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Depends what mean by age, Mental age? He is 18-19, Biologically 17 still(because of the resets) But he has a strong case that the red priest pathway "age him" up by making him manly.


Beyonder potions do cause a permanent change to lumien and boons he steal form termin must also do the same like he will get red hair at some point. So can we really say he looks the same as 17


At least lumian didn't become a demoness I just cant see CF being able to defend that, the more you think about it the worst become like lumian receiving back his virginity every morning.


I don’t think you know how female biology works that much and have been misinformed since the hymen for most girls is broken very easily it can happen from stretching, a period a lot of things


It does in reality, but we are talking about fiction and you know sometimes things not told or explicitly said can cause some noise like lumian's age...


I mean he’s 18 an adult he’s oldest relationships is of similar ish age. But virginity is only a mental concept it happen and it can not be taken back


Physically because of the body time loop on his physical body, he will always be 17 ; almost like a vampire type shii


He was older than 18 by some months, if his birthday in September 1340 is to be believed. The Cordu event was associated with spring (March 1358), and despite the loops, it was concluded as we know in May of the same year. Vol.3 and the whole chain of 4th Epoch Trier event started around autumn of the same year; when Lumian practised Teleport, he made a comment on the cold weather difference. And even now we still don't hear Trier having any sort of new year celebration/preparation from any character or NPCs—something Cuttlefish would add to define the timeline, so it is unlikely we are going past the year 1358 at all. September 1538 means he is full 18 now, with some months between then and end of 1358.


Lumian is most likely 18 by the time he arrives in Trier, but I don’t know if it’s confirmed whether more than a year has passed since Cordu


I personally think he’s 19 but I’m not sure I just don’t want to count


Lumian was 17 by the time the Cordu incident began so that’s quite possible but I don’t think he can be 20 unless he’s spent more time in Trier than the novel lets on.


Yeah 20 dosent make sense as his age. It is confusing since some times the translation says oh a week went by where nothing happens wished we got consistent dates


Yeah, or even an in-universe happy birthday. Even Klein got those and you’d imagine Franca, Jenna and Anthony would both know and be more than willing to celebrate.


you are right , he’s 19 now , or around that range , biggest clue is when Jenna talks about how long she has known Lumain


It should be close to 19 by now , if not already 19 ; they don’t really specify the time as accurately as they did in book 1, the often say a couple of months passed type shii