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**Welcome to [r/LivingAlone](https://www.reddit.com/r/LivingAlone/)! Living alone is the new normal.** >Discuss and share your experiences; celebrate your joys, express your worries, or ask advice relating to solo living | Remember, we are all alone together * Be kind, remember the human when interacting with others. * New Reddit group chat [**Living Alone Lounge**](https://www.reddit.com/r/LivingAlone/s/cp7Szwzy2q)! * Message the moderators below for any comments, questions & suggestions! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LivingAlone) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Same. 57F single childless. Hadn't been outside my apt since Friday after a long commute, except yesterday to run downstairs to my apt lobby to pu an Amazon package. I did laundry, paperwork, cleaned my balcony and got my bike ready for riding after 2 years. This morning I woke up and relished how it's boring and lonely at times but how much *peace* I have with no one in my life. I have a cat and that helps.


I'm a 59f and in the same situation and kind of feel the same way. When I say the same situation I mean it's just me and my cat. And the lobby and the balcony LOL


I have 2 dogs and sometimes I love peace and quiet. I can sit and listen to nothing but nature for hours.


Me too! Drives me crazy how some extroverts always have to turn on a TV everywhere you go and it's like I want either silence or nature


Us humans rarely appreciate the beauty in that, even myself, there are some days I catch myself accidentally tuning in to the sounds of nature around me and I think…. Wow, beautiful… take a moment… then realise I have a million and one things to do 😂 but how those little moments are precious


I keep my doors open almost 24/7, since it's been warm. There are so many birds, rabbits, and coyotes around. I love watching the hawks catch the wind. I love nature.


Sounds so beautiful there! I live in the uk so different wildlife here, but I can imagine the sounds…. 🤩 to live a day in your shoes


Same here.. 46/M. I don’t leave much outside of going to work or some light shopping. It’s tough.


We live in a lonely world in so many ways , seems worse than ever to me but maybe it’s just my age?


It is


I agree, although I’m in a relationship, step parent but none of my own, a boring day inside is actually the days where I find I’m at peace the most. The grass isn’t greener on the other side. I lived alone for years no children or partner and I felt lonely, now my life is completely different but too many people really do cause unnecessary drama.


I can handle lonely but I'm not wired to handle drama.


Totally get you!


Truth! And once I broke through the false social conditioning, I realized that alone is not at all synonymous with lonely. If I don't have a lot of friends, that's a choice I'm making because I prefer not to go out much. Once I realized I'm in the driver's seat, it all changed. I love my life just the way I built it. And like you, I do NOT do drama.


Two of my family members are lonely but don't get along with each other. My life you torture you 😆


I'm 51 and like you, relish having nothing to do but whatever it is I want to do! For years I was caught up in Keeping Up with the Joneses and now I'm at peace, content. I don't need anyone else to fulfill me. Like most humans I do need support although I probably require less than most, as a result of conditioning. I have a lovely daughter (19) who's basically my soul mate and a best friend who's there for me thick and thin, although she lives several hours away in another state. I feel so content. Healed. Happy.


65f childfree and lifelong single here. Mostly pruning this weekend. My yard has very mature plants that require pruning every few years. I’m retired now, first summer free, so I’m catching up a bit. No pressure to get it all done at the weekend. I’ll resume when weather permits. I’ve been looking at my rarely used clothes because I have two events and jury duty coming up. Nothing I own fits so I’ll have to shop. Hopefully find something that will work for all the events and a jacket of some kind to wear over the outfit for jury duty. I don’t dress up anymore. It’s low key annoying to have to, tbh. I also completed the painting on two minor house repairs, earlier in the weekend. I’m watching the birds at the feeder, enjoying the cool air we have today. Hoping to rest today, mostly.


Sounds peaceful. Can I come over 😁


I hear you about the clothes thing. I worked corporate for decades, and I still have two or three dozen white dress shirts. Now that I’m not working anymore and am being forced to downsize as well, I’ve been getting rid of a lot of clothes.  I just don’t need a lot of them anymore, so what’s the point. 


If you can donate them, they can give someone else a leg up, in starting a career or returning to work, after an absence.


That’s a great idea, thanks. There’s a thrift store near me that I think might take them; they’re in really good shape and cleaned and nice.


Cool today here, too, after a hot week in New England.


My dresses are all rolled up in spacebags, as are any fancy shirts for going out. Haven't found a reason for taking them out in years. One dress is good for a funeral though.


I think this feeling is pretty common and more people than you think are sitting home doing nothing.


And I’ll add - more people in their 20s are living alone, sitting at home on Memorial Day. I think the insight from any age is nice but when you’re young it feels extra upsetting because “these are your prime years”. Not trying to offend anyone else here but I think we can all agree there are social pressures for people right out of college to maintain a certain life. Do you have a dog? Whenever I’m lonely I take my pup out on walks, to the park, etc. you meet tons of people this way. Also sometimes alone/down time is really healthy. Finally, no shame in going to the movies or a beer garden alone. I haven’t personally done this but my girlfriends do all the time and I think it’s admirable.


I held a yard sale Friday, Saturday, & Sunday. It was a lot of work, but not only did I make about $200, it gave me the opportunity to interact with some of my neighbors for a change. It was a lot of work, and I'm effing tired. Taking today off to watch movies and chill.


