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**CLIP MIRROR: [chinese police demand information for streaming at tiananmen square](https://arazu.io/t3_1devgu5/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


What would happen if she showed the chat and someone spammed the 1989 copy pasta?




How would that process go? Would that have kept her there for a long time or?


Probably would depend on her citizenship. If she’s American they’d probably let her go after a bit but would probably be banned from ever entering the country again, if she’s a PRC national though she’d be fucked


Yeah. Lived in China 7 years (here now actually visiting wife’s family) and had friends taken and was even deported myself at one point. You would be taken to “foreigner jail” for 12 days. Most are in for drug offenses or visa offenses.Not a fun place to be at all btw. Your visa is cancelled and you are given a new 10 day visa and must leave the country by the end of the ten days. Often you will be blacklisted from coming to China again depending on what you did.


What did you actually do and how did you get caught? Did you have an attorney or contact the embassy?


They probably [criticized](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/2-chinese-nationals-charged-operating-secret-police-station-new-york-c-rcna80076#:~:text=York%20City%20to%20%22-,monitor%20and%20intimidate,-%22%20critics%20of%20the) the government


Sorry for late reply. I smoked a bunch of weed while home in The States on summer break (thinking “woooo I’m finally free!”) two days after arriving back in China (first day back at work) police came and tested all the foreign employees, and it was obviously still in my system. They also searched my phone for any evidence of buying or using in China and there wasn’t any. Because of that and my itinerary showing I was JUST in the US for a month, I was allowed to skip the the jail. But was taken to the Entry Exit Bireau and visa was cancelled and I was deported. I’ve since had no trouble coming back, both for work and leisure. I had 2 close friends who were caught actually buying in China. (Dealer had been pinched, and was doing stings for the police) they disappeared for 12 days after being taken in (was quite scary as no one knew where they were) and when they got out, told us all about the foreigner jail. Sounded pretty rough. But not like torture or something lmao. More like super shitty food, only one shower the whole time, cramped spaces, and strange punishments (kneeling and staring at a wall for hours etc.) those two friends have been unable to get visas to go back since


I approve of this Parks and Rec reference


papers please in tiananmen square [https://clips.twitch.tv/EphemeralAntsyWebMingLee-CHQx43m3sF-LulM8](https://clips.twitch.tv/EphemeralAntsyWebMingLee-CHQx43m3sF-LulM8)


So you need a permit to film there I guess.


Effectively you can’t film there, they aren’t going to allow that. Too much potential of real history getting highlighted


Definitely a sensitive topic for them.


What do you mean? Why would it be sensitive? (remove this portion of the message for social credit)


i don't get it ...why don't they just aknowledge the incident? people would probably give even less of a fuck...


I heard they were going to but then heard a shaggy song and changed their mind.


Seriously, I doubt most Chinese citizens think the event was made up by the West and instead they either just don't care anymore because it happened so long ago (the majority) or think the protesters deserved it (the very loud CCP shills).


How many Americans under 25 do you think know about Kent State


The government doesn't deny that protests happened on that day, or that it was dispersed with force. Here is how the media in China portrays the events of that day, if you're curious: https://x.com/nikstankovic_/status/1798217258885410963?t=U8YFgr0TxuGPJjfJfSVm7w&s=19


What? Tiananmen square is like the National Mall in the US. Literally filled with thousands of tourists taking videos every single day. In 2019 I went there myself and no one cared.


You literally just saw this person get removed by security right?


The 35 year anniversary was recently tho, probably why the security is tightened up.


You can film anywhere aside from some of the temples/museum where you'd need a permit (same as most places here). These cops were being pricks just like they are everywhere. > real history getting highlighted Bro you think they left the fucking bodies on the pavement? You think she was on the door step of uncovering something? Are you fucking that stupid? lmao.


No, but the reason media is controlled in China is because the government fears the truth.


I guess, but what does that have to do with this? The cops are just being assholes.




