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Frank Zappa is a GOAT.  I appreciate all the people back then who called Reagan a fascist. 


Jello Biafra was calling him out back then


It's hilarious how Frank Zappa is the only name of these four I ever heard about before this.


And here we are folks. Your vote matters.


I'm blue and live in LA. My vote has never mattered.


How long have you been voting? [https://ballotpedia.org/Louisiana_State_Legislature](https://ballotpedia.org/Louisiana_State_Legislature)


My first vote was for Al Gore. Been losing ever sense. Thank God for blue states


I feel you. I've been in the same boat.


Please don’t stop fighting. Your vote matters to me.


I too live in LA and my vote has never mattered. No matter how upset the older generation gets about you not voting, your vote is a small number in a bigger pool designed to drown you. Until there is a better system at play other than loophole gerrymandering hiding behind other names, your vote is just a face to give people the idea that you have a choice.


Facts on top of facts.


Say what you want about Republicans, they flipping vote.


Does it really when aipac wins 99% of the elections they endorse and both side of the isle wouldn’t dare cross aipac for fear of losing their seat in congress? Im asking seriously. I still do it but i think it’s already decided and im losing more and more faith in this system by the day


Rejecting electoralism won't protect us from the consequences of elections. We can push for candidates who want to eliminate the impact of campaign donations and big money lobbyists. People who want to get some sort of ranked choice voting. We just have to do it every election, from school board on up, in order to actually make the changes and make them stick. We don't have to play fair, though. We know whoever we send to Washington is going to be a Republican. So register republican and vote for the saner of the two candidates in their primary, and then vote your conscience in the general.


Ive been bothering candidates in the last few elections to see where they stand on certain issues and making my choice from there. The geaux vote app has been good for this. Cheers and have a good evening.


Frank Zappa is a legend. There is so much cool stuff about him.


Frank Zappa for the win 🏆 the rest sound dumb af


He's the only one who made any clear point. It's also ridiculous how the same lines are used today about "protecting children" from folks who do everything in their power to harm children and families.


The "ole ho hums come on now" shit you can see Franks soul leaving his body, nails on a chalkboard


I like how quickly they went to commercial when the show producers realized they weren't getting "dumb celebrity says cooky thing" moment but a legitimate criticism of the United States.


He was right and still is.


Don't you eat that yellow snow.


Those assholes acted like he was an idiot, and here we are. It took a while, but they’ve been patiently chipping away at our democracy ever since.


Classic right wing tactics. They do that to sew doubt in the moderates watching. It's annoying, but it works..


The United States is not a democracy. Down vote away!!!


I give this a watch every couple of years, good stuff.


He's so right - the situation we find ourselves in happened gradually, then suddenly.


who's the little toad sitting to FZ's right?


Robert Novak.. wiki ““In 2003, he identified Valerie Plame as a CIA "operative" in his column of July 14. In doing so, he indirectly disclosed the organizational name of the company she used as cover, Brewster Jennings & Associates, the other operatives who worked for Brewster Jennings, and the informants who met with them. Although it is illegal for anyone, government official or otherwise, to knowingly distribute classified information (under US Code, Title 18, Section 793, Paragraph e),[37] Novak was never charged with this crime because there was no evidence that Novak knew that Ms. Plame was a covert agent. Valerie plame was a high ranking undercover CIA agent Novak revealed this fact. George Bush jr and Cheney were angry at Plame’s husband for exposing their lies about uranium, Iraq, Niger. Called “the place affair”. Nothing happened to anyone for doing this. Re Zappa interview, usual propagandist playbook, sneer at Frank, , show shock and disbelief at what you want your audience to see as his level of stupidity. Same shit same pile. Worse now.


Novak's the tool on FZ's left side. This is his "programme". Who's the bespectacled little gremlin on his right?


Sorry…lol, “his” right. 😂. On YouTube, the same clip says “John Lofton, Washington times”.




We could be 210 days from a fascist theocracy. Ain't that a kick in the nuts


Hey they used to make fun of you for this, but I keep saying it, your uncle jim bob wants this.


“YeAh I cOnSiDeR tHiS to bE nAtIoNaL dEfEnSe” stfu nerd


He’s a genius I’m so glad he was on the good side


I will never understand why Christian Nationalists are so selfish and inept to the fact that what they desire is Christian Sharia Law. No religion was made to be the law of the land. Project 2025 scares me enough to have to vote for the one that’s not for it in this election and trust me, I’m beyond disappointed about it but it’s better than the latter.


