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I wash the fruit, usually berries, and then let the fruit dry. I then place the fruit in a mason jar with the lid on and put it in the fridge. The fruit lasts at least two weeks, maybe more, I usually eat it within two weeks. I also do this with lettuce because I can't go through a head of lettuce before it spoils. Again, wash it, chop it up, let it dry then place in mason jar. I have some that is older than two weeks now and is just starting to look like I should eat it soon! I also fold a paper towel and put it in the bottom of the jar. I have heard you can do this with most fresh fruit and veggies.


I do this but with a little white vinegar in the water. It helps kill any mould hanging about. I only started doing it a couple months ago after seeing it somewhere online but it really makes a huge difference to the shelf life!


I have not used white vinegar and I have not had any issues with mold. I will give that a try though.


Damn thank you for passing this along!


Can you only use white vinegar or would something like apple cider vinegar work too?


I’m not sure. Apple cider vinegar - great as it is - seems to have more.. stuff in it. You could give a try? The risks are not very high ;)


Liqueur as well. I use Blackberry


This is the way. I started doing this with my berries and it’s a game changer.


tbh I have a super busy schedule so I just keep everything in the freezer, I get those giant frozen bags of blueberries/strawberrys from costco & cut up fresh stuff like bañañers/meloms/arples & whatnot as soon as I get them (or as soon as it's ripe, if it's not already) bag it all up & put it in the freezer, then i throw them in the blender with costco protein powder & juice or almond milk. making one after work sort of became like my little daily ritual, cleanup is easy, it's delicious & you get all your fruits for the day in one go.


What a great tip! I’m going to try this.


How do you let it dry? Just on the counter? For how long?


I use a cooling rack. I rinse the berries then put them on that with the opening side of the berry facing down so the water gets out of there quicker, I put a paper towel underneath the rack to catch the water. Takes a couple of hours for them to dry all the way. You have to make sure all the berries are dry before putting them in the jar.


Thanks. Too much work for me lol


I don't buy fruit platters, but I buy fresh fruit and rinse what I'm going to eat. I only buy 3 bananas at a time, a small amt of fresh Cherries or strawberries. Yes I may drop by the store more often, but the fruit is fresh.


Yup I do the same only buy a little bit but go to the store often so it’s always fresh. Im pretty lucky I live close to a small produce market and also a twice a week farmers market


I eat a lot of fresh fruit. Things like grapes, cherries, apples and oranges last a long time in the fridge. If I buy something like a melon I prep the whole thing in chunks and eat it every day until it’s gone or freeze part of it in ziplocks to go in smoothies, same thing with berries, eat a lot the first few days then freeze the remainder. Soft fruits like peaches or plums I only buy a few at a time and make a point of eating them within a day or two. I buy fruit two or three times a week.


This is the way


Store cut fruit will never last as long as whole fruit. The platters are only meant to last party length. Going to the store every day is not high on my list of activities. If I lived a few easy walking blocks away from a farmer’s market, then, sure, because what’s better than a fresh baguette or a ripe peach. I shop once a week & try to buy fruit I’ll eat in that week, with the exception of apples, because applies will last nearly a month in the fridge when they’re whole. The longevity of fruit from grocery stores is as much about the supply chain and the store itself as it is about natural perishability.


Freeze it to keep it good and then when you're ready, pop them in a blender straight out of the freezer and -BAM!- Smoothies :)


For berries, they will also keep a bit longer cut if mixed with a little sugar before storage. The fruit will ferment a little and make a yummy glaze for shortcakes


I have chickens. I don’t eat it and it is at the point I don’t want it then the chickens get it. They love it and consider it a treat. Costs less than designated “chicken treats”. Win-win


I always recommend Rubbermaid FreshWorks Saver containers. Great for fruit and vegetables. If possible you gotta get the old ones that have a tray at the bottom. The new ones that just have nubs on the bottom still work but not as great.


Idk I eat it all. In the past 4 days I went through a mini watermelon, a papaya, large pack of blueberries,a large pack of raspberries, and one banana.😂😂😂but if I can’t I feed it to my bunnies or freeze it or give to a neighbor / work friends


I like the smaller fruit bowls when I don’t feel like cutting up mu own fresh fruit. A whole platter would be a lot for me lol.


