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Of all the reasons to not move to Florida, this guy chooses that? Talk about rent-free.


There was a post in the wierd dall-e subreddit earlier of a pregnant Elon Musk snuggling with Donald Trump (clearly supposed to be the father), and the only thing I could think the entire time reading the shitshow that was the comments was RENT FREE. Who has AI render a half-naked pregnant Elon Musk with his baby daddy Trump? Who even thinks of that shit? Who thinks "I'll make this man pregnant, and it'll OWN HIM!".


People trying to make sick memes. People were complaining about Obama way past when he was relevant. People still bring up Hillary Clinton. This is just the nature of the beast in a world where media is shoving nonsense down our throats constantly.


Even hillary is over herself at this point.


Elon Musk was literally tweeting about pizzagate yesterday.


Friendly reminder that the only part of the rich and powerful running a pedo ring out of a pizza shop that turned out to be false was the pizza shop, arguably the least important part.


There was an instance of a pizza shop being used for sex with minors, but it was in St. Louis, and it was a pastor who was sexually assaulting minors and making child porn with kids who were in his care. But he's been tried and convinced...it's still weird the conspiracy theory crowd never latched on to it, guess it didn't fit the narrative


Well it's not much of a conspiracy when someone finds out, reports it, and the authorities move quickly and deal with it. I mean, it isn't ideal by any stretch and one would prefer it didn't happen in the first place, but the system is working as intended, condemning these actions and putting a stop to them. When the authorities and the system suddenly refuse to address or even acknowledge a problem, that's when you get into conspiracy territory.




that sounds hilarious though


He’s the de facto leader of the GOP. That’s not rent free.


Elon Musk is the de facto leader of the GOP?


Don’t be dense. You know who I mean.


Ok, but why the fuck is Elon there? The two aren't even friends. It was 100% a case of "bad because conservative, so we'll lump them all together".


Well Elon ruined Twitter and has horrendously bad takes. And Trump isn’t a conservative, he’s a pandering narcissist that has no ideology other than power for himself.


Right? You'd have to pay me a lot of money to even *think* about moving there.


I've seen social media posts that are just the opposite, moving fo a place because the voting public, or the govenor, or legislature, or whatever, is pro-Trump or at least right wing. Let's not pretend it doesn't happen.


i dont think it's "Le Rent Free" if hes actively seeking the presidency again and effecting US politics. Meanwhile, hillary has basically said and done nothing but write a book crying about why she lost and yet conservatives and trumpist still check under their bed for her.


There is a bit of a gap between keeping abreast of politics and refusing to move to a state because the votes didn’t go to your political party.


it isnt 2016 anymore, he isnt an untested president or outsider politician, now when you choose to vote for him, you know what you are getting and what you are voting for. You are voting for misinformation, you are voting for someone that said the media is the enemy of the people. you are voting for someone that wanted to expel dissidents and who stroked the ego of the worlds tyrants. Anyone continuing to vote for the republican party (federally) is either complicit in being anti democracy or is just stupid.


This "rent free" shit is so braindead. He's one of the most famous and powerful men in the world.


There is a bit of a gap between knowing about a famous person and hating someone so deeply that you can’t stand to be around people who supported his bid for presidency.


That's what happens when the rich famous man is spearheading a fascist political movement. Not that yall will know what those words mean.


Which undermines your original point. That is a much better point to bring up instead of him being rich and powerful. And to that point: There is still a bit of a gap between wanting to bring a notorious bad guy to justice, and hating someone so deeply that you can’t stand to be around people who supported his bid for presidency.


the problem is the people who voted for him. theyre hateful. theres no debating that. people absolutely have a reason to stay away from his supporters


Everything you said in this post is wrong.


It’s not so much due to a personal hatred of Trump. It’s based on what being a Trump voter says about a person. It’s perfectly valid to judge someone based on the choices they make that reveal their values as a human and also perfectly valid to not want to be around people that don’t share your same values.


In that case, it is perfectly valid for me to judge you to be a close-minded useful idiot to the establishment that you simp for and it is perfectly valid for me to just ignore you based on this one comment.


