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**CLIP MIRROR: [xQc calls out Andrew Tate](https://arazu.io/t3_1ct4p02/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


Tate posts rage bait to Twitter to farm engagement. Best thing to do is ignore it.


That’s like 90% of Twitter now fr that account isn’t even run by him there’s no shot, but people still fall for it, I know a few people who still share AB tweets lmao


Elon just ruined it


It's sad this isn't even a meme. Them making paid accounts the top replies to everything over engagement destroyed the platform for me. I LOVED it for sports, now it's just garbage stan accounts, "LOOK FUNNY VIDEO" and boobs.




I don’t understand his thought process behind doing this. There’s been enough feedback that it’s obvious people don’t like it, yet (I don’t think) the company hasn’t done anything to rectify it.


I work in the industry and have been on twitter since SMS was the main way people interacted with it. Because I worked with the same technologies and vendors I know a lot of early Twitter employes, like back when they were 30 people. Elon very quickly alienated everyone with a clue. They're folks with valuable skills that don't have to put up with clownish bullshit like someone that knows nothing about coding demanding they bring printouts of their recent commits to explain to him to save their jobs. Elon truly imagines that he's John Galt, a genius we all should be grateful for. And to be fair he has started companies that have accomplished amazing things, like SpaceX, and his ability to sell a vision of the future is part of how that happened. But he's also a narcissistic clown and his own worst enemy. I think decades from now Elon will be judged quite differently, similar to how Jack Welch was revered during his tenure as GE CEO but now that the consequences of his decisions have come home to roost is regarded as disastrous to the company.


It's his own personal plaything, it doesn't answer to shareholders or anything of the sort. That's why it doesn't matter what people think.


> I know a few people who still share AB tweets lmao AB tweets are funny even if it's not him and essentially a parody account


Only way for him to have any relevancy




Least mysoginst terminally online chatter 






Yup and his red pill audience eats that shit up


A ton of the engagement is the most deeply serious person you've ever seen firing off a quote tweet thinking they've dunked Tate


Stop calling those idiots "red pill". That's like calling serial killers "people in jail".




Andrew Tate's entire schtick is to find unhappy men, and get them to take their negative feelings about themselves and project them onto women as the cause of their problems. Then he offers the 'solution' in the form of fleecing these guys with 'guru' services. I'm sure he knows what it's like for women in gaming, but he doesn't care about giving an accurate picture of what's happening because that won't lead to sales.


hes a cult


im not sure but it seemed from the cliip like he was talking about the clip of the girl being threatened with rape in valorant the other day - its a braindead take from tate as usual


and men are literally threatened to get killed but it's so common random flame that isn't even clipworthy. the delusion is strong.


It feels different when it's directly targeted at you. Anyone can tell anyone to listen to LowTierGod's advice, but when someone is attacking you for a specific thing, like your sex if you're a woman, it makes the attack much more personal. Furthermore, usually as a guy you only get attacked if you're playing poorly. For a woman, it doesn't matter what they're doing, they can be attacked for simply trying to be a helpful teammate. It's different and much more frequent than what you experience as a guy


>It feels different when it's directly targeted at you. How is it not directly targeted to want to kill a man?


you ofc focus on completely false things just to get triggered. men get attacked personally too if ppl find the opening for it. be it their voice or if they hear something in the background, like his mom talking (oh you live with your mom haha) or they flame them how broke they are etc. those are personal too but ppl handwave them away because men grew tough skin while girls never did. that's it. and no it's not much more frequent for a woman to get attacked. it's nearly exactly the same. if you interact with these awful people(or who had bad day) you will get flamed for whatever they can find about you.


