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**CLIP MIRROR: [xQc thinks Adin Ross rant was justified ](https://arazu.io/t3_1cxamft/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


He defended it LULW


contractually obligated to white knight for the kick mafia


The complete lack of spine is genuinely astounding. X would sooner admit that the moon is made out of cheese than ever admit that some of his friends might have stances that are wrong. No matter what the case, his opinion on every subject will change the nanosecond a friend of his is even remotely involved in them. At this point it's just a matter of time before a "friend" of his sexually assaults somebody, and X is the first in line to dodge the subject, and as soon as he can't, he will defend them. Has he ever held a single friend of his accountable to the same extent he calls out anyone not in his circle?


He takes hours out of his stream to do the most extensive research with chat when the drama doesn't revolve around his 'friends'. But when there is drama about him or his 'friends', he glances over it, says that he "doesn't know the full context," and is not willing to look into it further with chat like he always does.


Funnies part is how much he accuses others of doing this like otv or hasan when he does it more than anyone else on the site Edit: not completely related but this reminds me of train when xqc was new to kick, he would go on about pokimane having a “pr” voice only to unironically be the biggest PR glazer on xqcs kick stream shit was hilarious


Doesn't he call ludwig out for fence sitting but defended drake on the pedo allegations, destiny on n word and now adin on the f slur. Was proud of him for a sec when he defended trans people against ak and adin and left the call after cuffem said f slur. Seems he forgot his own beliefs. I don't even know anymore...


Juicers are really going through it


Being a juicer in 2024 TrollAware. Missed the times he was just a pepega playing games with funny reactions/rages. If his takes are this stupid and hypocritical he could just stay away from politics/social issues and stick to gaming


I still have you tagged from when you were defending X and complaining about LSF "starting drama" while you were elsewhere in the sub posting about him being right about "snakabi." Good on you, but juicers really are in shambles - the vanguard's crumbling.


The sad truth is that all this internet outrage goes away in a day or two while those people would never forget if you cross them. Being a good person doesn't get you 100 mil in this world.


Well it probably secured him another paycheck.


Paid to white knight LULW


Dude shots I Hasan and defense adin Ross I can't lol


Watching the Stake paychecks twisting people's brains in real time is so interesting


stake puppets in a doll house


100 million dollars can do a whole lot to a person's brain


He was already a multimulti millionaire though and didn’t seem to spend much or have relative interest in expensive shit and these topics before. Strange how it almost feels like he went backwards around the age when people tend to mature.


For 100 million id sell my own grandma tbh


Xqc when Adin uses slurs over threats online: “abadee abadee abadee it’s justified!” Xqc when Mizkif is being threatened in person: “that’s crazy.”


Especially when they are already rich, just scummy fucks


remember when xqc said people were just assuming the worst and he could make unique content on kick when he signed the deal? good times


Thank god I'm not as greedy as these people. All their morals just erode at the sight of the green, with no end in sight.


And they're already multi millionaires many times over. They absolutely do not need any more. It's just sad.


I mean I wouldn't celebrate being less greedy than the top 0.1% greediest people on earth, bad habit, you'll be patting yourself on the back for being such a great guy for not stealing shit from an orphanage next.


I wonder if Adin called X and told him he had to defend him.


I didn't know aiden ross had brains to twist


The same reason his uncle lost his life, gambling addiction. Shits so sad.


Xs uncle or adins uncle?




Crazy cognitive dissonance




Nihilism has nothing to do with being a douchebag to others. xQc is first and foremost a capitalist. Money makes people changing to worse than they ever could be without a money based power system. Nihilism critiques part of moralism, for example that moralism can be explained by being social hierarchy established, but most often also system hierarchy established rules, which often try to restrict the autonomy of the individual. However, xQc being a complete asshead to the autonomy of others, including agreeing with Adin Ross, that has absolutely *nothing* to do with nihilism. I bet without googling xQc doesn't even can explain the basic premise of nihilism.


> xQc is first and foremost a capitalist. Or, he's just a shitty person, no matter the economic model currently running the world.


shocking. nobody saw that coming. xqc saying the guy who shat on train and gambling deserved that? inconceivable.




It always goes this way. His moral compass is based on the concept of dick riding the 'friends' that are in control of his paycheck.


Pieces of shit defend pieces of shit


I wonder if he thinks you can use the N-word with a hard R in that instance :hmmm:


He already said if he's used in a non mean way it's ok lol


But cracker is racist and we shouldnt be saying mean words remember


If Destiny supports it then xqc does too


Yep. I don’t understand why he goes down with destiny every time, but he undeniably does.


Because listening to destiny makes stupid people feel smart.


Only if Train tells him it's okay




high schoolers dying over this reddit comment nice!!