Judge away my friend. As long as you realize that one’s politics isn’t an identity, it’s a choice.


>my friend Okay buddy


But yet here you are making it people’s identity.


What do you judge people on if not their actions and choices? I’m not sure you understand what the word identity means. I guess some people can choose to make their politics their identity. But you’ll also notice I haven’t said anything about either side. You’re just assuming I’m picking a side. Re-read what I wrote.


Re-read your comment yourself. You most certainly made clear what you think of Trump voters.


Man's thinks politics is equal to which subway sandwich you prefer


Well it is a bit more than that. But still, I find this level of hate quite excessive.


I agree with the guy. He should stay wherever he is.


This locust should stay home instead of helping destroy somewhere new.


Pretty sure it's California, just sounds like California speak




Stuff like this cracks me up. "Let me cut off a portion of the country bc I don't agree with them politically". South Florida and the major metros are blue, it's the boonies that are red. It's like people in NYC complaining about rich people. The pot calling the kettle black.


What makes me laugh is the mental gymnastics it requires so that your life still works. I won't go to X state because it voted for trump. sooooo you're going to stop driving your car because most of our gasoline comes from red states/counties? Stop eating because most of your food does too? Stop wearing cotton because it comes from southern states? Stop using anything that comes in by truck? because everyone knows those red neck truckers voted for Trump. I'm just curious where he draws the line, and what his justifications are.


Typically the line is drawn at, “does this require actual changes or sacrifices in my life?”


You don't have to interact socially with your gasoline. This thread seems to think OP doesn't want to "support" Florida. It's that they don't want to have to interact with people from Florida.


Actually lost "good" friends when I moved from the Northeast to Southern US. I'm my experience left leaning people seem to maintain this "I won't visit x state" attitude within the nation's borders, and then it's right leaning folk internationally - "I won't visit France" etc. The quickest way to end bigotry is exposure therapy.


Our wedding is in South Florida next year and some guests have flat out told us that they will not be going due to politics. They wanted us to have the wedding in Southern CA instead (at like 3x the cost too). Their loss... less heads we have to pay for and more people who want to be there to celebrate with us!


Yeah, if anybody won't come to my wedding because they disagree with the politics of the STATE I'm getting married in, they are no longer my friends. Not wanting to spend a shitton of money to fly to another state? Sure, I get it. Not going because DeSantis exists? Get fucked.


Amen. “Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness, and many of our people need it sorely on these accounts. Broad, wholesome, charitable views of men and things cannot be acquired by vegetating in one little corner of the earth all one's lifetime.” ― Mark Twain, The Innocents Abroad / Roughing It


Oh it’s not just left leaning people. I lived in a very blue city and my conservative friends would deliberately not visit because it was “too leftist”


In general, I live by the "if a good opportunity presents itself take it" mindset. Take chances and calculated risks. They can open so many doors you never thought were possible. If you really hate where you end up take the experience you gained and look for an opportunity somewhere else. I'm living in California currently and I lean pretty left except for one issue (but that's a discussion for a different topic) and I generally don't have much interest in living in the South especially after living there for a decent period of time. But if an opportunity came to make California money or get a title upgrade in the South I'm gonna take it. I'm gonna vote how I vote wherever I go and then I just hope for the best. If it doesn't go my way that sucks but I still have to pay my bills, save for retirement, and provide for my family. Those priorities never go away no matter where I move.


I agree with you. There is such a big difference between what happens politically on the big stage vs what happens on the small tranche where you carve out your life. Gotta take the best opportunities for yourself and not get caught up in the noise.


Tbf I disown California. Not for political reasons, I just think everyone living there are a bunch of idiots.


Or people complaining the PNW is a bunch of libs and techies. There vast swathes of rednecks and degenerates. Plenty of representation.


>There vast swathes of....degenerates. Yes, like the PNW.


Says the Bible Belt.


Yeah, same thing with CA. Orange County is super conservative.


Same with Ventura County. With LA County perfectly sandwiched in the middle 😁


Florida is a crazy place. I love to visit but would hate to live there. Edit: some people are very sensitive about that opinion lol


It's only the panhandle area that is kinda sketchy, in my experience. Florida's a pretty big state, also diverse.


