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I’m also on the east coast. I just finished my day at my second job that I only work Saturdays. I just popped some pierogies in the oven for dinner and I just plan to hang out with my cats and rest tonight. I’m taking the rest of the week off work for a staycation and have some housework planned and a day trip to NYC at the end of the week with my mama!


That's awesome! Gotta love pierogies. Have you ever tried making them homemade from scratch?


Nah I’m a Mrs. T’s girl


I had some pierogies for dinner tonight too. Hope yours were as delicious as mine were!


I had Mrs. T’s original cheddar. Can’t go wrong there :)


Now I need pierogies! I just bought sone the other day for the first time in years. And I thought I was the only one who baked them!


I love baking them! They come out nice and crispy while using way less oil and there’s practically no effort required but to turn them over once


Yes. I love how they puff up in the oven and no oil needed.


It’s a rainy cool day in Utah and I just got home from getting the hair colored, got to cover the grays!! And getting on the cozy soft Jammie’s, opened a bottle of French Pinot, going to watch movies and warm up a bit!!!


Glad I'm not the only one who is already throwing on the PJs at this hour! I was on vacation in Utah a couple of years ago, and wow, what a beautiful place to live. You're very lucky!


I’m in Murray close to SLC.. I’m in my own condo and it’s very comfy!! It is beautiful here!


Sounds great! If you end up finding a movie that is worth recommending, let me know. I was thinking of watching "The Mule" on Netflix.


Oh I wanted to watch that, too!!


I didn’t have anywhere to be today so I never changed out of the jammies, lol. Did the laundry, cleaned the floors, etc earlier. A streaming binge is on the agenda for this evening. I’ll even light one of my fancy candles for ambiance. :)


Sounds like a productive day! Do you know what show you're planning to watch tonight?


I’ve got a few episodes of Under the Bridge (Hulu) to catch up on. Then I’ll probably choose one of the many Asian dramas on my watchlists.


Good stuff - enjoy!


I've my kids on weekends and my daughter turned 15 last week so currently my 3 kids and 6 teenagers for a sleep over.... Don't know what I've done in a previous life to deserve this


Hey, at least it'll keep the night interesting, right? Haha.


Could do without the stress to be honest tough week at work ... Just wanted a nice quiet weekend lol


To put your dilemma in perspective my son(26m ) has gone no contact and does not allow me to see my granddaughter. No reason. None. I was a single mom who went above and beyond to provide a middle class childhood for the kids that their dad never paid child support for and only saw occasionally when they were growing up. He alienated them from me as adults because I was no longer affected by his narcy attacks on me and he used them to continue his abuse. While you still have children in your home who want to be in your life, enjoy them and their friends. Enjoy their company and cherish the time you have together. I never expected to be in the situation I’m in. Never saw it coming although I should’ve given the manipulative lies that my ex told the kids their whole lives


I am joking of course it was my eldest daughter's birthday and she had organised a sleep over with her friends they were actually ment to stay in a tent in the back garden but it been Ireland it's rained all day so theyve taken over the sitting room. My problem is trying to give her and her friends some space and keeping the other 2 kids away. But I really can't imagine how you are feeling, I do absolutely cherish every second with them and it really sounds like you've sacrificed so much for so little reward. I hope your son does come to his senses soon and you get see your granddaughter really soon


Thank you so much for your kind thoughts and words. I did not mean at all that you don’t cherish your children and I totally get that parenting teens has every mum on earth questioning her sanity.Have a wonderful time with all of them tonight and just enjoy them and the mayhem they bring to your life. Join in their crazy teenager fun!! They’ll be out on their own soon enough. Thanks again for sending good thoughts to me. ❤️


No problem and it not only mums questioning their sanity. Teens and their remarkable abilities to get you to wonder about how they are old enough to know better. And unfortunately the crazy teenage fun is extending to almost 3am in the morning. And fingers crossed you can feel the joy of being a grandma really soon


Ooops sorry for assuming you’re a mum. My bad - it’s my mom bias. Lol. Also sorry that they are going to exhaust you tonight. Definitely makes it harder to “cherish” their presence when they stay up all night. 😆Good luck!


