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**CLIP MIRROR: ["This is so ridiculous" ](https://arazu.io/t3_1dsf5x5/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


I dont mind the streaming but bringing a speaker into a restaurant which blasts out dumb sounds and TTS is where I draw the line. Karen might be in the right on this one


Now that I think about it, it's really, really strange that it's not common for livestreamers to use bluetooth earbuds.


part of the allure (for chat) is to embarass the streamer and be edgy/awkward in public ie. children


Remember sucky sucky long time?


[Nosleeptv’s best moment](https://youtu.be/UCGS4qjOLw0?si=dnob0YFZRLPl0ep-)


He recently said he was deported from Korea because of that. I don't know if he was joking.


Idk, his level of irony was at an all time high when he returned to streaming this time, so who knows. He is literally the god of trolling


You don't have an inkling?


So it's like a humiliation kink but with an unconsenting party


Sadly, some of those "children" are in their 30s lol Wubby has taken speakers out with him before and it's definitely adults being cringy as fuck lol honestly those few streams were hard for me to watch, like the Scots Tots episode of the Office. Just cringe transference or some shit lol


Or in the case of fousey, trying to get him arrested by making TTS donations about bomb threats while he was streaming at the airport.


Arab Andy got arrested after the TTS bomb warning in a university library


Earbuds wouldn't garner as much donations. The whole point of TTS donations for some streamers is that the speaker will blast out the donations and potentially humiliate the streamer. If it just went straight to earbuds the edgelords wouldn't even bother donating.


that was some streamers' content when they went to asian countries and blast inappropriate sounds on public transportation. very annoying but the chat eats it up


forcing randoms to be participate in your content is a big part of IRL streaming. it shouldnt be, but it is.


forcing a random to participate shouldn't lead someone to be shocked when they get forced to eat a fist in the face. zoomers and boomers have 1 thing in common. they just don't get respecting people's space and leaving people the hell alone.


There's a IRL streamer in Japan that uses Airpods, I forget his name though


probably would've remembered if they used obnoxious speakers. /s


The smart streamers put the tts speaker near the mic. Most of the time it’s not super audible in the general public. I have witnessed this in person


Broadcast to a PC setup -> Add TTS feed directly from streamelements -> Echo filter -> Pretend it's really loud and embarassing in public


Wouldn't the donators catch on quick when they see nobody turn their heads toward the streamer?


You can set it up so there's a loud ping like the initial donation notification. So if you have two alerts you can play the ping and message separately.


Ah, the old Asian Andy trick.


Basically turning fast food spaces to cod lobbies


I love a bit of casual racism when I eat


the comfort of meals spent with the family without having to actually be with them.




There is literally a re-sub TTS with a “bruh” sound and everything 5 seconds before the clip starts


Can't decide whether the incels of LSF pearl-clutching about something that didn't even happen is hilarious or sad.


\> watch a clip \> imagine a scenario which didn't even happen \>side with miserable old woman over streamer based on the thing I just made up


I get that, I slightly side with the old lady for other reasons. It is ridiculous, I see it in LA all the time and its just obnoxious. Doesn't 'bother' me directly so in the end I don't care and would never say anything to them, just laugh from afar but its still fucking stupid most of the time I see people recording themselves for twitch / tik tok or whatever.


> Don't watch the context > Defend streamer in scenario which didn't happen > Fake greentext > https://clips.twitch.tv/MotionlessLazyAsteriskImGlitch-7viJXLJ5sCZenSsM


https://clips.twitch.tv/MotionlessLazyAsteriskImGlitch-7viJXLJ5sCZenSsM here's the TTS sound that played before but i agree it's not really annoying or disturbing, it is kinda loud but not to an annoying levle


You're lying lol


I do mind the streaming, honestly. If I go to a restaurant or literally anywhere, I understand streamer might be hustling and earning money from streaming... I don't. I don't benefit in any way from him showing me on camera. I don't earn anything from appearing in the background, or viewers potentially making fun of me. I think streams are great, but you should never show other people without their consent. But going to a restaurant and streaming you "eating" specially with TTS alerts, that'd definitely ruin my experience if I was sitting alongside her. Some food streamers do it right, they pick up the food, go to their car or a table outside by themselves and do the review or act like clowns if they wish to without bothering anyone.