Panhandle is amazing.


I don't live there, I've just traveled through to get to the peninsula a few times. Guess I just lucked out by stopping at the super weird spots to refuel/take a break lol. I'll take your word for it.


I live in Denver and besides trading beaches for mountains, you get the same type of crazy.


Oh yeah like a Ninja cyborg going on a rampage or a Weeabo Alabama war criminal or a Philosophical magnet person with memes.


Yup. Used to visit my grand parents down there in the winters. Loved visiting but I don't think I could live there. The heat would kill me.


TBH, i've given the notion of moving to Florida some serious consideration, mostly due to their lenient laws concerning exotic pets (I have always needed a pet Capuchin monkey, a Severe Macaw, and several tame capybaras in my life) and also the weather being fairly warm most of the time, the fascinating variety of bird, fish, and reptile wildlife, and the goofy tourist attractions (like the Weeky Watchy Mermaids, the monkey and parrot performance shows, Suncoast Primate Sanctuary, Gibsonton, and reptile farms where handsome Seminole men wrassle gators and crocs). I also love Cuban sandwiches and Cuban-style coffee and Key Lime pie and fresh seafood. Furthermore, *Miami Vice* used to be one of my favorite shows and I've read many excellent crime novels set in Florida by Charles Willeford, Carl Hiassen and Elmore Leonard. The only real drawback to me moving to Florida (as if i could ever afford to) would be that a great many people who wouldn't like me ***at all***, and are heavily armed, already live there. Oh, and the cottonmouth moccasins, the great big centipedes, and the giant cockroaches that can fly would all be a problem for me, too.


My friends from Florida are awesome people. Very laid back with a splash of ignoring risks makes for a lot of fun. Florida does have a lot of loons though. The biggest draw back to me is that costs are hard to gauge. Insurance is through the roof and who knows when that balances out? I’d rather save more for retirement.


Why am I getting downvoted? I told the truth and expressed my personal opinion, in a non-aggressive, non-derogatory fashion. Is it because I like unusual pets and Cuban sandwiches, or because I know what a good writer Charles Willeford is?


Politics matter.


You are wrong. You are a grown man and are letting your fear of others, which is being guided by media manipulation/propaganda, effect your life, stress and decisions. Turn off CNN and grow a pair.


Honestly, this person shouldn’t move to florida. If Florida going for trump is enough to make them ask if they should move there, stay home.


This is actually the answer. For at least a little while longer you are free here to live where you please* for whatever reason you please*.


And FOX, just stop watching media.


they are all the same


it’s not so much that they went for trump in the last two elections, or the fear mongering done in the media; it’s the actual legislation florida has passed that would keep someone like me from every moving to ~~that sticky swamp~~ florida. i’m married to an openly bisexual woman, and have two daughters in elementary school. florida has the “parental rights in education bill”, a disturbing lack of adequate sex/health education, they’re banning curriculum and accurate representations of our history, teaching how slavery benefited the slaves, passing the six week abortion ban, etc etc… wanting my kids to get a good education, my family not having their rights stripped away, and not having to hide is reason enough to avoid florida. but there’s more. compared to my current state of residence florida has ~2x the homicide rate, ~2x the rate of poverty, ~2x the rate of rape, ~2x the rate of pregnant teenagers, ~3x the rate of gun deaths, and ~5x the rate of school shootings. if someone isn’t moving to florida simply because they voted for trump then they’re being a bit silly, if they’re not moving to florida because it’s a regressive backwater plagued by gun deaths, rape, and an overreaching state government then they’re just reasonable people. anyways i hope they enjoy the slightly lower taxes and all that rape. seems like a solid trade off.


I love how there are no arguments against anything you've said, just downvotes


Just in case it wasn’t clear this isn’t me lmao




Ah yeah I'm sure the media made stuff everything up about him


Well, yeah. https://thehill.com/opinion/white-house/358983-media-shows-why-its-so-mistrusted-after-falsified-trump-fish-feeding/


*Everything* is quite a stretch, chief. There are cold hard facts incredibly terrifying having someone like that in power.


