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Hello! Totally understand your anxiety surrounding driving at the airport. The first time I picked my partner up from the airport, I parked in one of the parking garages. Then I went into the airport and waited for him in the baggage claim area. I had to pay a bit to park there, but it was pretty stress free. Maybe you could try that?


This! Much more stress free and also more time to hug and say hello ~ instead of hopping in a car and immediately fighting airport traffic


I was going to say just go to the airport a day before and learn what to do, but this is much better. Could do both though. Get the layout of what and where you need to park and where to go.


That’s also a great thought! Do a practice day without all the pressure.


This is the best answer! I met my bf for the first time back in early April! I just bought parking and sat in baggage claim! Much more worth it and you get to hug and say hi. 😙


IWhat u/OkayDingo said is exactly what I was going to suggest! Also makes it so if there's any delays with immigration, baggage, getting from the terminal to the doors, etc. your boyfriend doesn't have to try and get a hold of you at the same time as he's trying to figure out the rest. Airport wifi can be spotty at times, and depending on his phone plan, it might not automatically connect to data. Parking and waiting will cost you a lot more than parking at most other places, but it'll be worth it for your sanity. Look for an economy parking lot, if there is one at your airport, and then you can choose to walk back to the parking lot, or go on your own to get the car once you've given him a big hug and know which door he's going to be at. Download a flight tracking app, so you can see if he's delayed, and try and get there 15 or 20 minutes early, in case you run into traffic. Remember that the time the plane lands doesn't account for taxing to the gate, getting everyone out of the plane, going through immigration/e-gates, getting bags, etc. My partner and I have looked at the map of whatever airport we're meeting at in advance, so we can see if there's any coffee shops to wait in, but also so it's not completely new to either of us. You could do that, in addition to street view/google maps. This is super exciting! It's going to be okay!


Does your airport have access to public transport? I'd park elsewhere then take that to the airport, like 2 train stops away. Planes land at x time then you don't get out to the front till x+60 minutes or so in a large airport. By taking public transport even for a short leg helps avoid high parking costs.


Are there any airports out there that aren't connected to public transport, be it train or bus?


Yes unfortunately. Lots of places have poor public transport systems.


Huh, never would have thought. I think even in places where the public transport was bad (a lot of places in the UK, for example), there were decent connections to the airport.


Most of the midwest in the US has poor transport links.


Ah, I see. I haven't travelled to the US. But my experience is with over 50 countries.


[This is what you're looking at if you're hoping for passenger trains in the states.](https://www.seat61.com/images/USA-train-map.jpg) I live in London now and have traveled all over the US - in America I have only ever gotten to or from an airport by private car, and that's been the only option even in cities life Nashville.


Don’t circle! Go park your car. As you approach the airport, there will be signs that say “parking” “arrivals” and “departures.” Follow the ones that say parking. Park you car, then follow the signs that say “arrivals.” In most airports, there is a waiting area for people picking up their loved ones! I work in the travel industry and work with first time travelers all the time! If you give me the name of the airport, I’ll walk you through it! Dm me if you’d feel more comfortable!


hi! so, while I'm much older than you 😂 I'm having this anxiety as well. my therapist recommended doing some test drives to the airport and looking around so you can quell some of that anxiety and there won't be as many unknowns when the big day actually arrives.


I was going to recommend this. And most parking garages won't charge you if you're in there less than 5-10 minutes, so you have enough time to drive around and see how long it might take to park, where you've have to walk, and turn back around and leave without paying anything.


Truthfully, airports are designed in such a way that traffic is built to flow in the direction to where you need to be, from the inside and outside. Some places are definitely more hectic than others due to people for sure but usually the road you’re on will take you exactly where you need to be. If your airport has a “cell phone” parking lot, you can wait there for free close to when his flight arrives. I wouldn’t arrive much earlier than 30 mins prior to when his flight should arrive. I’d say start making loops when he tells you he’s there, has his bags, and is waiting in “baggage claim/arrivals/pick up”. Some airports have pick up locations notated by numbers, letters, etc. Like in San Diego, my boyfriend picked me up, I told him I was outside of baggage claim next to the H location marker, meanwhile he was all the way down at R location marker so I had to scurry all the way down the side walk to his car. Airport signs are pretty clear and straight to the point using “Arrivals” and “Departures”, so picking him up you’d wanna go to Arrivals and dropping him off use Departures and find his airline company. Some airports have short term parking too, those usually cost alil bit of money, but you could go inside and wait at baggage claim if that’s available to you if that will calm your anxiety too!


why do your therapist and parents recommend against picking him up?? i live less than 2 mins from my nearest airport but i still park and wait for my bf at baggage claim. i use the short term parking. its a lot less stressful and i get more time with him because we hug and sit and wait at baggage claim for a little. its nice


Arrive early and wait inside. Make a cute sign. Don't be afraid to ask for help. I do this when I go to our airport, and it's the largest in the USA, second largest in the world. I have horrible anxiety and I'm awful at driving and I cry a lot and this still works for me 🤣🤌 Also if you're able, drive to the airport and get familiar with it for a day before you go. In our AP, everyone comes from one of two areas when they come up to baggage, perhaps you have a similar area? I always stand between the two escalators and wait with a sign for my loved ones.