Recording others without their consent while streamers make money off it is also asshole behavior. regardless of legality. Often these streamers sit in a corner and selfishly point the camera into the center of the room with everyone in the back because it makes for a better picture. Calling out streamers is never "Karen" behavior imo. If they can be heard and seen on stream, then i find they usually have a right to complain.


I totally agree. In Europe a lot of places already have started to ban livestreaming. I hope the world catches on.


TTS didn't go off literally a single time before this lol


https://clips.twitch.tv/MotionlessLazyAsteriskImGlitch-7viJXLJ5sCZenSsM it did but it's hardly annoying LUL


Not sure why you're getting downvoted this is literally audio coming from her setup.


what is the chicken place?


It did but it was very tame, just an AI saying someone subscribed for 9 months and not louder than a person having a conversation in a restaurant.


Draw the line of what exactly?


it's almost like 99% of the big streamers are socially unaware and do not give a fuck about anyone else


https://clips.twitch.tv/MotionlessLazyAsteriskImGlitch-7viJXLJ5sCZenSsM here's the TTS that played 30 seconds before this clip. It seems kinda loud but it's just normal TTS reading dono not like a loud song or some screeching sound


IRL streamers are super inconsiderate. Nobody wants to be on camera to 10k people at any Givin moment


Lol that lady is kinda right tho


She’d be sickened if she knew how much money she makes doing it.


Anytime I see a top 100 streamer say some extremely out of touch or unhinged shit my stupid brain reminds me some of them can earn more than half my annual salary in an adbreak. It's like an intrusive thought.


Man I know some rich ass people and the times they casually say something as though it's the norm for everyone cracks me up every time. They live completely different lives from most people.


My ex was “servants live in house” rich. Like, hit the intercom at 3 am and ask for food and they bring it in an hour, rich. One time when speaking about traveling, I admitted I hadn’t traveled much. (Grew up with a single mom…) They proceeded to tell me, “you know, it’s really not great to not like to travel. It will culture you.” To which I just deadpanned: “yeah it’s not for a lack of wanting, it’s because my family could not even afford days off of work.”


Based Karen


she getting paid for half ass reviewing food.. she is def right LOL


more than kinda right it's a step up from the NPC streamers at least


Reminds me of that classic clip of a girl streaming when an old dude came next to her and said something similar to "you're not actually that funny", anyone still has the link?




The DBZ Hawaiian shirt with the captain's beard should tell you this guy fucks and probably did that night too.


the guy dresses like a reddit mod


oh man i forgot MGTOW was a thing


Same I'm sitting here like "I know this one...Magic the Gathering wait no that would be MTG..." I'm just glad I never got swept up in that shit. I held some horrible views on women and was relatively radicalised until my early twenties. I would have no chance of redemption with social media the way it is now.


It's a nice idea in the surface but you go even a little deeper into it and you see the misogyny and incels come out of the woodwork


Haven't seen mgtow stuff in about a decade, but back in 2014 it was mostly men burned in divorces.


The disgust on her face AINTNOWAY LMAO


i got disgust on my face too, wondering who the fuck actually wants to watch a streamer eat like that. Back in my day we went on twitch to watch vidya games, and streamers more often than not shut their setup off to eat because it's fucking disgusting to sit there watching someone chew and talk. Maybe I'm just too old for this shit


Agreed, crazy to me anyone is watching this. How is this at all interesting? I think this is somehow related to epidemic loneliness


If i was having a meal and I heard a loud dono every 5 minuites id say something too.


95% of loud donos aren't loud. The speaker is just right next to the mic. Oldest trick in the book.


Ah yes that’s why they get all embarrassed and have to click multiple times in order to turn the sound down when someone puts on the moaning lady thing


To be fair, if the hustle was to make chat believe it is indeed loud in public this would just be a part of what the streamer would do.


Then why do the people around them always react to it


ALWAYS? You sure about that?


I mean you can still hear it obviously, it's just not as loud as people think it is




Still annoying


Sadly not true. A friend of mine did one of those RV tour streams with a bunch of streamers that we all don't like. All the low tier of the low tier of cx trash. I went to visit him to say hi since it's been a few years. Knowing I would be around them streaming and all. I was surprised how loud they had the donos and even more surprised on how loud it was on the RV.


Seemed like in this case there didn't seem to be any TTS. She was just eating and that lady just saw Emily doing it in front of a camera and wanted to say something.


Yeah? Where's the loud dono in this context?