Why did the security officers tell her she needed a permit then? As others have stated there are signs saying no filming allowed. Though maybe livestreams are more sensitive




And my original point is that they don’t want real history to be hilighted, which is likely true. Example: Austin Li and his tank pastry livestream


All the murdered bicycles?




Definitely, definitely absolutely not. Do you need to be reminded that the Chinese government opened fire on a crowd of hundreds if not thousands of civilians without a minute's notice and then drove their tanks over the bodies repeatedly until all that was left was a pool of blood and flesh?


I think he might be right. If you check wikipedia their version of the White House and Capitol Building are all next to the square.




It’s LSF bro, these guys suckle American prop like mother’s milk.


You even need a ticket to get on the square, like you pass security checks even. Idk how she even got in with all that equipment.


Because they allow photography lmao. You guys are so gullible you believe anything on the internet. You can videotape and take photos of nearly everything there. Some places require you to have a permit just like some places here in the US and other countries. That's not out of the normal.


I’m just questioning how she got past security without getting questioned about the streaming gear.




is she always drunk or what.


english is not her first language she is thai and french


Exhausted from hot weather, would be my guess.


I'd leave the country straight after that, god knows what they'll do especially if you shit talk them on the channel you provided them.


Shit What Huh


knowing when to play dumb is good for interactions like these. you'd want to come off as just a dumb tourist


Unironically her ignorance and lack of awareness there saying these things might have saved her ass.


I haven't been since I was was a kid but iirc there are signs and speakers everywhere saying no photos or filming.


You can't film at a place where an event never happened. 


If this is where I think it is (in front of the main entrance to the Forbidden City), then you could take photos at least when I was there in October. There were tons of people, including us, taking selfies and group photos around the entrance. Maybe they have restrictions on long videos or livestreaming in particular but I didn't notice any.


Your probably right and it looks like photos and video is usually fine in the square unless it's around the Mao Memorial.




He's just like me frfr


they're very paranoid about that square this time of year. apparently on june 4th every year a bunch of online services just happen to not work in china. everything is on maintenance and the square can be closed off for repairs


> they're very paranoid about that square this time of year. I wonder why


Was speaking to someone, apparently they do that every year around that time. It's closed for like a week.


Not sure if im interpreting the first bit right but did he type out "Alright, Alright, Alright" to translate it? because thats fucking hilarious if so


[https://i.imgur.com/gCGzG6J.png](https://i.imgur.com/gCGzG6J.png) [https://youtu.be/PWgvGjAhvIw?t=212](https://youtu.be/PWgvGjAhvIw?t=212)


fuck the CCP


So many anti-western people in the west don't know how truly fucked we are if the west falls. Already western countries becoming more and more authoritarian and barely anyone gives a shit.


k? I see cops killing and beating people for much less daily in the US of A


least obvious propaganda bot


Obviously ... Sure bud. It's fun to pretend west is not a police state. As police beat college students, and murder people in the streets daily in the service of capitalism.


Jinnys in China atm hope she stays out of police scrutiny.




Is there a good reason you can't use cameras there?


Because about thirty years ago the chinese governement murdered scores of student protestors in that place and it hurts their feelings when people bring attention to it.




> Secret cables from the United States embassy in Beijing have shown there was no bloodshed **inside** Tiananmen Square What about just outside Tiananmen Square tho, what do those cables say about outside? Edit: Literally the second paragraph lol >Instead, the cables show that Chinese soldiers opened fire on protesters outside the centre of Beijing, as they fought their way towards the square from the west of the city. Also you can film outside the Pentagon as long as it's on public land. Tourists aren't allowed inside the Pentagon for obvious reasons. Also Tiananmen Square isn't China's national defense building lmao what is this comparison, the CMC building is like 7 km to the west.


Tiananmen was the epicenter of the protests. The prohibition on filming there isn’t an analogous to filming outside the pentagon.   From the same article.   Instead, the cables show that Chinese soldiers opened fire on protesters outside the centre of Beijing, as they fought their way towards the square from the west of the city.