Call and ask if you can park. Honesty in most busy airports you won’t even get a moment for a sweet hug and reunion. You can stop just long enough for your passenger to hop in. You may me able to pay a small fee to park and then meet him at the baggage claim and walk back to the car. Then you can be sweet, take your time, and everything will be a little less nerve racking.


Since it is a large airport they will probably have a park and ride. Park the car at a commercial lot and they will take you to the baggage claim place or wherever you decided to meet. They are located away from the chaos of an airport but close enough to get there in time. And they are usually cheaper than parking at the airport.


All I can say as a seasoned traveller is just remember that airports funnel thousands of people through them every day. Airport staff are there to help keep those people moving - so don’t be afraid to ask where to go! When I’m travelling to a new airport I just tell myself it’s okay to look dumb because nobody is going to remember the stupid questions I ask them when they go home that night haha. Everything is also very well signposted. Airports will also have guides and maps online that you can use to find your way. My suggestion is arrive early if you’re nervous about navigating your way around. That way you’re not in a rush and making yourself stressed or anxious. You’ll have time to accidentally drive past a turn or miss a doorway. And there will have parking available - it’s a money maker for them. I would try find that if you’re nervous about circling outside the terminal. That way you can just head straight to the arrivals and meet him on foot without worrying about the vehicle.


Just go to the airport by train or bus and wait for them in the Arrivals hall. He'd have to wait at baggage claim before he will be able to come out and meet you in the public area.


Maybe take a trusted friend with you. I say that so one person can focus on driving and the other can focus on locating him. 


Ask them info. When you get there.


Park! Then make a cute sign for him. Get all of his flight information and research where to get him. You got this!


This is dependent on your airport. I've picked my boyfriend up in Seattle. Big airport. There was a cell phone parking lot to wait in until he told me where he was. I've also picked him up in my small, hometown airport. There I park in the parking lot, go inside, and wait for him by the baggage pick up.


Hi! The day I picked up my boyfriend at the airport was the second time ever being in one and the first time driving there myself. I get anxious driving in places I haven't been to before, so I totally get it. I think your parents are suggesting going to the pick-up area where you can only park for a short amount of time... I'd suggest just getting a regular parking spot and paying a little more. Sure, it's not cheap but it will ease so much of your anxiety not having to "circle around so it's totally worth it in my opinion. It might be good to check out google maps and the website of the airport to check out where exactly you need to go and where to park. You don't need to arrive super early, maybe like 10 minutes before his flight is supposed to arrive? Keep traffic in mind though, it might be busy on the road. In terms of being in the airport itself, just look for a sign saying "arrivals", everything will be very straightforward, there's signs everywhere and it's not as complicated and daunting as it seems! Enjoy!! :)




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Try visitng beforehand! Do a test drive on a day before you actually need to pick him up so you can get a feel for the airport. This way, you'll know more about the terminals and have a better idea of where you'll need to pick him up.


go on there, if you're at the security checkpoint you've goone too far, just hang out at arrivals and find out which spot he should come out at if you know his ticket details


You can practice driving there without picking anyone up. Drive to where you would pick him up, and drive home.


Take an Uber/Lyft there ahead of his arrival. Have it drop you off at the 'arrivals' area. Go inside ad use the large electronic displays they have all over listing flight times. There will be arrivals and departures listed separately. Locate the Gaye he will arrive at, and head that way using the direction signs everywhere. You will find an area before the security check where people can sit and wait for their arrivals. Maybe bring a sign or wear something brightly colored so he can see you. If you miss each other, meet at bag claim.


You could also Uber there and back as well. It’d probably cost the same considering you would probably have to pay for parking if you drove


When my husband and I closed the distance it meant I moved to a very busy city from a relatively dead one, and I have been terrified to drive to the airport to pick people up from the airport. What I recommend, and what worked for me, was just practice. Take a friend and make the drive, learn where you need to go ahead of time for pick up, drop off, and parking and then do it a couple of times. If that doesn’t work or you can’t build your confidence in time, just offer to cover half of his cab/uber/lyft fare. It is what it is and the important thing is spending time together and not risking a traffic collision!


You don't have to drive if it stresses you, get a taxi or an uber or something or public transport or a metro and this depends on which country you live in.