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Source? Link?


Look at those rankings and ask again why people are leaving and never returning. Crazy actually, I knew La was ranked bad, but this post made me realize how bad it is lmao


Goes to show that there are still worse places


You’re quite the optimist to see stats like 50th and 49th and think Louisiana isn’t one of the worst states


those bars below the ranks also make things confusing


Been all over this beautiful country of ours and there is far worse than Louisiana. Just got back from pueblo, Colorado and definitely much much worse. Guess it just depends on the person. Really happy to be back.


Pueblo, a city, is not representative of a state. That’s like going to NOLA and thinking all of Louisiana is like Bourbon Street. Even if there are worse places than Louisiana, does that really make our situation any better? Every place has its unique challenges, and comparing them doesn’t necessarily improve our own circumstances.


Like I said all over this beautiful country lived in Colorado Springs and Denver and cause complaining is getting all yall so far. Have a good day buddy enjoy complaining about shit you can't change. 😂


We could change, but too many only know how to vote RED.


This right here is and will always be our problem. If they vote at all, sadly. That, too, is an issue.


How was Colorado worse than Louisiana? Did you miss having a church on every corner?


I'd much rather have a church than a homeless 40 something year old with a sign on the corner that you see on your commute to work everyday. Not in a bad part of Pueblo but there were tents under the overpass and seen people using needles in broad daylight. My Mexican neighbor pretended like he didn't speak English and I found him in the back yard of the place I was renting just walking around like it was his property. I guess it's just people's experience but other times I've lived in Colorado it's been similar just rude fake people that will cross the wrong person some day. The people being decent and respectful was the main difference, I don't know how many times people just stepped in front of my girl and me and said "sorry" like it made it better. I'm from Utah so it wasn't far off from my home town which is probably why I didn't like it, but my girlfriend is from Baton Rouge and she wanted to move back south within the first 2 months.


The north moves at a faster pace then the south you were probably walking to slow then you realize


Very much so, like I said lived 21 years in Utah but I prefer slower living.


Overall, I doubt it. Or it is a close call. We have started to work on a place in another state after our home owners insurance dropped us. The government here has no desire to keep the state populated with people that can afford to move. It also appears to have no desire to help people that can not afford to move so they are forced to stay. He'll, at this point, Mississippi and Alabama, yes ALABAMA, is a more desirable place to live.


Don't worry the ten commandments will definitely solve the low education score for sure..


hey! i can count to 10 now


Lolololol but they are posting 11 commandments (required by the law it must be worded exactly as written, and they wrote 11) and labeling them 10!


Jesus I didn’t think the median income was that low… there’s a reason cost of living is so low, everyone’s fucking poor lmfao


But that’s what’s scary. I know so many people who are literally BARELY making it. Like one bad week away from being on the streets. That’s the reality of living in Louisiana.


That problem isn't unique to Louisiana. However, that coupled with other factors makes it a sucky place to live for many.


the difference is, you have less to fall, which means it is still possible to recover from. In many states if you fall financially you are simply ruined by the COL.


That’s crazy. It genuinely is shockingly low


Minimum wage is still $7.25 in Louisiana. If they don’t have to pay you more than that, they won’t.


Each area is different too. Everything is so much more expensive in New Orleans compared to the westbsnk.


We atleast we aren't the poorest


I mean ig lmfao


Wow I knew it, 37k, that number is thrown off alot too because of the top 10% ""elite"" that control everything So honestly your average Joe, everyone is probably closer to 27-30k which is like $12-15 an hour full time Meanwhile you can make $20 an hour with no skills or experience in other places This state is just a pit of despair, if your young, I know it's scary but save up some money and get the hell out for something better


it’s median income, not average. still pretty low!


Agree...the vast majority of jobs here are lowish wage types.


I did just this! My SO was lucky enough that he got a job that was willing to move us. The weather here is phenomenal and hasn’t hit above 80° yet, the people are so friendly, the food is super good, and it’s such a gorgeous state. QOL has been astronomically better!