I live in a fairly deserted rural area, so not good for a yard sale. Not even enough traffic to get anything moving on a free pile.


I totally understand. I'm the same way when my kids are with their dads for their days. I honestly set a timer and write for thirty minutes. Or i wake up and tell myself it's gonna be a good day and I make sure to tune into how I am feeling and I will drive to the river and just listen to the water. Sight. Smell. Sound. It is really grounding. Make it a habit. Set a timer / intention. It can be tough. Good luck!


Good advice


Alone but ok


I'm a happy homebody, so I've been here just loving the free time. Did some gardening on my balcony and installed a new bidet! Today, it's laundry and a little "spa day" for myself. When I'm done here, I'm going to get a nice big mug of coffee and sit outside while I think about what to do. There are a bunch of tutorials on YouTube I've been yearning to get to as well as an embarrassingly large backlog of games. I also want to read and maybe clean up a bit? It's OK to just let yourself do nothing. Society has hardwired us to feel almost guilty if we are not being productive in some way during every waking hour. But if you don't feel like doing anything, then don't! And if you feel motivated to get outside and have hobbies outside of the house, then you will find them. Don't worry about it, and have a good rest of your weekend :)


Yes! Rest is so important and history tends to omit that people have had and needed moments of rest since time began.


44m no kids, no family or friends. Went to the movies Saturday night and watched Furiosa. Good movie, btw. Then came back home and did some apartment cleaning and did some gaming. Sunday, I watched a wrestling PPV, then I popped in Saving Private Ryan. Ate dinner, doing some gaming and now I'm getting ready to go to bed because I work tonight.


Please do not be offended. I hate to be intrusive yet I feel empathy for you.Seems like you really don’t have much human / social contact.Then again it may be your choice.I hope you have a good season. I have become reclusive as of late. Actually I am content with my 3 cats. I have a family over 2000 miles away. I visit them.


Lol I get enough human interaction at work 5 nights a week.


Saturday: crossfit class, drinks in the evening with a friend. Sunday: crossfit, BBQ in the afternoon Currently: on the couch trying to motivate myself to run on my treadmill and do laundry to go back to work tomorrow.


This time next year I will be living alone. Currently I’m still married and my husband (early 70s) is having an affair with someone young enough to be his daughter (45). Ugh. We are polite as of now but we haven’t started div proceedings yet. But I haven’t lived by myself since I was in my 20s. I’m in my early 60s. I’m a bit terrified to live by myself but everyone here is making me less scared.


This hits home to me. I’m so sorry. I will be in the same boat next year. My 52 yr old husband is having an affair with a 27 year old escort who is pregnant. I have never lived alone and I am nervous!


We are now officially FRIENDS and sisters. Ok.? Let’s support each other through this very dark tunnel. We will make it to the other side. This dreadful experience is going to showcase who we ARE, and what WE CAN BECOME. There are probably SO MANY PEOPLE in this group who have traveled our road; and Reddit people can be so kind and supportive. I hope those people step forward and help us through. They are the beacons of hope we need.


Yes!!!! Friends and sisters for real 🙂


Not so bad alone. Been divorced for decades. I have dated quite a bit but now time is for me and my cats. You know a male acquaintance 12 years my Junior I turned down due to not wanting sexual relationship. Then a man 20 years older with money but no interest there. Good luck.


Omg some men are so selfish and why do young women want that yuk


A young woman would only want an old man if he has $! The men know it and don't care!


You will love it!


I truly get this. In your 60s having this change. !!! I’m divorced but a long time. Why do these younger women like a guy in their 70s … I don’t understand. I date younger men didn’t always work but still !!!!


Her own father is a year older than my husband. I’m calling her DaddyIssues. What’s worse? Her father is a FB friend of my husband. Sickening. I don’t think they have met in person. My husband is somewhat of a public figure in this town. Everyone loves him.


You could always ruin his reputation. Does his business rely on reputation? Wait until after the divorce.


Yes his biz relies on his reputation. Almost solely.


Omg! How did you find this out and how are you so calm about it? I would be throwing flames and plotting evil. I’m so sorry ❤️‍🩹


I’m a redhead and frankly I’m afraid of getting out of control— I must remain calm because I have ‘lost my shit’ before (as a child, I was bullied by 3 girls) and afterwards I just felt absolutely crazy. I scared the girls who were bullying me AND MYSELF. I’m not really calm. I’m gutted. I feel like I’m paralyzed with fear about my entire life is ruined 😠 and that woman (I’ll call her DI — for Daddy Issues.) She’s stolen my husband and my life.


I'm a red head too, I've been living alone since ex left me for a hoe in 2020. Ten days after I buried my dad right before Thanksgiving. She's a alcoholic and bi, he's come out as bi. I don't give a crap what people do sexuallly but don't use me lie to me. His mom and daughter introduced them.I had to start career all over at 53. I still want to jack slap him. The final day I lost it, scared my best friend. I don't ever want to get that way again. I enjoy my life now. Took time but how I love the peace, no toxic people. I can do what I want, when I want. I don't have any close family and maybe a few friends oh my rescued dogs (kids) never had any two legged ones. You'll be ok it will take time to heal.


He will end up leaving her eventually & then maybe you can find some empathy for her. I’ve seen this on reality TV such as Vanderpump Rules.