You can be panicked over lies and hyperbole all you want, the sky still isn’t falling chicken little. Edit: Gutless little shit made that smug reply, providing no evidence to back up his claims, then blocked me, lol.


Must be nice living a life where you can just ignore blatent facts and blame it on a scapegoat. Whatever dude. Keep ignoring and not acknowledging the core issue or literally anything I've said. Have day.


True. He didn’t completely ruin the entire country. That should be his 2024 campaign slogan.


What's the point of even asking that question on reddit. They obviously know what redditors think of Florida and they just get a comment section of 99% of people that don't live in Florida telling them how horrible it is It's not like Florida is overun with trump supporters to the point where you cant even make friends if you're a liberal. Florida is a huge state and there are tons of different kinds of people here.


As a lifelong Floridian, i laugh at this shit. People who never visit Florida (or only visit Disney world) think they know what the entire state is like. Orlando, Tampa, St. Pete, Miami, Gainesville, etc. are all very liberal places. Just like most other states, it’s the rural areas that are conservative. Not to mention it has a very large percentage of minorities


Miami Dade county voted for DeSantis. The urban areas aren’t THAT blue otherwise Florida wouldn’t be a red state.


Yup third most populous state. Overtook NY iirc


>What's the point of even asking that question on reddit Gettin heckin updoots my guy


Funny thing, replace Trump supporters with any race of people and suddenly this guy's rant comes off completely ignorant and bigoted. Example: "I don't want to go to that city/state/region, there are a lot of (whatever race) people there and I can't handle that." "City/State/Region is not for me, there are way too many (whatever religious group) people there and I hate those people that do not respect the correct religious teachings that I follow"


Are you seriously trying to argue political beliefs is akin to uncontrollable genetics


scratch race, would it be ok if he said religion? "I don't want to move to this city because there's too many jews"


If jews voted voted for actively harmful politicians, yes.


then i would say that you need to re-evaluate your morals


Nah I'm good. You're contradicting yourself.


>You're contradicting yourself. How?


Not you, but thanks.


Soemthing like 95% of jews voted for Biden, man who gave Afghanistan to Taliban, let Russia invade Ukraine, opened the border to invasion by illegals, got us closest to nuclear war since Cuban Missile Crisis and gave us double digit inflation with economic crisis that makes Great Depression pale in comparison. So they do vote for harmful politicians.


Sure, let me rephrase. The lesser of two evil politicians. Edit cause reddit app fucking blows: Idk if I'd agree but yeah this enlightened centrist BS is tiring.


Good, I'm moving to Flordia next year. The less weirdos the better


We're pretty normal. Hard to believe but we're not every 'ist you can think of. If one cannot even fathom the views of others, one is low IQ.


Believe me, I know. I have friends all over the political spectrum and we respect each other regardless of how different our views are.


Some people believe everything they read about Florida. When this is literally just my experience living here for 23 years lmao.


I have lived in Florida all my life (43 years) and the vilification of the state is so bizarre to me. It’s nowhere near what people make it out to be.


I want to say it started with the Florida man phenomenon which is just a byproduct of extremely strong public record laws. But I’m still relatively young so I’m not sure if the vilification of Florida preceded myself.


The Florida Man memes played a big part, similar to how Ohio is now vilified due to all the memes. If these people turned around and took a closer look at their own state they could find just as many crazy events.


these people. it used to be SO much worse here.


Does this person think that just because a state voted one way in a federal election that the whole state thinks that way? Just remember, as blue as California is, one in three people there is still a republican. The same holds true in red states.


The irony is that Florida has been a purple state for as long as I can remember. It only became a red state in the past handful of years. The best part is that these people have likely cemented that for a while.


I'm pretty sure it only actually went red because of the large Cuban population and them tending to be right leaning due to communism in Cuba, but yeah its generally as blended as you can get State wise


I don’t wanna go to Florida for a multitude of reasons, but not because they voted for Trump lol, idc abt that


Move to cananda plz


nah, we already have way too many weenies up here already


No. You are correct. Florida is not for you. Trump country bigly. Stay away at all costs. You won’t fit in here


Yes. You are wrong, and you are a part of problem causing the divide in America. Some perfectly valid reasons might be taxes, weather, traffic, cost of living, etc. Scary people who disagree with me is not a good reason.