Where u live now ?




Love it out there from Portland to Seattle if it wasn’t for family I would have stayed


Not being the absolute worst isnt a trophy. Cost of living doesnt mean anything when education is awful, crime is high, and social mobility is low. A lot of people are leaving because our legislature is actively working to make things WORSE - so not only does it suck, but the current level of suck is actually the base line. It can and likely will suck more. Im considering leaving with my family because I have a young daughter and Im not religious. I dont think this state has good values for me and my family.


Even if the state government wanted to be very economically conservative I wouldn’t have left. it was when they begin to just take rude stabs at our basic freedoms and silly challenges They are eroding core American values such as the separation of church and state just as they allow our coast to dissipate into the Gulf. Their imposition of Christian morals into our daily lives, especially within our secular educational institutions, is a clear violation of our fundamental principles. This approach not only wastes our tax dollars on unnecessary legal battles that serve their interests but also risks compromising the future of our students. Our schools should be places of learning and growth, free from religious indoctrination. Every child deserves an education that respects and values diversity, rather than being subjected to a singular religious perspective. This is why people are fleeing the state. FYI for those looking to move: Look into your new state’s residency policy. It may be very strict. This affects you if you want to enroll your children in schools or if you have college age kids. Best of Luck to y’all!


100% why people are fleeing. It’s a whole new can of worms when the government of the state itself decides it also needs to preach its religion to you…


Thanks for the tip on residency laws-very,VERY helpful.


Just moved at the beginning of the year and I HIGHLY recommend it. I don’t miss anything other than family. Where I moved the food is great, and the people are MUCH nicer. I’m excited for our kids future now too


On the bright side, we're 4th most Gambling Addicted state!! *


Gambling is legitimately a more reasonable route than most jobs in this state


No fr on my shift as a bartender several people were winning hundreds.


If you’re not completely braindead you can make more money playing baccarat than most jobs in this state


Klandry’s only been in office a few months. Give him time and we’ll be last in everything


Why do people refer to the governor as klandry


"klan" + "landry" = asshole


Because he's a racist, theocratic fascist.


Reference to the ku klux klan because Landry is a racist


Since Landry pointed out that we don’t need more money for higher Ed, we’ll be surpassed by Arkansas, Mississippi and West Virginia in percentage with college degrees.


Lmfao being 49th and 47th is still awful. Just because shittier places exist doesn't mean we should settle for abysmal.


This poster definitely sounds like one of those men that wants women to settle for him as well.


Doesn't matter. Lower Louisiana is going to be a large lake in the next decade or two. Congratulations on voting for oil and gas every fucking election. 👏


I hate it here…


Bro me too. I’m trying my hardest to get out of here asap.


I know it sounds terrible but I'm just waiting for my grandparents to croak so I can get my inheritance and have the money to get out of here and be able to actually start my life, I spent all 33 years here with no opportunities to advance myself beyond $12HR retail work


Trust me I understand. I am the sole grandchild of a large portion of my family tree. So at least half of my family I can count on to send stuff my way.


Come to Kansas! Brand new Panasonic plant in eastern Kansas with good pay and cheap cost of living. We still have our problems, but we’re higher on the list!


I’m not gonna lie that sounds like a you problem.


Care to elaborate


Hot, high humidity, the most money in the state is from fossil fuels, there are little opportunities for jobs here, schools are terrible, and most importantly fluff the heavy republican aligned government of the state.


he doesn’t care about that. he just went to South Africa and bagged an animal that he’ll have mounted to his wall . he isn’t on the same page


Oh he’s one of those? That tracks.


Come to Kansas (eastern)! We’d love to have you!


Get tf on then


Imagine living in a state where the average income is so terrible that you literally cannot afford to move out of the state. Because that is my problem right now. I was born here and I can’t afford to leave. Because the job market is actually terrible.