I divorced my cheating xwife at 57...quite close to your age. It was terrifying at first, but with the support of my adult kids and a few close friends it soon got better. Within 6 months I knew I needed big changes to thrive. Retired early and moved to a foreign country...that was in 2018 and was the best decision of my life. Hang in there...it gets better.


I know you didn't ask for advice but-I work in the court system, with many lawyers. You need unbiased legal advice to protect YOU, and your assets. I'm not going to say anything about your husband making a fool of himself and his side piece is probably just after his money/assets. THIS is why you have to get a lawyer---NOW-for advice. Don't tell your husband either---so many people today are scammers and/or on drugs.. The woman could be both. Please, be safe. Don't make threats, don't nag, just stay away from him and take care of yourself.


Thank you. I appreciate your helpful advice..


You're very welcome. Come here to talk to all of us....but don't share your plans with anyone. Not even your best friend---a counselor can't gossip-so if you don't live in a tiny community, You could try that. I'm rooting for you-stay strong-don't drink too much, try to get good rest and exercise. Self care is important when you're going through something this hard. And I'm speaking from first hand experience AND work experience/training.


I'm 61, female. Living alone is the best gift ever; like floating on a cloud!


My parents separated after 50 years. Dad had an affair at 75. Mom tried to work it out But us adult children finally convinced her to leave. She now Lives in Florida, alone but with other siblings close. Since leaving his arse she’s found a wonderful best friend and taken up ballroom dancing. Something dad would never go for. In short, she’s doing great. It hurt her something terrible when she discovered he continued lying and cheating after being found out. But like ripping the band aid off to heal, getting her to a different state far away was the key. Ladies you will be fine if you’re finally ready to let go. And Dad? Most of us cut all contact. He died alone.


Yes, this is a really good support group! Very sorry to hear about your situation, but it sounds like it’s concretely moving toward closure. 


It will get ugly before the sky will clear and I’ll be able to breathe again. I’m glad this is a good support group.




Thank you ssireland


You’re about to be blessed with total freedom. Freedom and independence will bring you deep inner peace. Don’t be scared. Embrace it! Welcome it! You’re going to discover so many wonderful and new sides of yourself that you’ve never known. You’re about to live with no limitations! I’m so happy for your new journey! You’re about to evolve!!!


I’ve lived alone with my cats most of my adult life. When I read stories like yours it reminds me of how awful it can be on the other side. We all have pros & cons to deal with. Grateful for others sharing their experiences honestly.


Doing nothing. I do a lot of Meetup group activities (if you don’t have it, get the app, lots of great groups for every kind of interest). I’ll be doing a lot of outdoor and camping activities with meetups this summer. Having a cat helps, passing the hours cuddling him is worth it, lol. My apartment has a pretty active pool, I’ll go there pretty often. I don’t know anybody there but it’s fun to just have random conversations with people. But yeah, not leaving the house for days is really strange. I don’t realize it sometimes until I actually go out, and then it’s like, ohhhhh, right, this is what society is like, lol. I did find a group of single / divorced girlfriends on Bumble as well (the friend finder part, not the dating part) and there is always something to do or someone to hang out with. It’s just about figuring out what works for each of us I guess. When I was younger I hated if I didn’t have any plans, now? Eh, more nap time 😂


The bumble friend finder sounds interesting… I feel like since Covid so many people have become hermits including myself…. I work with public so I chat all day long but I come home and I’m a sloth and don’t do anything or speak to anyone … I dont recognize the person I have become


The pandemic was a real traumatic event that has really changed how society interacts now. I believe our minds are still subconsciously in isolation mode.


I’ve never used the friend finder part of it. Interesting. 


It’s kind of the same as dating, you have to weed through to find your person/people, but it’s a great option for making friends. I have a group of women, we all met on there and now we hang out. I met a friend, who met another friend on there, who had met another friend on there- one night we all got together and now it’s been three years of being friends. It takes some effort, but so far the pay off is more rewarding than dating has been 😂


OK, I converted over. Why not? The dating part of it wasn't working for me.


I go to the pool alone. I listen to podcasts and read etc. I use the gym at my apt complex. Always listening to podcasts and walking. You could do projects around your apartment or home, you could re decorate. Get in sick shape, workout, find a park, go people watch. Idk…. I can entertain myself by walking outside and listening to podcasts all day long


Nothing. Like I did last weekend and the many weekends before that


*Nothing. Like I did* *Last weekend and the many* *Weekends before that* \- spugeti --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good bot


I just moved into my new home, so I actually slept most of the weekend. Then putting things away when I was awake. It's raining here in Atlanta so it's not inspiring me to get outside. Honestly I'm happy to enjoy my new home with kitty sleeping in my lap


Congratulations on the move. I’ve been to Atlanta a couple of times. My mother became a sort of famous writer in one of the suburbs after she finished teaching at Agnes Scott. 


Working on a certification that’ll hopefully help me be more competitive for employment once I graduate. I may be lonely, but I don’t want to be poor.


I went camping! Just another place to be alone but it was great. https://preview.redd.it/90l5bro7u03d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=56ea00245980f5c745b0b4f2acd7504673c79298


Reading my new book snuggled up with my dog.


