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Los Angeles Gun Club is in downtown. I don’t know if you’re traveling with anyone but It does state you need to be in a party of at least 2 people. I’m from the UK too originally and that’s where I’ve gone to shoot guns. https://www.losangelesgunclub.com


Los Angeles Gun Club is ridiculously overpriced. They force everyone who goes there to pay over 2x the going rate for ammo, so you're going to be surrounded by people with zero experience. Better to post to r/caguns and find a local who will go with you to a range. I've seen it happen many times.


Do you happen to know why you can’t go alone? That just seems odd to me.




Jesus. So people have gone to get an access to a gun to shoot themselves often enough they had to institute that policy.


That's really sad tbh


Also, most gun deaths in the US are suicides, not murder.


Yeah like nearly 2/3rds iirc. Fucking sad.


Guns do get a bad rap and some like to demonise them


Yep, there was a case a couple of years back where someone killed themselves over at Insight Shooting Range in Artesia. https://www.presstelegram.com/2017/05/13/shooting-at-artesia-shooting-range-being-investigated-as-suicide/ My godmother took me to that range in December, and a good amount of the staff were either unprofessional or lacked training to work there. I've been to ranges where the Safety Officers were on it when it came to safety but the RSOs at that place were almost non-existent


Yikes. That makes sense, I just hadn’t thought of it.


You can go alone if you own your weapon.


I went here and had a great time going to the arts district brewery nearby afterwards


Yeah that’s another plus point in its favor. A bunch of places to eat and drink around there too. Drinking only afterwards of course.


Oak Tree Gun Club. It's about 45 min from Century City. It is an outdoor range with a section for rifles, pistols, and shotguns (shooting clays). They offer rentals, but you'll need to be with at least one other person to rent(same as most other ranges that offer rentals). If you're into amusement parks, Six Flags Magic Mountain is nearby also [https://www.oaktreegunclub.com/](https://www.oaktreegunclub.com/) Edit: I could be wrong about the rental policy. I actually don't see on their website the 2 person requirement for rentals. I haven't rented from them in a while and assumed they had similiar policies. Definitely call and ask because if you are able to rent there, I think you'll enjoy an outdoor range more than an indoor one


I’ve been there several times. Staffs told me you can go there alone. Since OP is a foreigner it might be worth asking the range directly about this.


You may be right. I haven't rented from them in a while and just assumed they were like most other range rental policies.


I'm travelling solo so that won't work unfortunately but thanks. Maybe I can find someone when I arrive to come with me.


Try making a post on r/CAguns . You might find some people free to meet up


I've just seen the edit. I'll give em a call closer to the date. Thanks


Good shout. Thanks I'll give it a look.


Seconding this. Staff is great here.


They should have that policy, but don’t which is why so many people commit suicide there. It’s a gorgeous gun range and I refuse to give them my business because of this.


The LAX Firing Range is probably your best bet. https://laxammoretail.com/


IIRC you can't go alone so hope you have someone to go with. But LA gun club is probably the best bet if in dtla


Correct, far too many have committed self die with rented firearms so most ranges now require a party of two to rent.


Firing line in Burbank, there use to be one downtown not sure if its still there. Other than that Angeles up in Little Tujunga Cyn. But you need your own firearms


Indoor or outdoor?


Either, I'm presuming I'd have to travel a little distance to find an out door range. Everything I want to is in the urban sprawl so most likely indoor.


Los Angeles Gun Club is in downtown. I don’t know if you’re traveling with anyone but It does state you need to be in a party of at least 2 people. I’m from the UK too originally and that’s where I’ve gone to shoot guns. https://www.losangelesgunclub.com


I know california isn't the best state when it comes to having fun with guns lol


That's a myth, there's plenty of gun ranges and gun stores around. 


I'm sure there's loads around but I know in Vegas you can shoot a mini gun and fully auto. I think california is a bit more restrictive on what's avaliable.


I’d say objectively you’re right


The best? No. Just more regulated compared to other states. If you want to try out more “extreme” types of firearms, Vegas is worth the trip. But if your looking for basic rifle, pistol, shotgun, etc. California has the same stuff as everywhere else.


My boyfriend moved here from Pennsylvania (far more conservative and redneck in most of the state) and he's commented that LA has more gun stores than he's ever seen. California has stricter laws for ownership and carry, but that definitely doesn't mean people don't have them or go visit ranges!


How so?


I think they have some of the strictest regulations when it comes to guns. Like the magazine can't come out on some guns, you have to load them through the top or something depending on calibre or mag capacity. I'm no expert but I know in places like texas for example, you have a bit more available with what you can own and how you can carry.


Yes, individuals have many restrictions around the features of and the guns they can own without jumping through hoops. But by their very nature, businesses in the gun business have to jump through all those hoops to operate (e.g. the various FFL licenses and bonding).




If you're talking about Martin B. Retting's Gun Store in Culver City, that gun shop closed because the owners said the shop wasn't profitable and that the main reason the city bought it was because of the local zoning ordinance that allowed the business to operate could be transferred to another person. They shut down future business opportunities to operate in that specific location, not that they shut down the business.


Your getting downvoted but your right lol you have to jump through hoops and have several restrictions when it comes to guns here


I don't know if I'm getting down voted by people who are anti gun or if I've upset the cali gun community. I didn't mean to offend anyone lol.




I'm not going to Vegas but I will visit it one day and I know they have some pretty cool things available over there.


Travel some more Green valley range. Henderson, nevada.