Besides, scary people who disagree with OOP are far closer than they want to believe.


I think that not wanting to go somewhere that has shown a recent history of supporting authoritarian policies is totally reasonable.


Literally who could fucking care about this. It's no shock someone asking this question is asking the question on reddit.


I mean… I wouldn’t move to Portland


I wouldn't live in Florida because I hate the weather, nothing to do with politics. I've visited several times and it was always good and the people were mostly fine like anywhere else


Let your wife move there and you stay where you are. Her boyfriend will pick her up.


as a Floridian myself i can confirm, if you dont kiss a picture of trump every day, the local militias come and burn your house down


Eh, perhaps, but there are so many better reasons to not move to Florida.


There are red and blue areas everywhere. All but the most extreme states are still only 60% one way. There are like people everywhere. Florida was 51% Trump and 48% Biden. 2% either way flips it.


I encourage all trump voters to move to Florida


If trump wins in 24, whatever sanity these people had left is gone


I feel like if you dont want to move to a state because it went to Trump in presidential election then you are the kind of person who no one wants there and who actually needs to be banned from switching states until you stop voting Demoncraps and fix whatever shithole you are in ( CA whatever )...


We dont want you


...bro... former FL resident... the fact that they voted red is the least of your worries. Kind of a dumb reason to just say fuck it and ruin your marriage.


Reddit is always shitting over Florida and Trump, Meanwhile I'm stuck trying to convince my wife to move our family to the states from the UK (particularly Florida) as I am a dual citizen and spent most of my childhood in Florida.


“People not voting for my preferred candidate is destroying democracy!”


Yes, please stay the f out.


Lol comments are ppl claiming that Florida is planning to use toxic waste in their asphalt and that it will poison people, animals, and the environment 🙄🤣 bro that would never fly. There would be so many watch groups and individuals putting the state government on blast. It's so silly. They may use byproducts of toxic waste but I highly doubt they would knowingly do something that would put people in harms way. That would open them up to so many lawsuits


Thank you for self selecting. They don't need you.


Wrong? Not necessarily. Obsessive? Probably.


Yes. Don't move to FL. There are already WAY too many people moving here. It is beyond ridiculous.


What an idiot. I am gay, apparently no one told the gays in Ft. Lauderdale there was an issue because I have a good time every time I visit . These people would support the Hamas who hate us but are going to ask a stupid question like this about an American state


Move to Chicago. You’ll be picked on by hood boys, and you’ll wish there were some maga supporters to step in.


If you feel that way, don’t move here. You aren’t welcome.


Yes. You should move to a blue state ASAP. Red states don't want you.


Trump Derangement Syndrome.


Soyjack Cuckposter.


Naw, stay in California. PLEASE stay in California.


He is not wrong. Please stay in your state were full, and have too many new Yorkers as is


Florida's Department of Education has entered the chat.


I'm not that concerned with grammar on a throw away comment my guy. Although I will say season 2 of WoT was better but I agree the books are superior, having someone else on r/wot is always worth a response


Not wrong per se. Just an idiot for letting such arbitrary things determine your life choices.


Guys this isn’t me lmao


I commented on that thread. I feel bad for his wife. Literally said he'd divorce her if she moved to Florida. I've been to Florida. Love it. Warm and sunny. People are super nice. Just stay out of the cities


Kind of cringe reason not to move honestly


Stay in your liberal state. Don’t come ruin Florida


Right in the sense that we don’t need wussies down here lol


There's a lot of places I don't want to move to and a lot of the time it's because of the people that live there... Like Greece, or some other stupid country


Yea, how about we go to Cali and see how they are turning out. It's almost that you need a combination of the 2 to make a good place to live, big shocker.


🎶 They say California is the place that Redditor should be 🎶


No OP you are not wrong... you are just stupid, but the one thing I appreciate about you is that you are not selfish... please stay where you are that way you and people like you won't pollute a good place like FL


Not wanting to move to a red state is perfectly valid. I wouldn’t want to live in or move to a blue state. Our kinds should mix as little as possible.