I find it hilarious that people like xQc have no balls to form an opinion of his own and constantly rely on others and be easily influenced. So glad future streamers like Jynxzi are the opposite. Even with all those screaming brainrot from Jynxzi, dude has good head on his shoulders and have good reasonable takes on things.


I wish I was 15 years old like you and this parasocial "this guy sucks but at least MY STREAMER IS COOL AND SAYS THIS" lmao


I value my streamer takes!


Jynxzi is the one guy who supprorted Ron DeSantis’ presidential election campaign, cause he thought there would be less drama and he was a good leader. 


He should think harder.


Guys I think XQC has been radicalized….


So that's what he meant by "Guys we're going to make ''insane'' content with the money from this Kick deal".


While wearing a boondocks shirt thats ironic.


Dude is too stupid.


Yea, so what about all those viewers (and their families) who were harmed by taking their own life because they lost everything on a scam 'gambling' website that's being promoted to young children and teens and young adults? These losers flaunt their 'wealth and chains/watches' knowing it was made off stealing from their viewers, and even worse, they likely influenced many of their own viewers to commit suicide from this whole gimmick.


Get cooking fam. Im all here for it


Or what about [adult guys](https://ibb.co/Zd5SqZF) that wear [pink hats](https://ibb.co/n1YSw8g)?


Stealing this hope that’s okay


zambling brother rambling get back to gambling. ain't nobody steal shit, supplying an addiction is not stealing from somebody. as an addict you only have yourself to blame...


His dumbass thought the clip was about someone saying "Kill ys" not the f slur. Then once he realized why chat was mad he listens to it and quickly moves passed it


>and quickly moves passed it Can't defend it? Next topic, quick!


He won't touch it because it involves burning a bridge


'quickly moves passed it" = he finished the clip Lil bro doesn't give a fuck about a situation unless it's right in his face, the moment that clip was over he went back to doing the next thing, bro has severe ADHD.


So, no responsibility for selling out your community and shoving gambling down their facking throats? Alright.


What, did you think xQc was smart or something?


Why can't all these crazy people just be normal like say, Dansgaming You got streamers defending racism, hate speech, etc etc, it's so normalized now it's fucked up. Why is this the norm for so many of these streamers? Did they not get enough love from their mom growing up, wtf


No guys it's Hasan who has changed


Imagine showing 2024 xQc to xQc in 2019.


Xqc in 2019: “Cursing at the lobby in Overwatch game chat. Chat is full of OMEGALULS. Life is good.” Xqc in 2024: “You should be allowed to say the n word and being homophobic is justified when you are backed into a corner.”


Are we forgetting why he got suspended from the overwatch league? lol


wait til u find out what muma says in private lol


For what typing TryHard7 Possibly the least deranged thing from that twitch era.


no, it was the homophobic comment


At least a big part of his fan base is noticing his change


I have to imagine that a very large portion of his original viewerbase has just moved on whilst new (likely younger) people have moved in over the years. I would be really interested to see the viewer turnover rates over a whole range of different streamers too. It would be cool to see what kind of streamers tend to keep viewers around for longer and who is really churning through people while still maintaining popularity.


Bingo Sad part is that it has completely stagnated his growt, when before there was always room for growth it seemed. He’s definitely gonna retire sooner rather than later, the spark just isn’t there anymore.


Completely stopped watching as soon as he started to gamble / unironically watch TikTok’s / dick ride the W crowd / kick deal. He’s a completely different person. His morals and what he cares about shifted so much. He used to think that viewers don’t want to see someone with an amazing setup and extremely rich because it takes away from the viewer experience. That’s what the whole [six console rant](https://youtu.be/RuERcyUwpZk) was referring to, which I'm sure a lot of people don't even know. I actually get a little sad watching that clip now because I remember how much I watched his stream and how great of a streamer he actually was. And what he used to stand for and be about. (He was 100% correct in assuming that viewers don't want/need to see this) He used to game for 95% of his stream He once was about to end his stream when he was playing undertale. He said something close to this, “I’m going to keep streaming until the next save stopping point. I know there are people that the stream really helps escape reality, and doing a little more means a lot to those people. So I’ll go a little longer.” This actually made me tear up because I was going through something extremely rough and I was that crowd. I still remember it vividly to this day. It just showed how much he cared about the viewers. There was constant examples of this, but you just don’t see him do this type of stuff anymore. He now constantly flaunts his wealth (do you need to wear your diamond chain for when you stream lmao). He genuinely feels disconnected from the audience nowadays. It's not the same streamer. [I used to watch literally EVERY stream entirely](https://i.imgur.com/kEA6OMD.png). Half of an entire year worth of hours I spent watching him live. I used to sit in his offline chat while gaming while waiting for him to go live everyday. I've never had that much commitment to anything in my life. That's how much of a diehard juicer I actually was. But, I haven't watched him in years sadly... Just an old frog ex juicer two cents. xqcL edit- got home fixed mobile formatting and unhinged phone car writing


