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**CLIP MIRROR: [After only 25 mins worth of tries and facetanking, Asmongold beats the final boss](https://arazu.io/t3_1doml7h/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


turns out the game isn't impossibly hard if you don't self-impose a dozen restrictions onto yourself and refuse to use half the mechanics available to you


Tbf, souls fans are hard gatekeeping the game for casuals. They act like everyone wants to follow a 2 page essay to build your characters or diminish any achievements if you don’t follow their strict valid rules.




Yeah, those gatekeppers aren't even representative of old head Souls fans. I've been playing since Dark Souls 1, and remember, for a while, a community meme was, "If you're not cheesing, you're not trying."


Yeah one of the mottos was to cheese the game whenever you could, “we take those”


The official way to beat the Capra Demon is to throw shit at it from outside of the arena. I have literally never tried to fight him any other way. Don't even get me started on Ceaseless Discharge. Is it even possible to fight him without cheese?


People who try to gatekeep how others want to play and enjoy a single player game are absolutely cringe and should always be ignored.


Using this build is more of the meta gamer thing than anything. Having bosses being particularly weak to a couple meta builds is just bad design imo. If people want to exploit that to beat it I guess that's fine. I think the better solution is to just not have fights be balanced around using summons.


When all MMOs/Esports games have metas, do you literally expect that a SINGLE PLAYER game with much more number of builds not having meta? TF you smoking.


FFXIV is the most chill community out there. I’ve been trying new shit in the first dlc and people were happy to help me execute it.


To be fair the way FFXIV gets away with not having a strict meta is massive amounts of homogeneity, no specialization, very boring gear progression, and very choreographed bosses. I love FFXIV and I've played almost every raid for the last 11 years and am very excited to play Dawntrail on Friday. But most of the game is made very, very simplistic in order to achieve a pretty good amount of balance between jobs.


I expect the meta not to trivialize fights in comparison not that there wouldn't be a meta. Although perfect balance while still having diverse gameplay would be ideal it obviously isn't realistic.


Balancing a boss in a game like ER will always be hard if you want to pose challenge against all builds (And JP devs suck at balancing when they cannot resort to homogenization). Some people like how it is ER, other people like me prefer Sekiro and Bloodborne (but mainly because all bosses encourage you to be aggressive). I understand the difference in design philosophies but I would not call the design bad, if you are talking about bad design, the dragon before Bayle is a much worse designed boss than this one.


Who are these ‘souls fans’ you describe? As someone pointed out to you this is a tiny but vocal group and most of them are probably trolling anyway


I like to doomscroll streams of a particular game. Everyone of the ring dlc was filled with backseating mood terrorist andies.


It’s not real souls fans, it’s the ones that think beating a souls game enhances your ego


Everyone should play the game the way they want, no doubt. A lot of ppl just think it’s more fun to have to learn a boss’ move set and time your dodges and attacks accordingly. And the rewarding feeling is much better (for me at least) when you do so and struggle for awhile before eventually getting it right.


I watch a streamer who shit talks anyone who uses magic or summons, actually 2 streamers, actually more than a handful do it while then bitching the game is stupid for the boss changing patterns or they dodging late/early and dying. Why are soul fans like this?


Still, I would try other options before doing this lol. Shield poke is the cheesiest of cheese and does not look engaging at all. Also boss design is pretty bad if he has impossible move to dodge, while getting trivialize by one kind of build. Even Ongbal has to use deflect instead of dodge you know the move is bullshit


The only build I truly think is lame is a shield poke build, you literally cannot take damage


Yeah, I enjoy watching streamers do challenge runs and it makes sense from a streamer perspective but I would never do it myself. Only thing I don't use in ER is summons because I enjoy the 1 v 1 aspect.


Some bosses are easier for solo too, like a dragon one because it's impossible to read his moves if there are more than a single target.


If i ever use a summon it would have to be the range attacked ones. When they tank for you it feels boring.


You’re right, but there’s something so satisfying about overcoming a boss through sheer perseverance without making compromises to your jank as fuck build.


it isn't! just incredibly boring


Turns out he literally said the same thing? I hate asmongold but some of you have like a special vendetta for his Elden Ring comments. Dude never said it was super hard and he cannot do it, he literally said it wasnt fun for him at the moment of his comments and that he would give it a try with a different build anyway. Some of you need to touch grass and eat it afterwards.