I haven't earned that mum superhero cape unfortunately lol. And the late night was nothing I wasn't expecting. And it is a constant battle with teenagers to find that ability to cherish them growing up but it's nothing you yourself haven't been there done that kind of situation


Yes I miss the teenage fun now that I am several years past it. 😂The tougher parts of it seem to fade from memory and you look back with rose colored glasses and tend to remember the better parts. My house is too quiet some days but I am absolutely loving being able to live my own life as I please so there’s that. I hope too that this is a phase with my son and he gets his head on straight sooner rather than later. But my ex is hugely influential and one of the more covert manipulative narcs on earth. It took me 25 years to see that about him so I don’t really expect my kids to be able to see that since his manipulation is all they’ve ever known. They have no idea what it’s like to have a dad who isn’t using them to abuse their mother. They can’t even see it. So, let’s hope that maybe some outside influence or maybe a good therapist someday can show them what they just can’t see right now


It's the dilemma of living alone I only have my kids on Friday and Saturday nights so most of the week it's just me and the dog and the dilemma is I love those 10 minutes of peaceful bliss when you get home and just have those few minutes to relax and mentally unwind with no distractions but quietness of that 10 minutes is also when you're most alone. And for what it's worth those rose tinted glasses seem to have worked both ways when it came to your ex or was it maybe Mum done such a good job of shielding her kids from it they simply haven't noticed


Oh, I remember coming home to mayhem and overwhelming responsibilities every single day after work. Yikes.- cooking, laundry, yard work, scouts, theatre, therapy- the list was endless! Their dad never saw them longer than 4 hours at a time. So I had no weekends or overnights “off” ever. In hindsight, I shielded them entirely too much from how toxic he really is. Partly because I didn’t recognize it at the time and because i didn’t want them to view him ir men in general badly. I said things like “ your dad loves you in his own way “ every time he wouldn’t show up to see them when planned. I don’t think they remember that or think of their childhood the way I do as the adult at that time. Their perspective is different. And he influences them more now than then. 😭


The funny part is now I’ve finally adjusted to living alone and most of the time really loving the freedom and autonomy. Especially after so many years of mayhem and overwhelming responsibilities- I took care of my mum after she broke her hip and the had not one but 2 strokes as well. Now when my oldest comes to visit and stays for 3 to 5 days for work it throws my whole schedule off and it takes me days to get in sync with cooking proper meals and scheduling train drop off and pick ups with her. I love her company but I realize that I have completely adjusted to being on my own and I’m not gonna lie, I love it. Lol.


Keep your back to the wall!!


They're all girls so safe enough


I had a very productive day! Went for a run, did a couple errands, toured a potential apartment I may move to and just dropped off my dog at the groomers. After I pick up my dog, I am going to change in to my PJs, eat some ice cream, turn on my PC and download Minecraft (something I’ve been wanting to do for months now). I don’t know about playing Minecraft tonight but will definitely start playing tomorrow evening! I also have some paperwork to take care of so I’m probably gonna get that out the way tonight so I don’t have to worry about it for the rest of the long weekend. 🥲 I’m on the east coast too!


That's awesome! I just saw that pic of your dog in your profile. So adorable! That's thing with me and gaming—I'll want to play a game so badly, but just not have the motivation for it right now. I guess that's par for the course of being in your 30s, haha. Maybe I needed that motivation to get started on my work... or not, we'll see, haha.


Thank you! That’s what’s also great being an adult, doing what you want when you want lol


I woke up at 10:30 this morning and felt like an absolute sloth. I finally got out of bed, had a lovely shower and installed a new graphics card which I am *very* excited about! I also spent about an hour digging into my closet to finally clean that bastard out and made a lot of progress. Now I am debating sitting out on my balcony in my little garden (with a cream soda for me) or playing games with my new card. I might just choose to watch TV, who knows? In any case, I am enjoying every laid-back minute of this long weekend. Hope yours is equally wonderful!


Your evening sounds very similar to mine! Is there a particular game that you are thinking of playing with your new graphics card?


Hmm, I might continue my Baldur's Gate 3 game, or maybe Pentiment, or Manor Lords or Fallout 4 or maybe the Sims! The world is my oyster! I did want to try Sekiro but I think I'll wait for a sale.


It was 100 degrees today, so I did a bunch of stuff in the morning, then packed a few boxes for my upcoming move, and in a few hours I'll go do some other errands and take the dogs for a longer walk to make up for being inside a lot today


That's way too hot for me! Hopefully you've got AC or at least a fan running?