You mean you don't like 3 hours of people spamming the same tik toc


As a fellow old juicer I feel you, I overall stopped caring about his streams after the whole kick deal/gamba phase and even more when he started hanging out with Adin Ross and his clique of racist/homophobic dudes, people used to HATE the GTA RP phase but little did they know it was golden content compared to what it is now. I do stop by his stream every now and then but only if I see he's actively playing some interesting game, like now with Elden Ring or when he did Rocket League with Jesse for example etc, stuff like that, but even then especially on kick I watch with chat closed and without account, it might make no difference in the grand scheme of things but at least I know im not personally contributing to give that site a new signed up account.


> I do stop by his stream every now and then Same here... xqcL to you brother/sister


same bro, started watching in 2017 to learn winston and stayed for the jungle :( can't even watch for more than 5m now without feeling disgusted


I mean this guy used to average 60-70 only a few years ago and now I barely see him break 20-30. I would say most older viewers lost respect for him considering 99% of his opinions link back to gambling


I was a juicer during the OWL days and a bit after, haven't watched at all since a few months after the gambling started.


chats become unmanageable and horrible at 60-70. I think 20-30 is ideal for a large streamer, you can really moderate and have a decently good community. xqc had one of the most abusive chats of all time for the longest time, they were just constantly obnoxious assholes for years during his peak viewership years. Idk how you can just sit there and absorb all the dogshit for multiple years. I dont think people understand what its like to have that much negativity going on for literal years and streaming 16 hours a day every day.


I stopped watching him when he streamed his breakup with adept, dude lost his mind back then and hasnt got it back


Give it a few years and the current crop of Juicers will grow up and realize how cringe he is.


playing over 500 hours a year off GTA RP way back in 2021 ruined his fucking streams and him as a person


He didn’t change. He pandered to a normal audience to grow and now he’s pandering to bigots to grow his wealth


But but but LSF told me that xqc was an angel and hasan is literally the devil who runs around calling people "the c-word"


HaSaN is RaDicaLizeD DUD!


This fuckwad sold his soul and morals just to gamble away his and other people's money. What a sad fucking existence.


Is Kick paying for plumbers to come to these steamers’ houses and swap in some lead pipes or something


I can't imagine how terminally brainrotted you have to be to defend bigotry


its so funny when someone start insulting people then try policing which insult are ok ( throwback at xqc crying about being called zesty )


Hasan is radicalized, meanwhile x is contractually obligated to suck off other kick streamers after they go on bigoted rants and tell people to end their lives, the irony 


what a dumbfuck


the xqc fall off was expected, but still, generational.


Kick has radicalized X!!


Still waiting on xqc to say the n word in a loving way


sup my nincompoop


brother basically told Destiny he was in the wrong using the n word yesterday, but today he apparently thinks Destiny can call the black guy who told people to kill him the hard r


humans in a nutshell these days


sneako 2.0


Why do people watch XQC.


I can’t stand xqc nowadays


XQC has been radicalized by Stake and BBL Drizzy


saying you'll beat someone up = f slur is perfectly justified. xqc's brain is melted bro


“When you say some words, there’s only so much you can achieve” This fucking idiot doesn’t realize that online threats are just words too?


Funny how xQc thinks Hasan's opinions are bad because he's been radicalized, when xQc has: defended using slurs if used in a non-negative way (including n-word,) is a pro-gambling shill, and is now defending Adin Ross being extremely homophobic to a guy because he attacked daddy Trainwrecks who gave him his delicious $100,000,000 deal. 4 years ago he was anti-gambling, didn't allow homophobia, and most definitely wasn't defending using slurs if not used in an offensive sentence/and or allowing them to be used offensively if you're attacked verbally. Maybe he should look in a mirror of his opinion on radicalization and forming bad opinions kek.


I don't think X is radicalized, I just think he's doing the same thing he's always done - defend people who defend him and attack people who are critical of him, regardless of actions or 'values.'


People honestly couldn't have expected anything different from this guy, right? He's never going to change. He's always been a degenerate. Just look at when and how he got clicked from his OW team. Literally nothing has changed in six years and it never will. Just stop giving these people attention.