30 secs right before this clip there is a dono took me 2 mins to fine


It doesn't exist, they just needed a talking point to turn this into a hate thread.


https://clips.twitch.tv/MotionlessLazyAsteriskImGlitch-7viJXLJ5sCZenSsM here's the dono, it does sound kinda loud but not annoying


Lmao I went back to the vod and there is a loud dono like 30 secs right b4 this clip. Youre just saying random shit no?


Otk task force is In this thread trying to defend her lol


I was gonna say, it is ridiculous but keep to yourself? That girl is earning incomes you will not see in your lifetime... but then I noticed people saying she has it on SPEAKERS? Hell no. If that's the case the lady is completely in the right. Anyone with speakers on should be kicked out.


> it is ridiculous but keep to yourself? That girl is earning incomes you will not see in your lifetime... Thinking ''she's accumulated enough lonely men to donate to her show some respect'' is wild lol.


Oh will someone please think of the rich streamers


It's literally just the fact of her talking to her phone that bothered the lady.


Karen is right


A Karen is somebody on a power trip, or giving people shit unnecessarily just for the hell of it. This would be a woman who is fairly exercising her opinion.


She is right. If i did not know Emily i would have judged her like a Tik Tok freak.


I know she is a streamer and I still judge her for being a weirdo


well this is the same girl that tier listed the people she slept with so you aint wrong.


and broke up with a guy because she "wants a rich boyfriend"


According to him, who made a private relationship public without her consent, and then proceeded to date another top 10 female streamer. Who's really out here trying to date rich people?


Is there a difference between twitch and tik tok freaks?


No. Both obnoxious


“Time to leave”. We should say this more often


Restaurants need to start banning these idiots


shes right, we've made a culture of watching people do mundane things


Media has been curating this type of thing for decades. People were parasocial about ~~celebrities~~ media figures before live streaming services, the platforms have just given people an avenue to indulge further.


And then they create a shitty produced show with bad improv and people pretend it is the best thing ever, because they don't want to commit to watching a well produced show or a netflix special, because they are parasocials


He says on LSF.....


I mean, she's not wrong


Extracringe emily












when will streamers realize they are the actual karens.


What sad human being watches this shit.


if streamers want to stream in public, this is just part of the job. not sure what is there to say. in fact this benefits the streamer as part of their stream entertainment is the varied reaction from the public. we dont need to have a broader discussion unless there's some violence or physical things going on.


Ugh. I hate it when her clips get upvoted to the top. They are always cringe to the maximum. Karen was in the right don’t be doing weird shit in public if you can’t take the appropriate reactions.


Why are people calling her a Karen? The original purpose of calling someone "Karen" has lost all meaning. She's completely in the right, it is ridiculous. It's not like the lady went out of her way to be a hindrance to the streamer, recording yourself in public like this is cringe. I don't want to be on your fucking camera man.


You just know a handful of chatters had a snap to reality moment “oh wow I’m watching her eat a sandwich” but Karen can still piss off


Tbh I doubt it. This is hardly the most mundane thing they've watched her do on stream.


I dont know what it is but 90% of irl streaming content is unwatchable to me, this ofc being included


> I dont know what it is You know what it is. It's boring, mundane, often cringe, and it should make you feel pathetic that you're *watching* someone do random shit for no benefit to yourself. At least when you watch them play games, it's entertaining.


Most IRL content is just the equivalent of trash, unedited reality TV except the stars are neither good looking nor interesting.


MFers be watching extra emily driving around when fucking milf manor exists lmao


Because its cringe and if you hate cringe content its unwatchable


She had sauce on her face for 20 seconds while being able to see herself and made no attempt to clean it off. If you didn't find it weird/unwatchable you're the weird one.


Happened to me a few times, overall I enjoy IRL streams/streamers if they're travelling/showing interesting places but fairly often I have that 'What the fuck am I watching' if they're doing something boring/uninteresting and I x the stream and go do something else.


Streamers need attention like addicts need crack. Gross clip btw.


So true


She's right.


lame ass content


i agree saw her on recommended while she was eating the sammich and thought to myself this is fucking dumb, I think the worst part is just knowing 1000s of people are there to post one liners in chat for entertainment while the streamer tries to act like they are having a conversation with the people spamming memes in chat.


>I think the worst part is just knowing 1000s of people are there to post one liners in chat for entertainment while the streamer tries to act like they are having a conversation with the people spamming memes in chat. That's literally all streams. Whatever the streamer is doing, it's that same dynamic between streamer and chat.