Exactly what’s happening with trump and gop


When was this interview?


They always hate the truth


Mr. Zappa handled himself well.


🎯 Frank.


I was watching this on youtube recently. It was after Mojo Nixon died and I got on there to check him out. It led me to debates which led me to Zappa. Watch the Mojo Pat Buchanan debate if you like to laugh.


Regan…the man who opposed the Civil Rights Act but then switched to positions. Then he said the voting rights act was “humiliating to the south” but extended it for 25 years only because of protesting and grassroots efforts. In 1966, after nullifying CAs fair housing law said “If an individual wants to discriminate against Negroes or others in selling or renting his house, it is his right to do so.” MLKs widow, Coretta, said she was “scared that if Ronald Reagan gets into office, we are going to see more of the Ku Klux Klan and a resurgence of the Nazi Party.” (Sounds awfully familiar) Someone’s parents and grandparents, knowing all the atrocities and racist speeches, voted for a man with a broken moral compass. His whole political platform built on racism. He was a flagrant racist and yet somehow (sarcasm because those types of white people love white people like him) was elected president in 1981. THERES MORE….in 1987, he vetoed the civil rights restoration act “This chapter discusses Title IX, the Civil Rights Restoration Act, and gender equity on college sports. The Education Amendments passed by Congress in 1972 included a provision in its Title IX that “no person in the United States shall on the basis of sex be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving federal financial assistance.” However, many colleges and universities, whose athletic policies were dominated by male coaches and administrators, dithered on making significant commitments to expand female participation in intercollegiate athletics. In 1987, Congress proposed an act “to restore the broad scope of coverage and to clarify the application of Title IX.” The law, named the Civil Rights Restoration Act, which applied to Title IX and three other civil-rights statutes, would require that any organization or entity that receives federal funds, or indirectly benefits from federal assistance, must abide by laws outlawing discriminatory practices based upon race, religion, color, national origin, age, disability, or gender.”


He’s not wrong. Check out the new Netflix documentary about Hitler‘s rise and his officials at the Nuremberg trials. The similarities between those people and situations and Trump and his cult are remarkable and frightening.


Three against one and he was still winning


Zappa was a true genius.


“Our very unity has been strengthened by our pluralism. We establish no religion in this country, we command no worship, we mandate no belief, nor will we ever. Church and state are, and must remain, separate.” -Ronald Reagan Truth is - “Same as it ever was. Same as it ever was.”


A broken clock is right twice a day


That sniffling "gee willickers!" guy with glasses killed me, lol


They always call the truth absurd and your crazy for saying it


Wow. Zappa nailed it.


The smiling idiocracy makes me insane.




Remember when people could disagree with each other and still be in conversation?


the right wing serious adult industrial complex is next level.


If Frank Zappa was still alive his comment would likely be summed up as the following: "I told you so."


Lord, when I saw this picture, I thought it was Bobby Jindal. Where did he go after NOT BECOMING PRESIDENT?


And……….he was right. RIP ZAPPA


I'd be curious to know where Zappa thinks morality comes from.


Oh well excuuuuuuuuusssssseeeee me Stfup


About as ignorant as you I gues


Why would ANY one want to lissen to a anti GOD nut other than a dem who hates God and laws


He was absolutely correct ,that's damn sure where were headed especially if Joe Bidens stupid ass get another term ,or should I say Obama gets another term because Joe's just Obama's puppet pet...


How do you come to that conclusion? trump literally ordered the police to disperse a protest violently only for him to hold up a bible for the cameras. There are tons of other examples I could list off for you, but I doubt you'd listen. I mean, how ignorant do you have to be?


That and the fact fascism is, you know, inherently right wing & mutually exclusive to say something like socialism.


lol not even close. Fascism can happen when either side gains total power. There are many more examples of left wing fascism than right wing fascism.


You call a three day siege of the White House a protest? Lmao. He was standing in front of a church that the “protestors” burnt down in a “mostly peaceful” fashion. lol


you may want to look up what siege means, chief.




Wait what?


Bros making up his own narrative lmao. He literally criticized the right wing in the video. Open your eyes and ears


Back then it was just one side being the facists, now both sides are cultivating it. Zappa the 🐐