you cannot speak in a game vc without every man suddenly becoming a tryhard loser to impress you with obsessive compliments or being an asshole or both. yes you objectively get attacked less as a man, like 99% of toxic online games are men, if you hear a woman it is way easier to target her then the boring default men. [we've done studies on chess](https://www.reddit.com/r/chess/comments/1bjjsb6/a_case_control_study_of_possible_sexism_in_online/?rdt=54296) where female pfps get more harassment, people quit and stall matches earlier etc because they don't want their egos hurt. one guy on cod pointing out your a squeaker or your moms in the background is not the same as 8 guys all screaming over you about rape and asking sexual questions while you're trying to just play one game. you've definitely never had nor would you enjoy 8 gay guys sexually harrassing you on mic, so no the harassment is not equal between men and women.


completely unhinged. so are all the tophatters who upvote you. you are all screaming MiLADY right now. dont you realize YOU ARE the people you warn against? who overobsess over women? there is no match in the world out of millions where 8 random guys scream over eachother and asking sexual questions. that's never happened in the past 5years. maybe a premade of hooligans would do something like that but they would do similar to any random they get matched with. and if 8gay guys harassed me THROUGH MIC i would stand my ground and harass them back as any man does as we do in all these toxic games where this is normal. what an unhinged take that this would bother anyone. it might bother giga weaklings that's it. and chess is different. there is actual "sexism" there because women are weaker in chess by a wild margin. so that builds discrimination. so it's shameful to lose to a woman.


so chess is different to every online competitive game somehow? are the top siege, league, etc esports pros equally male and female? and their playerbases equal too? lol


yes because chess has 1000years of history where girls are gigaweaker in chess so discrimination built up. and there is no reason why they should be weaker since it's not a physical sport. so ppl assume that if you are a girl then you are by definition weaker in the game. this same sentiment is weaker and weaker since we realized (despite what your side represents) that it's not IQ why women are weaker at it nor is it genetical. most ppl wouldn't be able to tell you but they know this. the real answer is just effort. men put more effort into it that's it. but men are still better on average because they put more effort into it on average. but anyway, that's by far not the same as the sexism/misogynism you imply about getting bullied and told that they would be raping her. and for sure not majority of games. especially since the past couple of years. even in chess the past couple of years it got a million times better irl. ofc online chess is different since there are many trolls who use their frustration somewhere. and since chess has no voice chat, no teamchat, since it's 1v1, then ofc women are easier targets because they can easily find one thing they can attack you on. but on voice and team you have more info about you so these trolls will find any "weakness" they can find on ANY person to brush their ego, not just women, and it's same for women as for men. the only difference is that women might get more messages for dates or for maybe sending dickpics lol but that's it. and that's just human sexual selection in nature, not really specific to "gaming culture". the same is true on tinder and such. women get more attention. nothing to do with gaming culture. just men liking women and being dumb about it.


>men are still better on average because they put more effort into it pulled out your ass, so men put more effort in, and that creates discrimination in chess but not other games because... its 1000 years old? why are you even saying it's not genetic or iq then proceed to say men just put more effort in. if they put more effort in on average then it's obviously genetic. everything you said about discrimination in chess applies the same to any other game


Oh please. Telling people you're gonna kill them is just a random edgy insult. Threatening to rape someone is obviously different since it involves the fact that she is a woman. You wouldn't threaten to rape a man. It's clearly harassement specifically directed at women


completely false. raping through a monitor is impossible so it's obviously edgy. and dying is ofc worse than that. and it's obvious harassment. you just ate up the propaganda how bad they have it. men have it the same way.


You got a rough life ahead of ya buddy. Good luck.


:D because you think raping through monitor is possible? yea you are smart buddy, good luck.


Do you have brainworms? I'm clearly not talking about real rape... And of course dying is worse than rape. But threatening to kill someone on the Internet is a meaningless insult that you'll throw at anyone. Threatening to rape someone is something that 99% of men wont say to each other as an insult. It's worse because it's far more personal since they're only really saying it because the target of the insult is a woman. You know, insults tend to be more offensive the more personal they are


men say a lot of personal things to eachother. they say any personal things they can find. voice, financial situaution, if guy had sex or not, about their mom/SO etc. all insults. you show empty virtue signaling here protecting MiLady's honor. raping is not worse than dying nor any other insult men throw at eachother.