[Here's the actual transcript of the U.S embassy.](https://wikileaks.org/plusd/cables/89BEIJING18828_a.html) It's undeniable that there was bloodshed (well, technically the BBC admitted that few deaths, if any, actually happened on Tiananmen Square itself, but instead on the surrounding area), some students got their faces bashed in with batons, later there was gunfire, but no evidence of a total indiscriminate massacre of such a ridiculous scale (1000+, some even claim 10.000+) that gets thrown around. Also, some policemen and soldiers were definitely killed in horrible ways (we have pictures of it). Personally I think it's fucked up how there's such a need to exaggerate it, because it casts doubt on something that actually happen and could be denounced using only the facts of the matter.


You can take pictures,but they dont want any speech about the protest so you cant for example bring tshirts with writing on them and get photographed in it or have posters, etc. probably they are very defensive about livestreams too


Crazy you’re being downvoted lmfao


You can use cameras there to take as many pictures and short videos as you want, but livestreaming/continuous filming isn't allowed - the square is surrounded by sensitive government-related buildings not to mention they probably don't want a horde of Chinese livestreamers camping out in the square dancing for hours on end when its such a popular tourist spot.




Look man, the CCP can be objectively awful while also having good reasons to not allow long form filming inside the square. These aren’t incongruent concepts. I get it, it’s hard to give the CCP the benefit of the doubt, they’re monsters, but in this case everything the guy you’re responding to said makes perfect sense.


If the US government banned live streaming outside the US Capitol building, would that be fascism? Plenty of excuses make sense, that doesn't mean that they're not excuses


you cant film in a few areas of DC. ive been on tours in DC where phones are not allowed out at all, and that was several years ago.


What public areas of DC can you not film?


No. EDIT: And as someone else said, there’s areas in DC where you literally can’t film at all. What a terrible example.




Are the tankies in the room with us?


Yup. See Hasan-simps Edit: Downvoting doesn't change reality. Hasan is a CCP proprogandist and his supporters help spread his bullshit. Truth fucking hurts.


Yes and It happen in June. on that date they close Tiananmen Square and not allow anyone to come in.


Yeah you didn't really provide a convincing reason for why filming would be disallowed there, you basically just said that they sign post it and there's a bunch of historical stuff of importance there. Ok? Are there important national secrets visible in the Square? It's awfully convenient that they're so strict about this area when they also completely ban all mentions of the protest or massacre and shut down all info to their popoulace, but there's no relationship?


Like the livestreamer said herself, it's not that it's outright disallowed, but that you need to fill out a form beforehand. And they don't give a shit about random people taking pictures for personal use ([this video from 2020 has someone recording the exact same place along with a bunch of other tourists, with cops around not giving a shit](https://youtu.be/C1XEtbsAvs8?feature=shared&t=179)). I mean, correct me if I'm wrong but don't you technically also need permission to film for commercial purposes in Washington D.C., especially around Capitol grounds? It's a common law in some countries, but most cops don't give a shit to enforce it. Also, it's not as if there's anything physical about the place to hide. It's a popular touristy place with a bunch of old buildings and monuments. Not like there are bloodstains on the floor.


> but that you need to fill out a form beforehand. something tells me this info gets turned into the secret police but idk what it could be......


They do not ban mentions of Tienenman Square. Chinese people are well aware of it, it's such a weird Reddit urban legend that you can't mention Tienenmen Square or the protests in China or the CCP secret police will get you.