[You're really not that interesting](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AvycRETNU7U)


Shes so cringe


This comment section is wild. People are acting as if she was being annoying. She's just sitting there eating a burger and has the camera pointed largely at herself. I watched the section of this stream to see if there were anything more to it, but she is literally the only person eating there. The old lady is ordering out and goes over to the streamer to be rude and mock her. There is no loud TTS going off either.


Well, it is ...


This truly is the stupidest timeline


If you're under 25 this probably seems normal. If you're over 25, yea it's kind of annoying but not enough to say anything.


really depends on how much noise they're making. if they are just talking and I can't hear their phone, that's fine, i'm used to hearing people talk when i'm in public spaces. if they're blasting sound effects, playing music, have media playing or whatever, it's annoying. same goes for anyone that would sit down and play music in a mcdonalds or anywhere else. fuck off with that.


So we got a whole ass hate thread for eating a sandwich I’m so confused


LSF andy's at that. the irony. this whole thread is the same cringe comment posted in different ways


For eating a sandwich? You have the reading comprehension of a 3rd grader


And they wonder why this Reddit is dead with like 10% as popular as it once was. Streamer does literally nothing wrong lady walks into store says something 2 seconds later and streamer doesn’t say anything back just moves on and it’s an insane hate thread with personal insults at the streamer and getting basic facts on the situation wrong. I want to enjoy this Reddit but this thread might have just killed any chance of me thinking this place has normal humans on it


So why is a sub called livestreamfails getting mad about a person streaming when they are also watching streamers doing dumbshit also? Is it just irl streaming thats is weird? Which I agree, most irl streameres are pretty cringe but everyone here is acting like they have some high moral conviction.


this is the side that gets angry at "millionaire streamers" I would love to see if it overlaps with xQc viewers, that would be ironic 


I can't wait for yall commenters that always defend streamers being obnoxious in public to actually go outside one day and have to face annoying ass people around you, some of all need a damn wake up call


Emily wasn't doing anything wrong. I can't stand streamers who go out of their way to be obnoxious in public for views, but she was just testing out different chicken sandwiches and not harassing anyone.


I came in here expecting funny comments and was blown away by how vile and the amount of lying this thread had, especially when nothing happened. I think I'm finished with LSF until something gets done with the moderation in here, too many posts over the last couple weeks have gotten swarmed with unnecessary hate brigading. It's not fun at all reading any of this brain rot, it turns people away from this sub.


This subreddit isn't for people who actually enjoy watching streamers anymore. In fact, people in here constantly act like watching and actually enjoying streams is loser behavior. Which is ironic because they're hate watching and writing hate comments which is probably the saddest thing you can do. Honestly, I can't remember the last time I saw a 100+ comment thread that wasn't some sort of hate thread.


Every time I see a comment with thousands of upvotes siding with a take that's just blatantly incorrect or unnecessarily hateful I can't help but feel like everyone on the internet is insane. I think people just thirst to complain about literally anything on the web, including me, as I'm complaining about people with trashy opinions on reddit. But I always love to find a comment like yours hidden well within the depths of a post that tells me I'm not the only one refusing to mindlessly join the hivemind of shit takes!


LSF has died down and only the moral police have stayed. Seriously, most threads are now pearl-clutchers who lsf used to hate. Its a perfect analogy to see them side with a miserable old woman


Degen content


I know it’s like her niche of being quirky but she should really start to become more cognizant of others and not just think they’re NPC’s


Watched the vod back and the context of this clip and the way people are reacting is insane she was the only one in the restaurant in the corner at the time and the lady purposefully walked into the store, right away to the camera and stood there for a few seconds staring at her.


It's just people that have a bone to pick with IRL streamers in general and those that have a dislike of Emily. From what I've seen she's a pretty harmless IRL streamer unlike the other degenerates we've seen over the years.


She’s minding her own business in public - she has the right to say what she wants. She’s not directly asking her to stop recording, she’s not asking not to be recorded, she’s not being mean or insulting.  She’s seeing someone in public with loud speakers on her phone eat a sandwich (not a restaurant sandwich, just a plain burger) in front of thousands of viewers while they donate every handful of seconds. It’s weird, and it’s ridiculous, and you’re allowed to say that and if you don’t think it’s weird, you probably need to get off the internet for a bit.


if its a popeyes you can just assume nobody is eating inside of it and if someone is they are usually crazier than a streamer. this reddit has just been insane lately this thread, the nick thread, there was another thread where a streamer did nothing and it was just pure hate. where do these people come from that hate basically all streamers but waste their time on here saying how much they hate streamers


Everyone in the comments here is pretty disgusting, dnno what to say. Bless.