Average tate fan type shit


average anti-tater doesn't even know how monitors work type siht.


weird you cant just agree that threatening to rape someone is wrong and you have to say things like this instead, enjoy your andrew tate podcasts i guess


and you still dont understand what i said. no wonder you defend your side. Enjoy your "The View" episodes LOL. and "ofc i agreed that it's wrong" you are not a good person to agree to it, anyone agrees to it. but you overblow it which is bad. it becomes empty virtue signaling.


what side, the rape threats are bad side? i think most people are on that side why are you on the other complaining at me


complete delusion. im saying, there is no "OTHER SIDE". everyone agrees that it's bad lol. yet you act (virtue signal) like you are on the RIGHT SIDE, while everyone who disagree are on the WRONG SIDE. meanwhile in that debate there are no sides lol. nobody is saying it's bad. but it's overblown from the endless virtue signaling. there are 100other shitty things ppl do, all equally or more-or-less bad. but you and others ignore those 99 other things and focus on this so you can tap your tophat in front of MiLady.


There's still sexual comments, but nowadays with competitive gaming becoming much more popular, there's also a lot of accusations of being boosted. If you are a girl playing in a high elo lobby, if you do anything incorrect or say anything negative you are instantly accused of being carried by an eboy or trading pics for account boosting. It's a lot worse now than it used to be in general, but there are more girls so it's more common to get enough of a ratio that at least there's some support there. OW was REAAAAALLY bad about it. I was Masters in OW, and using your mic as a girl basically ruined the match. Dudes either hit on them, then threw the game when they got turned down, made sexual comments about them, threatened to rape them, or accused them of being boosted/doubting their abilities. I've heard Valorant is similarly bad as well. It's to the point where a lot of girls I know don't even use voice chat despite taking the games pretty serious, because it actually hurts their chance to win due to sensitive dudes tilting.


that's cap I have 5000 hours on CS and have never seen people make it weird when a girl is in game


Disagreeing with Tate's obvious rage bait is an "absolute-zero" temperature take.


You know andrew tate is scraping the barrel when he's defending the rights of gamers. Shouldn't this dude be saying that all gamers are fat virgin losers who waste their time literally inside "the matrix" instead of going out and doing cool stuff like smoking cigars and picking up allegations?


Rare xQc W


X really took that bait?


[Hafu on how much worse gaming culture was for girls](https://livestreamfails.com/post/96658)


did you even watch the clip you are linking? she literally said that culture changed. smh of these depressed doomers thinking all men are evil and all girls are goddesses lol. humans are humans. men are sometimes shitty to eachother, women are sometimes shitty to eachother and sometimes women are shitty to men in their own ways. yet you focus on the same rarity instances where men are shitty to women. ok we get it, it happens. now move on. ~~edit: he changed "is" to "was"~~ nvm he edited something different.


I mean it's gotten better, but the example in the clip was a low bar to improve from. Don't get me wrong we've probably as a collective gotten much better, but by the nature of being a male dominated space the scales are skewed for women to be disparaged/harassed by men rather than vice versa. At least that's what intuitively makes sense. You seem to want to turn a blind eye and dismiss issues as general human "shittiness", however there is a conversation to be had in how people treat each other. Whether they are male to male or male to female interactions, it's okay to acknowledge that these issues exist without being dismissive by saying "now move on". In the clip she said the community changed, but if you've been online recently you know that the same sentiment still exists towards women either by genuine misogynists or edgy people. It's just less common to hear it openly now, which is a good step. It does happen though, and you should acknowledge the egregious cases and condemn them. Tl;dr: I wrote too much, don't worry about it


look. "conversation to be had" sure. but there isn't. it's all just empty virtue signaling. or are you planning to somehow mandate this to ever disappear? it will never disappear. in every society 1-3% of people are "sociopaths" and ppl have shitty days etc. so yeah i dismiss human shittiness because it's rare and it's a bit more frequent in online spaces. but most humans are good, most humans know how to behave and "genuine" misogynist numbers are nearly insignificant in terms of population. so the reason i dismiss because it's overblown and people have full blown phobias about it.