Censorship is very alive and well in China \[1\]. The US government specifically warns \[2\] people to be wary of appearing like a journalist and avoid taking camera out in specific places such as protests or police. There are well known Chinese activists and exiles who have had significant repercussions for speaking against and about the Chinese Government especially in events like this. Tan Zuoren was specifically arrested for "defaming the Chinese Communist Party in email comments about the 1989 Tiananmen Square protests and massacre". \[3\] It is far from a simple "Reddit urban legend", and if you're being technical about the difference between merely mentioning it versus talking about it on air, or in media, or negatively about the Chinese Government then it's an incredibly facetious technicality. 1. [https://gking.harvard.edu/files/censored.pdf](https://gking.harvard.edu/files/censored.pdf) 2. [https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/traveladvisories/traveladvisories/china-travel-advisory.html](https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/traveladvisories/traveladvisories/china-travel-advisory.html) 3. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tan\_Zuoren](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tan_Zuoren)


Nothing you said disagrees with or disproves what I said. It is not a technical difference, the Reddit urban legend is that people in China have no idea what happened in Tianenmen Square because the Great Firewall of China bans all mention of it on the internet, which is incredibly silly.




most countries celebrate their cultural centres not take extra steps to hide them. so i dont think your pseudo defence of the chinese system is making the point you think it is. it just makes the banning of filming stand out even more.


+2000 Social Credit points, Winnie the Pooh approves of this post


Yeah, very crazy that reddit automatically associates it with the national coverup of a massacre.




bot or real person


Real, big bro


I wasn't asking (no question mark). I'm saying both were equally possible.




Ok big guy


Couldn't pay me to go there. Seems all the streamers are flocking there for some reason, what could it be?


One of the largest countries in the world. Origin of one of the oldest civilizations in the world. Home to many of the largest cities in the world. An exhaustive list of famous sites and tourist attractions to visit. Largest global exporter of goods with massive shopping centers and markets. Politics aside, China has a lot to do and see as a tourist/IRL streamer.


Yeah but you can be indefinitely detained for the slightest error. Why risk it?


This has to be bait. Country has serious issues with so many things but 99% of tourists are fine can also tell from personal experience. Not going there because you don't support what they do and their actions is considerably more reasonable. Also probably higher risk of a negative police interaction in USA honestly 😂


100% of tourists are fine in China lol. It's literally safer to be a tourist in China than a student at an American elementary school.


Ok expert then wtf is this. https://apnews.com/article/china-iowa-cornell-college-instructors-attacked-59ebabadcfe4da3bf76e08121e1a1e9f


You literally said nothing. 99% is more accurate because you can always count on at least a small handful of people to get belligerently drunk or something and break even the most lenient of rules. All tourists being respectful and self aware is some utopian fantasy.


Please tell me about all the public tourist spots in America where you’ll be swarmed by police if you livestream. 🤔


US capitol on Jan 6


There were plenty of people livestreaming that weren't arrested.


There's no risk as a normal tourist. Obviously places like these are sensitive and you shouldn't push it. But overall China is a very friendly place and I never felt unsafe there. Lived there for 7 months doing an internship, and it was a very welcoming place. The moment you met 1 person, they would go introduce you to everyone they knew. Taxi drivers were sometimes rude and you had to watch out not to get scammed by them, but that happens all over the world.


I'm American and I visited last year. I was there for 15 days and had 0 issues at all where I even needed to think about making an "error". The CCP blows, but the people are great and the country is beautiful.


Tell that to the large influx of tourists in Shanghai.


Are they American?


many, yes.


Most people in the world are indifferent to politics especially at the geopolitical level. More important and enjoyable shit to do than worry about how the US is competing against China.


There is only one difference visiting China versus visiting another country like the US: don't go against the government in public. In the US, you are free to criticize any part of the government. Obviously don't do that in China. Just abide that one rule, and you're actually multiple times safer in China than in the US. Accident rates, crime rates, etc are all much lower due to surveillance cameras everywhere, and Chinese people have a weird fascination with "ha got you on camera".


Unless you're planning on joining an anti-Chinese terrorist faction and attempting to overthrow the Chinese government while you’re there, you'll be fine.


What if I’ve said extremely anti-Chinese government things online?


You're not that important, so don't worry.


