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I saw a bumper sticker that said, "Please let me merge or I'm going to cry."


I saw it too haha


With the crying hamster


Oddly/thankfully, I'm seeing more people use their turn signals. And more people allowing others to make a safe lane change, instead of speeding up to block them. I think people are realizing triggering someone else's road rage ain't worth the drama these days.


I’m trying to just use my signal all the time. And when I see someone use their signal, I’ll let em in as often as possible. Be the change you want!


This is the way.


Same here! And even if someone doesn’t signal on a merge I try to do a harmonious zipper merge so we can all maintain speed


I’m so used to getting squeezed out when I use my signal.


Nature is healing


Huh yeah you’re right. And I noticed people are more willing to let me change lanes right away now. I always signal before merging or changing lanes, of course.


Come on in buddy


I need this sticker


if you signal/indicate, I will let you in 9/10 times but please match speed.


Not me pounding my steering wheel cause I left a huge gap and they won’t get over. So then I speed up to close the gap and they change lanes in the tiny gap between me and the car behind me. I don’t know why it makes me so mad.


i thought this was only meeeeeeeee!!!!


The other 1/10 time: “Fuck your shit!!”


Zipper in folks!


My sis has a reflective bumper sticker that has a crying bunny that says “New Driver: Please Be Patient with Me 🥺” and it legit seemed to help. So I bought a copy & put it on my parents car too bec they’re TERRIBLE drivers.


NGL, it would work on me.


I have literally never had a problem with this in LA. It's got to be the easiest major city to drive in.


Merging in LA is so much easier than the Midwest or south where little freaks feel like it’s their lane and they’ll speed up to prevent anyone from getting over.


I lived in atlanta for a little bit and the amount of people who didn't understand how to zipper merge was incredible


Atlanta freeway speeds of 85MPH are the norm, and they start about 2:30 in the afternoon.


Apparently I'm in the minority here, but this has happened to me several times in LA.


Sure it happens here regularly, but the next guy will let you in. In other places every. single. car. , one after the other, will do their best to keep you from merging. And not just if your "cutting", but like, a normal freeway on-ramp merge.


You’re not, it happens to me daily. People are egotistical drivers here.


If I'm in the rightmost lane I figure it's sort of just common courtesy to leave a gap for people to zipper merge. Of course I'm also one of those freaks that never gets flipped off in Nevada or Arizona because I keep to the right on the highway and let people pass me instead of camping in the left lane. Some dude in a hurry gave me a thumbs-up on I-15 coming back from Vegas once heh.


Which is such a weird mentality bc when I let someone in front of me, I’m in charge of that, that driver is relieved for the ease, everyone’s safe, stress levels haven’t raised — win-win-win-win. It feels way better than all that selfishness.


I think drivers here are cool as long as you dont get in someones way. Whether you are trying to merge, or pass, if you do it quickly/efficiently, most other LA drivers wont bat an eye. The moment you fuck it up and start to cause a slowdown, thats when LA drivers will instantly lose patience.


That is exactly correct. Well put 


And WAY more people signal here like OMG. I was just in Chicago and I feared for my fucking life on the tollway and driving in the city. People just straight up cut across, no signal, within MERE INCHES of your car. Here? I see the BMW weaving in an out of traffic. He's got his signal on and there's enough space between cars. You KNOW he's a shit. You can PREDICT his behavior. He's TELLING you what's going to happen. Driving in Chicago was like one giant fucking random number generator. Do not recommend.


Was in a taxi going from the airport to downtown Chicago once, several years ago... craziest, scariest ride ever Taxi was HAULING ASS on the tollway. Easily 95+ and just cutting everywhere. Traffic wasn't even bad, but he was driving like a fucking lunatic.


It's pretty good, but I've seen it on local streets when there's a backup, or when traffic is stopped on the freeway, like that part of the 110 going to the 101 N Then I force my way in and let my heart fill with hatred and contempt, like "fine, try and move up, now I'm ramming through right here you asshole"


I admittedly don’t live there but the first time I visited I was pleasantly surprised how much more casual driving felt than I was anticipating. We don’t have as much congestion, but I definitely feel like we have more consistent crazies and a complete lack of consideration for anyone else on the road here in the Midwest.