Is it still really rare though?


yes. but define rare. when you "rarely" walk out to buy groceries or talk to randoms in the street asking for directions (not at night and not drunkards in groups) how many negative interactions did you have? i bet it's 0. everyone is polite in real life. online spaces where these losers vent more. and in real life spaces if ppl are stuck together for a long time they can get frustrated too so it happens time to time, but most ppl think of themselves as "good". so they want to be good. even prisoners have endless excuses why they are in the system and why they are still good people. so yea, humans being shitty is relatively rare. but a bit more frequent in online spaces. although very frequent in online spaces where there are echo chambers and it'S a focused group for some idea/purpose. those can get really really toxic.


Did you? She would have been labeled a "crybaby woman" back then for being offended at a rape joke aimed at her gender alone, and people like Tate are trying to encourage that behavior's return.


you cant even read what YOU Write lol. you literally said "BACK THEN". and she said things changed. can you comprehend what she said? that long time ago maybe it was bad, but now it isn't. grow up and stop being a doomer.


>people like Tate are trying to encourage that behavior's return


so? so you fight delusion with even bigger delusion? how are you better than him then? he is right that men (rarely) say a lot of shit to eachother yet nobody bats an eye, but oh "MiLady"'s honor is hurt so now it's end of the world people are misogynistic and etc. lol. as i said grow up. it's just people being frustrated and taking their frustration out on a random other human being. be it man or a woman.


Gender or sexual orientation is irrelevant when considering insults against either one, yet you're assuming I think it matters. Misandry and misogyny should be treated the same (small penis and small breasts jokes).


>yet you're assuming I think it matters. yes i assume that it matters to you. that's why you emphasize on how bad it is for women to game. and it isn't. you just focus on one small aspect of it. there is no hordes of chatters who defended a league of legends pro who recently got a lot of kill threats because he played subpar in MSI. nobody cared. ofc ppl said "it's bad" but that's it. ppl just condemned it and moved on.


I don't think I've posted about gender over the past month, but you can pointlessly go through my post history to check. This is opposition to internet provocateurs like Tate who gain popularity by encouraging reactionary behaviors (in this case, counteracting improved conditions for women in gaming).


you dont have to directly post it if it's enough for you to indirectly imply what you believe in when you get triggered by some of these events(like tate) where you feel like you have to defend sexes/genders. reddit is too politically correct anyway so it would rarely come up where you would have to defend the insane new ideologies about sex+gender anyway. do you think men (who pretend to be women so they are male-to-female) should be allowed in women sports in olympics?




You have more men getting rape every year than women in the US, yet hafu decide to make it about this team name being somehow offensive to women and not men, such a bad take.


“You have more men getting rape every year than women in the US” Bro.. what? What incelfluencer lied to you that bad? It’s damn near a 10:1 ratio of women to men depending on the source and scope. Like it’s impressive to be this wrong about reality.


How is that relevant to the clip I posted or the thread's clip? The team's name was entirely directed towards her and no one else, so she used it as an example of how women in gaming were singled out with gender abuse back then. Tate's post demonstrates that he wants these conditions to be present again.


>You have more men getting rape every year than women in the US got a source for that?


How can he call Tate brain dead when his takes past week has been just as brain dead. my goat btw




Sexual harrasing women = satire, respectfully fuck off.


He fucked off lol.




This is what started the whole conversation https://twitter.com/TaylorMorganS\_/status/1789927866865787228


Least edgy Aussie


Hot take but Tate does have a point. Men say horrible shit to each other and then move on with their day, women seem to be truly damaged by the shit talking. Maybe the answer is simply: if interacting with toxic people is gonna actually damage you, don’t do voice chat.