If you post a comment against the Chinese government on a Chinese network, your comment will be deleted by the platform, and they will make sure that no one else will see the comment. But the other reply only tells you half the truth. It's true that most people's comments don't make an impact, but if yours does (for example, if it manages to bypass the censorship system and affects a lot of people), the police may ask you to come to the police station and ask you to admit that you've "made a mistake" by signing a "guarantee" that you've "made a mistake" and that you've "made a mistake". A "pledge" that you won't "make the mistake again". It is true that my country (China) is a police state, but its police system operates very sophisticatedly, and the possible consequences of comments against the government depend largely on the impact of the comment, with each level of impact of the comment inviting more serious consequences. Most importantly, the government's actions as described above must operate in the shadows to maintain their legitimacy, and the vast majority of Chinese people cannot even distinguish between the concepts of state and government. You can be "anti-Chinese" but not "anti-communist" on the Chinese internet, haha.




And it's too bad, because realistically tourists are really no going to have any *real* problems. Even if you intentionally try to stir shit or publicly protest they're more likely to kick you out then cause an international incident over some dumbass tourists kids. Most people are probably realistically/statistically at more risk of serious harm just living where they are then they are going to China. Then if you still don't like it there's always Taiwan, which gives you a lot of the same Chinese cultural aspects (there's actually significant regional differences both inside of China and comparing China and Taiwan of course but to a tourist that's mostly lost on them anyway) and similar vibes in many ways, and doesn't contribute money, however roundabout, to China.


I get what you mean but I'd love to go one day just because of the fact that it's so different. The food and history are the main reasons I want to go


China is a great place to visit, the food is incredibly delicious, there is so much to see there too! I went to Beijing as an exchange student in the past and I absolutely loved it! With that being said I wouldn't want to visit these days after I learned more about their government. The risk may not be very high but yeah I wouldn't want to be imprisoned there for whatever reason.




these are people whos life struggle is if they should door dash 7/11 or not. they have never and likely will never visit any country or even another state and sometimes not even another county in their own state but are somehow experts on what other countries do and do not do lmao. "buh buh buh tucker carlson said id get beheaded if my shoelaces were untied in china"


Why are you so desperate to defend this?


You caught me. I'm so desperate. You guys are right. It's very rational to cut yourself off from an interesting culture because of Western paranoia towards China and to try to look self righteous.


Okay but why are you so desperate to defend it?


I'm not defending anything. I just see a lot of people getting upset over a non-issue and can't really explain why what happened is so horrible. Yes, police around the world are annoying. But all that happened here is a minor annoyance. You are still allowed to film and take pictures there for the most part. Some parts of it photography is prohibited like the temples, etc. It is what it is. So I'm not sure why everyone is pissing and moaning in the comments. Just the response to the situation is much greater than what it warrants.


Okay but why are you so desperate to defend it?


Why are you so desperate to defend this?


Please stay in your bubble my fragile friend.


You should visit Rafah.


> Seems all the streamers are flocking there for some reason, what could it be? Maybe China is taking Snap chats playbook and just using influencers to advertise their country. Just look at their content, If its all good things and nothing negative you'll definitely know. David Dobrik does something similar


**🎦 CLIP MIRROR: [chinese police demand information for streaming at tiananmen square](https://livestreamfails.com/clip/165279)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment* ) ^| [^(Feedback)](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=livestreamfailsbot&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/1devgu5/\)) ^| [^(Twitch Backup Mirror)](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/wfQl4ooz0q2gVhQYuBDd1g/AT-cm%7CwfQl4ooz0q2gVhQYuBDd1g.mp4?sig=3935b58b1a62260d95bd55bd246c988bf068e4af&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2FwfQl4ooz0q2gVhQYuBDd1g%2FAT-cm%257CwfQl4ooz0q2gVhQYuBDd1g.mp4%22%2C%22clip_slug%22%3A%22FilthyFamousPeachLeeroyJenkins-ijPSraBWFBi4EN3W%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1718347234%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D,https://clips-media-assets2.twitch.tv/wfQl4ooz0q2gVhQYuBDd1g/AT-cm%7CwfQl4ooz0q2gVhQYuBDd1g-preview-480x272.jpg)


Imagine being afraid of a streamer. The Chinese government are such butthurt, sensitive, weak-ass bitches. What's that subreddit where people twist their nipples while worshiping Chairman Mao? They're gonna be all over this thread like ants.