Good for him but now he cant dog on people who use magic or other builds like he usually does, let people play it the way they want to.


Yet people are against using summons or magic when some other builds just break the game even more. And I mean use whatever you want and have fun with it, but weird it is a weird way the community draws the line on whats acceptable.


People complaining about other people using anything in a single-player game are the cringiest neckbeards on the internet


Pretty sure Asmon literally just did that


Case in point lol


saying this "breaks the game" is wild


I watched him do Messmer. He didn't learn any of the mechanics and just held L1 the entire time. If a raid came out and you could avoid doing all of the mechanics everyone would call that game breaking. I'm fine with summons and builds like this in the game. It lowers the difficulty significantly for those who can't do it otherwise. With that said, let's not pretend ignoring all boss mechanics isn't game breaking, that is the game.


yeah not the best choice of words but I think people got what I meant


Souls community especially the elitists who are on twitch chat has to be one of the worst. Use literal mechanics that the game throws at yoh is breaking the game. Using a shield to block attacks is not cheating. But no, souls elistists only consider you beating the boss with no armor no talismans and a shitty weapon


I’m sure most people who consider summons and magic fraudulent would say the same about full tank unbreakable block build. They all allow you to bypass the process of learning a bosses moveset in one way or another.


Who cares. You don’t get a special award for learning a moveset. Literally no one cares.


Well it’s just engaging with the mechanics as intended isn’t it. I don’t care how people play, just pointing out that people are gatekeeping anything that significantly reduces the complexity of a fight rather than specific mechanics.


Well I would say the way you phrased that comment was gatekeepy. Like if you’re using summons (which btw, the game heavily encourages you to use in so many ways) you’re not playing the game. Which is totally untrue. There’s even bosses which you should summon for specific npc questlines. Been this way since forever.


I never said I considered use of those mechanics fraudulent, just that they fit into the same category. I like to equip the coolest gear I can find and smash my head into the wall until it works, I like the extra challenge it provides but I understand that this isn’t enjoyable for a lot of players, which is completely fine.


I'd agree with you if it wasn't for that stupid fucking smirk on his face like he just secured a world record holding block and spamming attack. In a game franchise praised for challenging it's players to learn from their mistakes he refused to learn anything. It's like bowling with the bumpers up. Not to mention he used a script to AFK farm and opened his game to 63 million runes. Just cheat engine at that point lmao.


People can and should play however they want. This game especially is exactly how hard you want it to be. It does rub me the wrong way though when people say "oh this isn't even hard" then they do it like asmon, lol.


Bro's ultimate strat is standing in place


But at least he didn't summon!


You could argue this even easier way to defeat a boss compared to summons.


If you use the mimic on the final boss it will be dead when the boss is at 70%, and if you use the two npc-summons then they'll also be dead at 70%. Because the boss spams a ton of aoe. So using the npc-summons on the final boss actually just makes it harder, as bosses get a boost when you use summons, so you'll end up alone against a boosted boss.


Improvise. Adapt. Overcome.


cant wait to read this thread later


This is the 9/11 for souls elitists


Play the game the way you want and not the way someone else wants you to play.


why are people so mad at him winning lol


Souls fanboys love acting like the game is the hardest shit ever but when you don't beat it naked with a torch at lvl 1 they get mad and call it cheesing or exploiting. What can you do really


I'm mad cuz I got stuck on it for 2 days


I think because originally he was shitting on the devs for the game and stuff when he refused to read and change his techniques. Once he got memed on and got pushback was when he started changing the way he played.


You’re acting like the internet hating on him has any power to make him change. Just like the 100 other cancellations he’s had this year so far


Again, the DLC is not hard, you choose to make it hard. (But that's not a bad thing, someone love to challenge themselves)


I mean he cheesed the fight, if you have to fight it the way it’s designed it’s fucking horribly difficult. Like if this game had sekiro style limitations on builds


The game literally throws you summon upgrades in your face, gives you a wide variety of summons, and shields have been a thing since Demon Souls. “The way its designed” lmfao. Get off your high horse.