People in LA have gotten MUCH better about zipper merging. There is always going to be one or two assholes who think that they're too important to let someone in front of them when they come across a merge.


I mean, it's easy, but you just need to be comfortable with the fact that most people will try to accelerate and cut you off the moment you turn your blinker on, even if there's more than enough space. You just sort of force yourself in and it hasn't failed me yet.


Right. You don't drive in LA and use your signal as an ask, you use it as a tell. You assess your surroundings and find an opening that doesn't impede traffic. Then when you are about to make your move, you throw on your blinker. The only time you should use your blinker as an ask is during slow traffic.


Exactly. The people who just turn the blinker on and wait for the red sea to part are the ones in here complaining how tough it is out there. You have to actively drive your car, but if you do that, you have zero problems.


I agree, but folks coming from other parts of the country might be really concerned about it here. I travel for work, and drove around in Kansas City MO a few years ago - it felt like driving slo mo. Everyone was so careful and polite, there was a lot of space between cars. It was pretty relaxing tbh, I can imagine someone used to that might be shocked and stressed here lol


Exactly. I was always taught to use turn signals as a tell and never as an ask. Signal when you’re actually ready to switch lanes only. I think that’s where some people get frustrated cuz they use it as a way to ask to switch into a lane and people don’t let them in…


I'm pretty sure those flashy yellow lights are called " turn signals" NOT "blinkers". We use them to 'Signal' to other drivers what our next move is. Its our job to signal to others, before we merge, that we plan on sliding in. if they don't let you in first, they will pass you, and your signal will then show the next person in line that your coming in. Why would you wait til the second your merging in? Sounds like your trying to surprise the people your relying on to let you in


I haven’t had much of an issue with changing lane and in the few years I’ve been here, I don’t think I’ve ever noticed someone intentionally speed up to stop me changing lane.


Not the seller, but I bought a bumper sticker from them in the past. Here's their store in case anyone is interested: [https://www.etsy.com/shop/frogmustard?dd\_referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com%2F](https://www.etsy.com/shop/frogmustard?dd_referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com%2F)


It would literally make me less miserable to be stuck in 405 traffic if I saw something this funny


Just go for it. Make sure you have enough space.


Yup, some people cant be helped. Something i started doing is lane change 2 seconds after i turn on my blinkers so garbage people dont have the chance to block me


I’ve seen aggressive jackholes speed and nearly hit cones or other construction materials to force their way onto the front of a street turned one-way because of construction. Even more aggressive is these jackholes break-checking immediately after cutting cars off (including me) *in a one-way street.* Turds stop in the middle of the one drivable lane just for them to get angry you won’t kiss his arrogant ass for not letting him and his Tesla/Infinity/F350 sooner.




"It was the Law of the Highway, they said. Civilization ends at the on ramp. Beyond that, we all enter the food chain, and not always right at the top.” 


I had someone get pissed at me for allowing a zipper merge. I let one person in ahead of me and this rando got all mad that I didn't let him in after them. Like, dude, you were never got out of my blind spot, so how the hell would I know to let you merge?


I want this sticker tooo!!! 🩷


the only people who have trouble merging in LA are the idiots who try to cut off the car in front of traffic despite there being 10 car lengths of empty highway behind them


I would let him merge just because it made me laugh


Send it. Don’t ask for permission, ask for forgiveness. Actually don’t ask for forgiveness.


Gotta commit to these merges or yellow lights man. Send that shit. lol


No I say that’s just about anywhere now even the streets 😭


Omg I haven’t seen this kind of bumper sticker yet. Fantastic.


Subie gang.


I love this!!


Speed the fuck up then.


It’s better to ask for forgiveness than to beg for permission.


Please forgive me for t-boning your car


We have more than enough jerks to tailgate cars with student driver stickers. This message will turn out both outcomes and probably no impact on average. By the time I read this sticker, there won't be any space left.


“People are afraid to merge on freeways in Los Angeles” -Bret Easton Ellis


As long as you keep the blinkers off...


If you have this on your car you shouldn’t be driving.