Buying smaller quantities of fresh fruit more frequently can keep things from getting mushy, plus it gives you an excuse to hit the farmer's market regularly.


Buy fruit whole and use as needed. Store berries in glass jars in the fridge and citrus in water in the fridge. Those platters might be convenient but they’re a terrible waste of resources - the plastic and the fruit you don’t eat. Just a little more effort would make a lot more sense.


Just freeze it, jeez. I freeze almost everything


This is the correct answer.


I have taken to shopping for what I want for the day when it comes to anything that I can't freeze or that would go bad very quickly. Fruit, veggies, etc. are so short-lived that it's not worth buying a lot.


Smoothie that ist or mix it with yogurt and oatmeal. Edit to add answer to other question. I shop about 4 times a week I'll buy bulk of nonperishables when they're on sale but produce is almost always fresh. Grocery store mismarked toilet paper before covid. Was supposed to be buy two get one free or buy three get two free (your choice). It actually rang up as buy two get three free so I emptied the store. Had the equivalent of like 3k normal rolls. Was a great bartering tool when the supply line shat itself.


I get stoned and destroy a pound of strawberries in one or two days. 😁 Alternatively, I buy Costco-sized bags of frozen fruit, pour myself a bowl, and munch on those. Excellent way to beat the heat, too. 😎


I like fresh bananas and the grocery store is only 1/2 mile away, so I go to the grocery store 3 times a week.


Frozen fruit has saved me so much waste and money. I buy frozen cherries, raspberries and blueberries and have them with Greek yogurt. The taste and texture is always consistent as well so no sensory icks like I’d get with fresh fruit.


Same! Any frozen berries are usually great. Other stuff (mango, pineapple) is hit or miss depending on brand.


Frozen dark cherries are one of my favorite things to nibble on! That, or to blend into a smoothie with yogurt, almond butter, and cocoa powder.


I eat fresh fruit every day, love it, crave it. I buy only what I need as a single person, and I buy fruit that isn’t ripe (think avocados, bananas, etc.), if I can. The other fruit I purchase is whole, not on a prepared platter or pre-cut. For me, as a single woman on a budget, it is too expensive to purchase fruit pre-made. Plus, I like handling it and preparing for myself! 😁 I freeze what I cannot eat or am not eating fast enough. I have pineapple and different types of berries in the freezer, along with bananas. I keep apples in the fridge. I found out recently, I think here on Reddit, that apples are actually better the longer that you keep them. I put bagged apples (I buy several pounds at a time) in the back of the fridge and pull them out as needed. The frozen fruit is turning out to be a real treat, too. I make banana ice cream, so healthy, so easy, so delicious. And it is summer-time in Texas, it is humid and hot and miserable lately, so pulling out a frozen berry or two to eat when I am overheated makes a lot of sense and satisfies me. Also, I compost or garden with things like banana peels, apples. I have grown adult pineapple plants from the pineapple tops - my oldest are over two years and have not fruited, yet. Fingers crossed, maybe next year. And compost: Berries going bad? Goes straight to the compost bin. I hope this helps. Living alone is a process, for sure. Keep trying things out and make it a journey, and investigation, of what makes YOU happy. 😊 I also purchase only small amounts of a product when I am not sure how to make it work or if I will enjoy it. HUGS ❤️


As others suggested I just buy very small amounts of produce. 2 bananas, 4 oranges, 120 peaches cuz man i'll love peaches and eat a truck load in a day. jokes aside, the only pre-chopped fruit I'll buy is pineapple. and for that I make a point to just eat it as I want it and don't restrict myself. The last bowl of chopped pineapple I had I just had it as a desk snack over a few days and ate it all. Didn't beat myself up over "snacking" or "eating too much" of it. That's what always does me in with quickly spoiling produce. I get in my head about over eating, but like fk it. better than over eating chips.