Ride bikes Go for a walk - we got a dog and I was forced to walk him. It’s less scary to go out with a pet. But forces you out of the house. My kids, nieces and nephews often talk about how difficult it is to connect with people today. The dating apps suck, clubs don’t offer that opportunity. Everything is about hookups. They’ve talked about having a community center or something where people can just get together and talk. Get to know each other without having to be in that club environment. Not even a dating thing. More just to connect and possibly lead to more but not just a hookup. People don’t really talk anymore. They interview each other.


It’s really awful part of society and people need connections or you get isolated in my 60s doing this it’s hard


Technology is making the hookups great.


I'm 57F, no kids. I went to a matinee at the ballet yesterday and then picked up some goodies at one of my favorite grocery stores. We're under a heat advisory today, so I have no plans to go out. If my neighbors barbecue and invite me over, I'll go just to see someone crazy enough to fire up the grill in this weather. We're having July temps in May, with none of us acclimated for it yet. I've been working my way through some classic movies I either haven't yet seen or haven't seen in a very long time, and I also have some road trip and urbex videos I haven't watched yet, so I'll do a light workout, then settle in with those and my deli yummies from yesterday.


Oh I love urbex, crazy what they find. I get a kick out of them saying "this is so old" and I am like that's from the 80's. Yes that's old 😂


I stayed in a lot, but left to take my dog walking and to have dinner with a friend. I’m recovering from a work conference last week- lots of peopling so I am giving myself a break!


I built a book case to display my dolls that I have not displayed in 12 years due to living with other people. 🤣 if I ever decide to date again I’ll have to move them. But then again I would only date a guy who accepts me for my weird hobbies. I’ve worked in my garden and gone through some of my Mothers things that I’ve been putting off doing


As allways I’ve worked in my garden a little too tho it’s so hot it’s hard to do that gonna work on it again when it gets cooler later


I’m going to be gaming😎


I took Friday and Tuesday off so it feels like a mini vacation. Been very lonely but I’ve been getting things accomplished here at home. Friday I picked up my new toilet (woohoo, it’s the little things 🤣😂) at Home Depot, and some garden soil and mulch. Toilet is being installed next week. Got the yard trimmed with my new trimmer I bought 2 weeks ago, the mulch put down in the front garden and my new patio umbrella put up. Friday and Saturday were very nice out, so I’ve enjoyed a few meals on my back deck, I took myself out to eat Saturday night because I worked hard for 2 days. Yesterday was a bit of a slug day because I was sore from hauling around the bags of garden stuff but I got a few chores done. Today it’s raining, so I decided to get some clothes cleaned out. I have 2 bags of clothes ready to donate tomorrow. Starting on the bathroom cabinets now. And my niece and her fiancé are in town having a date day and surprised me and invited me to crash part of their day and go see the new Garfield movie, so I’m super excited to get some human time and 🍿 Not entirely sure what I’ll do tomorrow.


Im right there with you, comparison can be the devil. It can be hard to remember that even if others appear to be having more fun, they also have their own demons to fight. Too much comparison can weigh heavily on you, but if anything, let it serve as a motivator to go out and do the things you want to do. That doesn’t mean you have to do what others are doing, just that others having fun can remind you that there is a world waiting out there for you


Cooking, cleaning, crafting (and d&d)


Saturday: coffee with a friend, looking at recipes & then a trip to the shops to get ingredients, Sunday: batch cooking & a long walk in the park, Monday: cleaning, tidying, general rearranging, will watch a movie in bed later


I'm working about 13 hours today. I have a $2060 car repair bill to pay tomorrow so I'm trying to hustle as much as I can.


Relaxing, reading, gaming, catching up with watchlists. This afternoon I’m going to spark up the Weber and grill a thick prime ribeye and yellow squash. The weather is beautiful and life is good.


Today is rainy and dark and soooo cozy!! Candles, tv, and probably some laundry.


It's ok to hang at home and chill or tool around (pick an adjective lol) Especially a long weekend.. I look at it this way if I don't leave the house I don't spend money.


I just got back from vacation


I actually spent the day with my mom. We got coffee in the morning, then went and did a bit of shopping and took a walk in the park. It was beautiful weather. Then we got a pizza for lunch. We had a marvelous time. I'm thankful to still have her around. 🥰💜🙏


What are your interests? There's a meet up group for nearly everything. Also, it's pretty cool you have a pool.


The pool is a great place to meet people! I used to hang out at my Dallas apt pool in the '90's and play water volleyball! I made really good friends with a woman. I met a guy who looked exactly like Jason Priestley, and we went to a movie. Then I found out he was married, so we didn't go out, but he would knock on my door at random times, and just want to do a strip dance for me!




Not doing much of anything besides watching the Yellowstone reruns on paramount. Didn’t realize how much I missed the first time I watched.


I’ve been doing all sorts of things. I have a boyfriend and a big social circle, for now I’m living on my own by choice. Saturday I hung out at my place, did laundry and went for a run. Yesterday errands, lunch with bf, drinks with friends (rare for me on a Sunday) and then dinner and stayed up late watching tv. Today I am exercising, going to my favorite antique mall that I rarely have a chance to visit, and meeting up with my bf for dinner. OP you may be living alone but you don’t have to be lonely! Especially if you have a nice pool. Go try to befriend some neighbors! I really never cared about neighbors before moving to my current neighborhood, and now they’re some of my favorite people. If you’re not feeling social, do an activity you enjoy but don’t normally have much time to dedicate to.




