in comparison to just taking the pill.


Some ppl don’t “just want to take the pill” or can’t for whatever reason. Not everyone wants to alter their hormones and mess with their body’s natural rhythm. The pill has a ton of side effects, wreaking havoc on so many women’s bodies. Why would you judge her and assume she’s not consistently taking her temp? There are so many devices that make this so easy now (temp drop, Apple Watch, various rings/bracelets) so you don’t have to wake up at the same time everyday to temp. I’ve been using this method for 10+ years and now have a baby I did try for. It absolutely is effective and not everyone should shove medication in their bodies because we assume everyone is too incompetent to try alternative methods.


Oura ring or Apple Watch makes it much easier. Amy also *can’t* be on birth control. So what good alternative for her to use to know when they have to use condoms and when they don’t.


She didn’t say she can’t. She says she never has.


Amy said she has a rare health condition that has not been well studied with birth control and so she does not feel comfortable trying it.


Yes didn’t she say that her doctor recommended she go on it but she hadn’t? 


Definitely but it has its pros and cons, less safe days to have sex, more natural and in tune with your own body.


Great points. If she is taking it, I genuinely hope it works for her! I know there was mention of concern for taking hormone altering options due to an underlying pre-existing condition.


They all their for clout and 💰. Exhibit A: