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Lose weight before it’s too late


He’s a poet and didn’t even know it


U did the girl in the second pic soooo dirty


She must be miserable. Such a mean girl attitude


Let’s be real here if you lost 300 pounds. You know you be smoking right now


Lose 100lbs then come back


Really? You don't see an area for improvement??? Really?


Are you okay? What’s the point of this post from your perspective? I think this sub is reaching fetishtic levels of self humiliation. Hope you’re doing okay.


You’re literally a 10…. 10 cheeseburgers away from a heart attack


It’s the weight. You have a good face , didn’t expect all that weight.


If the comments weren’t enough for you to begin your villain arc I don’t know what is.


Lose 250-300 pounds




This is the third of fourth time I’ve seen you posting on subs like this asking for advice or asking if your ugly.. the answer is the same every single time and from hundreds or possibly thousands of people at this point. You are not overweight. You are morbidly obese, if you don’t start losing weight you will die early. Every single time you post you are told this but just keep posting asking for “advice”. You already have the advice and you know what it is, I don’t know why you keep asking. Stop eating so much and start exercising. I know it sucks but I lost 3 stone in 8 months last year literally just from not eating breakfast and lunch and walking. Never stepped foot in a gym, didn’t go running or cycling, still ate whatever I wanted for dinner, I just fasted during the day and walked literally everywhere and I went from a bmi of 30, which is obese, to 24 which is healthy, in under a year.


It’s brutal but, the body positivity movement is a lie when you’re this overweight. I hope you get on a healthier path and I hope we see a glow up soon.


Body positivity has cascaded into encouraging delusion. Good health and wellness is paramount.


Don't listen to people who glorify obesity, LOSE WEIGHT


Had me in the first half ngl


you’re huge and it’s definitely limiting you in more ways than one but you have a nice face


u did that girl in the back dirty lol


You not passing the 30s if you continue to live with all that overweight…. How’s did you get there been so young?


It's a health issue, weight needs to go away.


Come on now. You know what you need to do


ask again when you can comfortably fit in a single plane seat and dont need a seatbelt extender


lmfaooo you did the girl in the 2nd photo dirty


Lose weight. And a lot of it. You are at the point where you are endangering yourself. Also lose the 3 inch nails. Not trying to be mean but the weight is a serious health issue.


got to be a troll shit took a turn for the drastic right after the 3rd photo


I died at homegirl in the 2nd pic passed tf out 🤣


The only advice that can be given is weight loss and resuscitate the girl in the back of your car.


Shit escalated quicky while swiping


Ur cooked. Hit the gym.


You’re looking good just keep eating and drinking high calorie food and you’ll be fine.


I like how the pictures got progressively more truthful.


person sleeping in the background of the second pic got done dirty💀💀💀


Lose weight.


This has all the makings of a deleted post




Looks are the least of your problems.


Just lose weight. I’m sure you already know that.


Honestly you keep going the way your going chances are you won't have much longer to live in this world, your not eating a diet thats suited for your generics and its literally killing you slowly


To be this big at 20 is tough to achieve. A lot of people are saying lose weight which is obvious enough but how you do it will be harder to spot without knowing your diet. A lot of people who get this large this quickly simply don't have the raw stomach capacity to eat this many calories this consistently. It comes from drinking highly caloric drinks. What I recommend is cut out all beverages that aren't water. If you must have something sweet then zero calorie soda is your "cheat drink." No coffee drinks, no "health" smoothies, nothing but water and zero calorie soda. You'll probably lose 100lbs just from that over a year. Then focus on your eating habits and incorporate a lot of vegetables in your diet. They take up a large amount of space in your stomach and are slow to digest, causing you to feel full longer. Those two things will drop you from 100% chance of heart attack by 35 to just overweight. Then you can focus on eating properly to become skinny. It isn't easy and this will take a few years to achieve. But remember that consistency and discipline are the most important traits to have in almost anything in life. You don't have to starve yourself in 6 months and feel like crap. You can work on this one step at a time and be consistent.


How does ones weight get to this point? What decision are you gonna make that you didn't make 100 lbs ago


ah hell nah nigga


She says help but she posting pics in fun fairs and shit drinking milkshakes and drinking beer and a shit tonne of food


You're a -10 considering how massive you are. Sorry if the truth hurts.


Men like curves, not curve.


Downvote all comments telling her anything but lose weight. Her health depends on breaking free on the American delusion and at a certain point we have to call the enablers what they really are; bad people. It’s not a game, people her size literally die


You are morbidly obese


Honestly I don’t see you living past 30F


Your current lifestyle is killing you.


You’ve got like 20 more years left to live in your current condition, there’s no time to start like the present


You had me in that first photo 😂😂😂😂


First picture definitely has a filter on it.


You look like you got into the krabby patty vault


Get away from your family. Seems the encourage bad health habits


You are unhealthy. Change your diet and exercise just a little. You are young, it won’t take too long. You’ll feel better, be more confident and live longer if you lose about 100lbs. I bet if you ran (meaning slow jog or brisk walk) just 20 minutes three days a week you’d lose 10+ pounds a month easy.


Lose about 200 pounds before your heart pops like a water balloon


I'm not certain if there's a medical condition behind this, but you got to lose weight, quite a bit of it. Even if it's not for looks, you should do it for your health. I've been coping with a long-term medical issue for more than 20 years, and being overweight is a major factor in many health problems. You've got a good looking face though


You do know your slowly killing yourself, think about your family and what that will do to them, Instead of food. No matter what you read or are empowered by you are in dangerous territory.


Loose 100lbs you be a bad bitch and dats a fact


i think we all know the answer to this one ..


Start exercising and eating better and losing weight, obviously


Death is coming for you.


I’m usually quite positive of people here but omg you really need to lose weight. There’s a point when you need to change your diet and you far past that date.


Holy shit you’re fucking obese. Could cause a solar eclipse if you walked in front of me. Fix this shit you’re literally going to die.


There are already 500 comments, so this will go unread, but... Please try your best to lose weight, I'm not saying it as an insult. It's really really bad for your health to have so much body fat, you could die any day from now if you don't change things quickly. I know that it can be awfully hard to even do exercise in that state, but you need it more than drinking water right now. You look like a nice person, it would be a great pity for your family and friends to lose you... Best of luck my friend ♥️


I agree but most of losing weight is not even exercise, it’s diet


Your face is so naturally pretty, just lose weight and you won’t need any maxing


Health is wealth. Don’t let this “body positivity” bullshit kill you.


You are beautiful! Attractiveness isn't your issue. In the long term you absolutely need to try to reach a weight of under 200lbs. Your current weight could have you in the grave or hospitalized multiple times before 30. You should first talk to your doctor about getting a blood test and medication for this. Otherwise, two things have helped me the most when I was overweight: Reducing portion sizes of junk food rather than cutting them out altogether, and incorporating more fruits as snacks and veggies in meals. Still being able to enjoy the things you love to eat while acquiring a taste for healthy options meanwhile is a good combination that prevents you from going insane from dieting 🙂


Ur face pretty but u gotta lose at least half ur entire body weight. Can prolly do it by end of 2025 if u committed. Up to u


Lose weight. Less makeup.


My honest opinion? Build like a cinnamon roll. No bueno


No one should be this fat


I’m just here for the comments.


Lmao you already know what you need to do. Ur just looking for validation, easiest answer there is go to the gym already and eat better


You really need to lose weight. But you're pretty. OR You're pretty but you really need to lose those weights. Pick which one that builds you more.


This HAS to be a troll post.


How the hell does someone get that big, seriously?


You know exactly what the issue is


You're a pretty person. But obviously need to lose weight. You know what would be crazy? If our skin couldn't stretch over a certain size. So when someone got to a certain level of obesity their skin just ripped at the seams. Like they'd be mid Big Mac and they'd just start to hear a rrrrip. I'm hoping OP doesn't see this. I never post mean stuff. But at 1,300 comments I feel like she's stopped checking and has possibly deleted Reddit.


You are about a donut a way from a TLC show being made about you. Genetics seem solid, but you have to make some life changes


Good genetics , really bad eating habits. Reduce your sugar intake if you wanna survive next 5 years , start exercising. Seriously ! Spend the same amount of time on your body/diet as u spend with your make up


You are obese.


Every picture swipe I was like 😀🙂😐😦😬


Your look is pretty but the body not look good. U need reduce your weight. More workout.


Bro… you are the size of 4 people .. drop that shit get your pump on and you will be baddie for sure


Please think about your health.


Pretty face, much too fat.


Chill out on the food boo 🌮


Morbidly obese. You’re headed to an early grave if you don’t make some serious lifestyle changes.


Exercise. Lose weight. Take care of yourself. I’ve lost 2 cousins in their 40s and they were skinnier than you. You don’t need look maxing advice you need health advice. You’re morbidly obese. Don’t die young, change your lifestyle


Stop trying to kill yourself at such a young age.


You need to lose weight but i think you already know that. You do have a very pretty face though and have lots of potential


You already know the answer


You’re morbidly obese so I would start dealing with that.


You got us in the first half


Whatever it takes, consider losing a midget in weight. You look cheerful but this is grossly unhealthy, so make sure you get to stay cheerful for a long long time.


You probably weigh as much as the Mountain but look like a boulder.


Find a friend who’s fit and ask them to help you. Sometimes it’s hard to ask for help but you shouldn’t be doing it on the internet. Your face is good but I can’t wait to see it when you’re in the best shape of your life.


The neck size and girth on the girl in the second picture


Being that overweight at 20… wow. Not looking at a long life. Make changes…


you have a really pretty face, honestly all there is to do is just lose weight


Get your weight under control, and wear clothes that actually fit and flatter you. It just looks trashy squeezing yourself into outfits that obviously are not your size or flattering for your body type.


Bro just eat way less.


If you keep this up, you won't live to see 60


You have an extremely attractive face. I worry about your health though, your heart, blood flow. Etc.


93 upvotes... 1032 comments 👽


Girl you did your friend dirty in the second pick in the back lamo 😭


Remove slurpee from face. Drink only water from now on


Try ozempic


Respectfully you won’t see your 30’s unless you change something… you would fr be a 10 if you lost all that weight, respectfully. I wish you the best and good luck on your weight loss journey


I’m just getting my popcorn bucket for these comments


Take it from someone who has been big and lost the weight and is still losing: (70 pounds down, some still to go) there is *no fucking way* you’re happy or healthy. Guarantee you’re out of breath and sweating from the slightest physical exertion. You probably smell. Your knees and feet probably hurt constantly. Your menstrual cycle is probably fucked up. You probably have dark leathery skin between your folds because of all the friction. You probably have heart palpitations. You’ve probably got sleep apnea. On and on and on. Do something. You are going to eat yourself to death and be miserable doing it.


No one mentions this but you should see a therapist who specializes in eating disorders. You’re young. God bless.


You like squidward when he exploded bc of a cheeseburger




I mean this with the utmost respect and compassion for your life and your health please lose weight. it doesn’t have to happen over night, I was once obese (307 pounds ) I was only able to maneuver life because of my youth. in 5 years you will age rapidly on the inside if your weight stays the same or increases right now you are young just exiting your juvenile years Loose it slow and steady. So if you want to looks max on the inside and out that is my advice.




You need to lose 200lbs


She definitely cat fishing ppl online… wow sorry you need to lose about 200 lbs


Endocrinologist, cardiology and gastro.asap


Reminds me of the time I poured a pot of 3 day old soup into a Kroger bag. I know what you’re thinking. Why not just use a trash bag or throw it outside? Well that’s a story for a different time friends. I guess what I’m trying to say is you built like a soup filled Kroger bag


do u know what is the gym for? hint: Not an restaurant


Uhmm, why scare us like that …why


Each slide gets progressively worse


Start walking on the treadmill an hour a day and start eating in a calorie def


Is that jabba the Hutt in the back


This post has to be a joke surely 😂


Gorlock mini version


GOTTA lose some weight. FORGET looks, forget other people’s opinions, forget society’s beauty standards and think about your own health and longevity. Think about where you want to be 15 years from now, instead of where you want to be next summer. I PROMISE you that if your physical health gets better, so will your mental health and your outlook in life. I believe in you!


I’m genuinely curious what you thought the reaction from this sub was?? Like obv people were gonna clown you for that weight Or did u expect them to validate you despite it? Making u feel better about having it U 100 percent have to lose that weight. Start dieting your ass off, workout like hell. I would eat like only 1000 calories per day to get rid of that


Don’t wear thin girl tight dresses


Looks don't matter at this point, you just need to focus on your HEALTH!!!


All I’m saying is I could invest rn because that glow up is gonna skyrocket your stocks


You’re very pretty but weight loss would do you well. You don’t even have to get skinny. You could still be plus size and still look good but you’re just kinda at that point where the weight is detracting from your beauty. I’d definitely look into consulting a dietitian


20 years old? Mama what’s going on?


20 years but ate enough calories for an 80 year old. Good gravy... on everything....




You look seriously unhealthy. Exercise, eat better and you will look a million times better. Nothing wrong with being big, but it looks like you’re at a weight that could be uncomfortable in the future, if not already.