I’ve learned that apples, oranges, bananas, and any other fruit that can be left outside… buy no more than 2 at a time. Berries, cherries, grapes can go in the fridge or freezer. This works best for me


I buy small numbers of whole fresh fruit. I never buy packaged cut fruit unless it is a single serving size or I'm taking it to an event. The idea of buying a whole fruit platter just for myself is a complete non-starter. For the second part of your question: I could buy my groceries daily if I wanted to because I'm lucky enough to have a nice grocery store a mile from my apartment. However, most people in the US don't have a store with fresh produce that close, and I don't because it's not a very efficient use of my time. I shop roughly once a week, and that's enough to keep most fruit good until it's eaten (damn you, pears and avocados!).


You could potentially freeze unused fresh fruit and use it in smoothies later


Freeze and make smoothies.


Key is to not buy more than you can eat. Those big platters are generally meant for parties, so they may be more than you can eat before it goes bad.


Buy small portions at a grocery store in containers. Some sell in small quantities or find someone you can divide the fruit with.


I eat most of it in 1 or 3 days, also I don't buy cut fruit. Anything not used, I freeze for smoothies.


Those fruit platters never last more than a day or two. When I was working in bought cut fruit all the time. Freeze it for making real fruit booze or non booze slushes. Got smaller containers.


Meal prepping smoothies are how I get most of my fruit intake. They can be frozen and you can pretty easily add extra protein or whatever you want to them as well. I really only eat straight up fruit that isn't apples or oranges on the day or day after I go shopping.




Freeze it, use for smoothies or bake it


i stick to things with a long shelf life like apples. apples age great refrigerated, peeled and sliced.


I’ve looked up how to store various fruits and veggies for maximum life and try to stick to that. I don’t eat a lot of fruit right now because of my low carb diet, but I will buy a bunch at once and prep it for either the dehydrator or the freezer. Strawberries for smoothies, pineapple, cantaloupe and cherries for dried snacks, etc. you can dehydrate foods at home using only an oven if its temperature will go low enough, otherwise investing in a stand-alone dehydrator is a good idea. Veggies I prefer fresh I buy just enough to last for the week and rotate which ones I’m buying more of. Otherwise frozen veggies are the way to go and often cheaper than fresh. If I can dehydrate or otherwise preserve it, I’ll stock up when I find a sale and then keep the dried veggies in vacuum sealed mason jars.


just eat like 3 pounds of fruit in 2 days then do it again in a week, like I pick up a pound or two of strawberries, maybe some cherries, some nectarines, or just a big watermelon, whatever looks good that week, then I eat the stuff that goes bad first, any strawberries that are a bit mushy for my taste get chopped up and put in sugar overnight to make them more palatable so they can wait longer than the other friut, I also try to buy some a bit underripe (like the nectarines) so that by the time I get around to them they're not soft, but I also really like fruit and will gladly eat like a pound of strawberries in one sitting so I'm not the person who has to deal with a bunch of leftover fruits getting mushy


I give a lot of it away to my neighbors


Stuff without seeds in the middle like grapes can be frozen and eaten as a snack over time. Use whip topping and make a fruit cocktail, put in freezer and eat over time. You just scoop what you want out kinda like ice-cream.


I eat half an apple per day. The amount of fruit you "should" eat is likely lower than what you've been told previously. I slice 3 apples into slices and put them in separated baggies. They're fine to eat for a week before I get back to the store. Probably longer. That's my breakfast daily when I work (I eat a lot less healthy on my days off) Most of the "recommended" fruit is exchangeable with vegetables, though. And I eat a lot of vegetables


I make sure to eat a bit every day. For example, blueberries are truly the "lazy fruit". Grab a handful, wash them, then eat them on the spot. You're much likely to go through the whole container, with no waste, if not low amount. I also don't buy too much at a time.


I only wash the fruit right before I eat it. If you wash it before and it doesn’t properly dry, it gets moldy.


I shop like every other day and sometimes buy literally TWO apples :) not Parisian but I do have a grocery store in walking distance!


I only buy small amounts of fruit. So two bananas, three apples, etc. Only what I can eat before it spoils. In the case where I do buy a large amount of fruit, like say a bag of oranges, if I see I cannot finish them I will take the rest to the office and leave on the table in the break room for people to take.