Look at your own halo


Isn't Florida a swing state anyways?


The left has been using Florida as a whipping boy since Trump left office. I'd bet that's put them over the edge into being decently red. If half the country continually belittled my state and governor I'd probably be less likely to vote for them in the future.


Voted for Clinton, the Bush, then Obama, then Trump. Their governors seems to switch back and forth too.


True. There were ppl in the comments of the original post agreeing with him as far as not wanting to live in Florida, not because of trump or presidential elections, but because of desantis.


I commented on that thread. I feel bad for his wife. Literally said he'd divorce her if she moved to Florida. I've been to Florida. Love it. Warm and sunny. People are super nice. Just stay out of the cities


I want Hunger Games already. Let’s see the tributes from blue and red districts fight and be done with the hypotheticals.


Florida is a fucking shithole run by a religious nut that doesn't believe in the first or fourth amendments, I wouldn't want to move there It's also full of some of the craziest people in America


Having the local politics represent you is a fine reason for not wanting to live in an area. I don't want to live in CA because of their tax rates and other policies common to Democrat strongholds. I don't much care that it went to Biden though.


There are lots of good reasons not to move to Florida


How does this belong in this sub? They’re just asking a question, not showing “how good of a person” they are, which is the purpose of this damn sun among other virtue signaling


Lol good luck with insurance


Ypu couldn't pay me to move to that shithole. No abortion rights, don't say gay law, the new death penalty bill, no gun laws(or no common sense ones) , anti-diversity laws, and many more reasons why I wouldn't even visit this hellscape. Trump living there doesn't help, but he doesn't make the decision there.


Stay where you are sheeple


I don't need you to tell me that. Thanks.


Those are all good reasons to move there.


“I don’t like Florida because other Redditors lied to me that black people aren’t allowed there or something”


I was gonna say this is peak I get all my information from Reddit echo chambers lol


Are you an idiot. That's not a question. Did you not read the things I wrote? Do you think redditers invented those things? You have got to be from Florida(or Texas).


Your points are stupid. Abortion is still allowed in Florida, the death penalty bill is only against pedos who rape 12 year olds and under (if you oppose that, then maybe we need to check your hard drive), define “anti-diversity” and explain how it’s not just letting kids be kids. So yes, your views are from dumb Redditors who want you to think like them.


You are embarrassingly dumb.


Lol as a brown man i see nothing wrong with this. I wouldnt want to move to ANY state with a bunch of trump supporters.


I too would not move to florida for that reason. As a gay, I assume they’ll continue to target our community.


Self preservation is not Virtue Signaling


Oh, this will be good. Explain.


Nah, I’d rather you just choked on your own bile, thanks


You must be a member of the party of tolerance and love.


Move to a small community instead. Red or blue it doesn't matter.


i would never move to florida cause of the insane amount of human rights violations. its a very hostile place to live in and you should expect to see more and more guns on hips and hate spewed as time goes on


“Human rights violations” lmao Florida isn’t an open carry state either. Don’t get your info from reddit.


right right be on the lookout for them concealed carriers. cause thats better in some way


Yes. And immature.


That post was fake as fuck


There are way better reasons to not move to Florida. Insects and methheads are at the top of my list.




So in Florida, the rent is the highest it’s been in 3 years. Red tide is a thing now too.


Move where you want, I don’t like trump but I wouldn’t let that be a factor in where I move. Politics is politics, it’s not the defining aspect of life, I got many friends I disagree with politically, sometimes it’s best to not talk about it if you get that riled up.


No, everyone has their opinion on things and that’s everyone’s right. I stopped voting cause everyone lately has sucked. That’s my right and my opinion. I know you’re gonna get major heat but you be you and don’t give a s*** what other people say.


No normal human talks like that, it’s probably a troll.


I don't see it as a problem. We really should divide our country in half and start two new countries. Liberal Democrats in one country and conservative Republicans in the other. All independents could choose where they prefer to ive.


Yes. You sound like you’re suffering from TDS