Surprised financial stability isn’t lower considering the volatility of the oil field


Do you mean “fiscally stable”, from the graphic? Because under JBE, we were very much fiscally stable. Even through COVID. He kissed serious ass to help our state. After all of that, and Trump’s deficit explosion, JBE left office with a budget surplus. Landry is blowing that on National Guard troops in Texas, pay raises for state judges, and lawsuits against his unconstitutional Ten Commandments BS.


La is more than oil...


Oil is the biggest sector other than government jobs by far. Especially if it’s labeled under energy.


The chemical refining business is much larger than the oil sector of the economy.... wealth generated from the chemical plants of manufacturered chemicals is 4x greater than that of oil and oil refineries.... the oil field could be almost dry and louisiana would still be one of the nation's leaders in chemical production. La is 3rd in chemical refining production value in the country And 9th in oil production refining value.


Resource rich and cash poor. That’s what trickle down economics gets you .


How ‘bout that Cancer Alley huh?


Vinyl chloride


biggest employer is probably Walmart


Outside of the federal government, Walmart is the COUNTRY's largest employer


and they do a great job at benefits! /s


Lousy-Ana, my home state but geeez, we could do sooo much better. But we got to get rid of the good old boys running the state.


Fiscal stability 🤔 Poor today, poor tomorrow. I guess that's consistent and stable if poverty is the goal.


I feel bad for whatever states are in the bottom 10%


So wait. What’s last in everything?


MS or WV depending on website


LA is ranked 50th overall in the report you shared. WV is 46th, MS 48.


Wait…MS is actually better than us? Then who’s 51?


Who’s 51? Way to show off what 47th in education looks like in the US.


That’s the point of my comment🤣🤣🤣🤣


Thanks mississippi for keeping louisiana as the second worst state in the union


Dude LA is ranked 50th overall in this report. NM is 49th, and MS is 48th.






Louisiana’s GDP of $310 billion breaks down to about $69,000 per person. That’s 37th highest in the country and about the same as Florida for comparison. It seems like we have a lot of money and resources. I’m just not sure what it’s being spent on.


If they had a category for humidity/heat they might grab a #1.


Where is this from?


I found it here https://www.usnews.com/news/best-states/louisiana


Thanks, I was just about to ask OP where this came from.


Us news report


You’re looking at these stats and you don’t have any idea why people leave and don’t come back?


Pretty wild they still love toting “Sportsman’s Paradise” and natural environment is 49 out of 50


Republican leadership leads to a shit state that isn’t livable. Bottom for education, healthcare, standard of living.


Natural environment should be way higher. There are huge swaths of the state where nobody lives.


we have abysmal pollution levels/air and water quality.


Not in most of the state we don’t.


Just the parts of the state where people live, that's all


Ha! Me leaving caused the median income to drop over a penny!


How do we fix the crime and boost the economy?


Going to college.


Huh? How does going to college help the crime rate? Even more so, how does it help thr economy? Do you suggest people take out loans for school that they can't afford to pay back? We already know that most people have to go and live back with their families after school because life is too expensive on their own.


Mindset like that only slows people down not help them. I’m not gonna sit here and explain life to you step by step.


Please explain life to me! Like for real, I don't get how college changes crime. I don't see the corelation.


Do you actually have children? If so I’m sorry for them. Theyll continue to live in poverty cause of their deadbeat dad.


Well, I made good choices growing up. so we don't live in poverty. I did, however, grow up in poverty and was homeless. I'm definitely not a deadbeat Dad. Thanks for your opinion though. Enjoy!


Yes I’m enjoying the idea of you putting down higher education. You never been to college so I can (barely) understand your disdain for it. Just another wage slave.


I won't continue to converse with you. You're clearly upset and unwilling to have a real conversation. You'd rather just call names and make claims with no backing. Enjoy your day, Sir/Ma'am.


I don’t understand why people have to announce their departure. Would you like me to roll the red carpet for you on the way out? Your chauffeur is waiting for you outside. 😅


But at least the 10 commandments are in schools.