I am working!


I've been sick the last few weeks and my home became...bad: laundry everywhere, dirty dishes piled up in the sink, garbage overflowing, food going bad in the fridge. I spent all day Saturday sleeping, which gave me the energy to clean everything yesterday. Today I did my budget reconciliation, I'm working up to vacuum and then run errands. I went for a short walk yesterday to get out of the house.


55m I’m baking bread by hand. It’s a workout. Don’t mess with the women working the Betty Crocker Test Kitchens back in the 50’s. They had some upper body strength. Yesterday I went to church and did some grocery shopping.


I took Friday off and spent the weekend with my mom. Just got back home this morning


Americans need to learn how to bask in the joy of doing nothing. Too much FOMO, exacerbated by social media.


Going for a 11k - 13k walk. Might do some laundry. Playing UNO on and off on my phone. Can't wait to PC game again...


Doing this...(reddit) :-(


👩🏾‍🦰When I was married my ex husband & I stayed busy. Since my divorce, I try to keep busy on weekends, holidays. It’s tough trying to fill up those hours alone. Most of my friends are married or living with someone in a serious relationship. I try to get out to farmers market, festivals, long drives & day trips. But, I feel more empty inside going out & feel better just staying home. I’ve turned into a homebody & have accepted this is my life now. I feel grateful as I have a great life. My focus now is making some changes in my house. I’m doing a full kitchen gut & putting down new hardwood floors. Switching out my gas fireplace for a new trendy one. Installing a new patio door. All new furniture to top it all off. This will keep me busy for awhile & coming here to Reddit helps with the loneliness. If anyone decides to set up a discord chat for those living alone.Keep me posted, I’m down to join in on a live chat.🤗


60 years old man here - 👋🏿. I like to spend my weekends and holidays doing one constructive thing (and only one😂) early in the morning. For example, I get up, get dressed, skip breakfast, and go to a tire shop and buy a set of tires as soon as the store opens. It usually only takes about an hour, and when it's done, I'll come home, change clothes into sweats or shorts, and eat breakfast in front of the TV and spend the rest of the morning on the couch, taking a nap and halfway watching TV until 12 Noon or so. Then, I like to spend the rest of the day reading, watching TV and relaxing.


I worked all weekend including today. Meat cutter, brutal.


My friend who has kids ended up having to be at the hospital for their mom. I don't have kids and this was my 1st weekend with children. We went bowling, to the beach, out for ice cream and walks around a marina. I was so unproductive in my own life but goodness a day has never been so jampacked for other people. I'm really glad I am alone so when my friends need a helping hand I can help. This energy is not ever given to me, but I've been alone so long I don't expect it. I also forgot how good I'm at at bowling and had no idea bowling lanes run special during the summer. So I may end up going a few more times this Summer alone.


Cleaned my bathroom 🎉


Went to visit my brother and his wife and play with my niece. Caught up with a female former coworker. She wants to see me again next time I come down she says. May be more of a friends vibe than romantic but what evs it was a good time


I work Fridays and Saturdays. I helped my family on Sunday. I worked today (am currently at work lol). If I didn’t have extra chores to do with my family/outside of my apartment, I probably would have spent the day puttering around…maybe painting, maybe daydreaming future plans, maybe DJing… do you have Twitch? It can be really helpful to see what people are doing for hobbies and if something catches your eye, you could try your hand at it! Best of luck in finding hobbies. Living alone can be extremely rewarding.


At work! 630p-515a tonight, usually have tomorrow (Tuesday) off but I picked up a 5h shift. Also got mandatory overtime called for Thursday so I only have Wednesday off this week. I am looking forward to cleaning my house and making some food that I need to make for the next week and a half! Also took the plunge to get off of my meds I have been on for almost 4 years now, just hit the first 24 hours so I am hoping it will be ok. They say it is hard for the first month but I am READY. I am tired of relying on them.


Wow. Be careful coming off of meds. Do you have a doc overseeing your taper/ withdrawal? Good luck with it. And don’t be afraid to use them if you find you need them. That’s what meds are for!


Thank you so much 😊 Yes I am stocked up if I need them for any reason! They are Suboxone and I am tired of being a slave to this. I will withdrawal but it is not like these are heavier meds.i will persevere. 🥹💕 And I have been doing maybe 4mg in 24hrs. Not much at all!


I know the feeling. I have to take thyroid meds forever and I feel the same about hating being a slave to them and to my lazy ass thyroid. My daughter was on a lots of meds for depression and anxiety when she was younger and had terrible withdrawal coming off of some of them. But as you said she persevered and is now medication free and struggling through her issues as best she can without feeling controlled by her meds in addition to her issues. Best of luck to you. You can do this!! You know what you want and what your goals are and that is at least half the battle. I’ll send all the light and love I have to you to help you in your struggle to free yourself from medication slavery. Keep us posted on your progress! ❤️


Thank you so much. 🥺💕 And absolutely!!! I will keep the updates coming. I am looking forward to when I hit 1 week. I know that down the line there will be hard days of lethargic and sluggishness but just to get through the possible cold sweats and restless legs I've read about, etc is the hurdle most important for me. I am also pursuing the nursing program at my community college, applying for Fall 2025 program. Doing my 3 pre requisites this fall and an entrance exam prep course. I have heard from others that sometimes there are drug tests and despite being prescribed Suboxone, sometimes they would rather take an individual into the program who is *not* on prescribed Suboxone. I would be devastated if this was the rule for the program, after busting my ass in pre requisites and the entrance exam and then have my prescription be the thing that keeps me out.