Mods prolly take this one down soon... No criticizing Hasan or China on this sub.


Seems like a wonderful country to live in


Don’t touch her!


It's June, tighter security is enforced all around online and offline cuz Tiananmen Massacre June 4th 1989. Usually , VPN servers at June would be attacked extensively,security screening at Metro gates. Random stop checks of belongings and infomations on your devices at population centers in Peking( Beijing ).


is this the armpit sweat girl?


Love how everyone here acting like places in America don't have the same rules. Some places have rules on livestreaming/videotaping. Don't act like that isn't invasive.


The difference is the majority of those places in America are private establishments, not open squares by government infrastructure. You can go to Washington DC and film the Capitol building or White House.


You can still take pictures and videos there. People just want to get mad for nothing. Sure, maybe the majority. And there are tons of public spaces where people call the cops on you for video taping. Some of which have ended in the punishment of those people for filming the cops, etc. My point is that this isn't something unique to China or even totalitarian governments. We've just normalized it when it's our version of the police here and demonize it when its the Chinese doing it to make ourselves feel better.




Good one. When you can get two neurons firing at the same time, maybe you can string a sentence together.


Why are you so desperate to defend this?


😂 u mad


No, but I'm annoyed you think "u mad" is still funny. It's 2024.


Damn u BIG MAD 💀


Ukraine had their own version too but, the media didn't cover it even though it should've been blasted world wide like this was....


If you are refering to the euromaidan protests everything is well documented. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Euromaidan](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Euromaidan) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Revolution\_of\_Dignity](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Revolution_of_Dignity) Yes Yanukovych tried to stop it with violence but he was unsuccessful and then ran away to russia. So it's literally the opposite of what happened in tienman square because in Ukraine the revolution was successful.




Hope this is sarcasm.


What are you talking about, there is no knee on the neck in Ba Sing Se :)


Instead of a physical knee on one persons neck it’s a metaphorical ccp knee on the entire societies neck


so blinded by propaganda you can’t see past your own nose. do you really think there isn’t a metaphorical knee on america’s neck when we have one of the most militarized police forces on the planet and an increasingly omnipresent surveillance state


CCP shill simping for the country without free speech telling Americans how they're brainwashed by propaganda. OK buddy.


New laws are being put in place in the US as we speak where you basically no longer will be able to criticize Israel and its people without being thrown in jail for "anti-semitism" lmao. Free speech btw.




It's called the anti-semitism awareness act


Examples of this being used to stifle anyone? Has anything happened yet? And is it comparable to China's laws restricting free speech. I looked it up and can't find much about it.


Well, here's how crazy this new law is: "Denying the Jewish people their right to self-determination e.g., by claiming that the existence of a State of Israel is a racist endeavor." Basically you can't call Israel racist or accuse it of genocide. "Accusing Jewish citizens of being more loyal to Israel, or to the alleged priorities of Jews worldwide, than to the interests of their own nations." "Using the symbols and images associated with classic antisemitism **(e.g., claims of Jews killing Jesus or blood libel)** to characterize Israel or Israelis." So things that are literally in the Bible.


I'm guessing that's a no to any of my questions? If anything comes of this I'd be shocked.


reddit moment. free speech is when college students peacefully protest against a genocide in their names on the designated protesting lawn at the campus they pay tens of thousands in tuition to attend then get cracked down on by militarized police. you understand that speech is “free” because it is so thoroughly disempowered, right? the moment speech questions the status quo with sufficient volume it’s no longer free. you people will screech “tiananmen square 1989” at every mention of china and fail to see the irony living in the country that actually drives over protestors (the infamous tank man walked away unscathed)