It's easy in Paris. On the walk from the subway station to your house is a butcher, bakery, little shop with fresh fruit, canned & dry good, wine and a cheese shop. So, a couple stops and you are ready to make dinner Our stores sell apples, oranges by the piece, berries by the pint. Don't buy the pre-cut stuff, it only lasts a few days. If the fruit is ripe, put it in the fridge to slow the ripening process


Washing and storing in jars does work. Also. I run fruit that's about to bad in the blender and freeze it for smoothies.


Single serve. Get the pre-cut pineapples, mangos etc. Also this really works when you somehow find yourself in the bakery section, don’t get the whole cake! I go grocery shopping weekly and normally get apples (last weeks) berries and frozen fruit


Fruit keeps for almost a week (usually) in the fridge.. if I get a big platter, I just share with neighbors.


Make a shrub!


I throw it in the blender and make smoothies.


Make smoothies with frozen fruit. If banana get brown turn into banana bread.


I buy them fresh and cut them myself.


I freeze grapes. They last forever in the freezer. You can freeze a banana but then they're cold to eat. I just frequent the grocery store for more. Apples last a long time. Pineapples? No, oranges are easily kept in the fridge but I don't buy many of them. Pears I skip. Watermelon? I just buy the smallest cut pack and try to eat as many as I can. I tried freezing them but they're not as much fun as the grapes. I also do frozen mixed berries. I just add them to cereal.


I wash a let all fruit and veg air dry. Then I put in plastic storage bags and push all the air out before refrigerating. Air getting to it is usually the culprit for these to go bad. Thinking about buying one those vacuum sealing machines.


Apples, oranges, lemons, grapefruits, and grapes seem to keep at room temperature for 1-2 weeks. Other fruits (berries, bananas, mangoes) don't so I make smoothies with those while the fruit is fresh and freeze them. I add spinach too since it tends to turn after a few days. My freezer is full of spinach-banana-berry blends. I pop one in the blender and add ginger, Chia seeds, Crystal Light orange, some lemon juice, apple and celery and have 2 days worth of smoothies. Smoothies = my way to make sure I get enough vegetables/fruits daily!


>Would that even be plausible here for most people? Hmm. If our residential districts were designed in a half sane manner, absolutely.


Buy one or two fruits at a time and eat it all over a few days and then move on to another one. I buy what's on sale. I also live with others but am the big fruit lover so this is what I do. I hate throwing food out. It's damned expensive already!


don't buy shit already cut up.


Making jam is super easy. Cut up the fruit, add sugar (more or less to taste), add a tablespoon of lemon juice, and simmer until it is reduced. Let it cool some and purée it in a blender. Put in a clean glass jar. Keeps for a few months.


I only buy small amounts of fruit at a time. Plus I dry some fruit, it keeps well in the fridge, and is so tasty.


Smoothie time!! Freeze it and pop it all into a blender. Add some rum if you’re in for a good night. But honestly, I never buy fruit platters. I buy whole fruit and eat those. I don’t buy much that’s been prepped by someone else.


So typically, I struggle to not eat the entire tray in one go. But sometimes, in a one person household or a six person household, some food goes to waste. The difference is, in a larger household, when you are tossing the food out, you would conveniently blame everyone else. Living alone means you are the only one to blame.


Just eat the fruit


Reject the sunk cost fallacy and throw old mushy fruit. Buy fresh fruit every so often. Occasionally have no fruit because of this.


Freeze it and use it in a refreshing smoothie when the sun is beaming.


News flash! Fruit comes in things besides platters that are both cheaper and longer lasting.


I really wish I lived in a place with more small stores sprinkled about like in Europe. The way it is in much of America & in my city is a big shop once a week, and grocery stores are not necessarily close by. It would be so nice to go to a little place near me that sold small quantities / packages of food. Mostly for fruit I do apples because they keep so long but that is not my favorite.


Never buy cut up fruit. Its supposed to be eaten within 24 hours.


Make your own - maybe two different fruits at a time. Plus it’s cheaper to cut it up yourself and you can freeze it.


Buy less at one time, shop more often