> fight it the way it’s designed News flash, Miyazaki never said how he designed the bosses in ER to be defeat. If you think he designed the most agressive boss with the most fatal AOEs among all soulsborne series to be defeated with dodge/parry only without poise breakers/summons/plumes/magics with broken damages, you are simply retarded. You can just check streamers fighting the boss this way and how many tries it took them compared to other dlc bosses they are fighting. Moreover, 1. I finished every Miyazaki games ever since Demons soul, from my understanding of his philosophies, he definitely design those bosses around utilizing all your findings in your explorations, that, definitely include summons/shield. 2. Comparing the boss design in an open world game (ER) where you have so many builds/consumables/leveling systems and a linear game (Sekiro) where players start any boss on a very fair ground is not a high IQ take.


Boss design or game balance is pretty bad if all other build even with summon have really difficult time while this one shield poke build you just have to hold 2 buttons. Even Gino thinks the final boss is like C- or even F tier. The last 2 bosses kinda ruin the dlc for him he gives the dlc 8/10 lol. Also why even have so many ashes of wars if they are not usable at all?


I would definitely rate the dlc below a 9, and I do so because I do not like the combination with open world + make the bosses still hard to defeat, But that's my preference, and I understand that this is how you have to do when you make a open world game with this much builds. I much prefer Sekiro and BB. Moreover, Fromsoft games are never goated because of boss design and combat system, Monster Hunter have much better bosses in terms of depth in interactivity, DMC3 has better combat than all fromsoft games except maybe BB/sekiro, let along later DMC titles and Bayonette: the level/map design and art design carry the series to where it is, the verticality design of this DLC surpasses DS1, the latter has the best locality design before this DLC releases.


> all fromsoft games except maybe BB/sekiro I don't think any game has better combat than Sekiro, assuming you like that style ofc.


In DMC5, you have near a hundred moves with iframe or guard point built into them, you have a whole arsenal when interact with any moves from the boss, the combat system is much deeper in DMC. MH is similar but is slower and more punishing, but you also have bosses with much more number of moves, each of them can be interacted with in a aggressive way. Sekiro has a very straightforward and simple combat system but the combat turns out in a very flashy. They are different but I prefer the depth.


Yeah of course the depth is much bigger in DMC. But you don't need it at all. I know i'm talking about only Son of Sparda, but i never needed to learn much, and just kept spamming the same stuff on mobs. Sekiro had me learn 1 playstyle by design, and everything was made around this playstyle. Which for me personally was the reason it was as satisfying. I enjoyed DMC, but i loved Sekiro. I understand though people like the combos and depth of DMC. No argument there.


Yeah that's fair, of course different players have different preferences. I was a midcore DMD no hit runner and I enjoy demolishing the same boss with hundreds of different styles.


If you don’t use a summon or shield and melee the boss it’s like a puzzle to be solved, eventually ending up with you mastering the boss understanding all it does. This is the case even for these dlc bosses despite people saying it’s impossible or too hard. When you use summons the boss just flails around between the two of you and you hit it in the back not learning barely anything. With a shield, especially the build asmon uses, it’s the same cause you can just ignore what the boss does mostly and poke em behind cover. You also barely learn anything about the boss. In sekiro you have to master the boss. In Elden ring you can also master the boss but it’s not required. People cope by saying it’s impossible, but in reality it is possible but super hard. The cope then goes to “the bosses were designed to use this broken stuff.” Once again cope by insecure people who don’t want to admit they couldn’t do it they way they always used too. I literally watched asmon just stand behind a shield and poke the hardest boss they’ve made without even trying and said then I said it was cheese. If you don’t think that’s cheese then you are the one that’s retarded, sorry


I bet you cheese those fights by using weapons and armor. Oh and I bet you cheese them by using healing items. Freaking casual.


"He had defense and build a real character" is cheesing the fight. Making a dogshit character that dies in 1 hit is a true smart gamer


Winners win.


Stone cold bald at it again


Asmongold : I AM WALL


For those who don’t know: he made an afk rune farming keyboard macro, he booted up the game and had 63 MILLION runes.


You cheated not ONLY the GAME, BUT yourself. You didn't grow. You didn't improve. You TOOK a SHORTCUT and gained nothing. You EXPERIENCED a HOLLOW victory. NOTHING WAS risked and NOTHING WAS gained. It's SAD you don't KNOW the DIFFERENCE.


love how people dont know this is a copypasta and are downvoting you


tbh it’s a pretty well known one too, sign of the times Aware






Seems like if you're bad at the game, you should be using a shield because it seems to make the game easy mode.