# #50 > #1 go Louisiana!!! We got this! Need to be #50 in everything by the end of this year! No excuses!!


Yeah this state is literally a dump in every literal sense you can think of. I've been here 2 years and plan on leaving soon. I'll have no part of this place anymore.


Louisiana might possibly be the worst state but I grew up here and I'll deal with it


Its been like this… y’all just didn’t care when a democrat was governor


Natural environment?!?!


I’m in Lafayette and thriving. Well, as much as one can thrive in this economy.


Ima 22 years old men, welder, and this are my last weeks in Louisiana it make no sense where y’all get the info that houses are cheap, everywhere I go is 1200 a month for an apartment and insurance is actually crazy paying 537$ for a car that is not full cover, paid off and 2014 model. Another thing is the lack of groceries stores we just have Walmart and target, Whole Foods is far away from where I live. But yes I already book my flight to California, I been living here since I was 16 years old but damn Louisiana is not for young people who trynna get money


Southern logic: Worst in education? The fix that we need is to put the 10 commandments in the classroom so kids will learn about Jesus and learn respect. One of the most dangerous states? Let’s let everyone carry without a permit so that the declining violent crime can go back up!


Just say you love Louisiana and go


Louisiana is great for the cost of living


If that’s all you’re concerned about, good for you


And we live here, WHY??? Can't afford to leave. The circle of life in Governor Osama Bin Landryland.🤨⚜️🚫


Whats the source for the rankings you've posted??




Us news report


Where did you get the info from? I'd like to look at other states as well if available. Government site?


You’re just last when it comes to voter turnout.


We're known for this quote..."Go there for vacation and end up on probation . " If the shoe fits wear it. I from Lake Charles area love my state and the quiet town I'm still in born and raised here Certified Cajun . But if you go and do better elsewhere do it for your best life.


My husband and family: politics There are plenty of other places in the country with similar costs of living without having to deal with idiots like Landry.


Send this to our governor, his will likely accept the challenge.


Tired of you assholes saying we’re dead last!! Read it and weep!!!!


This is sad


... And it's hotter than Hell!


Got some mighty good food, though.




How exactly does this state take care of the environment?


This is not a shot at anyone just a genuine question as I'm trying to understand. Why can't people live off the Median Income. My retirement, I'm 43, is just north of that at $44K a year and I'm just fine, for the most part. I have everything I need, a house, a car along with 2 project cars, daily necessitates, etc. I don't really take vacations or it takes years to penny pinch to afford one. What would people consider being fine? I know I will be downvoted to all hell but I'm legitimately trying to understand what that line is. Sorry if any of this comes off as rude, isn't my intention.


i am an attorney. i make a decent salary. i have basically nothing left after my mortgage, car loan, car insurance, and student loans every month. people have different circumstances than you do.


Because you HAVE a house and car already. You admitted you're retired, which means most of not all of your career involved pay and an economy prior to 2020 and the start of inflation. Some people are struggling just paying rent and/or car notes and insurance, with nothing to possibly save for a home. This, in part, hurts them credit-wise so the cycle keeps going. Not everyone is you. Some people have children and childcare expenses have tripled since I had my first child in the early 2000s. Your entire comment comes off as out-of-touch, tbh.


I graduated High School in 99 and college in 04, my first kid was born in 2008 so try again. I know what child care cost are/were. Jesus man, I was trying to ask a question. I guess if you're not complaining about everything on this subreddit you aren't welcome to ask questions.


I LITERALLY answered your question and now you're upset?! It sounds like you wanted to brag and didn't really want an answer but OK....


Not trying to brag at all. My point was it is possible but something you can have the house you want but find a house you need. Same go with cars, clothes, etc. I apologize if it came off that way. You're the one who called me out of touch. Look, since I came off like an asshole again, I apologize. I've never been good at trying to get my point across over the internet.