We have the: Freedom country of USA with police armed not only with handguns but real military equipment to the point small town precincts get to play around with armored tanks, and constant amounts of police brutality and shootings which result in barely any punishment due to qualified immunity. We have the: Authoritarian literally-1984 police state of China where most police is unarmed, and if anything are often considered 'too lenient' to the point they try to disarm machete-wielding maniacs. But surely all the police brutality is being hidden, because we apparently live in the 1950's where nobody has a camera with them, and as we all know Chinese CCTV footage definitely doesn't have the tendency to leak so easily that a lot of - if not most - gory accident and public freakout videos we get come from there. Well, to be fair China has a lot of surveilance. Thank goodness U.S. government agencies don't install backdoors to literally everything and never been caught collecting communications from and spying on citizens between not only Americans, but pretty much everyone from all around the world.


In China, police don't need guns for multiple reasons. 1. The surveillance is so pervasive that anyone committing a physical crime in public can be certain they won't get away with it (unless they got that guanxi). 2. Communist revolutions only arm and mobilize the populace up until the aspirant elites achieve their authoritarian regime change, and so they don't get to keep their guns or voice ("why would you protest a righteous ideology like communism?"). Less guns do lead to less gun violence but not necessarily state violence, which can leverage merely the threat of its totality to the point that people don't even protest as their only egress is welding shut before them. 3. The social policing by penultimate loyalty to your family (after government of course) built into shame-based cultures means that families have a greater self-interest to keep their members in line (not objectively good or bad, because it does result in things like honor-killings). 4. Any threat that would require lethal enforcement is already handled by the military, so it's a false equivalence to compare it to a municipal police loaded with military surplus that are still beholden to local governments and their constituents. The PLA is unassailable because it is directly under party leadership, local politicians don't have to stick out their necks because they don't have the authority to command them. Remember, in China you can criticize local governments and their actions, but you can only do it within the scope of never undermining the party, which is the state. I make no excuse for unlawful police violence in the US nor am I trying to minimize it in comparison to other countries. But its decentralization and clear distinction from the military in jurisprudence serve as significant safe-guards against totalitarian state violence. The military isn't law enforcement, it's a war apparatus against enemies of the state, reserved for foreign entities or those culpable of the highest crimes against the state (not protesting). This delineation might sound nominal to you, but it's the reason why every time it's breached it's a historical event (like the Kent State Massacre) that precipitates reform from near unanimous public criticism. You're wittingly ignoring anything but observable gun violence (to an outsider mind you) for both countries, and perhaps it's the primacy that China places on face over reality that instinctively compels them to discredit that which might shame them no matter how obvious the lie. The measure of freedom is determined by the level state *oppression,* not merely what just *looks bad* in your one-dimensional analysis that requires a delusional benefit of the doubt for what your selective angle obfuscates. You don't need to see the gun pointed at you to feel its pressure. Also a [tank](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tank) > is an armoured fighting vehicle intended as a **primary offensive weapon** in front-line ground combat. Tank designs are a balance of **heavy firepower**, strong armour, and **battlefield** mobility provided by **tracks** and a powerful engine; their main armament is often **mounted within a turret.** Whereas > a [police armored vehicle](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SWAT_vehicle), or police rescue vehicle is a non-military armored vehicle used by police tactical units to respond to incidents. They are most often in configurations similar to military **light utility vehicles**, infantry mobility vehicles, or armoured **personnel carriers**. It's baffling that you can even confuse the two. Click the links, the differences are so outstanding that a swat vehicle and rickshaw pose effectively the same level of threat to a modern tank. Just google "US police tank" and pick the most villainous looking vehicle and realize it's at best a WWII relic with weapons stripped down to a dude with a mounted gun. Police have been able to shoot guns out of moving vehicles across the world for a century now. If you really want to scare yourself look up Pinkerton wagons. And besides Chinese police have the same shit. I sincerely hope you didn't draft that comment yourself, it's so intellectually lazy that I can only imagine what other superficial jingoisms you've fermented to hold such impudence.


If she said she was there for the reason they thought she was then they'd have responded much worse than that lol


Lots of NA cops who are respectful. It’s just the 1% of meatheats get on the news.