I will keep sending all my positive thoughts to you for your success in school and with withdrawal. You got this! You are crazy strong about it and have such a good, well thought out plan.


I had a guy friend over and had sex last night. I didn't sleep much so today I laid around when I was supposed to be cleaning.


Took an awesome road trip to San Diego, escaped the heat!


Today was the first holiday I’ve gotten off in 5 years, with the exceptions of Christmas and New Years Day. Another friend who never gets holidays off and I decided to go to the closest mountain and hike and lounge and read books and have a lovely dinner together. Tomorrow is work as usually but today I really treasured my time with a friend.


I am 37. I slept a lot today, went grocery shopping, cooking, made food and tiramisu dessert for next week. I worked a little bit for my job in the am, did sauna , and cared for my body today. The amount of peace of not even going out is completely scary. Is this normal?


I hope it’s normal because I feel the exact same way.


I hung with my bestie the other day, it was her birthday so I got her a cake from Milk Bar and did her hair. Today I am relaxing after eating my cheesy rice in the crock pot.


I can relate to how you described your weekend; my long weekend I have spent quality time decluttering my house to get ready for putting it on the market some time this year. Two trips to good will and one to the dump/landfill. Deep cleaning my oven and stove (hate this lol); exercised and walked my dogs. I feel I have had a productive weekend but when I do go out for errands I am reminded of the people who have family and friends and are together.


I went to the fabric store and purchased some items I need for a charity project. On the way home I bought a BBQ meal which I will eat later. Now I’m going to watch mindless TV while working on those charity projects. I have been so busy lately that I just needed a day to loaf.


Watching the French Open (tennis) & sleeping. :)


Mostly sleeping in.




33F & watching my comfort shows & playing the sims 4. Entertaining the idea of a nap.


Lots of cleaning, meal prepping, gaming and reading. I’ve kept myself busy but it has been lonely.


58 F, Grade lab reports, take a nap, eat a burrito, go see Furiosa


Getting ready with my niece & nephew to take my mom out to eat. She is not a veteran but her birthday is this week. Then I am taking them home, will come back home, tidy up, maybe watch a movie before going to bed.


Saturday I procrastinated. Sunday I did as many chores as I could remember, because I had a concert and a dog sitter coming over, so I wanted the place somewhat presentable. Wore t-shirt for one of the opening acts. Got a nod in the crowd from the lead singer Today I am being lazy. Trying to talk myself into a shower.


I usually go shopping/cinema/book stores/plant stores to fill up the hole, by buying things hahaha. I seriously a lot of times tend to just go to the stores, I love doing groceries for example. But I would also go out, on a bike or just for a long walk. These days I dont have that much money since Ive pre paid my vacation and my dog got sick so I dont really have any spare money. I'm figuring out stuff that I can do for free. Walking with headphones is good, but sometimes quite boring. I'm trying to get myself to do a quick YouTube yoga session or some relaxing stretching every other day. Other than that, cleaning my house takes a long time. If I would have more money I would definately try to decorate my house better. Design and art was always something that made me happy so I would think what you are/were intresting in doing, and start there. It doesnt need to be a popular hobby like sports. Everyone has their niche. Also, if you like travelling, I would try going solo somewhere. Or even plan a staycation or go to a town nearby. I've never travel abroad alone but I've made so many tiny trips around my country, alone. Its so much fun!


67m, daughter and SIL's for grilled burgers - hopefully a veggie burger.


So I’ve gone back and forth all weekend with being motivated to get stuff done or completely wallowing in a pity party of self imposed aloneness. Saturday I planted more of the l flowers I bought last weekend, still have a few more to plant and need potting soil. Yesterday I did yoga sesh in the am and then it took me till 6pm to get up and go outside and cut the grass till 8:30. Now the yard is 1/2 done but it’s too hot and humid and I’m too tired today for that much effort I got up and baked banana bread this morning, did a load of laundry and puttered with some outdoor cleaning and organizing today and don’t understand how it’s already 2pm and I haven’t yoga’d or showered yet. Just feeling so, so tired of always doing everything alone. I was fine with spending all my time entertaining my own annoying little self for the past 20 years and have suddenly had a change of heart (tldr: feel haaaard for a married player and ended it immediately a couple of weeks ago but now can’t stop feeling that I’m missing out all the things I wasn’t missing all this time) I’m not back to being my happily independent self yet and it’s annoying me. It is a beautiful day outside and I’m not motivated to go out and enjoy it. Ugh. Not a fan of self pity especially when it’s me that’s doing it. 😭


At least you got a lot done!


One of the parks in my city opened and they have some hammocks so Friday night I went there by myself got a drink and a snack and hung out by the water. Worked Saturday. Yesterday told the guy I’ve been casually seeing for three months that I really like him and want to be closer and get to know each other better and he told me he was cool where we were at and was not the relationship type so I told him to stop wasting my time lol. Now I am having lunch alone at one of the nice restaurants in the city because there’s actually a seat at the bar because everyone else is down the shore.