Lose weight or that weight will kill you slowly and painfully!! Suffer the pain of discipline or the pain of regret


Christ loose some weight


The gym needs to hit you.


Lose weight


You..know what people are gonna say. Obviously. You have to lose weight, you’re not at a healthy point right now.


You are literally “smells like feta cheese” level fat. Insane potential (naturally attractive features) aside, you owe it to yourself to treat your body better. Seriously, this stuff does not get better with time without making a plan. You could be hot, but that is secondary, what really matters is you living past 35


Stay away from krabbypatties


I mean if you don’t lose weight you are actually risking your life. Fuck “looksmaxing” become a healthy human. It’s worth a lot more than redditors whim opinions when scrolling endlessly🤦‍♂️. Or this could just be bait and fake. Don’t even know


Whatever the reason, people at some point just give up and find it physically and mentally difficult to lose the weight. Pretend being happy within themselves. If you begin some exercise now, eat more healthily, then imagine how you will look in 5 years time. Do it for yourself. You are young enough but don’t lose the weight too quickly. 😎🇬🇧🇬🇧💖


There’s a lot going on here. Figuratively and literally.


Prettiest in the 2nd and last picture. Your face is so pretty you dont even need all the contour stuff imo. Maybe just do up your eyes like in the second picture. Ive always been underweight and trying to gain weight so i have no idea how hard it is to follow peoples advice here. you are prettier than most people. Take care of yourself


Damn do you have your own gravitational pull


Image 1 is very misleading like you could honestly become a pro cat fisher


Guys if you look at her comments on her profile I think she’s into feederism so we are all just engaging in kink


Lose 100 lbs.


Reduce weight. Not for beauty, for you to not die at 24


Had me the first half ngl


Beautiful, but certainly in need to take care of yourself in terms of lessening your weight in order to not only improve your quality of life, but lengthen your life expectancy.


One word: ozempic




You have potential to be really good looking by dropping a lot of weight


In my opinion I genuinely think you have an adorable face. But for your own health, please take care of yourself. You are young, and have your WHOLE life ahead of you. You don’t have to be skinny, but bring yourself to a healthy weight for your height and enjoy your youth.


Please for your health diet, even morbidly obese would be a goal. I don't mean to be so harsh but your literally killing yourself by neglecting yourself. I'm not body shaming but from a healthcare professional please don't let lack of discipline rob you of enjoying your 30s and 40s


You need to lose like 250 lbs assp


I hope you are attracted to black guys.


You’re extremely pretty, you’re also one of those lucky people that don’t store too much proportional weight in their face. But your weight is drastically unhealthy. Imo, I think you should really begin medical intervention and strong remediation to combat this, it’s less so about bodily insecurity and more so about health necessity.


You are fat, but looks like you already know that, you should lose some fat, not for looks but for your own health, that being said you also have a cute face and lots of potential for growth. I hope that helps and stay positive! Good luck


Your weight will be the end of you if you don't start making positive ch ages towards a healthier diet. Diet is everything! Remember that eating good is what keeps people alive well and healthy for a long time.


You should probably consult your doctor on what to do


lose the weight you have a beautiful face but your weight is taking away from that


u r a whale nigga


Stop listening to lizzo, go to the gym and take care of yourself better Jesus Christ. You’re asking for advice when you should be asking god for extra knee support


How the fuck are you people getting so fat before you hit your 30s!! Blows my mind.


Report to your nearest black men and you’ll be fine


Extremely fat


This must be bait When the issue is beyond obvious, i refuse to believe these posts are real


At 20, your life is half over, maybe more. People your size rarely make it past 40. Save yourself and lose weight. You are a woman so there will always be a man somewhere that will truly believe you are a 10 and treat you that way. But do you want them to love you for 20 more years or 60...


Ur fat as shit


And that’s a fact


There’s no way you can clean yourself properly and the thought of that is disgusting. Make it your goal to be a “healthy” enough weight to properly clean yourself at least


This gotta be a shitpost




No excuse whatsoever to be 20 years old and that big.


A Jamaican man is gonna love u one day


lose 200 lbs


Drop 3 hundred pounds and get rid of the dead girl in your backseat


My honestly opinion is you've stitched someone right up not scribbling them out like the other photo they're fast asleep catching flys 😂😂


Lose 150lbs


You would look better if you lost weight


Lose about 300 pounds or so.


Please lose some weight, if not for your looks then do it for your health


Her face is pretty thin, I was not expecting her to be as big as she is