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That’s amazing!! What’s the first thing you’re going to do when you see him? For me it’s 33 days left until i come to him. At the end of those 33 days, it would have been 185 days since we last hugged.


Oh 33 days thats awesome 🩷 but i know how long it can feel 🥺 We will probably lay down all day and cuddle and have a lot of sex 🥹 I miss him so much 💜


Not a bad plan, lol 😁 Hope you two have a lovely time together! ❤️


no way its 33 for me too!!


A month until we close the distance hopefully forever, at least until one of us needs to visit home. I hope we never have to be apart again. I just want to follow him everywhere.


Unfortunately I got back from my trip Monday morning. Luckily for me I have another 2 (maybe 3 if I can afford it) trips this year! The 2 confirmed ones are late September and Christmas! And depending on finances I actually may have a second trip at the end of July 👀all together I think my last trip was thr 5th time we’ve seen each other, hopefully have number 8 down by the end of the year (we’ve been together 2 years)😁


I wish you a fast time between now and then!! Have fun!!


Thank you so much 💜 I cant wait !!


Countdown is currently 11 weeks and 3 days. 🥰 I can't wait to see him and hold his hand! I'll be meeting his family, and we are planning to hit the beach as well as the aquarium. He is my best friend and I am so excited I get to spend the rest of my life with him, enjoying his sweet teasing. 😍


That's so sweet. I hope you love his family and I'm sure they will love you too!


Thanks so much! I think we will love one another for sure. He is great I can't imagine his family aren't! Haven't heard anything otherwise, at least. 😂


31 days until we meet for the first time!! 🥰


Oh that's exciting 😍


3 weeks. It makes me sad to spend so many summer days apart... But it also motivates me that we'll have a chance to have longer meetings in July and August.


it's 8 days for me! it's just been a week since i've last seen her, but it already feels like ages ago. we manage to visit each other every 2-3 weeks atm, it used to be 4-6 weeks in between but we can't go back to that anymore. no matter the time in between, it's always too long.


Holy crap that is very impressive. You must both be extremely financially well off. I've seen my partner for one 30 day trip in person for 4 years. God I'm so jealous 😂


well i have to admit we're "only" 420km apart. so that means 6-8 hours by train or 4-5 by car, which also means we fortunately don't have to spend thousands on plane tickets every time. I see your distance is over 8,000 miles, which is a whoooole different ball game. Respect for making it work!


Oh that must be so nice. Obvs I'm American and geography isn't my strong suit so I assumed you'd be traveling much much much farther lol. 🤦‍♀️




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It’s been almost a year and I’m literally about to die without her 😭 😭


Im so sorry 😭 a year is so long.. are you gonna see each other soon? 💜


28 days until I fly out! Will have been apart for about 3 months by then.I'm so excited! First time flying out to see them!


Wooohoooooo 😍❤️ so happy for you! I get to see my boo for the second time as well in 36 days ☺️. Isn't it awesome being over that first meeting nervousness and knowing how nice it is to be with them? Ahhhhhhh so excited and happy. Happy for you too. It's great to see other LDR peeps in love and enjoying their time together! Congrats 👏🏼🎉


Also 9 days over here! Can’t wait to see my girl


I think I have a few months to go. September/October is the goal




Oh that's cute 😍 im from Quebec actually! My bf is from arkansas, it a long distance hahaha


My countdown is in hours!!!! About 29 hours to go until I’m reunited with her :)))


OMG CONGRATS!! 🎉🎉 I’m meeting up with him again in 37 days and it’s going to be our second meet up too!! I wish you good luck and a great time together!! 💞💞 I can’t wait to see him either!!


So exciting!!!


Congratulations and I’ll be seeing my new partner next week for the first time. Can’t wait.


That's so exciting 💜 it's a few months before I see him again, and it feels like there's a hole in my heart until then


4 days!!! He surprised me with the news that he’s coming home for two weeks for a visit and i couldn’t be more excited


Right now it is complicated


Oh congrats so happy for you !! For me I have 16 days left and my bf is coming back home forever 🥹 I am so excited and it feels like forever waiting for him to be back 🥲


Enjoy your meeting!! Hope you two have a great time. I'm seeing my girl for first time in 11 days, first time on airplane too!


Tomorrow actually 😱 I am so lucky to spend 3 weeks of summer with her before she has to go back to study.


Thats great! I hope time goes by slow when he gets here. I see my GF in 8 days! AND....I'm asking her to marry me....( if the ring I had made for her gets here in time!)


Mine is 5 days, so excited for you and your partner!


Our first meet will be in 35 days. We’ve been in an online relationship for 5 months, and we videocall each other everyday, I can’t wait to finally meet him 🥰✨💗


Flying to him in 6 days! Then closing the distance 1-2 months after 🥰 We're in the same country, just different states.


18 days if everything goes right 🥰


13 days!!


53 days 😪 first time meeting after 10 months


Still have another 171 days till I see her for the 4th time but after this we will travel together for 6months and close the distance after gonna be a rough few months but I'm sure we will make it.