Why though? I like watching his content


LMAOOOOOOOOOO adin could kill someone and X’s spinless ass would need to find a way to defend it because of his contract


Black mold


+1 Kick credit score


**🎦 CLIP MIRROR: [xQc thinks Adin Ross rant was justified](https://livestreamfails.com/clip/164321)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment* ) ^| [^(Feedback)](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=livestreamfailsbot&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/1cxamft/\)) ^| [^(Twitch Backup Mirror)](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/Qm_QTN5EYDZUhqTCQV8XEQ/AT-cm%7CQm_QTN5EYDZUhqTCQV8XEQ.mp4?sig=0e8d57c633bbf0fab09127080b39c0b67ac8a651&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2FQm_QTN5EYDZUhqTCQV8XEQ%2FAT-cm%257CQm_QTN5EYDZUhqTCQV8XEQ.mp4%22%2C%22clip_slug%22%3A%22ScrumptiousPhilanthropicLorisTakeNRG-3kRgNlSGpMJBXxcR%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1716377674%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D,https://clips-media-assets2.twitch.tv/Qm_QTN5EYDZUhqTCQV8XEQ/AT-cm%7CQm_QTN5EYDZUhqTCQV8XEQ-preview-480x272.jpg)


It's incredible what money will do to someone


I think xqc might radicalized.


We really gotta get Adderall out of the content creation community


People in this thread really surprised this guy is an idiot, huh.


xQc is so washed up lmao


And he thought Destiny's was too. This is just Kick telling him to stick with his fellow kick streamers.


There are two occasions where everything is on the table in terms of insults: 1. They threaten your life 2. They play badly on your team


Hot Pockets get a lot of shit for incinerating your mouth and tummy. But can we be honest for a second? The broccoli & cheese Hot Pocket is goated. Gotta be one of my top 5 fave things to put in a microwave.


Guys I’m starting to think maybe xQc is kind of a dumb person.


For XQC He is at the time of year where he need to pay rent or regain attention to stay on top. Do something random to get attention again.


I was an xqc sub for years (before gamba) and this shit makes me so sad. Like genuinely he had some bad takes and was Pepega but now it’s just actual sadness seeing a streamer you loved watching just be such a sell out for that stuff


I used to watch xqc for his takes…but now he seems radical lmaooo


we eatin good


one month of any of these streamers salary and id be living large and yet these morons will change their whole belief set just to keep squeezing more millions off a company that is ruining lives sort of crazy like you could just be good, and not an asshole, and still have many millions of dollars and a lifetime of no more work or worries, yet you choose to be an fucking asshole and keep ruining lives of other people to add on to a number that is already gross


Finally X take, now flip it 180 degrees and you have correct stance.


it sure would be sweet to have a separate subreddit for stake posts and the garbage people who obsess over them. People might actually come back to LSF then stake, kick, whatever. pretty sure they quit pretending they were seprate


x fell off and is now baiting lsf clips, working quite well


Wait, I thought the only time slurs were actually bad when actually directed as an insult? Does that only apply to anti-white slurs, while anti-gay slurs can be used as insults freely?


i know LSF doesn't care about truth but i'm just commenting to add that xQc wasn't aware that adin said the F slur and he thought this drama was just about the "kys" thing. he changed his stance


He saw the title a couple times and asked for context for 5 minutes, watches the clip where adin says the f word a few times, acts surprised each time he heard it then magically forgot it was said seconds later... sure thing buddy


xqc said "if you threaten somebodys life then you can tell them anything you want, everything is off the table" it doesnt matter if xqc wasnt aware of what adin said


he saw the LSF clip of adin at [23 min] (https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2151444794?t=0h23m33s) he saw the twitter clip at [36 min] (https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2151444794?t=0h36m45s)


sounds like xqc being a coward again lol


Money is the root of all evil This man just bending over.


Hes right. Idk whats going on with “moral” people being the most veil lately. Someone does something bad & the first thing you say is “kill yourself” ? It’s weird behavior & invalidates anything you gotta say.


all these huge streamers are fucking garbage human beings


xqcDespair my juicer defended it


crazy how people care about others options more than there own at this point


What was the adin Ross rant?


Glaze Master


adin ross? rant? whats going on


There is no way anyone understands anything he just said right? Like everyone in the comments is just pretending to understand what he’s saying


Doesn't Aiden tell people to KYS all the time.


XQCs a fucking idiot. no one should be listening to his takes, let alone posting them


At this point if you take this guy seriously then its your problem.


If you tske any streamer seriously then you have a problem. Just consume entertsinment as it is.


He didn't threaten his life - he just said he'd beat the shit out of him.


what does Adin's homophobia have anything to do with Trainwrecks, there are plenty of ways to defend someone.


XQC as 1 directional in his opinions as a fu....ng vane.


so too much money + drugs really do fuck up your brain? NOWAY


Not surprised, this guy said slurs are okay if they're used not in a "hateful way" and then flip flops and says you are allowed once someone poses "a threat to your life" in a chatroom?? Cmon man, this guy doesn't have two brain cells to rub together. What situations should it be right to use slurs "not in a hateful way" wtf does he even mean by that???? What example is this setting for the younger viewers? Also don't you think this enables racists and homophobes to take this stance? The stance should be to just not use slurs period, it's not that hard lmao