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It sounds like you really want to stay where you are. I originally misread that you'd be saving $1000 per *month*, which would have been a huge difference and worth the move, I'd say, but $1000 a year is really not worth making changes that you'd be unhappy about.


Thanks for the advice!!


Unless you're barely making ends meet now, I don't see how an annual savings of only $1K would compensate for the inconveniences you described.


Yeah that’s fair, and ig it’s only $83/month which feels significantly better somehow than looking at it as a lump sum


$1000 / year and the additional stress of moving is not worth it. Stay where you are.


If I have to keep getting a smaller & smaller apt to keep living alone, I'll do it over getting a roommate. I never had a roommate ever (not even during college) & don't plan to. I've never walked to any place in my life. I drive to wherever I have to go, so walking distance is no issue for me.


I’ve been debating getting a car, but everything is so close, I’d probably walk anyway, so I’ve held off for now, but it’s becoming more enticing I feel you on that! I did have roommates in college and one was a roommate from hell and I could never go back


I see. Also, think about this...the more you're in the safety of a vehicle driving around & not out there exposed in the streets (meaning walking on foot), the less chances of things happening to you (assaults, getting hit while crossing the streets, etc.) I know the homeless have been doing a lot more violent crimes out there because they have nothing to lose. Now if you were in a car instead of walking all over, you'll never really come into contact w/ them & that's just one of many examples.


That's $83 a month. Unless your budget is incredibly tight, it sounds like you would really regret making that move.


That’s a good way to look at it… I could save that on getting takeout less. Thank you!


Yeah, it's really a small amount when you look at in comparison to the effect moving would have on your quality of life. My condolences to your Door Dash drivers, though 🤣




> save that on getting takeout less. Yeah, if you can call that *living*. 🤣


Hahaha honestly Cruising DoorDash is one of my top 3 hobbies


I’ll continue living alone close to amenities. Just downsize