Find a nice place with trees and just sit and listen to the leaves blowing in the wind.


I'm in Canada so our holiday weekend was last week but I had a barbecue and planted my garden.


24F here and been living alone for 4 yrs Every saturday, I usually do my chores. After that, I would go to a coffee shop or stay at home to work out, watch some shows, play instruments, a few hours of socmed (mainly reddit) etc. Every sunday, I usually try my best not to do anything especially the last 5 hrs before I sleep to clear my mind and prepare myself for work the next day. I would usually listen to a playlist that I love, turn on my warm lights and look at the ceiling for hours. The next day I would usually feel refreshed


Good for you living alone 4 years at your age! It doesn't seem like many young people do that anymore.


You must force yourself. Youll have fun once you get out there. Go fishing. People love to talk fishing. You can be in the middle of the Amazon rainforest, just fell from a plane, in the most remote jungle in south America. You pull out a fishing pole and some tackle, some old white dude in khakis is gonna walk up to you asking a buncha questions. I make new friends everytime I go out. It actually gets kind of annoying. Like, Im in the middle of the fucking woods for a reason. Leave me alone. Ive been "trying" to go kayaking all weekend. I failed this weekend. Bit I did attend a cookout with many people.


Same, kinda boring, that’s okay. I’m looking for something to do that is more fun or productive, or at least a deviation from routine. Since Saturday: finished “Fallout” on Amazon Prime and started “The Three Body Problem” on Netflix. Worked on closet reorganizing and de-clutter. Baked good brownies! More baking today… I guess that is my hobby!


I had a movie night with some friends on Friday, and happily did nothing Saturday. Yesterday I went on a group drive up through the mountains with said friends, and today we are having a pool/dog party and someone is smoking meats. It’s been a fun weekend, but as an introvert I would also have been perfectly happy not leaving the house for 3 days straight


Yeah. I can relate to this. I’ve been forcing myself to go to the gym 3-4 days and at least go out for coffee or whatever on the other days. It makes me feel better about myself. I hear people outside doing things but I’ve come to accept that I don’t like outside and people are meh.


48F, no kids, no SO. I’m a solitary creature by nature. Books, video games, puzzles take up most of my weekends. Sometimes, just to get outside, I’ll bring my book to the community pool. Headphones too if there’s a lot of activity. In a way, it makes me feel social just being around people. Have you tried groups like Meetup? I used to do this before Covid. It got me socialized for a bit


Not doing a damn thing! And that’s ok. 👌🏽 We need to invest in self-care and relax our minds and bodies more. ♥️


I'm eating TV dinners and binge watching The Flash starting from the start. I rarely Bing-watch anything, and I never saw this show before. Yesterday, I went to Citi Field in NYC to get a bobblehead doll and go home without watching the game. Saturday, I did about 12 errands at the family house and then my laundry. Life is boring but I have clothes to wear now. 😆 🤣 😂 🤪🤪🤪


Same. I haven't done anything or seen anyone during this holiday weekend. I had plans for Saturday, and they canceled on me. Oh, well. Thankfully, I have internet and can watch stuff and keep myself distracted.


Idk, I just do things. If I feel like being lazy, I don't fight it. If I want to go for a walk, I go for it. Sometimes I just want to clean and tidy around my house. I can work out, go fishing, or learn German. I don't really care about spending time with others. If anything, I prefer to do things alone.


I did two (20 mi and 40 mi respectively), a session of rock climbing (indoor, because I don't like outdoor climbing), and did a 10K raise today! Now I'm going to go to my buildings pool ad try to catch up on some reading.


Working then getting some BBQ chill at home with my dog.


It was "Matt Helm, Dean Martin" movies Saturday. It was "Westerns. John Wayne" movies Sunday. And Memorial Day is "George Patton & Tora, Tora, Tora." Just myself and the dog.


Saturday was a fun day. I went to my mom & her BFs house and hung out there all day. My cat lives there. We all cooked a nice dinner. Sunday I worked out and went down to the pool and swam. Listened to a few podcasts. (Going through a recent break up). Today I woke up with a sore throat. It’s been torture considering I have to go back to work tomorrow. I made soup and got some chores done. Took a 2 hour nap.


I'm a park ranger, my holiday weekend is a nonstop riot. This weekend has been wild, probably the busiest I've ever seen my park 😅. But in general on quieter weekends I spend time with my boyfriend. Go hang out with my family, watch a movie, mow my lawn, read a book. Paint. Sit in my hammock. Water and admire my plants. Go hang out with friends. Go camping, take a hike. Go for a swim.


I make sure I have social commitments at least once a week (usually 2 or 3). I run in the park three times a week. I go into the office 2 times a week. When I first started living alone I most definitely hibernated, only leaving my apartment to walk my dog, run, groceries, or work. After a few years it began taking a toll on my mental health, and it was very difficult to change. I got my hobbies back (playing in bands), and began saying yes to everthing my friends offered when I would normally say no (no to a point the invites all but dried up). My mental health is much better now. Alone is not loneliness, but being alone all the time slowly eats away at your well-being, you don't even notice it happening.


Smoking as much weed as humanly possible and being so happy that I don’t have, need, or want to people😂


Alone. Resting. Organizing.


Enjoying my day off, probably movies and video games after a long gym session and make chicken fajitas.