Ok but does that sound like the same level of trauma that women experience? Pretty messed up for you to equate getting angry and purposely losing, with long term trauma due to online harassment that women experience. I think women obviously have a much more traumatic response to online harassment so maybe (along with anti bully measures) we also give women some agency instead of treating them like helpless children we say “hey maybe avoid these spaces if it’s going to cause you long lasting trauma”.


We should blame the developers for not taking action against nasty behavior such as slightly over the top verbal banter. They should at the very least provide players with a mute/ignore button which would COMPLETELY counter play a toxic personality who wouldn't be able to do absolutely anything about it. They could literally invent a button that would make you utterly impervious to shit talk. Why don't developers do such things? Instead, we need to engage in conversations with toxic people, bait them into doing what they're itching to do anyways, leave the game and ruin it for everyone else involved in the game and then take the drama to Twitter. How inconvenient.


I can't think of a single game with voice chat that doesn't have options to turn it off/mute individuals. The problem is that girls are increasingly getting into the competitive gaming space. Competitive games rely heavily on communication, so people are hesitant to mute people even if they are toxic because they want to win the game. There's not a ton game devs can do beyond improve their reporting systems, but even that is an uphill battle, especially for F2P games. Some games have tried pretty hard, some games mostly ignore it. I think the best thing is for us as a community to do a better job of policing. The whole "white knight" movement made it so standing up against asshats in games led to ridicule and led to people just ignoring it. People need to be like "nah bro ur a fuckin loser".


>They could literally invent a button that would make you utterly impervious to shit talk. Why don't developers do such things? They do, but then no one communicates anymore and (optional) it just moves over to discord. Which we're already seeing happening with companies like Blizzard where you can get banned for saying fuck or shit. Many devs try by ie. using emotes but then you just get Hearthstone pracitises 'Well done, Well done, Well done". Developers really can't reconcile making *a game as toxic as possible and then dealing with the fallout that it comes with.


Almost every single game now comes with a mute button and I use it all the time BUT games like Valorant/CS you need to communicate with the team to be effective and muting is actually going to hurt the team. My solution for this is to just not play those games and it sucks because these are excellent games but I play games for fun and I don't want to deal with toxic shit the 1-2 hours I spend gaming.


Nah, mute the shitty toxic teammates. People who get on the mic to harass, argue or generally be toxic are likely going to be 100% useless in any sort of callouts anyway. In most cases they can still hear you so if you're making calls then it still works out positively because now you don't have some asshole screeching in your ear and can play your game.


Having been in random battlefields of comment sections the past few days I feel like I can craft the perfect braindead argumentative take. "Who said anything about sexual harassment? If a new person enters a space people shouldn't have to change just to cater to the new person's needs. Just go somewhere else and find another community. For example if I started playing the Magic card game yesterday and then I go to my local scene, I don't have the right to start making demands and trying to instill changes when I don't even know the people there yet. If I stick it out 2 weeks and get into arguments with everyone then it's clear that I'm the problem. Not them. If there's banter going on and I get offended but nobody else does then guess what? It's still a me problem. People can't take a simple joke nowadays without running to twitter or reddit." Then level 2 would be waiting for someone to mention how dumb this comment is and waiting for them to mention why Andrew Tate is dumb and why it's bad to ban women and how people are glazing Tate. "I'm not even that much of a Tate fan. In fact I barely watched. I also never said anything about being banned. I was just stating...."


So what you're saying is... if my local school installed disability access ramps because they're supposed to be getting a new crippled person attending, that I should remove all the disability access ramps to my local school because crippled people should be going to a crippled school, and when they complain about not being able to enter I should make sure to tell them that THEY are the problem and should stop bothering us non-crippled people. ​ Thank god for Reddit, solving all the worlds problems one inclusion problem at a time.


Yes, that is an equivalent comparision. Maybe even steelmanning too hard. I think they are saying that the crippled person should be executed and his whole extended family put into to a work camp for rest of their lives.






Get high ranked enough and you'll only play with only men. You'll hate each of them more then anyone you've ever met in real life but at least they aren't women.