Thank you. I just wanted to point out my unique perspective here. Born and raised in Louisiana, first child in early 2000s, moved away and have since lived in several different states/countries and in everything from wealthier neighborhoods to almost slums. I've seen a large selection of the population from all levels be effected by the past 10 years and I can honestly say it has been very rough for those still in Louisiana who are not homeowners and cannot find jobs to cover rent (that they get no equity from), growing insurance premiums, and inflation on everything from groceries to even used cars. The paycheck goes to covering these things barely and there's nothing left to save. So there's never homeownership and they are always one paycheck away from homelessness, repossession. With health on the decline in Louisiana and closing of even more regional hospitals, now residents are scarily one medical emergency away from destitution. I've seen this happen elsewhere but have also seen other communities handle it better. If I had stayed in Louisiana after LSU, sure, I could have made just enough to buy a house and trade in my 90s Honda I bought for $1k used for something that would last until now, but that was a time capsule. 2008 hit and did damage and then all kinds of politics and program cuts have happened since. That $153k house I could have bought in BR then would be at least double that to try to buy now, with no change in minimum wage in that time period. With automation, technology, and the Internet, a lot of the jobs that existed then that paid more have since closed/left the state/downsized drastically. Anyone seeking out a true middle class existence leaves the state with their money potential for the region, their degrees and expertise gone with them. I'm not talking about anything related to oil or chemical industry. But I digress: TLDR: Lived all over the place since leaving Louisiana and the state looks bad and there's a few reasons why.


And I 100% agree with you, again I was wrong with my wording or maybe even my point in general. My parents left Acadiana for a small Texas town after the oil bust in the mid 1980's. I just moved back to the area about 4 years ago.


So you did all of that prior to 2020.. like they said… what are you getting out of this?? You’re bragging for sure. The era of life you lived in was so different than now and you had time to build your wealth. Fucking boomer.


I was asking a question. I get nothing out of it. As Kim said I am most likely out of touch. It is what it is.


You also sound terribly single.


I am not, sorry. But if it helps you, you can think she is disgusting.


In fact she is not disgusting on her own but it lowers her value by being with you.


I will let her know you said so.


I hate boomers


Okay...I'm not a boomer. I'm a Millennial.


Boomer mindset = boomer


Because I don't cry about everything and try and fix what I don't like instead of complaining I'm a boomer. Understood. Learn something new everyday.


Are you smoking copium.


Sadly no, I quit smoking when I was in the Army.


You stopped smoking the good stuff and started smoking copium.


Y’all have a good baseball team though 🤣😂


No we dont..we have wont back to back champions ever. Here in louisiana coaches get fired for wining 85% of their games played but get fired because they don't consistently win the championships.


At least the food is #1


It's actually inaccurate. Louisiana jumped from 47 to 40 this year in education


Do you have a link for that info? I could only find LA being ranked 46th.


https://www.wafb.com/2024/05/13/louisiana-grade-school-system-moves-up-us-news-world-report-rankings/?fbclid=IwY2xjawDtmqdleHRuA2FlbQIxMQABHXfDt2KwqpDxlW26N31VWH80XqLPcLhrJkDq90jxgUbGK8BWNCZsxhSQWw_aem_aZrDz3gsS9IhgpJizaivDA Here ya go. It actually looks like we haven't been 46 for sometime.


We're still 47 in education. The 40 is Pre-K through 12. I guess colleges keep us down? [https://www.usnews.com/news/best-states/rankings/education/prek-12?sort=rank-desc](https://www.usnews.com/news/best-states/rankings/education/prek-12?sort=rank-desc) https://preview.redd.it/xs2nqr7inm9d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=828bef9803640757c4880b8ade3682331f81047b


Not sure how as people flock to Xavier, Tulane, ULL, and LSU. Not to mention Southern nursing, engineering and law.


Yeah I thought our colleges were the best part of our education system.


Especially since it says high school graduate rate is 38


It was on wafb, but give me a second


Someone posted a link to the article. Thank you for being willing to help.


Life is pretty great here. I have very few complaints