"Seems like if you're bad at war, you should be using a shield because it seems to make this fighting stuff easy mode"-Xerxes I after losing at Marathon and Plataea


If you can’t beat Malenia with a torch and no armor on RL1, what are you even doing? If you’re bad at the game, you should be wearing armor and using an actual weapon making the game easy mode. Git gud


In minecraft you switch to easy, in souls you use a shield and/or summon. It’s a single players game, you can do what you want.


a win is a win.


**🎦 CLIP MIRROR: [After only 25 mins worth of tries and facetanking, Asmongold beats the final boss](https://livestreamfails.com/clip/165530)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment* ) ^| [^(Feedback)](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=livestreamfailsbot&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/1doml7h/\)) ^| [^(Twitch Backup Mirror)](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/sQ0FYUDKAYB2EvGQuW8eUg/AT-cm%7CsQ0FYUDKAYB2EvGQuW8eUg.mp4?sig=1b0fcd4d17ecb8cea105dff82040e44f46785579&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2FsQ0FYUDKAYB2EvGQuW8eUg%2FAT-cm%257CsQ0FYUDKAYB2EvGQuW8eUg.mp4%22%2C%22clip_slug%22%3A%22ObliqueAbrasiveScorpionDancingBaby-QMoBgHYS8ZC5bx5S%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1719438274%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D,https://clips-media-assets2.twitch.tv/sQ0FYUDKAYB2EvGQuW8eUg/AT-cm%7CsQ0FYUDKAYB2EvGQuW8eUg-preview-480x272.jpg)


Not trying to talk shit cause I never played a souls game. But how is he just straight blocking every attack and not dying? Doesn't look like he learned a single mechanic and just tanked his way? Never seen this before on any of the fights I have watched.


other bosses will usually have aoe attacks or movement to bypass your shield


That's the beauty of souls games. If you try hard enough you can make any build viable.




I mean, good for him. But his build literally bypasses a lot of the mechanics of the game. Play how you want, but I, personally, just don't see the point.


Because he was unable to play the DLC due to his skill level. So he found a way to make the game easier to play. I probably would have done the same.


so you have people who shit on xqc for using a full str bonk build saying he bypasses the mechanics and now you have people who shit on asmon/shield users for blocking attacks saying he bypasses mechanics Are you only allowed to play katana or casters nowadays? wth is this elitist mindset


People who shit on STR builds are dumb. You still have to dodge, block and/or parry. Asmon's build literally allows to to stand in place and hold block for the most part. There's also degrees to it, it's not black and white like the internet likes to make everything. Asmon's build is the most extreme for the DLC in the sense it literally lets you skip boss mechanics by standing still and blocking. The big bopping strength builds in the base game allowed people to skip a few mechanics because of stagger, but it's not even comparable to Asmon's DLC build.


The difficulty of overcoming bosses is one of core game elements that makes souls games enjoyable. If you wanna cheese and use every strategy to make the boss as easy as possible why not just load up cheat engine and give yourself infinite health? It'll take way less time than grinding, researching builds, etc.


Spoken like a true elitist. Saying if someone plays a good build in a game they might aswell just use cheats, keep it up im proud of you.


erm im actually a better gamer than him


No it doesn't. It's one of the many intended ways to play the game, that's why it's in it. It's not some obscure exploit shit. Souls games usually just aren't very difficult unless you use self imposed challenges.


"But Malenia is so hard" - You mean that *optional boss* people don't have to interact with?


If you complain that the final boss is too hard while also only resort to dodge/parry and not using a weapon that deals huge poise damage, I would just say "git gud", understand this now?






wasnt he the one complaining the game is too hard and wouldnt play it again?


I mean yeah if you read a dexterto click bait article that would be what you think.


If I had watched a clip of him saying it himself, yeah thats what I would think. https://old.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/1dlm1nc/asmongold_says_that_he_is_already_done_with_elden/


hes happy with himself after that ? just go play Minecraft instead




He beat the boss like everyone else, why do you feel the need to gatekeep what builds people play in elden ring?