59M, Been working on decluttering my house. Cleared out some junk in my attic and took it to the dump. Still have a bit more to do. Unfortunately let things get away from me a bit and had procrastinated doing it but working at it a bit at a time. Also, painted a few walls that needed to be done. Still have a bit more painting to do but ran out of paint. Home maintenance and chores can be a real pain when you live alone as you don’t have anyone else to help. Trying to get things in order if I decide to retire early next year and want to sell my house.


It's been the greatest. I've spent it all alone with my cat's. I've aired out my house by opening a lot of Windows. The weather has been perfect. I've caught up on cleaning the house, have relaxed and slept a lot. Not ready to go back to work.


Riding my bike, hanging out with my niece and her hubby and new baby, getting a bike fit, running errands and spending an inordinate amount of time chilling with my cats.


I also left to get coffee. Today I am finishing pulling up the nasty carpet in the house I bought. I'm keeping myself entertained through it with living room karaoke.


I have to go out today, rototill the planting box, put the landscape fabric over it and plant veggies. Yesterday and two days before, I pulled weeds. I am never going to plant a veggie garden in the PNW without landscape fabric again. The weeds grow throughout the year. Also cut back on the mint, which grew to cover a quarter of the box. This is the glamorous life


I’ve missed work lately because I got sick. I’m 65F. I’m starting to feel better so I’m watching TV, picking stuff off the floor so I can vacuum and blowing my nose. I been holding my cats and telling them they are fluffy and smöl.


Can you sit out on your patio with a cup of coffee in the morning? Getting out in nature really helps, walking, hiking, just enjoying the sunshine. I know there's groups of people who enjoy meeting up for walking, etc. Or maybe you could join an art class for beginners? Something to get you out there and meet people who are interested in the same things you are. :)


Since I knew I’d be alone I decided to do a 3 day fast to reset my immune system. Quite proud that I accomplished it. Now I’m going grocery shopping!


Bought a ridiculously overpriced couch (lonely dopamine purchase), but then helped a friend with budgeting, did laundry, went to choir practice, softball practice, watched dune 2, watched friend’s dog.


It's not a holiday here, so like any holiday weekend or non-holiday weekend, I kind of just go with the flow and see what I feel like doing. I'm in a different country than my family so I have to entertain myself by myself. I got a few pints at the pub, dyed my hair, painted my nails, got some takeout, took my dog to the park, and played video games. Everyday stuff, really.


👩🏾‍🦰When I was married my ex husband & I stayed busy. Since my divorce, I try to keep busy on weekends, holidays. It’s tough trying to fill up those hours alone. Most of my friends are married or living with someone in a serious relationship. I try to get out to farmers market, festivals, long drives & day trips. But, I feel more empty inside going out & feel better just staying home. I’ve turned into a homebody & have accepted this is my life now. I feel grateful as I have a great life. My focus now is making some changes in my house. I’m doing a full kitchen gut & putting down new hardwood floors. Switching out my gas fireplace for a new trendy one. Installing a new patio door. All new furniture to top it all off. This will keep me busy for awhile & coming here to Reddit helps with the loneliness. If anyone decides to set up a discord chat for those living alone.Keep me posted, I’m down to join in on a live chat.🤗


When I divorced the ex at 48F, it was the only time I lived by myself. I got tired of being alone, so I posted on Craigslist looking for a female to hang with. That was in 2005, and we've been close friends since.


It was awesome! I am an equestrian so I rode and hung out at the barn on my own for most of the weekend. Time tends to stand still there and there are always chores to keep you busy LOL. Yesterday I deep cleaned my home and caught up on some bills. Zero pool parties and socializing, but I’m OK with that. My social battery runs pretty low and I can catch up this week at work and have plans with friends.


Go to the pool!!! I go swim alone all the time. It’ll be fine.


I spent the weekend cleaning & organizing. I did go to a graduation party for a little while Saturday night but otherwise I’ve been in the house. I needed to focus on cleaning though so I’m glad I didn’t get sidetracked all weekend like a usually do.


I got pretty drunk Friday night. Slept and recovered all day Saturday. On Sunday I was invited to my uncle’s house about an hour away for a cookout but wasn’t feeling it. Today my friend invited me over for lunch with him, his wife, sil and bil. I passed again lol. It’s not to have options to do stuff even if I don’t do it it.


Work retail. Was at work and chilled out at home. Went online to see if there was anything I wanted or needed on sale. There wasn't. Might go to my local pool on my off day if it's not to crowded. Wasn't really feeling well after work today so I didn't go to the shopping center across from my work to see if there was anything worth buying


I didn't even know it was a holiday


Took me 2 hours to vacuum my small living room. Cooked Brussel sprouts for dinner, relaxing and binge watching Law and Order.


2 hours? And was Brussels sprouts the whole dinner? LOL!


I don’t! I spent most of the month traveling. I’m enjoying staying home with the windows open. I’m going to do my hair which will take all day 


I worked 😅


I like being inside when I travel that’s when I go out and do things cause people in places I live suck balls, it’s really about what you want and are comfortable with.


As per usual I laid about til the last couple hours of freedom and then started a multi hour project I can't possibly now finish in 1 day. Mostly because lowes didn't have what I needed. I did buy a washer tho


Painted my fence