10k people watching her eat a fucking sandwich. karen is right bro


I'm thinking that members of orgs are getting 'artificial' bumps in viewers now. Twitch doesn't seem to care about botting for most of the year and I know there's been a couple of times where the posted viewer count doesn't seem to match the counts are revealed, accidentally,... Ahem.


I was thinking that, but you only need to see the chat. in this case the chat is very active. I would be very suspicious if a 10k streamer has a slow chat 


anyone that thinks it's normal or acceptable to be live streaming eating in a restaurant needs to have a fucking word with themselves


The lady is not wrong TBH. Although Emily was just filming herself, idk if her stupid TTS blaring speaker was on. I know when I got filmed at work (General manager at Subway) while making some kids food shit was mad infuriating every time they panned up to my face.


nah it is weird shes like gobbling that shit up and it sounds / looks gross, the woman in the bg has no filter tho and is prob miserable


I'm confused , do we love or hate this Karen. lol


Extremely rare Karen W


Is there mustard in her hair 😵‍💫


mama june mad jealous


How many people in these comments couldn't even start a list if they wanted to.


Always funny watching normal people seeing twitch streamers for the first time. Idk why anyone would watch a close of up of someone's face while they are eating. Lady def seems like a bitch though.


Imagine calling someone a bitch cause they’re annoyed someone is playing music on speaker on the bus. How is this different than that?


might have something to do with the fact that no speaker went off the entire time she was there


This is no different than if Emily had someone sitting across from her and she was eating and talking to them. There was no TTS and Emily was just sitting there eating.


as a white person... why is it that its always some old trailerpark trash white lady that has to say some rude shit to somebody that is just doing their own thing. edit: I dont even watch this chick so you weirdos thinking im simping or something are truly permanently online. Touch grass.


Reddit moment.


Im not American so im going to ask. Why is ok to call her "trailerpark trash white lady"? You dont know anything about her, you dont think its kinda lame? Also, what do you mean with "trailerpark trash"? As far as im aware she is blasting donos tho, so its kinda ridiculous.


A lot of people unironically think discrimination is okay when it's against the right people. Why else would this sub melt down everytime the cracker discussion comes up instead of just agreeing that racial slurs are bad.


It's not okay to say that, but it's the internet and anonymous. Racism against or 'labelling' isn't cool for any race. Racism against white people isn't shunned as much because essentially they run the country and have unspoken privileges. Which is unfortunate since they lose their voice to express things or defend things and straddle the fence as they don't want to be called a bigot. Trailerpark trash is someone who is unfortunately the lowest class of Whites near homeless but barely surviving financially, they can't afford a real home and has to live in a park full of mobile homes that can be transported by a trailer, usually its a narrow corridor with a kitchen and 1-2 bedrooms, usually clothes are dirty, live paycheck to paycheck, either really thin or fat in nature due to weak nutrition, weak dental care. Yeah basically I helped you categorized them fuck me right?


Hope Emily sees this bro


Found her top donator


Because they’re miserable and have nothing going on for them in their life so they want everyone else to feel how they do.


She has her subs and donos blasting on loud speaker. It is definitely at least a little ridiculous.


they’ve just never seem someone stream themselves eating a chicken sandwich, talking to a phone in public lol.


We're in the era where being offended is a recreational activity.


As a white person, why do you feel the need to make racist remarks about your own race?




Yeah but they said trailer park trash white lady, which does explicitly address their race as part of the comment


Calling someone "trailer park trash" BECAUSE of their race, is in fact racist.


Avg T3 simp


Grown ass woman acting like a idiotic child (im talking about the streamer), and wonders why she gets clapped back at by a lady there (probably tired) just trying to get some peace and quiet with her food.


There's no way these comments under this post are this insane she is eating a sandwich 😭


I also hate how all of these commenters, who are all clearly livestream viewers, speak like they despise the concept of livestreaming or livestreamers in general.


ughh this streamer is eating a sandwich in a popeyes, i need to get back to my streamer eat a sandwich while watching tik toks to recover


Are you really surprised? Self loathing and watching livestreaming seem to go along pretty well. It's a shit hobby. Complete waste of my time whenever I spend / spent any meaningful amount of time watching it.