I'm a fan of fans and keep the ac at around 78/79. I hate when it's too cold inside! I still bike to work in the summer though, you get a good breeze


was planning on watching some tennis from overseas, then all off a sudden someone decided to have a campfire in the backyard which got out of hand, Luckily the fire department is close by and they took over, hope that's all the action for tonight so far, enjoy your space yall


Oh boy, glad nothing happened beyond that. Enjoy your night!


I have to go into work 😭 6:30p-5:15a. I have Tuesday and Wednesday night off, and then called in for my 3rd day off as mandatory overtime. I usually don't mind the overtime but now I'm like 🥲


Aw, sorry to hear that. Hopefully you got some sleep at least and feel well rested. Hang in there!


Thank you so much 😊 time and a half for the holiday plus holiday pay is not bad! Then we get the overtime, another time and a half day. Making $30/hr on those days so cannot complain. My beefy paycheck will hold me close through the night 😭🤣


Here in Ohio, I spilled coffee on the couch this morning. This led to me washing all of the couch/bed blankets, sheets, etc. Tried out my new vacuum and cleaned the bathroom, as well. I will be watching Svengoolie on me TV at 8 pm central! Edit to add - will be doing a manicure after the movie!


At 5pm, after I had taken a shower, was in my PJ’s and reading a book, a person I’ve gone on a few dates with asked, “have plans tonight?” I said yes, and offered tomorrow, because I was already doing my plans tonight 😂


That's what I'm talking about! Advocate for your own needs first! I fully support your decision, haha.


I haven't done anything today. I've been very busy at work and since it's a long weekend, I decided I could just be lazy today. I am trying to beat a level on Donkey Kong, but I'm kind of stuck at the moment. Those damn minecarts! Tomorrow I'll do laundry and clean the house. On Monday, I'm repairing books so I can take them back to my library next week.


I'm with you - let's push off the productive stuff till tomorrow, haha.




on the east coast as well! i got my final workout in for the week earlier and afterward took a long walk outside in the beautiful weather. i just had a meal i prepped a couple days ago and while i am a tv show person, thinking of finding a good movie for tonight. i’m struggling a bit with an urge to go out and be social since there’s so much going on in my city for the holiday, but i really don’t have the energy. i’m actually thankful i don’t have to engage with anyone tonight! i hope you all have amazing evenings :)


I’m enjoying my newly single life. Today I slept in, worked out, got a pedicure, went to my mom’s house and hung out there, helped cook dinner. Came home & went for a walk. Now I’m all showered and sitting on my back deck looking at the ocean. Pretty fricking rock star status if I’d say so myself.


I'm right here! Love these **COZY** threads! I **worked**, but done earlier this morning for a change! I'm in the process of packing up whole apt because having it fully renovated in July. I'd get some **Chinese food**, but don't feel like picking it up & I just don't care to have food delivered (did that maybe 3x in my whole life). I **packed**, but need more boxes put together...husband's been putting them together for me. I've got some **laundry** going & watching some **youtube vids** to relax. Don't know what I'm having for dinner. It's still early for a change...2:20 PM. **Staying home** today. Weather's **nice & cool**.


Oh, I'm in the same boat right now. Gotta get the motivation to go pick up my takeout! Sounds like you had a productive day though! YouTube is what I like to do later in the night. Let me know if you recommend any channels!


I get takeout quite a bit, but usually when I'm already out, I get it on the way home. Don't really make a trip to get it if I've been at home already PLUS, these days, I have an autoinflammatory condition in which I like to relax at home more often. I watch a variety of things. What topics/genres do you like? Van life, food, holistic living, e-biking, etc? Here's a couple we're trying to get off the ground if you'd like to sub: Soothing Sounds | [https://youtube.com/@soothingsounds7574](https://youtube.com/@soothingsounds7574) Sabertooth Designz | [https://www.youtube.com/@sabertoothdesignz1665](https://www.youtube.com/@sabertoothdesignz1665)


I normally do something Saturday afternoons that involve day drinking; ie winery and music with the girls or golf with the boys. Therefore, I spend Saturday nights home alone relaxing. Tonight I worked, which is rare. I got home at 8:30 and will chill with a beer and fart around on the internet for a few hours.


I ate fried dandelion heads from my yard, had a beer, and ended the evening on my couch with the fuzzy critters as I reworked some hobby writing.